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TTreeProcessorMT.cxx 25.67 KiB
// @(#)root/thread:$Id$
// Authors: Enric Tejedor, Enrico Guiraud CERN  05/06/2018

 * Copyright (C) 1995-2016, Rene Brun and Fons Rademakers.               *
 * All rights reserved.                                                  *
 *                                                                       *
 * For the licensing terms see $ROOTSYS/LICENSE.                         *
 * For the list of contributors see $ROOTSYS/README/CREDITS.             *

/** \class ROOT::TTreeProcessorMT
    \ingroup Parallelism
    \brief A class to process the entries of a TTree in parallel.

By means of its Process method, ROOT::TTreeProcessorMT provides a way to process the
entries of a TTree in parallel. When invoking TTreeProcessor::Process, the user
passes a function whose only parameter is a TTreeReader. The function iterates
on a subrange of entries by using that TTreeReader.

The implementation of ROOT::TTreeProcessorMT parallelizes the processing of the subranges,
each corresponding to a cluster in the TTree. This is possible thanks to the use
of a ROOT::TThreadedObject, so that each thread works with its own TFile and TTree

#include "TROOT.h"
#include "ROOT/TTreeProcessorMT.hxx"

using namespace ROOT;

namespace {

/// A cluster of entries
struct EntryCluster {
   Long64_t start;
   Long64_t end;

// EntryClusters and number of entries per file
using ClustersAndEntries = std::pair<std::vector<std::vector<EntryCluster>>, std::vector<Long64_t>>;

/// Return a vector of cluster boundaries for the given tree and files.
static ClustersAndEntries
MakeClusters(const std::vector<std::string> &treeNames, const std::vector<std::string> &fileNames)
   // Note that as a side-effect of opening all files that are going to be used in the
   // analysis once, all necessary streamers will be loaded into memory.
   TDirectory::TContext c;
   const auto nFileNames = fileNames.size();
   std::vector<std::vector<EntryCluster>> clustersPerFile;
   std::vector<Long64_t> entriesPerFile;
   Long64_t offset = 0ll;
   for (auto i = 0u; i < nFileNames; ++i) {
      const auto &fileName = fileNames[i];
      const auto &treeName = treeNames[i];

      std::unique_ptr<TFile> f(TFile::Open(fileName.c_str())); // need TFile::Open to load plugins if need be
      if (!f || f->IsZombie()) {
         const auto msg = "TTreeProcessorMT::Process: an error occurred while opening file \"" + fileName + "\"";
         throw std::runtime_error(msg);
      auto *t = f->Get<TTree>(treeName.c_str());  // t will be deleted by f

      if (!t) {
         const auto msg = "TTreeProcessorMT::Process: an error occurred while getting tree \"" + treeName +
                          "\" from file \"" + fileName + "\"";
         throw std::runtime_error(msg);

      auto clusterIter = t->GetClusterIterator(0);
      Long64_t start = 0ll, end = 0ll;
      const Long64_t entries = t->GetEntries();
      // Iterate over the clusters in the current file
      std::vector<EntryCluster> clusters;
      while ((start = clusterIter()) < entries) {
         end = clusterIter.GetNextEntry();
         // Add the current file's offset to start and end to make them (chain) global
         clusters.emplace_back(EntryCluster{start + offset, end + offset});
      offset += entries;

   // Here we "fuse" together clusters if the number of clusters is to big with respect to
   // the number of slots, otherwise we can incurr in an overhead which is so big to make
   // the parallelisation detrimental for performance.
   // For example, this is the case when following a merging of many small files a file
   // contains a tree with many entries and with clusters of just a few entries.
   // The criterion according to which we fuse clusters together is to have at most
   // TTreeProcessorMT::GetMaxTasksPerFilePerWorker() clusters per file per slot.
   // For example: given 2 files and 16 workers, at most
   // 16 * 2 * TTreeProcessorMT::GetMaxTasksPerFilePerWorker() clusters will be created, at most
   // 16 * TTreeProcessorMT::GetMaxTasksPerFilePerWorker() per file.

