// @(#)root/test:$name: $:$id: stressHistogram.cxx,v 1.15 2002/10/25 10:47:51 rdm exp $
// Authors: David Gonzalez Maline November 2008
// //
// //
// Here there is a set of tests for the histogram classes (including //
// histograms and profiles). The methods tested work on: //
// //
// 1. Projection testing (with and without weights) //
// 2. Rebinning //
// 3. Addition, multiplication an division operations. //
// 4. Building and copying instances. //
// 5. I/O functionality (including reference with older versions). //
// 6. Labeling. //
// 7. Interpolation //
// //
// To see the tests individually, at the bottom of the file the tests //
// are exectued using the structure TTestSuite, that defines the //
// subset, the number of routines to be tested as well as the pointes //
// for these. Every tests is mean to be simple enough to be understood //
// without much comments. //
// //
// Finally, for debugging reasons, the struct compareOptions can be //
// used to define the level of output of the tests, beging set //
// generally for the whole suit in defaultEqualOptions. //
// >> stressHistogram 1 : to print result for all tests //
// >> stressHistogram 2 : ro print each comparison, done for each bin //
// //
// An example of output when all the tests run OK is shown below: //
// ****************************************************************************
// * Starting stress H I S T O G R A M *
// ****************************************************************************
// Test 1: Testing Histogram Projections without weights....................OK
// Test 2: Testing Profile Projections without weights......................OK
// Test 3: Testing Histogram Projections with weights.......................OK
// Test 4: Testing Profile Projections with weights.......................OK
// Test 5: Projection with Range for Histograms and Profiles................OK
// Test 6: Histogram Rebinning..............................................OK
// Test 7: Add tests for 1D, 2D and 3D Histograms and Profiles..............OK
// Test 8: Multiply tests for 1D, 2D and 3D Histograms......................OK
// Test 9: Divide tests for 1D, 2D and 3D Histograms........................OK
// Test 10: Copy tests for 1D, 2D and 3D Histograms and Profiles.............OK
// Test 11: Read/Write tests for 1D, 2D and 3D Histograms and Profiles.......OK
// Test 12: Merge tests for 1D, 2D and 3D Histograms and Profiles............OK
// Test 13: Label tests for 1D and 2D Histograms ............................OK
// Test 14: Interpolation tests for Histograms...............................OK
// Test 15: Scale tests for Profiles.........................................OK
// Test 16: Integral tests for Histograms....................................OK
// Test 17: Buffer tests for Histograms......................................OK
// Test 18: Extend axis tests for Histograms.................................OK
// Test 19: TH1-THn[Sparse] Conversion tests.................................OK
// Test 20: FillData tests for Histograms and Sparses........................OK
// Test 21: Reference File Read for Histograms and Profiles..................OK
// ****************************************************************************
// stressHistogram: Real Time = 86.22 seconds Cpu Time = 85.64 seconds
// ROOTMARKS = 1292.62 ROOT version: 6.05/01 remotes/origin/master@v6-05-01-336-g5c3d5ff
// ****************************************************************************
// //
#include <sstream>
#include <cmath>
#include "TH2.h"
#include "TH3.h"
#include "TH2.h"
#include "THn.h"
