- Aug 05, 2014
Philippe Canal authored
Conflicts: bindings/pyroot/src/MethodProxy.cxx cmake/modules/RootConfiguration.cmake etc/http/files/main.htm etc/http/files/single.htm geom/geompainter/src/TGeoChecker.cxx graf2d/mathtext/inc/mathtext.h graf2d/mathtext/src/fontembed.cxx graf2d/mathtext/src/fontembedps.cxx graf2d/qt/inc/TQtCanvasPainter.h gui/qtgsi/src/TQRootCanvas.cxx hist/hist/src/TBackCompFitter.cxx hist/hist/src/TEfficiency.cxx hist/hist/src/TFractionFitter.cxx hist/hist/src/TGraphAsymmErrors.cxx hist/hist/src/TH2.cxx hist/hist/src/TH3.cxx hist/hist/src/TMultiDimFit.cxx hist/hist/src/TProfile.cxx hist/hist/src/TProfile2D.cxx hist/hist/src/TUnfoldBinning.cxx html/src/TDocParser.cxx math/foam/src/TFoam.cxx math/genvector/inc/Math/VectorUtil_Cint.h math/minuit2/inc/Minuit2/FumiliMaximumLikelihoodFCN.h math/minuit2/inc/Minuit2/FumiliStandardChi2FCN.h math/minuit2/inc/Minuit2/FumiliStandardMaximumLikelihoodFCN.h math/minuit2/inc/Minuit2/StackAllocator.h math/minuit2/src/TChi2ExtendedFCN.cxx math/minuit2/src/TChi2FCN.cxx math/minuit2/src/TFitterMinuit.cxx math/minuit2/src/TFumiliFCN.cxx misc/table/src/TTableDescriptor.cxx net/auth/src/rsaaux.cxx test/QpRandomDriver.cxx test/ios/RootBrowser/Src/Browser/Controllers/FileCollectionViewController.mm test/ios/RootBrowser/Src/Browser/Controllers/FileContentViewController.mm test/ios/RootBrowser/Src/Browser/Controllers/ObjectViewController.mm test/ios/RootBrowser/Src/Browser/Views/PadView.mm test/ios/RootBrowser/Src/CustomUI/RangeSlider.mm test/ios/RootBrowser/Src/ObjectInspector/Controllers/AxisFontInspector.mm test/ios/RootBrowser/Src/ObjectInspector/Controllers/AxisInspector.mm test/ios/RootBrowser/Src/ObjectInspector/Controllers/AxisLabelsInspector.mm test/ios/RootBrowser/Src/ObjectInspector/Controllers/AxisTitleInspector.mm test/ios/RootBrowser/Src/ObjectInspector/Controllers/FilledAreaInspector.mm test/ios/RootBrowser/Src/ObjectInspector/Controllers/H1BinsInspector.mm test/ios/RootBrowser/Src/ObjectInspector/Controllers/H1ErrorsInspector.mm test/ios/RootBrowser/Src/ObjectInspector/Controllers/H1Inspector.mm test/ios/RootBrowser/Src/ObjectInspector/Controllers/InspectorWithNavigation.mm test/ios/RootBrowser/Src/ObjectInspector/Controllers/LineInspector.mm test/ios/RootBrowser/Src/ObjectInspector/Controllers/MarkerInspector.mm test/ios/RootBrowser/Src/ObjectInspector/Controllers/ObjectInspector.mm test/ios/RootBrowser/Src/ObjectInspector/Controllers/PadInspector.mm test/ios/RootBrowser/Src/ObjectInspector/Controllers/PadTicksGridInspector.mm test/ios/Tutorials/PadOptionsController.mm test/ios/Tutorials/PadView.mm test/periodic/NdbMF.cxx test/periodic/NdbMTReacDesc.cxx test/periodic/NdbMTReactionXS.cxx test/periodic/NdbParticleList.cxx test/periodic/XSGui.h test/stressLinear.cxx test/stressRooFit_tests.cxx test/tcollbm.cxx test/vmatrix.cxx tutorials/eve/boxset.C tutorials/geom/geodemo.C tutorials/graphs/splines.C tutorials/hist/th2polyEurope.C tutorials/mc/CompareMasses.C tutorials/memstat/memstat.C
- Jul 05, 2014
http://root.cern.ch/phpBB3/viewtopic.php?f=3&t=18299Danilo Piparo authored
respect conventions of the example and do not port to ROOT coding conventions the whole code.