   const auto maxTasksPerFile = TTreeProcessorMT::GetMaxTasksPerFilePerWorker() * ROOT::GetImplicitMTPoolSize();
   std::vector<std::vector<EntryCluster>> eventRangesPerFile(clustersPerFile.size());
   auto clustersPerFileIt = clustersPerFile.begin();
   auto eventRangesPerFileIt = eventRangesPerFile.begin();
   for (; clustersPerFileIt != clustersPerFile.end(); clustersPerFileIt++, eventRangesPerFileIt++) {
      const auto clustersInThisFileSize = clustersPerFileIt->size();
      const auto nFolds = clustersInThisFileSize / maxTasksPerFile;
      // If the number of clusters is less than maxTasksPerFile
      // we take the clusters as they are
      if (nFolds == 0) {
            clustersPerFileIt->begin(), clustersPerFileIt->end(),
            [&eventRangesPerFileIt](const EntryCluster &clust) { eventRangesPerFileIt->emplace_back(clust); });
      // Otherwise, we have to merge clusters, distributing the reminder evenly
      // onto the first clusters
      auto nReminderClusters = clustersInThisFileSize % maxTasksPerFile;
      const auto clustersInThisFile = *clustersPerFileIt;
      for (auto i = 0ULL; i < clustersInThisFileSize; ++i) {
         const auto start = clustersInThisFile[i].start;
         // We lump together at least nFolds clusters, therefore
         // we need to jump ahead of nFolds-1.
         i += (nFolds - 1);
         // We now add a cluster if we have some reminder left
         if (nReminderClusters > 0) {
            i += 1U;
         const auto end = clustersInThisFile[i].end;
         eventRangesPerFileIt->emplace_back(EntryCluster({start, end}));

   return std::make_pair(std::move(eventRangesPerFile), std::move(entriesPerFile));

/// Return a vector containing the number of entries of each file of each friend TChain
static std::vector<std::vector<Long64_t>>
GetFriendEntries(const std::vector<std::pair<std::string, std::string>> &friendNames,
                 const std::vector<std::vector<std::string>> &friendFileNames)
   std::vector<std::vector<Long64_t>> friendEntries;
   const auto nFriends = friendNames.size();
   for (auto i = 0u; i < nFriends; ++i) {
      std::vector<Long64_t> nEntries;
      const auto &thisFriendName = friendNames[i].first;
      const auto &thisFriendFiles = friendFileNames[i];
      for (const auto &fname : thisFriendFiles) {
         std::unique_ptr<TFile> f(TFile::Open(fname.c_str()));
         TTree *t = nullptr; // owned by TFile
         f->GetObject(thisFriendName.c_str(), t);

   return friendEntries;

/// Return the full path of the TTree or the trees in the TChain
static std::vector<std::string> GetTreeFullPaths(const TTree &tree)
   // Case 1: this is a TChain. For each file it contains, GetName returns the name of the tree in that file
   if (tree.IsA() == TChain::Class()) {
      auto &chain = static_cast<const TChain &>(tree);
      auto files = chain.GetListOfFiles();
      if (!files || files->GetEntries() == 0) {
         throw std::runtime_error("TTreeProcessorMT: input TChain does not contain any file");
      std::vector<std::string> treeNames;
      for (TObject *f : *files)

      return treeNames;

   // Case 2: this is a TTree: we get the full path of it
   if (auto motherDir = tree.GetDirectory()) {
      // We have 2 subcases (ROOT-9948):
      // - 1. motherDir is a TFile
      // - 2. motherDir is a directory
      // If 1. we just return the name of the tree, if 2. we reconstruct the path
      // to the file.
      if (motherDir->InheritsFrom("TFile")) {
         return {tree.GetName()};
      std::string fullPath(motherDir->GetPath());
      fullPath += "/";
      fullPath += tree.GetName();
      return {fullPath};