#include "THnSparse.h"
#include "TProfile.h"
#include "TProfile2D.h"
#include "TProfile3D.h"
#include "TF1.h"
#include "TF2.h"
#include "TF3.h"
#include "Fit/SparseData.h"
#include "HFitInterface.h"
Lorenzo Moneta
#include "TFitResult.h"
#include "Math/IntegratorOptions.h"
#include "TApplication.h"
Lorenzo Moneta
#include "TBenchmark.h"
#include "Riostream.h"
#include "TMath.h"
#include "TRandom2.h"
#include "TFile.h"
#include "THashList.h"
#include "TROOT.h"
#include <algorithm>
Lorenzo Moneta
#include <random>
const unsigned int __DRAW__ = 0;
Double_t minRange = 1;
Double_t maxRange = 5;
const Double_t minRebin = 3;
const Double_t maxRebin = 7;
int nEvents = 1000;
const int numberOfBins = 10;
enum compareOptions {
Lorenzo Moneta
int defaultEqualOptions = 0; //cmpOptPrint;
Lorenzo Moneta
Bool_t cleanHistos = kTRUE; // delete histogram after testing (swicth off in case of debugging)
Lorenzo Moneta
Lorenzo Moneta
const double defaultErrorLimit = 1.E-10;
enum RefFileEnum {
refFileRead = 1,
refFileWrite = 2
const int refFileOption = 1;
TFile * refFile = 0;
const char* refFileName = "";
// set to zero if want to run different numbers every time
typedef bool ( * pointer2Test) ();
struct TTestSuite {
unsigned int nTests;
char suiteName[75];
pointer2Test* tests;
// Methods for histogram comparisions (later implemented)
Lorenzo Moneta
void printResult(int counter, const char* msg, bool status);
void FillVariableRange(Double_t v[numberOfBins+1]);
void FillHistograms(TH1D* h1, TH1D* h2, Double_t c1 = 1.0, Double_t c2 = 1.0);
void FillProfiles(TProfile* p1, TProfile* p2, Double_t c1 = 1.0, Double_t c2 = 1.0);
Lorenzo Moneta
int equals(const char* msg, TH1D* h1, TH1D* h2, int options = 0, double ERRORLIMIT = defaultErrorLimit);
int equals(const char* msg, TH2D* h1, TH2D* h2, int options = 0, double ERRORLIMIT = defaultErrorLimit);
int equals(const char* msg, TH3D* h1, TH3D* h2, int options = 0, double ERRORLIMIT = defaultErrorLimit);
int equals(const char* msg, THnBase* h1, THnBase* h2, int options = 0, double ERRORLIMIT = defaultErrorLimit);
int equals(const char* msg, THnBase* h1, TH1* h2, int options = 0, double ERRORLIMIT = defaultErrorLimit);
Lorenzo Moneta
int equals(Double_t n1, Double_t n2, double ERRORLIMIT = defaultErrorLimit);
Lorenzo Moneta
int equals(const char * s1, const char * s2); // for comparing names (e.g. axis labels)
Lorenzo Moneta
int compareStatistics( TH1* h1, TH1* h2, bool debug, double ERRORLIMIT = defaultErrorLimit);
// old stresHistOpts.cxx file
// Tests the first Add method for 1D Histograms
Double_t c1 = r.Rndm();
Double_t c2 = r.Rndm();
Lorenzo Moneta
TH1D* h1 = new TH1D("t1D1_h1", "h1-Title", numberOfBins, minRange, maxRange);
TH1D* h2 = new TH1D("t1D1_h2", "h2-Title", numberOfBins, minRange, maxRange);
TH1D* h3 = new TH1D("t1D1_h3", "h3=c1*h1+c2*h2", numberOfBins, minRange, maxRange);
FillHistograms(h1, h3, 1.0, c1);
FillHistograms(h2, h3, 1.0, c2);
Lorenzo Moneta
TH1D* h4 = new TH1D("t1D1_h4", "h4=c1*h1+h2*c2", numberOfBins, minRange, maxRange);
h4->Add(h1, h2, c1, c2);
bool ret = equals("Add1D1", h3, h4, cmpOptStats, 1E-13);
Lorenzo Moneta
if (cleanHistos) delete h1;
if (cleanHistos) delete h2;
if (cleanHistos) delete h3;
return ret;
// Tests the first Add method for 1D Profiles
Double_t c1 = r.Rndm();
Double_t c2 = r.Rndm();
TProfile* p1 = new TProfile("t1D1_p1", "p1-Title", numberOfBins, minRange, maxRange);
TProfile* p2 = new TProfile("t1D1_p2", "p2-Title", numberOfBins, minRange, maxRange);
TProfile* p3 = new TProfile("t1D1_p3", "p3=c1*p1+c2*p2", numberOfBins, minRange, maxRange);
for ( Int_t e = 0; e < nEvents; ++e ) {
