An error occurred while loading commit signatures
- Jan 03, 2007
Wouter Verkerke authored
o - Fix dependency o RooAddition - Fix bug in copy ctor o RooBanner - Increase version tag to v2.11 o RooNumIntConfig - Add fwd class declaration to code compiles on g++ 4.1 git-svn-id: 27541ba8-7e3a-0410-8455-c3a389f83636
- Dec 08, 2006
Wouter Verkerke authored
o RooAbsHist - Fix mistake in documentation of Binning() o RooDataHist - Fix bug in handling of Z ranges o RooAdaptiveGaussKronrodIntegrator1D,RooGaussKronrodIntegrator1D - Import fix from Fons o RooHist - Protect possible occurence of division by zero in makeResidHist o RooHtml - Import fixes from ROOT team o RooBanner - Increment version tag to v2.10 git-svn-id: 27541ba8-7e3a-0410-8455-c3a389f83636
Wouter Verkerke authored
o RooRealVar - Delete temporary RooRealVarSharedProperty in Streamer if it turns out to be a null property o RooSharedProperties - Add hooks for memory tracing git-svn-id: 27541ba8-7e3a-0410-8455-c3a389f83636
- Dec 07, 2006
Wouter Verkerke authored
o RooRealVar - Do not instantiate shared properties until the're actually needed - Add method to delete shared properties (used in RooFitResult) - Add static null property to be written for RRVs without properties o RooRealVarSharedProperties,RooSharedProperties - Add ctor with uuid string o RooFitResult - Remove all shared properties of RRVs inside object to facilitate easy handling of large number of RFRs (e.g. in trees). Not doing so leaves them all connected through the shared properties list and will slow down operations git-svn-id: 27541ba8-7e3a-0410-8455-c3a389f83636
- Oct 06, 2006
Wouter Verkerke authored
- RooFitResult o Change conditional inclusion macro from TMatrixF forward declaration as current version of rootcint appears to choke on ROOT_VERSION macro - RooHtml o Follow change in THtml signature - RooMCStudy o Modify class to support concept of 'study modules' that can modify behaviour of RooMCStudy at various points in fit/generation cycle and that can write additional information to the fitParDataSet() summary dataset - RooAbsMCStudyModule o Abstract base class for RooMCStudy add-on modules that defines functions to be called at initialization, before each run, before each generation step, between each generation and fit step, after each fit step and at the end of each run. This class provides protected accessor functions to various internal configuration details of the RooMCStudy object to which it is attached. - RooDLLSignificancMCSModule o RooMCStudy add-on module that calculates the delta(-log(L)) between the nominal fit performed in the RooMCStudy and a refit with a parameter set to a null hypothesis (eg. nsig set to zero). The null-hypotesis likelihood, the difference between the nominal and null-hypo likelihood and the significance associated with that difference are added to the fitParDataSet() of the RooMCStudy. NB: The significance is calculated using (possible naive) Gaussian assumptions of the sampling distributions (i.e. signif=sqrt(2*Delta(LL))) - RooRandomizeParamMCSModule o RooMCStudy add-on module that allows to scan some of the generator parameters during the run. A generator parameter can be sampled from uniform distribution in a given range, or from a gaussian distribution with given mean and sigma. For every generator parameter that is varied a variable is added to the fitParDataSet() of RooMCStudy that indicated the actual generator value for each toy experiment. Additionally you can choose to vary the sum of a set of parameters uniformly or in a Gaussian way. In this mode a common scaling factor is applied to each specified parameter so that the sum of these parameters will add up to the target value sampled from either uniform or Gaussian distribution. - RooFitCore_Linkdef o Add nested utility classes of RooRandomizeParamMCSModule git-svn-id: 27541ba8-7e3a-0410-8455-c3a389f83636
