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  • Adin Scannell's avatar
    Remove legacy bazel configurations. · 54e989ec
    Adin Scannell authored
    Using the newer bazel rules necessitates a transition from proto1 to
    proto2. In order to resolve the incompatibility between proto2 and
    gogoproto, the cri runtimeoptions proto must be vendored.
    Further, some of the semantics of bazel caching changed during the
    transition. It is now necessary to:
    - Ensure that :gopath depends only on pure library targets, as the
      propagation of go_binary build attributes (pure, static) will
      affected the generated files (though content remains the same,
      there are conflicts with respect to the gopath).
    - Update to include the possibility of binaries in the
      bazel-out directory, as it will now put runsc and others there.
      This required some refinements to the mechanism of extracting
      paths, since some the existing regex resulted in false positives.
    - Change nogo rules to prevent escape generation on binary targets.
      For some reason, the newer version of bazel attempted to run the
      nogo analysis on the binary targets, wh...
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