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Wouter Verkerke authored
Import changes from development branch

==== Date: Wed Feb 20 22:33:28 2008 =====

   o RooRealSumPdf

     - Do _not_ use normalization of RooAbsPdf input components
       in numerator of RooRealSumPdf expression since it is 
       already explicitly occurring in denominator of RooRealSumPdf.
       (Fixes wrong normalization reported by Tristan)

   o RooObjCacheManager

     - Register owner of cache with each cache elememt to
       facilitate callbacks

   o RooAbsCacheElement

     - Add storage for pointer to owner of cache and
       supply setOwner() function

   o RooAbsPdf

     - Use RooObjCacheManager callback mechanism to zero
       'last used normalization' pointer in RooAbsPdf
       when the cache-owned object pointed is about
       to be deleted. 

   o RooAbsArg

     - Make crc32 function static

   o RooWorkspace

     - Add CodeRepo nested class that allows to store C++ code
       of RooAbsArg derived classes that are not in ROOT distribution
       but are contained in workspace. When reading any missing
       class, code is compiled on the fly allowing for transparent
       reading of workspace object from file. Code is found in
       location pointed to from TClass objects. Additional search
       path for declaration and implementation files can be provided
       to be able to handle non-trivial cases.

     - Add WSDir nested class that represents information contained
       in workspace as read-only TDirectory for easy interactive use. 
       Directory representation is created using makeDir() member function.

  o LinkDef3

     - Add nested classes in RooWorkspace

===== Date: Wed Mar 26 23:04:26 2008 =====

   o RooProdPdf

     - Fix typo in ctor documentaion

     - Improve error message in expectedEvents() when no extendable p.d.f.s are found

     - Implement getConstraints() function to retrieve constraint p.d.f terms from product
       expression given set of observables and set of parameters to be constrained.

   o RooMsgService

     - Add PROGRESS message level between INFO and WARNING

     - Add globalKill level for messages to be able to quickly eliminate all messages below
       a given level without interfering with the stream structore of RooMsgService

   o RooPrintable

     - Implement new printing interface with more details control over items printed trhough contents enum
       (multiple ORable options) and style of printing (inline, single line, (verbose) multiline) with style 
       enum (exclusive options). 

     - Introduce generic virtual functions for printing of name,title,value,arguments,
       and extras of each object. 

     - Each class can overload the default contents used for all printing
       uses (inline,verbose,standard) etc as well as the default printing style invoked by Print()

   o RooPlot,RooGenContext, RooAbsRealLValue,RooDataSet,RooNameSet,RooCustomizer, RooAbsGenContext, RooAddModel,

     - Update to new RooPrintable interface

   o RooGenContext,RooAbsGenContext,RooAddGenContext,RooProdGenContext,RooConvGenContext,RooSimGenContext

     - Implement attach() function to simplify management of changing parameters during lifetime of context

   o RooAbsRealLValue

     - Eliminate inFitRange() warning message as it is gives too many false warnings when used with
       parameterized ranges

   o RooCustomizer

     - Make owning of contents optional to simplify release of created components

   o RooAbsReal

     - Implement new evaluation error logging mechanism. Rather than passing zero p.d.f values, push error message with
       details on a static stack (if logging is enabled by e.g. RooMinuit). 

     - Augment functionality of createIntegral: explicitly allow integration over ranges with bounds parameterized in 
       in terms of other integrated observables. Integrals of this type are automatically recognized and cast
       as recursive integrals in case of >1-D integrals to integrate over requested phase space. 

     - Add createIntObj() helper function for above functionaliy.

     - Eliminate a lot of commented out debug code from createPlotProjection()

     - Modify fillHistogram(): when plot observables are cloned, explicitly interconnect clones again to facilitate
       proper plotting of N-D integrals with entangled parameterized ranges

     - Add ScaleFactor() argument to fillHistogram to control use of histogram density correction scale factor in Z-scale
       of filled histogram

   o RooProduction

     - Fix bug for persistence

   o RooRealMPFE

     - Extend client/server protocol with message to retrieve RooAbsReal evaluation error log from server side and
       merge with error log on client side

   o RooRealVar

     - Introduced concept of non-shared alternative binnings(ranges) required to accommodate RooParamBinning ranges
       that cannot be shared across instances because of their client/server connection to other objects in p.d.f
       expression trees. Modify setBinning to automatically recognize non-shareable binnings and divert those to
       non-shared alternative binning container.

     - Add setRange([const char*,] RooAbsReal&,RooAbsReal&) methods to simplify creation of parameterized ranges.

   o RooAbsArg

     - Introduce concept of owned components with addOwnedComponents() interface to be able to make any RooAbsArg
       object own any number of others. This can be used to simplify the memory management of object trees 

     - Introduce prohibitServerRedirect mode that will trigger fatal assert if any server redirect is attempted
       to thus configured object. Useful as debugging tool to track faulty copy constructors that leave clone
       object tree unintentionally connected to the original object tree.