- Aug 31, 2006
Wouter Verkerke authored
o RooFitResult, RooHtml - Minor compatibility fixes from Mario Bondioli git-svn-id: 27541ba8-7e3a-0410-8455-c3a389f83636
- Jul 12, 2006
Wouter Verkerke authored
o RooFitResult - Restore CVS head after insertion of version beloning to BaBar tag V02-00-07-01 git-svn-id: 27541ba8-7e3a-0410-8455-c3a389f83636
Wouter Verkerke authored
o RooFitResult - Insert (temporarily) BaBar version belonging to tag V02-00-07-01 git-svn-id: 27541ba8-7e3a-0410-8455-c3a389f83636
- Jul 04, 2006
Wouter Verkerke authored
git-svn-id: 27541ba8-7e3a-0410-8455-c3a389f83636
Wouter Verkerke authored
o RooAbsPdf - Add switch to randomizeProtoOrder() and to generate() to select alternate dataset randomization behavior (resampling instead of reshuffling) o RooGenContext - Take out debug statement that was accidentally left in o RooGlobalFunc - Add flag to ProtoData() named argument to support resampling mode of RooAbsPdf::generate() o RooProdGenContext - Fix detection and handling of leftover conditional observables in global product expression. o RooRealVar - Always write lmits in writeToStream() even if they are (-INF,+INF) - Fix streaming of RooRealVarSharedProperty objects, increment schema tag from v3 to v4 git-svn-id: 27541ba8-7e3a-0410-8455-c3a389f83636
- Jul 03, 2006
Wouter Verkerke authored
o RooAbsCollection - Fix bug in printLatex() : mangle both upper and lowercase options for sibling lists instead of just uppercase options o RooAbsGoodnessOfFit - Forgot to put certain print statements in if (_verbose) conditionals (C.Roat) - Order of arguments in calls to create() sometimes wrong (verbose/ncpu swapped) (C.Roat) o RooAbsOptGoodnessOfFit - Fix more mistakes with if (_verbose) conditionals (C.Roat) o RooAbsRealLValue - Remove forgotten debug print statement o RooAdaptiveGaussKronrodIntegrator1D,RooGaussKronrodIntegator1D,RooIntegrator1D,RooIntegrator2D, RooSegmentedIntegrator1D,RooSegmentedIntegrator2D,RooImproperIntegrator1D,RooMCIntegator - Change initialization process of RooNumIntFactory from dynamic process on loading to static process in RooNumIntFactor ctor as current model has problems o RooAddPdf - Add forgotton initializer for _refCoefRangeName in one of the constructors o RooArgSet - Declare writToFile() and writeToStream() as 'const' o RooBanner - Increment version tag to v2.08 o RooChi2Var - Fix copy/paste error in print statements in ctor o RooFitResult - Put ROOT version dependent #ifdef around TMatrix forward declaration to make it work with both ROOT4 and ROOT5 o RooHist,RooPlot - New implementation of pullHist/residualHist from G.Raven o RooNumIntConfig - Add forgotten initializers of RooCategory datamembers to ctor (fixes crashes observed by J. Rademackers) o RooNumIntFactory - Perform static initialization of all numeric integrator engines in the factory constructor (fixes oberved crashes of all numeric integration and configuration business) o RooRealVar - Back out change that setting asymmetric error clear symmetric error and vice versa. It causes just too much confusion... o RooSharedPropertiesList - Explicitly check for and handle input null pointers git-svn-id: 27541ba8-7e3a-0410-8455-c3a389f83636
- Mar 06, 2006
Wouter Verkerke authored
o RooMCStudy - Bug fix for fit-only operation (Lei Zhang) git-svn-id: 27541ba8-7e3a-0410-8455-c3a389f83636
- Dec 08, 2005
Wouter Verkerke authored
o RooBanner - Increment version tag to v2.07 git-svn-id: 27541ba8-7e3a-0410-8455-c3a389f83636
Wouter Verkerke authored
o RooAbsData - Extend interface of emptyClone() with optional argument specifying the subset of observables to clone o RooDataHist, RooDataSet - Implement interface change in emptyClone() o RooTreeData - In split() do not include split category (components) in output datasets as it may result in unacceptable memory consumption for binned datasets o RooProdPdf - Fix bug in handling of ranges for certain type of conditional product git-svn-id: 27541ba8-7e3a-0410-8455-c3a389f83636
