Rene Brun
- TImage, TASImage o Change return type of Vectorize method from "void" to "Double_t*". o Implement FromWindow method under X11. This method allows to create "snapshot image" from any ROOT window or frame. - config/Makefile.depend Add dependency of libGuiBld lib on libGraf. GuiBuilder uses internally TImage/TASImage class. - GX11Gui.cxx X11 error handler was slightly modified. Many X11 errors lead to freezing X11 server and did not allow debugging. To prevent freezing, a "forced seg.violation" was added to the error handler. The usage of the new "feature" is the following: 0. run "gdb root.exe" 1. set "gDebug = (int)gVirtualX" - that activates the new error handling. 2. run application which has X11 errors. On X11 error the application was stopped by the "forced seg.violation". 3. "gdb>bt" - backtrace the problem. !!! A big list of changes in libGui initiated by gui builder development !!! - TGButton.h, TGButton.cxx TGButton class: o SetDown methods removed from context menu. o SetEnabled method of context menu changed to TOGGLE. Setting fWidgetFlags was added. - TGTextButton class o GetNormGC(), GetFontStruct() methods are introduced. o SetFont removed from context menu. o ChangeText(const char *title) was introduced and added to context menu. o fixed an error in SetFont method which set font globally instead of locally. o SavePrimitive - save text justification - TGPictureButton o added getter method GetDisabledPicture() - TGCanvas o added to GuiBuilder widgets palette. - TGColorDialog o new methods: - TGColorPalette *GetPalette(), - TGColorPalette *GetCustomPalette(), - void SetCurrentColor(Pixel_t col) o new signal: - void ColorSelected(Pixel_t) o new parameter added to contructor "Bool_t wait". If "wait" is kTRUE, "gClient->WaitForUnmap" is called internally (normal/old usage). If "wait" is kFALSE - "gClient->WaitForUnmap" should be called by user. o few "usefull" colors added to "custom" palette. - TGColorSelect o added to GuiBuilder widgets palette. - TGComboBox o new methods: - SortByName - allows to sort combobox entries by names. - SetEnabled, IsEnabled. - TGFontDialog was rewritten. o Previous version worked under win32 only, now it works on X11 also. It allows to select any font available on the system. o new parameter added to contructor "Bool_t wait". If "wait" is kTRUE, "gClient->WaitForUnmap" is called internally (normal/old usage). If "wait" is kFALSE - "gClient->WaitForUnmap" should be called by user. o new methods: void SetFont(TGFont *font); void SetColor(Pixel_t color); void SetAlign(Int_t align); void EnableAlign(Bool_t on = kTRUE); void UpdateStyleSize(const char *family); o new signals: - FontSelected(char *font) - AlignSelected(Int_t a) - ColorSelected(Pixel_t c) - TGFrame o unused static member fgContextMenu removed. - TGCompositeFrame o TGCompositeFrame::SetEditDisabled modified. It is used for setting fEditDisableXX attribute during gui buildind. o ChangeSubframesBackground helper method was introduced. - TGGroupFrame o SetTextFont, SetTextColor methods were corrected for "local" changing of the font. - TGWindow o kEditDisableKeyEnable added to EEditMode enum. If this flag is set - window can handle keyboard events during gui building. - TGLabel o new methods: - GetNormGC, GetFontStruct o fixed bugs in setting label's "local" text font. o SavePrimitive - saving text justification added. - TGListBox o new methods: - SortByName - allow to sort listbox entries by names. - new auxilary/internal class TGLBFrameElement created. It's used for ascending/descending sort of list box entries. o reimplemented methods: ChangeBackground, Layout, GetDefaultWidth o disable changing layout manager in SetLayoutManager method. Layout manager is not used for layout of list box. - TGIcon o SetImagePath method was corrected. - TGScrollBarElement o new methods: - SetEnabled, IsEnabled. These methods are used in enabling/disabling TGNumberEntry objects. - TGScrollBar o new getter methods: - GetHead, GetTail, GetSlider o new signals: - PositionChanged, RangeChanged, PageSizeChanged o ChangeBackground was reimplemented. - TGShutter o new methods: - AddPage, RemovePage, RenamePage o new signal Selected. o disable changing layout manager in SetLayoutManager method. Layout manager is not used for layout. - TGView o disable changing layout manager by SetLayoutManager method. Layout manager is not used for layout. o ChangeBackground(Pixel_t col) method added which changes background color only of the canvas frame. - TGNumberEntry o more options added to context menu. - TGProgressBar o new getter/setter methods: - GetBarColor, GetNormGC, GetFontStruct, SetForegroundColor. - TGTab o disable SetEditDisabled method to avoid changing "edit disable attribute". - TGTextEdit, TGTextView, TGView o fixed bug - "character replace" mode didn't work o setting insert mode added to context menu. o setting "read only" mode added to context menu. o new method which enable/disable "popup menu for edit actions" added. o few corrections to SavePrimitive method. - TGTextEntry o guibuilder specific code was removed. - TGuiBuilder.h, TGuiBldAction o possibility to set picture for context menu entry added. - treeviewer/inc/TSessionViewer.h o forward declaration of TContextMenu class added. git-svn-id: 27541ba8-7e3a-0410-8455-c3a389f83636
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