Double_t x = r.Uniform(0.9 * minRange, 1.1 * maxRange);
Double_t y = r.Uniform(0.9 * minRange, 1.1 * maxRange);
p1->Fill(x, y, 1.0);
p3->Fill(x, y, c1);
for ( Int_t e = 0; e < nEvents; ++e ) {
Double_t x = r.Uniform(0.9 * minRange, 1.1 * maxRange);
Double_t y = r.Uniform(0.9 * minRange, 1.1 * maxRange);
p2->Fill(x, y, 1.0);
p3->Fill(x, y, c2);
TProfile* p4 = new TProfile("t1D1_p4", "p4=c1*p1+p2*c2", numberOfBins, minRange, maxRange);
p4->Add(p1, p2, c1, c2);
bool ret = equals("Add1DProfile1", p3, p4, cmpOptStats, 1E-13);
if (cleanHistos) delete p1;
if (cleanHistos) delete p2;
if (cleanHistos) delete p3;
return ret;
// Tests the second Add method for 1D Histograms
Double_t c2 = r.Rndm();
TH1D* h5 = new TH1D("t1D2-h5", "h5= h6+c2*h7", numberOfBins, minRange, maxRange);
TH1D* h6 = new TH1D("t1D2-h6", "h6-Title", numberOfBins, minRange, maxRange);
TH1D* h7 = new TH1D("t1D2-h7", "h7-Title", numberOfBins, minRange, maxRange);
FillHistograms(h6, h5, 1.0, 1.0);
FillHistograms(h7, h5, 1.0, c2);
h6->Add(h7, c2);
bool ret = equals("Add1D2", h5, h6, cmpOptStats, 1E-13);
Lorenzo Moneta
if (cleanHistos) delete h5;
if (cleanHistos) delete h7;
return ret;
// Tests the second Add method for 1D Profiles
Double_t c2 = r.Rndm();
TProfile* p5 = new TProfile("t1D2-p5", "p5= p6+c2*p7", numberOfBins, minRange, maxRange);
TProfile* p6 = new TProfile("t1D2-p6", "p6-Title", numberOfBins, minRange, maxRange);
TProfile* p7 = new TProfile("t1D2-p7", "p7-Title", numberOfBins, minRange, maxRange);
for ( Int_t e = 0; e < nEvents; ++e ) {
Double_t x = r.Uniform(0.9 * minRange, 1.1 * maxRange);
Double_t y = r.Uniform(0.9 * minRange, 1.1 * maxRange);
p6->Fill(x, y, 1.0);
p5->Fill(x, y, 1.0);
for ( Int_t e = 0; e < nEvents; ++e ) {
Double_t x = r.Uniform(0.9 * minRange, 1.1 * maxRange);
Double_t y = r.Uniform(0.9 * minRange, 1.1 * maxRange);
p7->Fill(x, y, 1.0);
p5->Fill(x, y, c2);
p6->Add(p7, c2);
bool ret = equals("Add1DProfile2", p5, p6, cmpOptStats, 1E-13);
delete p5;
delete p7;
return ret;
// Tests the first add method to do scalation of 1D Histograms
Double_t c1 = r.Rndm();
Lorenzo Moneta
TH1D* h1 = new TH1D("t1D1_h1", "h1-Title", numberOfBins, minRange, maxRange);
TH1D* h2 = new TH1D("t1D1_h2", "h2=c1*h1+c2*h2", numberOfBins, minRange, maxRange);
for ( Int_t e = 0; e < nEvents; ++e ) {
Double_t value = r.Uniform(0.9 * minRange, 1.1 * maxRange);
h1->Fill(value, 1.0);
h2->Fill(value, c1 / h1->GetBinWidth( h1->FindBin(value) ) );
Lorenzo Moneta
Lorenzo Moneta
TH1D* h3 = new TH1D("t1D1_h3", "h3=c1*h1", numberOfBins, minRange, maxRange);
h3->Add(h1, h1, c1, -1);
Lorenzo Moneta
// TH1::Add will reset the stats in this case so we need to do for the reference histogram
Lorenzo Moneta
if (cleanHistos) delete h1;
if (cleanHistos) delete h2;
return ret;
bool testAddVar1()
// Tests the second Add method for 1D Histograms with variable bin size
Double_t v[numberOfBins+1];
Double_t c1 = r.Rndm();
Double_t c2 = r.Rndm();
TH1D* h1 = new TH1D("h1", "h1-Title", numberOfBins, v);
TH1D* h2 = new TH1D("h2", "h2-Title", numberOfBins, v);
TH1D* h3 = new TH1D("h3", "h3=c1*h1+c2*h2", numberOfBins, v);
FillHistograms(h1, h3, 1.0, c1);
FillHistograms(h2, h3, 1.0, c2);
Lorenzo Moneta
TH1D* h4 = new TH1D("t1D1_h4", "h4=c1*h1+h2*c2", numberOfBins, v);
h4->Add(h1, h2, c1, c2);
bool ret = equals("AddVar1D1", h3, h4, cmpOptStats, 1E-13);
Lorenzo Moneta
if (cleanHistos) delete h1;
if (cleanHistos) delete h2;
if (cleanHistos) delete h3;
return ret;
bool testAddVarProf1()
// Tests the first Add method for 1D Profiles with variable bin size
Double_t v[numberOfBins+1];
Double_t c1 = r.Rndm();
Double_t c2 = r.Rndm();