   // We do our best and return the name of the tree
   return {tree.GetName()};

} // anonymous namespace

namespace ROOT {

unsigned int TTreeProcessorMT::fgMaxTasksPerFilePerWorker = 24U;

namespace Internal {

/// Construct fChain, also adding friends if needed and injecting knowledge of offsets if available.
/// \param[in] treeNames Name of the tree for each file in `fileNames`.
/// \param[in] fileNames Files to be opened.
/// \param[in] friendInfo Information about TTree friends, if any.
/// \param[in] nEntries Number of entries to be processed.
/// \param[in] friendEntries Number of entries in each friend. Expected to have same ordering as friendInfo.
void TTreeView::MakeChain(const std::vector<std::string> &treeNames, const std::vector<std::string> &fileNames,
                          const FriendInfo &friendInfo, const std::vector<Long64_t> &nEntries,
                          const std::vector<std::vector<Long64_t>> &friendEntries)
   const std::vector<NameAlias> &friendNames = friendInfo.fFriendNames;
   const std::vector<std::vector<std::string>> &friendFileNames = friendInfo.fFriendFileNames;

   fChain.reset(new TChain());
   const auto nFiles = fileNames.size();
   for (auto i = 0u; i < nFiles; ++i) {
      fChain->Add((fileNames[i] + "/" + treeNames[i]).c_str(), nEntries[i]);

   const auto nFriends = friendNames.size();
   for (auto i = 0u; i < nFriends; ++i) {
      const auto &friendName = friendNames[i];
      const auto &name = friendName.first;
      const auto &alias = friendName.second;

      // Build a friend chain
      auto frChain = std::make_unique<TChain>(name.c_str());
      const auto nFileNames = friendFileNames[i].size();
      for (auto j = 0u; j < nFileNames; ++j)
         frChain->Add(friendFileNames[i][j].c_str(), friendEntries[i][j]);

      // Make it friends with the main chain
      fChain->AddFriend(frChain.get(), alias.c_str());

TTreeView::MakeReaderWithEntryList(TEntryList &globalList, Long64_t start, Long64_t end)
   // TEntryList and SetEntriesRange do not work together (the former has precedence).
   // We need to construct a TEntryList that contains only those entry numbers in our desired range.

   std::vector<TEntryList*> globalEntryLists;
   auto innerLists = globalList.GetLists();
   if (!innerLists) {
      if (globalList.GetN()) {
   } else {
      for (auto lp : *innerLists) {
         auto lpAsTEntryList = static_cast<TEntryList *>(lp);
         if (lpAsTEntryList->GetN()) {

   auto localList = std::make_unique<TEntryList>();

   for (auto gl : globalEntryLists) {
      Long64_t entry = gl->GetEntry(0);

      // this may be owned by the local list
      auto tmp_list = new TEntryList(gl->GetName(), gl->GetTitle(), gl->GetFileName(), gl->GetTreeName());

      do {
         if (entry >= end) {
         } else if (entry >= start) {
      } while ((entry = gl->Next()) >= 0);

      if (tmp_list->GetN() > 0) {
      } else {
         delete tmp_list;

   auto reader = std::make_unique<TTreeReader>(fChain.get(), localList.get());
   return std::make_pair(std::move(reader), std::move(localList));

std::unique_ptr<TTreeReader> TTreeView::MakeReader(Long64_t start, Long64_t end)
   auto reader = std::make_unique<TTreeReader>(fChain.get());
   reader->SetEntriesRange(start, end);
   return reader;

