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  1. Oct 09, 2019
  2. Sep 02, 2019
    • Axel Naumann's avatar
      [vmc] Disambiguate ROOT's ::Info from Pythia8's Info: · bba42194
      Axel Naumann authored
      Some Pythia8 headers expose an unfortunate "using namespace Pythia8".
      This triggers:
      In file included from /root/ship-log-keep/sw/slc7_x86-64/ROOT/master_FAIRSHIP-1/include/TMCManager.h:26:
      /root/ship-log-keep/sw/slc7_x86-64/ROOT/master_FAIRSHIP-1/include/TMCParticleStatus.h:81:7: error: reference to 'Info' is ambiguous
            Info("Print", "Status of track");
      /root/ship-log-keep/sw/BUILD/b61305e07edfb1f9a906335e2093ac409db3c4cc/ROOT/include/TError.h:58:13: note: candidate found by name lookup is 'Info'
      extern void Info(const char *location, const char *msgfmt, ...)
      /root/ship-log-keep/sw/slc7_x86-64/pythia/v8230-ship-1/include/Pythia8/Info.h:30:7: note: candidate found by name lookup is 'Pythia8::Info'
      class Info {
      By explicitly requesting "::Info" that ambiguity should be resolved.
  3. Jul 25, 2019
  4. Jul 16, 2019
  5. Jul 01, 2019
  6. Jun 13, 2019
  7. May 31, 2019
  8. May 08, 2019
  9. May 06, 2019
    • Ivana Hrivnacova's avatar
      Make building of vmc optional: · 202f339e
      Ivana Hrivnacova authored
      this will allow to maintain a standalone version of VMC in parallel, which can be then tagged more frequently according to the needs of the VMC project
  10. Apr 12, 2019
  11. Mar 26, 2019
    • Benedikt Volkel's avatar
      Use multiple different engines in VMC · 93992b13
      Benedikt Volkel authored
      This is an extension allowing the VMC package to run a simulation
      with multiple different engines at a time. Tracks can be transferred
      among engines during a simulation run based on conditions specified by
      the user.
      Important notes on the extensions:
        1) This extension preserves backward-compatibility in the sense that
           user code relying on the former version of VMC is still running
           with the extended version. Was tested with GEANT3_VMC@v2-6 and
        2) A shared simulation is only possible when TGeo is used for geometry
           construction and navigation.
        3) A TMCManager singleton object is responsible for handling multiple
           engines and can be obtained on request calling
           TVirtualMCApplication::RequestManager() during construction of the
           user application class.
        4) The introduced TMCParticleStatus objects hold additional
           information to keep track of properties when a track is transferred
           between engines.
        5) When a track is interrupted in one engine to be transferred to
           another, the geometry state is cached in the form of a
           TGeoBranchArray object. It will be used to initialize the navigator
           when this track is picked up for further transport in the next
           engine. This is especially useful/required when a track is
           transferred at a volume boundary in order to be picked up in the
           entered volume and not in the one just left. This is a main reason
           why geometry management is forced to be done via TGeo.
      A more comprehensive introduction concerning the usage and
      implementation in the user code can be found in the
      Further note:
        This commit also applies the clang format to the modified and new
  12. Feb 11, 2019
  13. Oct 03, 2018
  14. Oct 01, 2018
  15. Sep 30, 2018
  16. Sep 28, 2018
  17. Sep 24, 2018
  18. Apr 25, 2018
    • Ivana Hrivnacova's avatar
      Support for user defined sensitive detectors; new TVirtualMC::NIELEdep(); clean-up: · f769c303
      Ivana Hrivnacova authored
      - Added support for user defined sensitive detectors
        o TVirtualMCSensitiveDetector: the interface class for a user sensitive detector
        o New functions in TVirtualMC:
           void SetSensitiveDetector(const TString &volName, TVirtualMCSensitiveDetector *sd);
           TVirtualMCSensitiveDetector *GetSensitiveDetector(const TString &volName) const;
           void SetExclusiveSDScoring(Bool_t exclusiveSDScoring);
        o New function in TVirtualMCApplication:
           void ConstructSensitiveDetectors();
      - Added new TVirtualMC::NIELEdep() function
      - Removed default implementation for  TVirtualMC::TrackPosition/Momentum with Float_t arguments
  19. Mar 27, 2018
  20. Oct 05, 2017
  21. Sep 20, 2017
  22. Sep 04, 2017
  23. Aug 30, 2017
  24. Jul 28, 2017
    • Raphael Isemann's avatar
      Use ROOT_STANDARD_LIBRARY_PACKAGE where possible [NFC] · ac0de75b
      Raphael Isemann authored
      This refactors the CMake build files to no longer manually call
      the CMake functions for generating and linking the dicionairies.
      One reason is to reduce boilerplate, the other is that it is now
      no longer possible to have naming mismatches between the dictionary
      generation arguments and linking function arguments which was causing
      the race conditions we had in our build system.
      This also now follows more strictly the separation between dependencies
      like Math, Tree and Core and pure linking flags to external libraries.
  25. Jul 12, 2017
    • Raphael Isemann's avatar
      Fixed dependencies between rootcling invocations and linking. · 82ecb5f0
      Raphael Isemann authored
      The naming of the library in the two function calls ROOT_GENERATE_DICTIONARY
      and ROOT_LINKER_LIBRARY was often not matching. This causes that
      ROOT_LINKER_LIBRARY couldn't correctly set its dependencies to the output
      file of ROOT_GENERATE_DICTIONARY and therefore causes race conditions in
      the build system.
      Note: We're attached all dependencies to a custom target, and
      NOT to the output files generated by rootcling. This should mitigate
      the race conditions we experience when multiple targets in different
      Make jobs request the same output file as a dependency and then
      suffer from this Make problem that is described here:
      This patch also adds a (commented out) piece of code that can print
      warnings if we don't have a fitting G__*.cxx file for a
      ROOT_LINKER_LIBRARY call. This is sometimes intended, so I didn't
      enable this warning by default. We should enable this code
      by default in the future once we have a way to express if we
      intentionally don't provide the G__*.cxx file when calling
    • Raphael Isemann's avatar
      Add missing dependencies to ROOT_GENERATE_DICTIONARY · 8a646b53
      Raphael Isemann authored
      ROOT_GENERATE_DICTIONARY allows to specify dependencies, but we currently
      don't actually specify those. As we need this for getting the module
      dependencies right (as we can't build missing modules on demand), we should
      add those dependencies here. Then those dependencies propagate to the
      rootcling invocation which will in the future also generate the C++ module
      for the selected dictionary.
  26. Jun 13, 2017
  27. Jun 06, 2017
    • Vassil Vassilev's avatar
      Do not confuse clang-format. · 68a8a335
      Vassil Vassilev authored
      ClassImp is a macro defined in Rtypes.h. It can be written without trailing
      semicolon. However, clang-format is based on lexing and it doesn't know at
      all about preprocessors and how to expand macros. When visiting ClassImp(X)
      it thinks this is not a completed entity (as it doesn't expand macros) and
      considers the next line as continuation of the previous.
      Inserting a semicolon fixes the issue and makes formatting with clang-format
      in the ROOT codebase less tricky.
  28. Mar 27, 2017