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  • Denis Ovsienko's avatar
    NFLOG: Use correct AF code points on all OSes. · 7ae7fa15
    Denis Ovsienko authored
    On Haiku R1/beta4 "make check" failed the "nglog-e" test case because
    the printer did not recognize address family 2 as IPv4:
    -    1  18:31:59.615994 version 0, resource ID 20, family IPv4 (2),
    +    1  18:31:59.615994 version 0, resource ID 20, family Unknown (2),
    Fix print-nflog.c to use the wire encoding AF code points rather than
    the OS libc AF constants.  This fixes "make check" on Haiku and likely
    fixes IPv6 NFLOG decoding on a few non-Linux OSes.
    NFLOG: Use correct AF code points on all OSes.
    Denis Ovsienko authored
    On Haiku R1/beta4 "make check" failed the "nglog-e" test case because
    the printer did not recognize address family 2 as IPv4:
    -    1  18:31:59.615994 version 0, resource ID 20, family IPv4 (2),
    +    1  18:31:59.615994 version 0, resource ID 20, family Unknown (2),
    Fix print-nflog.c to use the wire encoding AF code points rather than
    the OS libc AF constants.  This fixes "make check" on Haiku and likely
    fixes IPv6 NFLOG decoding on a few non-Linux OSes.
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