- Aug 05, 2014
Philippe Canal authored
Conflicts: bindings/pyroot/src/MethodProxy.cxx cmake/modules/RootConfiguration.cmake etc/http/files/main.htm etc/http/files/single.htm geom/geompainter/src/TGeoChecker.cxx graf2d/mathtext/inc/mathtext.h graf2d/mathtext/src/fontembed.cxx graf2d/mathtext/src/fontembedps.cxx graf2d/qt/inc/TQtCanvasPainter.h gui/qtgsi/src/TQRootCanvas.cxx hist/hist/src/TBackCompFitter.cxx hist/hist/src/TEfficiency.cxx hist/hist/src/TFractionFitter.cxx hist/hist/src/TGraphAsymmErrors.cxx hist/hist/src/TH2.cxx hist/hist/src/TH3.cxx hist/hist/src/TMultiDimFit.cxx hist/hist/src/TProfile.cxx hist/hist/src/TProfile2D.cxx hist/hist/src/TUnfoldBinning.cxx html/src/TDocParser.cxx math/foam/src/TFoam.cxx math/genvector/inc/Math/VectorUtil_Cint.h math/minuit2/inc/Minuit2/FumiliMaximumLikelihoodFCN.h math/minuit2/inc/Minuit2/FumiliStandardChi2FCN.h math/minuit2/inc/Minuit2/FumiliStandardMaximumLikelihoodFCN.h math/minuit2/inc/Minuit2/StackAllocator.h math/minuit2/src/TChi2ExtendedFCN.cxx math/minuit2/src/TChi2FCN.cxx math/minuit2/src/TFitterMinuit.cxx math/minuit2/src/TFumiliFCN.cxx misc/table/src/TTableDescriptor.cxx net/auth/src/rsaaux.cxx test/QpRandomDriver.cxx test/ios/RootBrowser/Src/Browser/Controllers/FileCollectionViewController.mm test/ios/RootBrowser/Src/Browser/Controllers/FileContentViewController.mm test/ios/RootBrowser/Src/Browser/Controllers/ObjectViewController.mm test/ios/RootBrowser/Src/Browser/Views/PadView.mm test/ios/RootBrowser/Src/CustomUI/RangeSlider.mm test/ios/RootBrowser/Src/ObjectInspector/Controllers/AxisFontInspector.mm test/ios/RootBrowser/Src/ObjectInspector/Controllers/AxisInspector.mm test/ios/RootBrowser/Src/ObjectInspector/Controllers/AxisLabelsInspector.mm test/ios/RootBrowser/Src/ObjectInspector/Controllers/AxisTitleInspector.mm test/ios/RootBrowser/Src/ObjectInspector/Controllers/FilledAreaInspector.mm test/ios/RootBrowser/Src/ObjectInspector/Controllers/H1BinsInspector.mm test/ios/RootBrowser/Src/ObjectInspector/Controllers/H1ErrorsInspector.mm test/ios/RootBrowser/Src/ObjectInspector/Controllers/H1Inspector.mm test/ios/RootBrowser/Src/ObjectInspector/Controllers/InspectorWithNavigation.mm test/ios/RootBrowser/Src/ObjectInspector/Controllers/LineInspector.mm test/ios/RootBrowser/Src/ObjectInspector/Controllers/MarkerInspector.mm test/ios/RootBrowser/Src/ObjectInspector/Controllers/ObjectInspector.mm test/ios/RootBrowser/Src/ObjectInspector/Controllers/PadInspector.mm test/ios/RootBrowser/Src/ObjectInspector/Controllers/PadTicksGridInspector.mm test/ios/Tutorials/PadOptionsController.mm test/ios/Tutorials/PadView.mm test/periodic/NdbMF.cxx test/periodic/NdbMTReacDesc.cxx test/periodic/NdbMTReactionXS.cxx test/periodic/NdbParticleList.cxx test/periodic/XSGui.h test/stressLinear.cxx test/stressRooFit_tests.cxx test/tcollbm.cxx test/vmatrix.cxx tutorials/eve/boxset.C tutorials/geom/geodemo.C tutorials/graphs/splines.C tutorials/hist/th2polyEurope.C tutorials/mc/CompareMasses.C tutorials/memstat/memstat.C
Philippe Canal authored
Conflicts: core/meta/inc/TClass.h core/meta/src/TClass.cxx core/meta/src/TStreamerElement.cxx
Philippe Canal authored
Replace thread_local by TTHREAD_TLS. Hide from c++03 the atomiticity of keyAbsNumber. Conflicts: core/base/src/TROOT.cxx
Philippe Canal authored
That makes it much easier to use/make transparent with C++11
- Jul 17, 2014
Andrei Gheata authored
(cherry picked from commit 329eedd1)
Andrei Gheata authored
Protection for correctly computing the bounding box when adding assemblies without content to another assembly. (cherry picked from commit eeb67656)
- Jul 16, 2014
Andrei Gheata authored
(cherry picked from commit 21a16dc0)
- Jul 04, 2014
Andrei Gheata authored
(cherry picked from commit 2c7ca552)
Andrei Gheata authored
New TGeoParallelWorld class supporting navigation in a parallel flat node. Currently the parallel world is made by TGeoPhysicalNode objects which has to match paths in the active geometry. Coupling navigation via TGeoManager::SetSetUseParallelWorldNav(true) will prioritize the parallel world objects with respect to the ones in the real geometry. (cherry picked from commit 2a7c470a)
- Jun 13, 2014
Andrei Gheata authored
(cherry picked from commit f6c47ac8)
- Jun 06, 2014
Pere Mato Vila authored
- May 30, 2014
Andrei Gheata authored
(cherry picked from commit c4c7d1d6)
Andrei Gheata authored
(cherry picked from commit 08838ff5)
- May 17, 2014
Fons Rademakers authored
The changes are all related to the use of gendered or binary language in the comments, messages, and documents (e.g. referring to the user explicitly as "he" or "he/she"). I searched for thse instances and changed them to the gender-neutral singular they (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Singular_they). In the process I fixed quite a few typos that would show up in the auto-generated documentation. By Jean-François Caron jfcaron@phas.ubc.ca).
