- Jul 11, 2019
Enric Tejedor Saavedra authored
Enric Tejedor Saavedra authored
Enric Tejedor Saavedra authored
- Jul 08, 2019
Stefan Wunsch authored
Stefan Wunsch authored
maxgalli authored
- Jul 01, 2019
Axel Naumann authored
- Jun 19, 2019
Enric Tejedor Saavedra authored
Use the generic PyROOT_PyUnicode_FromString function, which is implemented differently in Py2 and Py3 and in both cases will produce a Python string.
Enric Tejedor Saavedra authored
In Python3, if an error is set (e.g. because we tried to get an attribute that does not exist from an object), any subsequent get attribute operation will fail, even if the attribute is present. Clearing the error after the first (failed) attribute get solves the problem.
Enric Tejedor Saavedra authored
When instantiating a template based on the types of the arguments, a Python float should be mapped to a C++ double.
Enric Tejedor Saavedra authored
After the changes proposed by PR#3858, TClingMethodInfo does not iterate over instantiated templates anymore. This requires changes in PyROOT, since GetListOfMethods will not return those instantiations. Instead of relying on the instantiations for the lookup of a given function/method to succeed, the list of function templates needs to be checked too and create a TemplateProxy if necessary.
- Jun 18, 2019
Enric Tejedor Saavedra authored
- Jun 17, 2019
Stefan Wunsch authored
The new cmake option `dataframe` enables building the ROOTDataFrame library and takes care of implication on the build system. The option is enabled by default unless a 32bit system is detected.
maxgalli authored
[Exp PyROOT] Implemented the possibility to call a namespace inside cppyy.gbl.ROOT by typing simply ROOT.namespace instead of ROOT.ROOT.namespace
Wim Lavrijsen authored
Wim Lavrijsen authored
- May 29, 2019
Vassil Vassilev authored
We should not expect users to know when is the best time to enable autoloading in the interpreter.
- May 24, 2019
maxgalli authored
maxgalli authored
We add __radd__, __rsub__, __rmul__ and __rtruediv__/__rdiv__
Guilherme Amadio authored
Enric Tejedor Saavedra authored
Enric Tejedor Saavedra authored
The warnings are triggered by the use of the Py_RETURN_TRUE and Py_RETURN_FALSE macros of the Python C API. The use of such macros is necessary and cannot be worked around. The option is disabled on Windows since it does not exist.
Enric Tejedor Saavedra authored
The Python C API already provides these convenience macros.
- May 22, 2019
Enric Tejedor Saavedra authored
The bug has been reported and fixed in upstream CPyCppyy.
Enric Tejedor Saavedra authored
Enric Tejedor Saavedra authored
The equality and inequality operators are better implemented in C++, since we need to need to rely on Cppyy's rich comparison if the object we are comparing ourselves with is not a Python proxy or if it contains a null pointer. For example, we need to support the comparison to None. The rest of comparison operators (i.e. those that define order) can be implemented in Python, throwing a NotImplemented exception if we are not comparing two proxies to TObject or derivate.
Enric Tejedor Saavedra authored
- May 21, 2019
Axel Naumann authored
Its op-> is in a base class!
- May 09, 2019
Enric Tejedor Saavedra authored
When drawing a TPad, it gets added to the list of primititves of its mother TPad (fMother) with kCanDelete == 1. This means that, when fMother is destructed, it will attempt to destroy its child TPad too. To prevent a double delete, here we instruct the Python proxy of the child C++ TPad being drawn not to destroy the latter (ROOT-10060). A similar principle is applied to TButton, TColorWheel, TPolyLine3D, TPolyMarker and TPolyMarker3D, whose kCanDelete bit is set in one of their constructors. Later, when being drawn, they are appended to the list of primitives of gPad. TSlider is a special case, since it is appended to gPad already in one of its constructors, after setting kCanDelete. Therefore, we need to set the ownership when constructing the object and not in Draw (TSlider does not need to be drawn). This is ROOT-10095.
- Apr 30, 2019
Enric Tejedor Saavedra authored
- Apr 29, 2019
Enric Tejedor Saavedra authored
By default, PyROOT will send sys.argv to TApplication for the arguments to be parsed. User arguments for the Python script can be passed after a "-" or "--" in the command line and they will be ignored by PyROOT. The user can disable the aforementioned argument parsing by adding a configuration option before any lookup in the ROOT module: > import ROOT > ROOT.PyConfig.IgnoreCommandLineOptions = True
Enric Tejedor Saavedra authored
This commit introduces the logic to display ROOT graphics when using Python interactively. For that purpose, hooks are installed to process the GUI events and to update the display. Note that the threading approach is not used anymore: no thread is explicitly created to process the events. The code based on hooks should work on all the platforms, but it needs to be tested. For the same reason, some code that handled the threading case on Windows has been removed for now, and will be restored only if necessary. Most of the code has been picked from several parts of the current ROOT.py and put together in the configuration of the PyROOT TApplication. The activation of the graphics is triggered only if ROOT is not in batch mode. Such mode can be set by the user right after importing ROOT.
Enric Tejedor Saavedra authored
The RPyROOTApplication is a TApplication that sets up the nuts and bolts for interactive ROOT use from Python, closely following TRint.
- Apr 23, 2019
Stefan Wunsch authored
Variables are detected as used initialized if initialization is done via a call to the interpreter.
- Apr 18, 2019
Stefan Wunsch authored
Stefan Wunsch authored
The warning is introduced starting with gcc8 (cast-function-type).
Stefan Wunsch authored
Register keyword is deprecated since C++11. Observed with Python 2.7 installation and AppleClang/gcc7 in combination with C++17.
Stefan Wunsch authored
Set missing initializer in list, warning seen with gcc 7 and 8.