/// Get a TTreeReader for the current tree of this view.
TTreeView::GetTreeReader(Long64_t start, Long64_t end, const std::vector<std::string> &treeNames,
                         const std::vector<std::string> &fileNames, const FriendInfo &friendInfo, TEntryList entryList,
                         const std::vector<Long64_t> &nEntries, const std::vector<std::vector<Long64_t>> &friendEntries)
   const bool usingLocalEntries = friendInfo.fFriendNames.empty() && entryList.GetN() == 0;
   if (fChain == nullptr || (usingLocalEntries && fileNames[0] != fChain->GetListOfFiles()->At(0)->GetTitle()))
      MakeChain(treeNames, fileNames, friendInfo, nEntries, friendEntries);

   std::unique_ptr<TTreeReader> reader;
   std::unique_ptr<TEntryList> localList;
   if (entryList.GetN() > 0) {
      std::tie(reader, localList) = MakeReaderWithEntryList(entryList, start, end);
   } else {
      reader = MakeReader(start, end);

   // we need to return the entry list too, as it needs to be in scope as long as the reader is
   return std::make_pair(std::move(reader), std::move(localList));

} // namespace Internal
} // namespace ROOT

/// Get and store the names, aliases and file names of the friends of the tree.
/// \param[in] tree The main tree whose friends to
/// Note that "friends of friends" and circular references in the lists of friends are not supported.
Internal::FriendInfo TTreeProcessorMT::GetFriendInfo(TTree &tree)
   std::vector<Internal::NameAlias> friendNames;
   std::vector<std::vector<std::string>> friendFileNames;

   const auto friends = tree.GetListOfFriends();
   if (!friends)
      return Internal::FriendInfo();

   for (auto fr : *friends) {
      const auto frTree = static_cast<TFriendElement *>(fr)->GetTree();
      const bool isChain = frTree->IsA() == TChain::Class();

      auto &fileNames = friendFileNames.back();

      // Check if friend tree/chain has an alias
      const auto alias_c = tree.GetFriendAlias(frTree);
      const std::string alias = alias_c != nullptr ? alias_c : "";

      if (isChain) {
         // Note that each TChainElement returned by chain.GetListOfFiles has a name
         // equal to the tree name of this TChain and a title equal to the filename.
         // Accessing the information like this ensures that we get the correct
         // filenames and treenames if the treename is given as part of the filename
         // via chain.AddFile(file.root/myTree) and as well if the tree name is given
         // in the constructor via TChain(myTree) and a file is added later by chain.AddFile(file.root).

         // Get name of the trees building the chain
         const auto chainFiles = static_cast<TChain*>(frTree)->GetListOfFiles();
         const auto realName = chainFiles->First()->GetName();
         friendNames.emplace_back(std::make_pair(realName, alias));
         // Get filenames stored in the title member
         for (auto f : *chainFiles) {
      } else {
         // Get name of the tree
         const auto realName = frTree->GetName();
         friendNames.emplace_back(std::make_pair(realName, alias));

         // Get filename
         const auto f = frTree->GetCurrentFile();
         if (!f)
            throw std::runtime_error("Friend trees with no associated file are not supported.");

   return Internal::FriendInfo{std::move(friendNames), std::move(friendFileNames)};

/// Retrieve the names of the TTrees in each of the input files, throw if a TTree cannot be found.
std::vector<std::string> TTreeProcessorMT::FindTreeNames()
   std::vector<std::string> treeNames;

   if (fFileNames.empty()) // This can never happen
      throw std::runtime_error("Empty list of files and no tree name provided");

   ::TDirectory::TContext ctxt(gDirectory);
   for (const auto &fname : fFileNames) {
      std::string treeName;
      std::unique_ptr<TFile> f(TFile::Open(fname.c_str()));
      TIter next(f->GetListOfKeys());
      while (auto *key = static_cast<TKey *>(next())) {
         const char *className = key->GetClassName();
         if (strcmp(className, "TTree") == 0) {
            treeName = key->GetName();
      if (treeName.empty())
         throw std::runtime_error("Cannot find any tree in file " + fname);

   return treeNames;