TProfile* p1 = new TProfile("t1D1_p1", "p1-Title", numberOfBins, v);
TProfile* p2 = new TProfile("t1D1_p2", "p2-Title", numberOfBins, v);
TProfile* p3 = new TProfile("t1D1_p3", "p3=c1*p1+c2*p2", numberOfBins, v);
FillProfiles(p1, p3, 1.0, c1);
FillProfiles(p2, p3, 1.0, c2);
TProfile* p4 = new TProfile("t1D1_p4", "p4=c1*p1+p2*c2", numberOfBins, v);
p4->Add(p1, p2, c1, c2);
bool ret = equals("AddVar1DProf1", p3, p4, cmpOptStats, 1E-13);
if (cleanHistos) delete p1;
if (cleanHistos) delete p2;
if (cleanHistos) delete p3;
return ret;
bool testAddVar2()
// Tests the second Add method for 1D Histograms with variable bin size
Double_t v[numberOfBins+1];
Double_t c2 = r.Rndm();
TH1D* h5 = new TH1D("t1D2-h5", "h5= h6+c2*h7", numberOfBins, v);
TH1D* h6 = new TH1D("t1D2-h6", "h6-Title", numberOfBins, v);
TH1D* h7 = new TH1D("t1D2-h7", "h7-Title", numberOfBins, v);
FillHistograms(h6, h5, 1.0, 1.0);
FillHistograms(h7, h5, 1.0, c2);
h6->Add(h7, c2);
bool ret = equals("AddVar1D2", h5, h6, cmpOptStats, 1E-13);
Lorenzo Moneta
if (cleanHistos) delete h5;
if (cleanHistos) delete h7;
return ret;
bool testAddVarProf2()
// Tests the second Add method for 1D Profiles with variable bin size
Double_t v[numberOfBins+1];
Double_t c2 = r.Rndm();
TProfile* p5 = new TProfile("t1D2-p5", "p5= p6+c2*p7", numberOfBins, v);
TProfile* p6 = new TProfile("t1D2-p6", "p6-Title", numberOfBins, v);
TProfile* p7 = new TProfile("t1D2-p7", "p7-Title", numberOfBins, v);
FillProfiles(p6, p5, 1.0, 1.0);
FillProfiles(p7, p5, 1.0, c2);
p6->Add(p7, c2);
bool ret = equals("AddVar1D2", p5, p6, cmpOptStats, 1E-13);
delete p5;
delete p7;
Lorenzo Moneta
// Tests the first add method to do scale of 1D Histograms with variable bin width
Double_t v[numberOfBins+1];
Double_t c1 = r.Rndm();
Lorenzo Moneta
TH1D* h1 = new TH1D("t1D1_h1", "h1-Title", numberOfBins, v);
TH1D* h2 = new TH1D("t1D1_h2", "h2=c1*h1+c2*h2", numberOfBins, v);
Lorenzo Moneta
for ( Int_t e = 0; e < nEvents; ++e ) {
Double_t value = r.Uniform(0.9 * minRange, 1.1 * maxRange);
h1->Fill(value, 1.0);
h2->Fill(value, c1 / h1->GetBinWidth( h1->FindBin(value) ) );
Lorenzo Moneta
TH1D* h3 = new TH1D("t1D1_h3", "h3=c1*h1", numberOfBins, v);
Lorenzo Moneta
h3->Add(h1, h1, c1, -1);
// TH1::Add will reset the stats in this case so we need to do for the reference histogram
bool ret = equals("Add1D3", h2, h3, cmpOptStats, 1E-13);
Lorenzo Moneta
if (cleanHistos) delete h1;
if (cleanHistos) delete h2;
Lorenzo Moneta
return ret;
Lorenzo Moneta
// Tests the first add method to do scale of 2D Histograms
Double_t c1 = r.Rndm();
Lorenzo Moneta
TH2D* h1 = new TH2D("t1D1_h1", "h1-Title",
numberOfBins, minRange, maxRange,
numberOfBins+2, minRange, maxRange);
Lorenzo Moneta
TH2D* h2 = new TH2D("t1D1_h2", "h2=c1*h1+c2*h2",
numberOfBins, minRange, maxRange,
numberOfBins+2, minRange, maxRange);
for ( Int_t e = 0; e < nEvents * nEvents; ++e ) {
Double_t x = r.Uniform(0.9 * minRange, 1.1 * maxRange);
Double_t y = r.Uniform(0.9 * minRange, 1.1 * maxRange);
h1->Fill(x, y, 1.0);
Int_t binx = h1->GetXaxis()->FindBin(x);
Int_t biny = h1->GetYaxis()->FindBin(y);
Double_t area = h1->GetXaxis()->GetBinWidth( binx ) * h1->GetYaxis()->GetBinWidth( biny );
h2->Fill(x, y, c1 / area);
Lorenzo Moneta
TH2D* h3 = new TH2D("t1D1_h3", "h3=c1*h1",
numberOfBins, minRange, maxRange,
numberOfBins+2, minRange, maxRange);
h3->Add(h1, h1, c1, -1);
Lorenzo Moneta
// TH1::Add will reset the stats in this case so we need to do for the reference histogram
bool ret = equals("Add1D2", h2, h3, cmpOptStats, 1E-10);
Lorenzo Moneta
if (cleanHistos) delete h1;
if (cleanHistos) delete h2;
return ret;
bool testAdd3D3()