Wouter Verkerke authored
o RooCategorySharedProperties - Shared properties implementation for RooCategory. Contains definition of named ranges. o RooCategory - Move towards shared properties implementation of named ranges o Roo1DTable RooAbsArg RooAbsCategory RooAbsCollection RooAbsString RooArgList RooArgSet RooCategory RooCategory RooCategoryProxy RooConvCoefVar RooConvGenContext RooCustomizer RooDataHist RooErrorVar RooFitResult RooGenCategory RooGenCategory RooGraphEdge RooGraphNode RooGraphNode RooHtml RooImproperIntegrator1D RooMultiCategory RooNameSet RooNumIntConfig RooNumIntFactory RooSuperCategory RooSuperCategory RooTable RooThreshEntry - Replace many ROOT header includes by forward declarations git-svn-id: 27541ba8-7e3a-0410-8455-c3a389f83636
- Dec 05, 2005
Wouter Verkerke authored
o RooConvGenContext - Remove forgotten debug print statement o RooDataHist - Initialize _realIter to zero in default ctor so that object don't crash in dtor (Bug report by Chris Roat) o RooFitResult - Do not call appendToDir() in 1st constructor when invoked as default ctor (name=0,title=0) to avoid ROOT memory management problems o RooSimPdfBuilder - Allocate config string memory buffer dynamically to avoid memory overruns for very complex builds o RooStreamParser - Fix processing of skipped lines to also skip the continuation lines if the skipped line was folded over multiple file lines git-svn-id: 27541ba8-7e3a-0410-8455-c3a389f83636
- Dec 01, 2005
Wouter Verkerke authored
o RooAbsAnaConvPdf - Throw away cache of convCoef objects in serverRedirect (solves generator problem reported by Gerhard) - Follow interface change of getNormObj() o RooAbsArg - Add option pattern string argument to printCompactTree() that causes only the components with names that match the pattern to be printed - Add getCloningAncestors() utility function that returns list of pointers to ancestors in the objects cloning history o RooAbsGenContext - Add auxiliary prototype variables to the _theEvent (solves generator problem reported by Gerhard) o RooAbsPdf - Change getNormObj() to take both nset and iset argument so that it can also cache fractional integrals. This is needed to support the use of RooAddPdf objects in RooExtendPdf as fractional range intergrals of RooAddPdfs cannot be represented as a ratio of two integrals in a the restricted and full range divided by each other o RooAbsReal - Change const declaration in one of the createIntegral() declarations o RooAddGenContext - Follow interface change in RooAddPdf::updateCoefCache() o RooAddPdf - Pass both supplemental and regular normalization set to updateCoefCache() to be able to deal with situations arising from using RooExtendPdf where the former is a null pointer. o RooConvGenContext - Add auxiliary prototype variables in constructor to list of variables of model and pdf. - In initGenerator() resync observable lists _pdfVars and _modelVars to those in the event that is passed to initGenerator(). Fixes generator problem reported by Gerhard. o RooExtendPdf - Change way fractional integral factor is calculated in expectedEvents(): use 1-step createIntegral() procedure available through new getNormObj() interface. This fixes a problem calculating the number of expected events in a range of a RooAddPdf. o RooGenContext - Use createIntegral() interface to construct AcceptReject input function rather than direct call of RooRealIntegral constructor. o RooProdGenContext - Small fix in handling of imported dependents in product parsing phase of generator context o RooProdPdf - Add forgotten handling of extended PDF term in selected constructors o RooProduct - Extend functionality so that product input terms can include RooAbsCategories as well o RooRealVar - Introduce concept of 