- Jun 30, 2014
Danilo Piparo authored
The test was failing because of this mismatch.
- Jun 16, 2014
Pere Mato Vila authored
Installation of prepareHistFactory. Fixed the logic in selecting what needs to be executed as test having precedence the target names. Avoid include ${ROOT_USE_FILE} in tests.
- Jun 14, 2014
Pere Mato Vila authored
Added a test (CTest) for each tutorial (321 new tests). Made FITSIO and cernstaff.C tutorials independent of the current working directory.
- Jun 05, 2014
Gerardo Ganis authored
- May 30, 2014
Andrei Gheata authored
(cherry picked from commit c4c7d1d6)
Pere Mato Vila authored
Andrei Gheata authored
(cherry picked from commit d93136b2)
- May 20, 2014
Pere Mato Vila authored
Pere Mato Vila authored
Fix the dictionaries for GenVector, SMatrix. Changed regular expression to detect errors in tests (CMake)
- May 19, 2014
Axel Naumann authored
(cherry picked from commit 0e294bd52696ec8531ff41776713ba6305c99067)
- May 17, 2014
Fons Rademakers authored
The changes are all related to the use of gendered or binary language in the comments, messages, and documents (e.g. referring to the user explicitly as "he" or "he/she"). I searched for thse instances and changed them to the gender-neutral singular they (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Singular_they). In the process I fixed quite a few typos that would show up in the auto-generated documentation. By Jean-François Caron jfcaron@phas.ubc.ca).
- May 14, 2014
Lorenzo Moneta authored
- May 13, 2014
Mikhail Zhabitsky authored
Merge from v5-34 patches: commits: 8d926912 and 78b84e3b Multiple modifications in stressFit.cxx: - switch from TVirtualFitter to ROOT::Math::Minimizer - successful trial means found minima is within predefined epsilon (before was arguments are close to the minimum's position). This modifies ROOTMARKS value - StatusPrint reports number of successes out of the trials number
Axel Naumann authored
Axel Naumann authored
- May 12, 2014
Axel Naumann authored
- May 07, 2014
Lorenzo Moneta authored
Implement correctly the projections from a TProfile2D to TProfile and from a TProfile3D to a TProfile2D. Add corresponding tests in stressHistogram. This fixes bug ROOT-6220
Lorenzo Moneta authored
commits : 32a4accb and 7a7d2111 Fix case of merging TProfile with different limits when the first profile is empty (the fix applied previously for bug #5509 was not applied to the TProfile) Improve also tests for 2D and 3D profile
Lorenzo Moneta authored
Fix TH1::Merge for merging histograms with buffer with histogram with limits Add tests for merging histogram with buffer in stressHistogram and add tests for case with empty histogram
- May 06, 2014
Olivier Couet authored
- Apr 30, 2014
Pere Mato Vila authored
- Apr 14, 2014
Pere Mato Vila authored
- Apr 11, 2014
Pere Mato Vila authored
- Apr 10, 2014
Pere Mato Vila authored
Lorenzo Moneta authored
Lorenzo Moneta authored
Lorenzo Moneta authored
Gerardo Ganis authored
Address the use case reported on the forum (http://root.cern.ch/phpBB3/viewtopic.php?f=13&t=17605)
Pere Mato Vila authored
- Apr 09, 2014
Olivier Couet authored
- Mar 26, 2014
Gerardo Ganis authored
- Mar 17, 2014
Bertrand Bellenot authored
Use correct exception handling flag in Makefile.win32 and silent a Compiler warning on Windows (Visual C++ does not implement checked exceptions)
- Mar 15, 2014
Gerardo Ganis authored
The temp dir is now in the form <temp>/<user>/stressProof-<pid> explicitely notified when starting the test. The main log file (the one from the stressProof binary is now located under the same test directory and named 'main.log'. E.g. $ ./stressProof ****************************************************************** * Starting P R O O F - S T R E S S suite * ****************************************************************** * Temp dir for this run: /tmp/ganis/stressProof-31556 ****************************************************************** * Log file: /tmp/ganis/stressProof-31556/main.log ****************************************************************** ...
- Mar 12, 2014
Pere Mato Vila authored
Create the test files (bench.root) in the current directory instead of /tmp. This avoid clashes when running various "test-bench" tests simultaneously.
- Mar 11, 2014
Lorenzo Moneta authored
Lorenzo Moneta authored
Lorenzo Moneta authored
- Mar 04, 2014
Pere Mato Vila authored