// Tests the first add method to do scalation of 3D Histograms
Double_t c1 = r.Rndm();
Lorenzo Moneta
TH3D* h1 = new TH3D("t1D1_h1", "h1-Title",
numberOfBins, minRange, maxRange,
numberOfBins+1, minRange, maxRange,
numberOfBins+2, minRange, maxRange);
Lorenzo Moneta
TH3D* h2 = new TH3D("t1D1_h2", "h2=c1*h1+c2*h2",
numberOfBins, minRange, maxRange,
numberOfBins+1, minRange, maxRange,
numberOfBins+2, minRange, maxRange);
for ( Int_t e = 0; e < nEvents * nEvents; ++e ) {
Double_t x = r.Uniform(0.9 * minRange, 1.1 * maxRange);
Double_t y = r.Uniform(0.9 * minRange, 1.1 * maxRange);
Double_t z = r.Uniform(0.9 * minRange, 1.1 * maxRange);
h1->Fill(x, y, z, 1.0);
Int_t binx = h1->GetXaxis()->FindBin(x);
Int_t biny = h1->GetYaxis()->FindBin(y);
Int_t binz = h1->GetZaxis()->FindBin(z);
Double_t area = h1->GetXaxis()->GetBinWidth( binx ) *
h1->GetYaxis()->GetBinWidth( biny ) *
h1->GetZaxis()->GetBinWidth( binz );
h2->Fill(x, y, z, c1 / area);
Lorenzo Moneta
TH3D* h3 = new TH3D("t1D1_h3", "h3=c1*h1",
numberOfBins, minRange, maxRange,
numberOfBins+1, minRange, maxRange,
numberOfBins+2, minRange, maxRange);
h3->Add(h1, h1, c1, -1);
Lorenzo Moneta
// TH1::Add will reset the stats in this case so we need to do for the reference histogram
bool ret = equals("Add2D3", h2, h3, cmpOptStats, 1E-10);
Lorenzo Moneta
if (cleanHistos) delete h1;
if (cleanHistos) delete h2;
// Tests the first Add method for 2D Histograms
Double_t c1 = r.Rndm();
Double_t c2 = r.Rndm();
Lorenzo Moneta
TH2D* h1 = new TH2D("t2D1_h1", "h1",
numberOfBins, minRange, maxRange,
numberOfBins + 2, minRange, maxRange);
Lorenzo Moneta
TH2D* h2 = new TH2D("t2D1_h2", "h2",
numberOfBins, minRange, maxRange,
numberOfBins + 2, minRange, maxRange);
Lorenzo Moneta
TH2D* h3 = new TH2D("t2D1_h3", "h3=c1*h1+c2*h2",
numberOfBins, minRange, maxRange,
numberOfBins + 2, minRange, maxRange);
for ( Int_t e = 0; e < nEvents * nEvents; ++e ) {
Double_t x = r.Uniform(0.9 * minRange, 1.1 * maxRange);
Double_t y = r.Uniform(0.9 * minRange, 1.1 * maxRange);
h1->Fill(x, y, 1.0);
h3->Fill(x, y, c1);
for ( Int_t e = 0; e < nEvents * nEvents; ++e ) {
Double_t x = r.Uniform(0.9 * minRange, 1.1 * maxRange);
Double_t y = r.Uniform(0.9 * minRange, 1.1 * maxRange);
h2->Fill(x, y, 1.0);
h3->Fill(x, y, c2);
Lorenzo Moneta
TH2D* h4 = new TH2D("t2D1_h4", "h4=c1*h1+c2*h2",
numberOfBins, minRange, maxRange,
numberOfBins + 2, minRange, maxRange);
h4->Add(h1, h2, c1, c2);
bool ret = equals("Add2D1", h3, h4, cmpOptStats , 1E-10);
Lorenzo Moneta
if (cleanHistos) delete h1;
if (cleanHistos) delete h2;
if (cleanHistos) delete h3;
return ret;
// Tests the first Add method for 1D Profiles
Double_t c1 = r.Rndm();
Double_t c2 = r.Rndm();
TProfile2D* p1 = new TProfile2D("t2D1_p1", "p1",
numberOfBins, minRange, maxRange,
numberOfBins + 2, minRange, maxRange);
TProfile2D* p2 = new TProfile2D("t2D1_p2", "p2",
numberOfBins, minRange, maxRange,
numberOfBins + 2, minRange, maxRange);
TProfile2D* p3 = new TProfile2D("t2D1_p3", "p3=c1*p1+c2*p2",
numberOfBins, minRange, maxRange,
numberOfBins + 2, minRange, maxRange);
for ( Int_t e = 0; e < nEvents * nEvents; ++e ) {
Double_t x = r.Uniform(0.9 * minRange, 1.1 * maxRange);
Double_t y = r.Uniform(0.9 * minRange, 1.1 * maxRange);
Double_t z = r.Uniform(0.9 * minRange, 1.1 * maxRange);
p1->Fill(x, y, z, 1.0);
p3->Fill(x, y, z, c1);
for ( Int_t e = 0; e < nEvents * nEvents; ++e ) {
Double_t x = r.Uniform(0.9 * minRange, 1.1 * maxRange);
Double_t y = r.Uniform(0.9 * minRange, 1.1 * maxRange);
Double_t z = r.Uniform(0.9 * minRange, 1.1 * maxRange);
p2->Fill(x, y, z, 1.0);
p3->Fill(x, y, z, c2);