     - Migrate fixed--name-field management tool from RooAbsReal to RooAbsArg. Used to accomplish regular
       formatting in RooAbsCollection::printStream.

     - Add concept of transient boolean attributes that are not tranferred on copy construction. Mostly useful
       for debugging.

     - Extend leafNodeServerList and treeNodeServerList to distinguish to types of leaf-nodes: strict leaf modes
       in the sense of the client-server tree structure and 'physical' leaf nodes that do not recurse into
       nodes that have isDerived()==kFalse. The latter corresponds to the original concept of leaf nodes / variables,
       which the former mode, a new addition, explicitly exposes any shape servers contained in parameterized
       ranges of variables.

     - Fix logic error in recursiveServerRedirect: do not recurse into nodes that are in the replacement list themselves.

     - Fix bug in printCompactTree(): value/shape clients were not always properly indicated.

     - Add getAllConstraints() method that finds all RooProdPdfs in expression trees and harvest constraints from all
       of these from the getConstraint() method

   o RooAbsPdf

     - Implement new evaluation error logging mechanism for negative p.d.f values and zero normalization integrals

     - Add Constrain(const RooArgSet& pars) and ExternalConstraints(const RooArgSet& pdfs) arguments to fitTo() method.
       The Constrain() method retrieves any constraints p.d.f. on parameters multiplied in any RooProdPdf in the normal 
       p.d.f expression and adds those to the likelihood that is minimized. Only constraints on the listed parameters
       will be picked up. Multiple constraints per parameter may exist. The ExternalConstrains() argument implements
       similar functionality except that provided external constraint p.d.f.s are added rather than internal constraints.

     - Fix potentially fatal bug in print statement in getContext()

     - Add new method createCdf() to create a cumulative distribution function from given p.d.f. Given a set of observables x, 
       the returned c.d.f is implemented in terms of a RooRealIntegral of p.d.f(x') over a parameterized range from [ 0 - x ].

   o Roo1DIntegrator

     - Improve error message

   o RooRealIntegral

     - Fix bug in calculation of shape dependencies on observables.

     - Add handling of dependencies of integral value on values of objects representing parameterized ranges of
       integrated observables.     

   o RooMCStudy

      - Add Constrain(const RooArgSet& pars) and ExternalConstraints(const RooArgSet& pdfs) arguments to constructor.
        In addition to passing these arguments to the fitTo() call of the fit stage, modify event generation as
        follows: instead of sampling events from 'static' generator p.d.f, sample value of constrained parameters
        from joint constraints p.d.f and sample observables at those parameter settings. Save the generator parameters
        for each toy as these change per toy. Change the pull calculation such that it uses the per-event truth values
        rather than the per-study truth value if constraints are used.

   o RooAddition

     - Fix bug in evaluate() related to persistence

   o RooMinuit

     - Enable/disable new evaluation error logging mechanism prior to and just after each MINUIT call.

     - Print logged error messages, if any, in glue function

   o RooProjectedPdf

     - Fix important bug: normalization set should always include integration set for each configuration

   o RooGlobalFunc

     - Add definition of Scaling(),Constrain() and ExternalConstraints() helper functions 

   o RooUniformBinning
     - Remove dedicated print function as it output is identical to that of the generic print function in RooAbsBinningx

   o RooAbsBinning

     - Add virtual methods isParameterized(),lowBound() and highBound() to be to detect and analyze parameterized binnings
       through abstract interface

     - Add isShareable() method to be able to separate shareable and non-shareable binnings in RooRealVar.

     - Add insertHook() and removeHook() function to allow connection of possible proxies present in binning to
       owning RooAbsArg.

   o RooWorkspace

     - Improve code import facility by introducing a class->file mapping step in the CodeStore to correctly handle cases where 
       multiple classes are defined in a single file.

     - Add check that TClass interface actually yields file names.

     - Only require default constructor to be present for non-abstract classes. It should be there for abstract classes as
       well but current TClass::HasDefaultConstructor() method will not tell us.

   o RooTreeData

     - Improve renameVariable() method to not only rename the RooAbsArg branch buffer but also any TTree branches involved as well.
       While the tree branch names are generally invisible to the user, having branch names that are different from branch buffer names
       may cause branch naming conflicts in merge() that are not detectable as branch buffer naming conflicts.

   o RooParamBinning

     - New class implementing binning with low and high points defined by external RooAbsReal objects 

   o RooConstrainSum

     - Helper class for RooAbsPdf to represent likelihood of collection of constraint p.d.f.s.