/// Constructor based on a file name.
/// \param[in] filename Name of the file containing the tree to process.
/// \param[in] treename Name of the tree to process. If not provided, the implementation will search
///            for a TTree key in the file and will use the first one it finds.
/// \param[in] nThreads Number of threads to create in the underlying thread-pool. The semantics of this argument are
///                     the same as for TThreadExecutor.
TTreeProcessorMT::TTreeProcessorMT(std::string_view filename, std::string_view treename, UInt_t nThreads)
   : fFileNames({std::string(filename)}),
     fTreeNames(treename.empty() ? FindTreeNames() : std::vector<std::string>{std::string(treename)}), fFriendInfo(), fPool(nThreads)

std::vector<std::string> CheckAndConvert(const std::vector<std::string_view> &views)
   if (views.empty())
      throw std::runtime_error("The provided list of file names is empty");

   std::vector<std::string> strings;
   for (const auto &v : views)
   return strings;

/// Constructor based on a collection of file names.
/// \param[in] filenames Collection of the names of the files containing the tree to process.
/// \param[in] treename Name of the tree to process. If not provided, the implementation will
///                     search filenames for a TTree key and will use the first one it finds in each file.
/// \param[in] nThreads Number of threads to create in the underlying thread-pool. The semantics of this argument are
///                     the same as for TThreadExecutor.
/// If different files contain TTrees with different names and automatic TTree name detection is not an option
/// (for example, because some of the files contain multiple TTrees) please manually create a TChain and pass
/// it to the appropriate TTreeProcessorMT constructor.
TTreeProcessorMT::TTreeProcessorMT(const std::vector<std::string_view> &filenames, std::string_view treename,
                                   UInt_t nThreads)
   : fFileNames(CheckAndConvert(filenames)),
     fTreeNames(treename.empty() ? FindTreeNames()
                                 : std::vector<std::string>(fFileNames.size(), std::string(treename))),
     fFriendInfo(), fPool(nThreads)

std::vector<std::string> GetFilesFromTree(TTree &tree)
   std::vector<std::string> filenames;

   const bool isChain = tree.IsA() == TChain::Class();
   if (isChain) {
      TObjArray *filelist = static_cast<TChain &>(tree).GetListOfFiles();
      const auto nFiles = filelist->GetEntries();
      if (nFiles == 0)
         throw std::runtime_error("The provided chain of files is empty");
      for (auto f : *filelist)
   } else {
      TFile *f = tree.GetCurrentFile();
      if (!f) {
         const auto msg = "The specified TTree is not linked to any file, in-memory-only trees are not supported.";
         throw std::runtime_error(msg);


   return filenames;

/// Constructor based on a TTree and a TEntryList.
/// \param[in] tree Tree or chain of files containing the tree to process.
/// \param[in] entries List of entry numbers to process.
/// \param[in] nThreads Number of threads to create in the underlying thread-pool. The semantics of this argument are
///                     the same as for TThreadExecutor.
TTreeProcessorMT::TTreeProcessorMT(TTree &tree, const TEntryList &entries, UInt_t nThreads)
   : fFileNames(GetFilesFromTree(tree)), fTreeNames(GetTreeFullPaths(tree)), fEntryList(entries),
     fFriendInfo(GetFriendInfo(tree)), fPool(nThreads)

/// Constructor based on a TTree.
/// \param[in] tree Tree or chain of files containing the tree to process.
/// \param[in] nThreads Number of threads to create in the underlying thread-pool. The semantics of this argument are
///                     the same as for TThreadExecutor.
TTreeProcessorMT::TTreeProcessorMT(TTree &tree, UInt_t nThreads) : TTreeProcessorMT(tree, TEntryList(), nThreads)