TProfile2D* p4 = new TProfile2D("t2D1_p4", "p4=c1*p1+c2*p2",
numberOfBins, minRange, maxRange,
numberOfBins + 2, minRange, maxRange);
p4->Add(p1, p2, c1, c2);
bool ret = equals("Add2DProfile1", p3, p4, cmpOptStats , 1E-10);
if (cleanHistos) delete p1;
if (cleanHistos) delete p2;
if (cleanHistos) delete p3;
return ret;
// Tests the second Add method for 2D Histograms
Double_t c2 = r.Rndm();
Lorenzo Moneta
TH2D* h1 = new TH2D("t2D2_h1", "h1",
numberOfBins, minRange, maxRange,
numberOfBins + 2, minRange, maxRange);
Lorenzo Moneta
TH2D* h2 = new TH2D("t2D2_h2", "h2",
numberOfBins, minRange, maxRange,
numberOfBins + 2, minRange, maxRange);
Lorenzo Moneta
TH2D* h3 = new TH2D("t2D2_h3", "h3=h1+c2*h2",
numberOfBins, minRange, maxRange,
numberOfBins + 2, minRange, maxRange);
for ( Int_t e = 0; e < nEvents * nEvents; ++e ) {
Double_t x = r.Uniform(0.9 * minRange, 1.1 * maxRange);
Double_t y = r.Uniform(0.9 * minRange, 1.1 * maxRange);
h1->Fill(x, y, 1.0);
h3->Fill(x, y, 1.0);
for ( Int_t e = 0; e < nEvents * nEvents; ++e ) {
Double_t x = r.Uniform(0.9 * minRange, 1.1 * maxRange);
Double_t y = r.Uniform(0.9 * minRange, 1.1 * maxRange);
h2->Fill(x, y, 1.0);
h3->Fill(x, y, c2);
h1->Add(h2, c2);
bool ret = equals("Add2D2", h3, h1, cmpOptStats, 1E-10);
Lorenzo Moneta
if (cleanHistos) delete h2;
if (cleanHistos) delete h3;
return ret;
// Tests the second Add method for 2D Profiles
Double_t c2 = r.Rndm();
TProfile2D* p1 = new TProfile2D("t2D2_p1", "p1",
numberOfBins, minRange, maxRange,
numberOfBins + 2, minRange, maxRange);
TProfile2D* p2 = new TProfile2D("t2D2_p2", "p2",
numberOfBins, minRange, maxRange,
numberOfBins + 2, minRange, maxRange);
TProfile2D* p3 = new TProfile2D("t2D2_p3", "p3=p1+c2*p2",
numberOfBins, minRange, maxRange,
numberOfBins + 2, minRange, maxRange);
for ( Int_t e = 0; e < nEvents * nEvents; ++e ) {
Double_t x = r.Uniform(0.9 * minRange, 1.1 * maxRange);
Double_t y = r.Uniform(0.9 * minRange, 1.1 * maxRange);
Double_t z = r.Uniform(0.9 * minRange, 1.1 * maxRange);
p1->Fill(x, y, z, 1.0);
p3->Fill(x, y, z, 1.0);
for ( Int_t e = 0; e < nEvents * nEvents; ++e ) {
Double_t x = r.Uniform(0.9 * minRange, 1.1 * maxRange);
Double_t y = r.Uniform(0.9 * minRange, 1.1 * maxRange);
Double_t z = r.Uniform(0.9 * minRange, 1.1 * maxRange);
p2->Fill(x, y, z, 1.0);
p3->Fill(x, y, z, c2);
p1->Add(p2, c2);
bool ret = equals("Add2DProfile2", p3, p1, cmpOptStats, 1E-10);
if (cleanHistos) delete p2;
if (cleanHistos) delete p3;
return ret;
// Tests the first Add method for 3D Histograms
Double_t c1 = r.Rndm();
Double_t c2 = r.Rndm();
Lorenzo Moneta
TH3D* h1 = new TH3D("t3D1_h1", "h1",
numberOfBins, minRange, maxRange,
numberOfBins + 1, minRange, maxRange,
numberOfBins + 2, minRange, maxRange);
Lorenzo Moneta
TH3D* h2 = new TH3D("t3D1_h2", "h2",
numberOfBins, minRange, maxRange,
numberOfBins + 1, minRange, maxRange,
numberOfBins + 2, minRange, maxRange);
Lorenzo Moneta
TH3D* h3 = new TH3D("t3D1_h3", "h3=c1*h1+c2*h2",
numberOfBins, minRange, maxRange,
numberOfBins + 1, minRange, maxRange,
numberOfBins + 2, minRange, maxRange);
for ( Int_t e = 0; e < nEvents * nEvents; ++e ) {
Double_t x = r.Uniform(0.9 * minRange, 1.1 * maxRange);
Double_t y = r.Uniform(0.9 * minRange, 1.1 * maxRange);
Double_t z = r.Uniform(0.9 * minRange, 1.1 * maxRange);
h1->Fill(x, y, z, 1.0);
h3->Fill(x, y, z, c1);
for ( Int_t e = 0; e < nEvents * nEvents; ++e ) {
Double_t x = r.Uniform(0.9 * minRange, 1.1 * maxRange);
Double_t y = r.Uniform(0.9 * minRange, 1.1 * maxRange);
Double_t z = r.Uniform(0.9 * minRange, 1.1 * maxRange);
h2->Fill(x, y, z, 1.0);
h3->Fill(x, y, z, c2);
Lorenzo Moneta