'shared properties' among clones of RooRealVars. This simplifies user handling of certain RooRealVar properties that are synchronous among all clones of a RooRealVar. A simple demonstration: RooRealVar x("x","x",-10,10) ; RooRealVar* x2 = x->Clone() ; x.setRange("signal",-1,1) ; x2->getMin("signal") // returns -1 ; x2->setMax("signal",5) ; x.getmax("signal") // returns 5 ; The sharing is explicitly through cloning and not by name, so two independently created objects with identical names will not share properties. The sharing of properties is retained throughout persistence and unpersistence of objects. For now the definition of the named ranges has been moved into the shared properties part of RooRealVar and simplifies certain common uses cases such as RooRealVar x("x","x",-10,10) ; RooRealVar y("y","y",-10,10) ; // lots of code RooAbsPdf* F ; // constructed somewhere // more code RooDataSet* D ; // constructed somewhere y.setRange("signal",-1,1) ; RooPlot* xframe = x.frame() ; D->plotOn(xframe,CutRange("signal")) ; // RRV 'y' inside 'D' knows about "signal" through sharing F->plotOn(xframe,ProjectionRange("signal")) ; - Increment of RooRealVar schema version number from 2 to 4 - Explicit streamer of RooRealVar has been extended to be able to stream RooRealVar v3 objects properly and automatically eliminate/reconnect multiple instances of identical shared property objects that may have been created in ROOT persistence. The streamer is also capable of reading in v1 and v2 RooRealVars for backward compatibility o RooSimultaneous - Modify behaviour of expectedEvents(): if index category is included in normalization set, return sum of expectedEvents() of all components, otherwise return value of expectedEvents() of currently selected p.d.f. (the 'old' behavior) o RooSharedProperties - Base class for implementation of shared property objects such as RooRealVarSharedProperty used in RooRealVar. This class embeds a UUID that allows reconnection of multiple RooAbsArgs to a single instance of a shared property in the unpersistance phase. o RooSharedProperiesList - Container class for RooSharedProperties objects that serves as repository for shared properties. Concrete implementations of RooAbsArg that implement the shared properties concept, such as RooRealVar, have a an instance of RooSharedPropertiesList as a static data member. This container class owns all shared properties objects and performs their memory management through reference counting and automatically eliminates duplicate copies of unique shared properties that many occur on unpersisting objects git-svn-id: 27541ba8-7e3a-0410-8455-c3a389f83636
- Jul 13, 2005
Wouter Verkerke authored
o RooBanner - Increment version tag to v2.06 now that release v2.05 is out git-svn-id: 27541ba8-7e3a-0410-8455-c3a389f83636
- Jul 12, 2005
Wouter Verkerke authored
o RooBanner - Put version tag in separate string so that it can be easily imported by make_roofit_installkit o RooFormula - Fix compiler error with ROOT3 o RooNumIntConfig - Add non-const method getSection() o make_roofit_installkit - Add -bc flag to build installkit for ROOT3/ROOT4 by adding appropriate and make file fragments - Import RooFit version tag from RooBanner git-svn-id: 27541ba8-7e3a-0410-8455-c3a389f83636
Wouter Verkerke authored
o RooAbsArg - Introduces getVariables() as shorthand for getParameters(RooArgSet()) o RooAbsPdf, RooAddPdf, RooExtendPdf, RooProdPdf, RooSimultaneous) - Change signature of expectedEvents(): omit default nset as nset must be provided for this functionality to work under all circumstances. - Add warning message in RooExtendPdf if it is missing and ranges are used o RooBanner - Increment version tag from v2.04 to v2.05 o RooPlot - Fix bug in normalization handling when p.d.f is plotted first on frame. o RooHistError - Fix problem in calculation of approximate binomial related to integer->double conversion [ Ch.Cheng ] git-svn-id: 27541ba8-7e3a-0410-8455-c3a389f83636
