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Lorenzo Moneta
Modifications by Jakub Ademek and Max Baak : ensure that ToyMCSampler can return TTree with detailed fit output. See for a detailed description: Modifications by Sven Kreiss: ProfileLikelihoodTestStat: - added option to add errors and pulls to detailed output Revision 44128 - Directory Listing Modified Fri May 4 21:33:08 2012 UTC (2 days, 17 hours ago) by sven ToyMCSampler, ToyMCStudy, SamplingDistribution, DetailedOutputAggregator: - bugfixes for the naming of the result - return toys with weight=1 when generating unweighted toys (not -1) - make it optional to return errors and pulls with detailed output - from Tim Adye: catch NaNs at the right place ProfileLikelihoodTestStat: - added option to add errors and pulls to detailed output FrequentistCalculator (from Tim Adye): - skip the profiling if there are no free nuisance parameters --This line, and those below, wil _M roostats _M roostats/src M roostats/src/HypoTestResult.cxx M roostats/src/FrequentistCalculator.cxx M roostats/src/HypoTestCalculatorGeneric.cxx M roostats/src/RooStatsUtils.cxx M roostats/src/ToyMCSampler.cxx M roostats/src/ToyMCStudy.cxx M roostats/src/ProfileLikelihoodTestStat.cxx M roostats/src/SamplingDistribution.cxx _M roostats/inc M roostats/inc/LinkDef.h M roostats/inc/RooStats/ProfileLikelihoodTestStat.h _M roostats/inc/RooStats/ToyMCSamplerOld.h M roostats/inc/RooStats/FrequentistCalculator.h M roostats/inc/RooStats/HypoTestCalculatorGeneric.h A + roostats/inc/RooStats/DetailedOutputAggregator.h M roostats/inc/RooStats/RatioOfProfiledLikelihoodsTestStat.h M roostats/inc/RooStats/ToyMCStudy.h M roostats/inc/RooStats/TestStatistic.h M roostats/inc/RooStats/SamplingDistribution.h M roostats/inc/RooStats/HypoTestResult.h A + roostats/inc/RooStats/MinNLLTestStat.h M roostats/inc/RooStats/RooStatsUtils.h M roostats/inc/RooStats/ToyMCSampler.h git-svn-id: 27541ba8-7e3a-0410-8455-c3a389f83636
Name | Last commit | Last update |