- Jul 10, 2019
alja authored
alja authored
Olivier Couet authored
Olivier Couet authored
Axel Naumann authored
Olivier Couet authored
Sergey Linev authored
Sergey Linev authored
This is more strict declaration, problems faster detected by compiler
Sergey Linev authored
Stephan Hageboeck authored
The integral of the crystal ball shape might vanish quickly due to a finite precision when integrating far from the centre. This leads to divisions by zero. Now, a very small value is returned.
Stephan Hageboeck authored
When TFoam is pre-sampling a phase space, it may divide by zero if for some reason the event weight being generated is zero. This stops the generator loop, and leads to a fp exception when enabled. With this fix, the loop is kept running until the desired number of events has been generated.
Sergey Linev authored
Most of user-defined ui5 panles will use "currentdir" as location of XML/JS/JSON files. To effectively control browser cache, client version should be used here as well
Sergey Linev authored
When specified, all kind of JS scripts and ui5 files will be loaded from URL path, which includes such version tag. Therefore when version is changed, all related scripts will be automatically reloaded. This helps to solve browser cache problem of browser, especially for development phase. Normally browser heavily uses cached files, but if one changes any files, one should explain every user that he/she must clean it cache. With provided solution no any user intervension are required.
Sergey Linev authored
Up to now was used in internal ROOT methods, but now can be reused to modify already prepared http reply in RWebWindow
Sergey Linev authored
Page normally read from file system, but could be modified depending on special WSHandler functionality. Will be used in RWebWindow
Sergey Linev authored
Deprecate old signature, but keep support for a while
Sergey Linev authored
Otherwise it can not be correctly override in derived classes
Olivier Couet authored
Olivier Couet authored
Olivier Couet authored
Olivier Couet authored
Stefan Wunsch authored
Stefan Wunsch authored
Sergey Linev authored
Sergey Linev authored
Creates and updates primitive geometry with tracks, which regularly updated in browser.
Sergey Linev authored
Now JSROOT.TGeoPainter can be used with THttpServer for "monitoring" of geometry object. Exactly like a histogram, TGeoManager can be regularly received and dsiplayed. Also tracks can be monitored together
alja authored
alja authored
alja authored
alja authored
- Jul 09, 2019
Sergey Linev authored
Guilherme Amadio authored
This is necessary to avoid ROOT's installed cmake modules to point to the build directory when using builtin GSL, since $GSL_LIBRARIES is the full path to <BINARY_DIR>/lib/libgsl.so when using builtin GSL.
Axel Naumann authored
Axel Naumann authored
As per comments from https://root-forum.cern.ch/t/early-error-checking-with-ttreereader/34886
- Jul 08, 2019
pamputt authored
Fix spelling
Stefan Wunsch authored
Stefan Wunsch authored
Stefan Wunsch authored
maxgalli authored