- Jun 23, 2005
Wouter Verkerke authored
o RooCategoryProxy - In hasRange() no longer cast to lvalue as hasRange() is now implement in RooAbsArg git-svn-id: 27541ba8-7e3a-0410-8455-c3a389f83636
Wouter Verkerke authored
o RooAbsArg - Migrate RooAbsCategoryLValue::hasRange() pure virtual func to here o RooAbsCategoryLValue - Remove pure virtual function declarations hasRange() and inRange() o RooAbsRealLValue - Add hasRange() which forwards to hasBinning() o RooCategory, RooSuperCategory - Rename isInRange() to inRange() - Fix copying of ranges in ctor of RooCategory o RooRealIntegral - Follow name change isInRange() to inRange() o RooBanner, make_roofit_installkit - Increment version number to v2.04 git-svn-id: 27541ba8-7e3a-0410-8455-c3a389f83636
Wouter Verkerke authored
o RooAbsReal - Always fix normalization set of RooAddPdfs in plotOn() rather than only doing it in the present of projection datasets as there are other situations where this information is needed o RooAddPdf - In updateCoefCache() pass the reference normalization set to expectedEvents() instead of the default normalization set if the reference normalization set is filled. o RooBanner, make_roofit_installkit - Increment version to v2.03 o RooMath - Add virtual dtor to eliminator warning message of g++ v4.0 compiler git-svn-id: 27541ba8-7e3a-0410-8455-c3a389f83636
Wouter Verkerke authored
o RooBanner, make_roofit_installkit - Increment version number to v2.02 o RooEffGenContext, RooEffProd - Include missing "RooFit.hh" o RooEffProd - Fix assert() to work on alpha as well o RooRealMPFE - Include "RooMPSentinel" in header to avoid rootcint trouble o RooMinuit - Add setEps() o RooCurve, RooProdPdf - Fix two 'unreachable statement' warnings on alpha git-svn-id: 27541ba8-7e3a-0410-8455-c3a389f83636
- Jun 22, 2005
Wouter Verkerke authored
o, make_roofit_installkit - Split header list in 3 instead of in 2 as the latter still runs into 64K limitations on some platforms (e.g. FedoraCore4/ppc64/gcc4.0) o RooBanner, make_roofit_installkit - Increment version tag to v2.01 o RooComplex, RooRealConstant, RooRandom, RooHistError - Add virtual dtor to please g++ 4.0 compiler o RooFitCore_LinkDef.rdl - Change wildcard spec for function specification so that Solaris version of rootcint doesn't choke on it git-svn-id: 27541ba8-7e3a-0410-8455-c3a389f83636
Wouter Verkerke authored
o RooTrace - Change UInt_t to ULong_t cast when printing pointers (32bit) git-svn-id: 27541ba8-7e3a-0410-8455-c3a389f83636
- Jun 21, 2005
Wouter Verkerke authored
o RooStreamParser - Add boolean argument to zapToEnd() that controls if folded line continuations are zapped as well o RooArgSet - Use new feature of zapToEnd() to selectively zap folded lines. o RooTreeData - Make all plotOn() methods public to avoid some obscure problems with AIX C++ compiler git-svn-id: 27541ba8-7e3a-0410-8455-c3a389f83636
Wouter Verkerke authored
o RooBanner, make_roofit_installkit - Update version number to 2.00 o RooAbsRealLValue - Fix bug in frame(): Name() and Title() were only processed if both were specified. Now they can be specified individually o RooArgSet - Make printing of messages concerning processing of include files in readFromStream() conditional to the verbose flag being true o RooPlot - Disable persisting of pointer to normalization object -- causes root crash on Write() o RooStreamParser - Fix processing of skipped lines to also skip the continuation lines if the skipped line was folded over multiple file lines git-svn-id: 27541ba8-7e3a-0410-8455-c3a389f83636
- Jun 20, 2005
Wouter Verkerke authored
o RooBanner, make_roofit_installkit - Set version number to 1.99 for now o RooNumber, RooTrace - Add virtual dtors to please g++ 4.0 git-svn-id: 27541ba8-7e3a-0410-8455-c3a389f83636
Wouter Verkerke authored