TH3D* h4 = new TH3D("t3D1_h4", "h4=c1*h1+c2*h2",
numberOfBins, minRange, maxRange,
numberOfBins + 1, minRange, maxRange,
numberOfBins + 2, minRange, maxRange);
h4->Add(h1, h2, c1, c2);
bool ret = equals("Add3D1", h3, h4, cmpOptStats, 1E-10);
Lorenzo Moneta
if (cleanHistos) delete h1;
if (cleanHistos) delete h2;
if (cleanHistos) delete h3;
return ret;
// Tests the second Add method for 3D Profiles
Double_t c1 = r.Rndm();
Double_t c2 = r.Rndm();
TProfile3D* p1 = new TProfile3D("t3D1_p1", "p1",
numberOfBins, minRange, maxRange,
numberOfBins + 1, minRange, maxRange,
numberOfBins + 2, minRange, maxRange);
TProfile3D* p2 = new TProfile3D("t3D1_p2", "p2",
numberOfBins, minRange, maxRange,
numberOfBins + 1, minRange, maxRange,
numberOfBins + 2, minRange, maxRange);
TProfile3D* p3 = new TProfile3D("t3D1_p3", "p3=c1*p1+c2*p2",
numberOfBins, minRange, maxRange,
numberOfBins + 1, minRange, maxRange,
numberOfBins + 2, minRange, maxRange);
for ( Int_t e = 0; e < nEvents * nEvents; ++e ) {
Double_t x = r.Uniform(0.9 * minRange, 1.1 * maxRange);
Double_t y = r.Uniform(0.9 * minRange, 1.1 * maxRange);
Double_t z = r.Uniform(0.9 * minRange, 1.1 * maxRange);
Double_t t = r.Uniform(0.9 * minRange, 1.1 * maxRange);
p1->Fill(x, y, z, t, 1.0);
p3->Fill(x, y, z, t, c1);
for ( Int_t e = 0; e < nEvents * nEvents; ++e ) {
Double_t x = r.Uniform(0.9 * minRange, 1.1 * maxRange);
Double_t y = r.Uniform(0.9 * minRange, 1.1 * maxRange);
Double_t z = r.Uniform(0.9 * minRange, 1.1 * maxRange);
Double_t t = r.Uniform(0.9 * minRange, 1.1 * maxRange);
p2->Fill(x, y, z, t, 1.0);
p3->Fill(x, y, z, t, c2);
TProfile3D* p4 = new TProfile3D("t3D1_p4", "p4=c1*p1+c2*p2",
numberOfBins, minRange, maxRange,
numberOfBins + 1, minRange, maxRange,
numberOfBins + 2, minRange, maxRange);
p4->Add(p1, p2, c1, c2);
bool ret = equals("Add3DProfile1", p3, p4, cmpOptStats, 1E-10);
if (cleanHistos) delete p1;
if (cleanHistos) delete p2;
if (cleanHistos) delete p3;
return ret;
// Tests the second Add method for 3D Histograms
Double_t c2 = r.Rndm();
Lorenzo Moneta
TH3D* h1 = new TH3D("t3D2_h1", "h1",
numberOfBins, minRange, maxRange,
numberOfBins + 1, minRange, maxRange,
numberOfBins + 2, minRange, maxRange);
Lorenzo Moneta
TH3D* h2 = new TH3D("t3D2_h2", "h2",
numberOfBins, minRange, maxRange,
numberOfBins + 1, minRange, maxRange,
numberOfBins + 2, minRange, maxRange);
Lorenzo Moneta
TH3D* h3 = new TH3D("t3D2_h3", "h3=h1+c2*h2",
numberOfBins, minRange, maxRange,
numberOfBins + 1, minRange, maxRange,
numberOfBins + 2, minRange, maxRange);
for ( Int_t e = 0; e < nEvents * nEvents; ++e ) {
Double_t x = r.Uniform(0.9 * minRange, 1.1 * maxRange);
Double_t y = r.Uniform(0.9 * minRange, 1.1 * maxRange);
Double_t z = r.Uniform(0.9 * minRange, 1.1 * maxRange);
h1->Fill(x, y, z, 1.0);
h3->Fill(x, y, z, 1.0);
for ( Int_t e = 0; e < nEvents * nEvents; ++e ) {
Double_t x = r.Uniform(0.9 * minRange, 1.1 * maxRange);
Double_t y = r.Uniform(0.9 * minRange, 1.1 * maxRange);
Double_t z = r.Uniform(0.9 * minRange, 1.1 * maxRange);
h2->Fill(x, y, z, 1.0);
h3->Fill(x, y, z, c2);
h1->Add(h2, c2);
bool ret = equals("Add3D2", h3, h1, cmpOptStats, 1E-10);
Lorenzo Moneta
if (cleanHistos) delete h2;
if (cleanHistos) delete h3;
return ret;
// Tests the second Add method for 3D Profiles
Double_t c2 = r.Rndm();
TProfile3D* p1 = new TProfile3D("t3D2_p1", "p1",
numberOfBins, minRange, maxRange,
numberOfBins + 1, minRange, maxRange,
numberOfBins + 2, minRange, maxRange);
TProfile3D* p2 = new TProfile3D("t3D2_p2", "p2",
numberOfBins, minRange, maxRange,
numberOfBins + 1, minRange, maxRange,
numberOfBins + 2, minRange, maxRange);
TProfile3D* p3 = new TProfile3D("t3D2_p3", "p3=p1+c2*p2",
