Rene Brun
New vewrsion 2.09 of RooFit o RooAbsPdf - Add switch to randomizeProtoOrder() and to generate() to select alternate dataset randomization behavior (resampling instead of reshuffling) o RooGenContext - Take out debug statement that was accidentally left in o RooGlobalFunc - Add flag to ProtoData() named argument to support resampling mode of RooAbsPdf::generate() o RooProdGenContext - Fix detection and handling of leftover conditional observables in global product expression. o RooRealVar - Always write lmits in writeToStream() even if they are (-INF,+INF) - Fix streaming of RooRealVarSharedProperty objects, increment schema tag from v3 to v4 git-svn-id: 27541ba8-7e3a-0410-8455-c3a389f83636