o RooAbsAnaConvPdf - Replace new RooRealIntegral with createIntegral so that multiple range specifications are handled properly o RooAbsPdf - In fitTo() set default print level to 1, where it always used to be - Fix bug in processing "r" option in FitOptions() o RooMinuit - Make fit() return a RooFitResult pointer, filled if the "r" option was specified o RooTrace - Fix for 64bit pointer printing git-svn-id: 27541ba8-7e3a-0410-8455-c3a389f83636
Wouter Verkerke authored
o RooBanner - Update version number and copyright o Many files - Change <iostream> to "Riostream" to support compilation on platforms that do not have iostream classes in namespace std o RooAbsAnaConvPdf - Fix bug in range integration in getAnalyticalIntegralWN() - Change getCoefAnalyticalIntegral() signature to include rangeName in argument list o RooAbsArg - Add methods getObservables()/getParameters with const RooAbsData& argument o RooAbsPdf - Add support for Range(Double_t, Double_t) to specify fit range in fitTo() - Migrate getMaxVal()/maxVal() to RooAbsReal [Gerhard] - Fix bug in normalization of PDF projections over limited range: account for both fraction of data in range and fraction of projection in range (calculation of latter deferred to RooAbsReal::plotOn) o RooAbsReal - Migrate getMaxVal()/maxVal() from RooAbsReal [Gerhard] - Add code in plotOn() to support normalization of PDF projections plotted in limited range o RooAbsRealLValue, RooRealVar, RooErrorVar, RooLinearVar - Change getBinning() so that it only creates a new binning on the fly if a newly added boolean argument is true. Otherwise, return default binning o RooAdaptiveGaussKronrodIntegrator1D, RooGaussKronrodIntegrator1D - Declare prototypes for glue functions o RooArgSet - Fix readFromStream() and writeToStream() so that they are consistent with each other again for both regular and scientific notation mode. - Fix processing of include directives inside files in readFromFile() - Suppress warning messages about ignored lines in files unless verbose flag is set. Add verbosity control flag to readFromFile(). o RooCategory - Support concept of ranges for categories as well through new member functions setRange(),addToRange(), clearRange(),hasRange(),isInRange() and isStateInRange(). Ranges are named TLists containing a non-owned subset of the possible RooCatTypes. o RooCategoryProxy - Make lvptr() const since it is. o RooConvCoefVar - Pass rangeName in getAnalyticalIntegral() to getCoefAnalyticalIntegral() o RooPlotable, RooCurve, RooHist, RooEllipse - Implement getFitRangeNEvt(Double_t, Double_t) that returns the number of events in the given sub-range. o RooDataHist - Fix bug using RooAbsData::plotOn --> using RooTreeData::plotOn o RooGlobalFunc - Add adjustNorm boolean argument to named argumentss Range() o RooMultiCatIter - Require that input is RooAbsCategoryLValue rather than RooAbsCategory. o RooPlot - Keep track of object that generated normalization event count in addition to event count itself. This allows to later on calculate an event count in a limited range through getFitRangeNEvt(Double_t, Double_t) o RooRealIntegral - Support ranges in category summation in integration code. o RooSimPdfBuilder - Fix bug in unitarity constraint split of parameter in partial build: adjust formula for remainder fraction so that it only uses the states that are actually built. - Improve error handling o RooSuperCategory - Implement hasRange() and isInRange() functionality inherited from RooAbsRealLValue o RooClassFactory - New class that automatically generates code for PDFs and functions given a name and a list of argument names o RooEffProd - New class that implement product of PDF and efficiency function. Main feature is efficient implementation of event generator in case input PDF has 'smart' event generator o RooEffGenContext - Generator context associated with RooEffProd o - ROOT make file module needed to compile RooFit as part of ROOT o make_roofit_installkit - Script to package RooFit source as ROOT module for compilation with ROOT system git-svn-id: 27541ba8-7e3a-0410-8455-c3a389f83636
