is an open-source command-line tool to help VASP players play better with VASP.
is written proudly in pure Rust.
Now rsgrad
provides several features:
- Track the relaxation and MD (molecular dynamics) progress;
- Calculate and visualize the DOS (density of states) and pDOS (projected DOS);
- Plot and visualize the band structure and fat band structure;
- Save the frames with given MD or relaxation trajectory;
- Calculate charge density difference;
- Analyze the vibration eigen values and eigen vectors;
- Plot the wave function at given bands in real-space;
- Plot the wave function at given bands in real-space then integrate it over specified plane;
- Plot and visualize the work function;
- Split POSCAR;
Convert between fractional coordinates and Cartesian coordinates;
Format POSCAR; - Generate POTCAR according to POSCAR;
- Calculate Transition Dipole Moment;
- Calculate band gap and print locations of CBM and VBM.
- Convert one quantity to other units that representing same energy.
- Calculate model non-adiabatic coupling (NAC) for NAMD-LMI (a subset of Hefei-NAMD).
Wish you have a good time with rsgrad
Please read the rsgrad's book for documentation.