/// Process the entries of a TTree in parallel. The user-provided function
/// receives a TTreeReader which can be used to iterate on a subrange of
/// entries
/// ~~~{.cpp}
/// TTreeProcessorMT::Process([](TTreeReader& readerSubRange) {
///                            // Select branches to read
///                            while (readerSubRange.Next()) {
///                                // Use content of current entry
///                            }
///                         });
/// ~~~
/// The user needs to be aware that each of the subranges can potentially
/// be processed in parallel. This means that the code of the user function
/// should be thread safe.
/// \param[in] func User-defined function that processes a subrange of entries
void TTreeProcessorMT::Process(std::function<void(TTreeReader &)> func)
   const std::vector<Internal::NameAlias> &friendNames = fFriendInfo.fFriendNames;
   const std::vector<std::vector<std::string>> &friendFileNames = fFriendInfo.fFriendFileNames;

   // If an entry list or friend trees are present, we need to generate clusters with global entry numbers,
   // so we do it here for all files.
   const bool hasFriends = !friendNames.empty();
   const bool hasEntryList = fEntryList.GetN() > 0;
   const bool shouldRetrieveAllClusters = hasFriends || hasEntryList;
   const auto clustersAndEntries =
      shouldRetrieveAllClusters ? MakeClusters(fTreeNames, fFileNames) : ClustersAndEntries{};
   const auto &clusters = clustersAndEntries.first;
   const auto &entries = clustersAndEntries.second;

   // Retrieve number of entries for each file for each friend tree
   const auto friendEntries =
      hasFriends ? GetFriendEntries(friendNames, friendFileNames) : std::vector<std::vector<Long64_t>>{};

   // Parent task, spawns tasks that process each of the entry clusters for each input file
   auto processFile = [&](std::size_t fileIdx) {
      // theseFiles contains either all files or just the single file to process
      const auto &theseFiles = shouldRetrieveAllClusters ? fFileNames : std::vector<std::string>({fFileNames[fileIdx]});
      // either all tree names or just the single tree to process
      const auto &theseTrees = shouldRetrieveAllClusters ? fTreeNames : std::vector<std::string>({fTreeNames[fileIdx]});
      // Evaluate clusters (with local entry numbers) and number of entries for this file, if needed
      const auto theseClustersAndEntries =
         shouldRetrieveAllClusters ? ClustersAndEntries{} : MakeClusters(theseTrees, theseFiles);

      // All clusters for the file to process, either with global or local entry numbers
      const auto &thisFileClusters = shouldRetrieveAllClusters ? clusters[fileIdx] : theseClustersAndEntries.first[0];

      // Either all number of entries or just the ones for this file
      const auto &theseEntries =
         shouldRetrieveAllClusters ? entries : std::vector<Long64_t>({theseClustersAndEntries.second[0]});

      auto processCluster = [&](const EntryCluster &c) {
         std::unique_ptr<TTreeReader> reader;
         std::unique_ptr<TEntryList> elist;
         std::tie(reader, elist) = fTreeView->GetTreeReader(c.start, c.end, theseTrees, theseFiles, fFriendInfo,
                                                            fEntryList, theseEntries, friendEntries);

      fPool.Foreach(processCluster, thisFileClusters);

   std::vector<std::size_t> fileIdxs(fFileNames.size());
   std::iota(fileIdxs.begin(), fileIdxs.end(), 0u);

   // Enable this IMT use case (activate its locks)
   Internal::TParTreeProcessingRAII ptpRAII;

   fPool.Foreach(processFile, fileIdxs);

/// \brief Sets the maximum number of tasks created per file, per worker.
/// \return The maximum number of tasks created per file, per worker
unsigned int TTreeProcessorMT::GetMaxTasksPerFilePerWorker()
   return fgMaxTasksPerFilePerWorker;

/// \brief Sets the maximum number of tasks created per file, per worker.
/// \param[in] maxTasksPerFile Name of the file containing the tree to process.
/// This allows to create a reasonable number of tasks even if any of the
/// processed files features a bad clustering, for example with a lot of
/// entries and just a few entries per cluster.
void TTreeProcessorMT::SetMaxTasksPerFilePerWorker(unsigned int maxTasksPerFile)
   fgMaxTasksPerFilePerWorker = maxTasksPerFile;