- Jun 16, 2005
Wouter Verkerke authored
o RooFit.hh - New global header file for compiler patches. Currently contains single patch for SunOS imported from BaBar.hh o All .cc files - Include RooFit.hh as first header file o RooAbsData - Make all plotOn() methods public o RooAbsProxy - Include pragma to switch of VC++ warning C4355 "'this' : used in base member initializer list'" which would otherwise be triggered on each proxy initialization. (each proxy constructor _expects_ a base class ptr so the warning is misleading) o RooAdaptiveGaussKronrodIntegrator1D, RooDataHist, RooGaussKronrodIntegrator1D, RooGraphSpring, RooMCIntegrator, RooPolyVar, RooTreeData - Change pow --> TMath::power() to eliminate windows compiler warnings o RooEllipse - Change constant M_PI to TMath::Pi() o RooGlobalFunc - Change RooConst --> RooFit::RooConst as functions has been moved into namespace o RooMath - Add erf() and erfc() forwarder functions to TMath::Erf() and TMath::Erfc() o RooRealConstant - Move RooConst() function into namespace RooFit o RooSimultaneous - Remove one default parameter from implementation version of plotOn() to resolve overloading ambiguity reported by AIX compiler o RooTreeData - Make nested struct PlotOpt public to avoid CINT access problems o RooTruthModel - Add explicit cast to fabs() of proxy as it gives warning in Windows C++ git-svn-id: 27541ba8-7e3a-0410-8455-c3a389f83636
- Apr 20, 2005
Wouter Verkerke authored
o RooHistError, RooGlobalFunc, RooAbsRealLValue, RooAbsReal - Fixes for compiler errors/warnings in * Intel icc * Fedora Core 3, gcc 3.4.2, AMD64, only one warning: * MacOS X Tiger (final), gcc 4.0, four warnings: git-svn-id: 27541ba8-7e3a-0410-8455-c3a389f83636
- Apr 18, 2005
Wouter Verkerke authored
Upgrade compiler warning level to -Wall -W -Woverloaded-virtual Fix classes where necessary to support compilation at this warning level git-svn-id: 27541ba8-7e3a-0410-8455-c3a389f83636
- Apr 15, 2005
Wouter Verkerke authored
o RooCurve,RooHist - Add ROOT3 backward compatibility (where TGraph::SetPoint was for some reason not const) git-svn-id: 27541ba8-7e3a-0410-8455-c3a389f83636
Wouter Verkerke authored
o RooAbsArg,RooAbsCollection,RooArgSet,RooDataSet,RooHtml,RooMinuit - Add #if'ed patch for g++ 3.2.3 which has broken header file that causes compilation to fail. (g++ 3.2.3 is the default compiler on SLC3) git-svn-id: 27541ba8-7e3a-0410-8455-c3a389f83636
Wouter Verkerke authored
o RooAbsAnaConvPdf - Pass default case in isDirectGenSafe() to RooAbsPdf::isDirectGenSafe() rather then returning kFALSE (fixes bug #1183344) git-svn-id: 27541ba8-7e3a-0410-8455-c3a389f83636
- Apr 04, 2005
Wouter Verkerke authored
o GNUMakefile.standalone - Set optimization level to -O3 o RooBanner - Encode version marker V1.92 in banner git-svn-id: 27541ba8-7e3a-0410-8455-c3a389f83636
Wouter Verkerke authored
o RooAbsBinning - Increment persistent ID from 1 to 2. - Implement custom streamer for backward compatibility. V1 object do not have name stored, read back as unnamed object (the only type of binning object persistent sofar anyway) o RooFitCore_LinkDef - Indicate that RooAbsBinning has custom streamer o RooFitResult - Fix bug in error message in plotOn() o RooMinuit - In backProp() when storing symmetric error only, clear asymmetric error git-svn-id: 27541ba8-7e3a-0410-8455-c3a389f83636
- Mar 29, 2005
Wouter Verkerke authored
o RooProdPdf, RooProdGenContext - Fix a couple of small memory leaks: a few RooArgSets allocated in factorizeProduct() and the gencontext ctor on the heap were not deleted by either themselves or the responsible calling functions git-svn-id: 27541ba8-7e3a-0410-8455-c3a389f83636