numberOfBins, minRange, maxRange,
numberOfBins + 1, minRange, maxRange,
numberOfBins + 2, minRange, maxRange);
for ( Int_t e = 0; e < nEvents * nEvents; ++e ) {
Double_t x = r.Uniform(0.9 * minRange, 1.1 * maxRange);
Double_t y = r.Uniform(0.9 * minRange, 1.1 * maxRange);
Double_t z = r.Uniform(0.9 * minRange, 1.1 * maxRange);
Double_t t = r.Uniform(0.9 * minRange, 1.1 * maxRange);
p1->Fill(x, y, z, t, 1.0);
p3->Fill(x, y, z, t, 1.0);
for ( Int_t e = 0; e < nEvents * nEvents; ++e ) {
Double_t x = r.Uniform(0.9 * minRange, 1.1 * maxRange);
Double_t y = r.Uniform(0.9 * minRange, 1.1 * maxRange);
Double_t z = r.Uniform(0.9 * minRange, 1.1 * maxRange);
Double_t t = r.Uniform(0.9 * minRange, 1.1 * maxRange);
p2->Fill(x, y, z, t, 1.0);
p3->Fill(x, y, z, t, c2);
p1->Add(p2, c2);
bool ret = equals("Add3DProfile2", p3, p1, cmpOptStats, 1E-10);
if (cleanHistos) delete p2;
if (cleanHistos) delete p3;
return ret;
template<typename HIST>
bool testAddHn()
Lorenzo Moneta
// Tests the Add method for n-dimensional Histograms
Lorenzo Moneta
Double_t c = r.Rndm();
Int_t bsize[] = { TMath::Nint( r.Uniform(1, 5) ),
TMath::Nint( r.Uniform(1, 5) ),
TMath::Nint( r.Uniform(1, 5) )};
Double_t xmin[] = {minRange, minRange, minRange};
Double_t xmax[] = {maxRange, maxRange, maxRange};
HIST* s1 = new HIST("tS-s1", "s1", 3, bsize, xmin, xmax);
HIST* s2 = new HIST("tS-s2", "s2", 3, bsize, xmin, xmax);
HIST* s3 = new HIST("tS-s3", "s3=s1+c*s2", 3, bsize, xmin, xmax);
Lorenzo Moneta
for ( Int_t e = 0; e < nEvents * nEvents; ++e ) {
Double_t points[3];
points[0] = r.Uniform( minRange * .9 , maxRange * 1.1 );
points[1] = r.Uniform( minRange * .9 , maxRange * 1.1 );
points[2] = r.Uniform( minRange * .9 , maxRange * 1.1 );
for ( Int_t e = 0; e < nEvents * nEvents; ++e ) {
Double_t points[3];
points[0] = r.Uniform( minRange * .9 , maxRange * 1.1 );
points[1] = r.Uniform( minRange * .9 , maxRange * 1.1 );
points[2] = r.Uniform( minRange * .9 , maxRange * 1.1 );
s3->Fill(points, c);
s1->Add(s2, c);
bool ret = equals(TString::Format("AddHn<%s>", HIST::Class()->GetName()), s3, s1, cmpOptStats , 1E-10);
Lorenzo Moneta
delete s2;
delete s3;
return ret;
// Tests the first Multiply method for 1D Histograms
Double_t c1 = r.Rndm();
Double_t c2 = r.Rndm();
Lorenzo Moneta
TH1D* h1 = new TH1D("m1D1_h1", "h1-Title", numberOfBins, minRange, maxRange);
TH1D* h2 = new TH1D("m1D1_h2", "h2-Title", numberOfBins, minRange, maxRange);
TH1D* h3 = new TH1D("m1D1_h3", "h3=c1*h1*c2*h2", numberOfBins, minRange, maxRange);
UInt_t seed = r.GetSeed();
// For possible problems
for ( Int_t e = 0; e < nEvents; ++e ) {
Double_t value = r.Uniform(0.9 * minRange, 1.1 * maxRange);
h1->Fill(value, 1.0);
for ( Int_t e = 0; e < nEvents; ++e ) {
Double_t value = r.Uniform(0.9 * minRange, 1.1 * maxRange);
h2->Fill(value, 1.0);
h3->Fill(value, c1*c2*h1->GetBinContent( h1->GetXaxis()->FindBin(value) ) );
// h3 has to be filled again so that the erros are properly calculated
for ( Int_t e = 0; e < nEvents; ++e ) {
Double_t value = r.Uniform(0.9 * minRange, 1.1 * maxRange);
h3->Fill(value, c1*c2*h2->GetBinContent( h2->GetXaxis()->FindBin(value) ) );
// No the bin contents has to be reduced, as it was filled twice!
for ( Int_t bin = 0; bin <= h3->GetNbinsX() + 1; ++bin ) {
h3->SetBinContent(bin, h3->GetBinContent(bin) / 2 );
Lorenzo Moneta
TH1D* h4 = new TH1D("m1D1_h4", "h4=h1*h2", numberOfBins, minRange, maxRange);
h4->Multiply(h1, h2, c1, c2);
bool ret = equals("Multiply1D1", h3, h4, cmpOptStats , 1E-14);
Lorenzo Moneta
if (cleanHistos) delete h1;
if (cleanHistos) delete h2;
if (cleanHistos) delete h3;