- May 13, 2014
Andrei Gheata authored
(cherry picked from commit 7aa60007)
- Apr 30, 2014
Andrei Gheata authored
(cherry picked from commit 3b848863)
- Apr 29, 2014
Axel Naumann authored
rootcling will write out ROOT files; that does not work for libCore and RIO which instead use rootcling_tmp. All other libraries use rootcling -rootbuild. Rename ROOTCLINGTMP to ROOTCLINGSTAGE1; rootcling -rootbuild is ROOTCLINGSTAGE2.
- Apr 24, 2014
Andrei Gheata authored
(cherry picked from commit f3a25819)
- Mar 18, 2014
Andrei Gheata authored
Andrei Gheata authored
Avoid cloning volumes more than once for the same node in alignment (saves memory). Added reference counting for volumes - for now just counting how many instances the volume has in nodes. Fixed node bits which were overwriting TObject bits space. Do not allow setting max threads if geometry not closed. Removed assigning dummy media to assemblies. Improved debugging info for assemblies. (cherry picked from commit c2802738) Conflicts: geom/geom/src/TGeoPhysicalNode.cxx
- Feb 20, 2014
Andrei Gheata authored
- Feb 19, 2014
Andrei Gheata authored
From b38a8b6d: Changed thread number schema and fixed TGeoManager::RemoveNavigator. Reduced size for cached states
- Feb 17, 2014
Andrei Gheata authored
(cherry picked from commit 72875066)
Andrei Gheata authored
(cherry picked from commit 29ddbadc)
- Jan 31, 2014
Danilo Piparo authored
now the library names in the rootmaps are sane. In addition, the creation of the tmva and genvector dicts was simplified.
- Jan 15, 2014
Fons Rademakers authored
Still auto_ptr deprecation has to be tackled.
- Dec 18, 2013
Bertrand Bellenot authored
Andrei Gheata authored
(cherry picked from commit a044372d)
- Dec 17, 2013
Fons Rademakers authored
Danilo Piparo authored
mechanism which does not involve rlibmap anymore but rootcling instead. Basically all the calls to the macro calling rlibmap have been removed. Signed-off-by:
Danilo Piparo <danilo.piparo@cern.ch> Signed-off-by:
Fons Rademakers <Fons.Rademakers@cern.ch>
Danilo Piparo authored
which happens through rootcling and not anymore through rlibmap. Signed-off-by:
Danilo Piparo <danilo.piparo@cern.ch> Signed-off-by:
Fons Rademakers <Fons.Rademakers@cern.ch>
- Nov 19, 2013
Andrei Gheata authored
(cherry picked from commit 27620fc8)
- Oct 01, 2013
Andrei Gheata authored
Added precomputed trigonometric constants highly improving navigation speed for segmented versions of tubes and cones (cherry picked from commit d6324722)
- Sep 19, 2013
Andrei Gheata authored
(cherry picked from commit f36f7f4c)
Andrei Gheata authored
Fix in TGeoArb8::DistFromInside. Fix in TGeoShape::DistToPlane. CheckShape(3) now properly accounting errors. (cherry picked from commit d5b122f2)
- Sep 17, 2013
Andrei Gheata authored
Fixed 2 important bugs in TGeoXtru affecting DistFromOutside and ComputeNormal. Added outside flag in TGeoBranchArray. Added SetLastSafety in TGeoNavigator. (cherry picked from commit 88bce875)
- Jul 29, 2013
Andrei Gheata authored
(cherry picked from commit b44702d6)
- Jul 18, 2013
Andrei Gheata authored
(cherry picked from commit 470eb1dd)
Philippe Canal authored
Philippe Canal authored