==== Date: Fri Mar 28 10:04:57 2008 =====

   o RooRecursiveFraction

     - Helper function for RooAddPdf that calculates recursive fraction 
       f1*(1-f2)*(1-f3) from a given set of plain fractions

   o RooAddPdf

     - Add flag to ctor to optionally interpret fractions as recursive fractions.
       If activated it constructs the recursive fractions using RooRecursiveFraction
       from the original fractions

   o LinkDef3.h,

     - Add new class RooRecursiveFraction

==== Date: Tue Apr  1 22:42:19 2008 ====

   o RooDataWeightedAverage

     - New implementation of RooAbsOptTestStatistics that calculates data weighted
       average of any RooAbsReal. This class serves as successor of RooDataProjBinding
       that no longer complies with new optimization scheme. 

   o RooRealBinding

     - Implement name() function for more useful error messaging in integration

   o RooChi2Var,RooNLLVar

     - Follow changes in base class

   o RooAbsReal

     - In plotOn() support binning flag in ProjWData(). Reimplement data-weighted projections
       using new RooDataWeightedAverage class instead of RooDataProjBinding which does not
       work with new generic function optimization scheme. 

     - Add support for NumCPU() argument
       in plotOn() to facilitate multi-processor calculation of projections. Extend NumCPU()
       argument to pass interleaving option in MP splitting mode of RooAbsTestStatistic

     - Move fixAddCoefNormalization() and fixAddCoefRange() from RooAbsPdf to RooAbsReal

   o RooAbsTestStatistic

     - Generalize functionality: allow RooAbsReals as input arguments instead of RooAbsPdfs only.
       Also add virtual globalNormalization() function that allows to apply a global normalization
       term after combinedValue() operation to facilitate functionality of RooDataWeightedAverage.

     - Add option to split data in multiprocessor mode in interleave mode instead of in bulk mode.
       Interleave mode is useful for parallel processing of histogram data where bulk partitions
       may not contain equal amount of non-zero data points leading to non-optimal load balancing
       between processes.

   o RooAbsPdf

     - Move fixAddCoefRange() and fixAddCoefNormalization to RooAbsReal to support operation of
       new generalized RooAbsTestStatistic

   o RooIntegrator1D

     - Use name() of RooAbsFunc() to clarify warning and error messages.

   o RooRealIntegral

     - Rename _operMode to _intOperMode to avoid shadowing of equally named data member in RooAbsArg

     - Fix bug in recursive printing

   o RooSetProxy

     - Fix bug in print()

   o RooGlobalFunc

     - Modify ProjWData() and NumCPU() helper functions with extra optional argument

   o RooAbsOptTestStatistic

     - Follow changes in RooAbsTestStatistic

   o RooAbsFunc

     - Add virtual name() function to facilitate better error and warning messages from integrators

=== Date: Tue Apr 15 17:57:32 2008 ===

   o RooMsgService

     - Add option to prefix streamed messages with process ID to simplify
       debugging of parallel fits

   o RooAbsProxy

     - Add optional addContents flag to print()

   o RooArgProxy, RooSetProxy, RooListProxy

     - Implement addContents flag in print()

   o RooAbsReal

     - Reimplement stack of logged error messages in terms of custom EvalError class. 
       A separate list<EvalError> is now kept for each object that reports an error.
       In addition to the given error message a record is constructed of the proxy
       values at the time of reporting. 
     - In printEvalErrors() add option to restrict number of reported items per node.
       If number is zero, only number of errors per node is shown (without details)

   o RooRealMPFE
     - Adjust ReportErrors message to changes EvalError implementation in RooAbsReal.
     - Make sure to synchronize remote error logging state with state of parent process
       before each evaluate()

   o RooRealVar

     - Move printing of error from printValue() to printExtras()

   o RooNLLVar

     - Fix bug in setting of interleave parameter of base class in certain ctors

   o RooAbsPdf

     - Improve passing of eval error messsages by make separate messages for NaN
       and negative values and including details in the error message

     - Add PrintEvalError(Int_t nErr) option to fitTo() to control new eval error
       message control system

     - Int printValue show both value (raw from evaluate()) as well as most recently
       used normalization value (if available)

   o RooMinuit

     - Interface new eval error logging control by adding setPrintEvalErrors(Int_t numEvalErrors)

=== Date: Thu Apr 24 15:11:59 2008 ===

   o Various classes

     - Fix all -Wshadow compiler warnings

=== Date: Thu Apr 24 16:32:21 2008 ===

   o RooMsgService

     - Use TSystem::GetPid() rather than getpid() for portability

   o RooAbsReal

     - Make nested class EvalError public

   o RooWorkspace

     - Fix windows compiler warning


   o RooBanner

     - Increment version tag to 2.40

git-svn-id: 27541ba8-7e3a-0410-8455-c3a389f83636
Name Last commit Last update