- Aug 05, 2014
Philippe Canal authored
Conflicts: bindings/pyroot/src/MethodProxy.cxx cmake/modules/RootConfiguration.cmake etc/http/files/main.htm etc/http/files/single.htm geom/geompainter/src/TGeoChecker.cxx graf2d/mathtext/inc/mathtext.h graf2d/mathtext/src/fontembed.cxx graf2d/mathtext/src/fontembedps.cxx graf2d/qt/inc/TQtCanvasPainter.h gui/qtgsi/src/TQRootCanvas.cxx hist/hist/src/TBackCompFitter.cxx hist/hist/src/TEfficiency.cxx hist/hist/src/TFractionFitter.cxx hist/hist/src/TGraphAsymmErrors.cxx hist/hist/src/TH2.cxx hist/hist/src/TH3.cxx hist/hist/src/TMultiDimFit.cxx hist/hist/src/TProfile.cxx hist/hist/src/TProfile2D.cxx hist/hist/src/TUnfoldBinning.cxx html/src/TDocParser.cxx math/foam/src/TFoam.cxx math/genvector/inc/Math/VectorUtil_Cint.h math/minuit2/inc/Minuit2/FumiliMaximumLikelihoodFCN.h math/minuit2/inc/Minuit2/FumiliStandardChi2FCN.h math/minuit2/inc/Minuit2/FumiliStandardMaximumLikelihoodFCN.h math/minuit2/inc/Minuit2/StackAllocator.h math/minuit2/src/TChi2ExtendedFCN.cxx math/minuit2/src/TChi2FCN.cxx math/minuit2/src/TFitterMinuit.cxx math/minuit2/src/TFumiliFCN.cxx misc/table/src/TTableDescriptor.cxx net/auth/src/rsaaux.cxx test/QpRandomDriver.cxx test/ios/RootBrowser/Src/Browser/Controllers/FileCollectionViewController.mm test/ios/RootBrowser/Src/Browser/Controllers/FileContentViewController.mm test/ios/RootBrowser/Src/Browser/Controllers/ObjectViewController.mm test/ios/RootBrowser/Src/Browser/Views/PadView.mm test/ios/RootBrowser/Src/CustomUI/RangeSlider.mm test/ios/RootBrowser/Src/ObjectInspector/Controllers/AxisFontInspector.mm test/ios/RootBrowser/Src/ObjectInspector/Controllers/AxisInspector.mm test/ios/RootBrowser/Src/ObjectInspector/Controllers/AxisLabelsInspector.mm test/ios/RootBrowser/Src/ObjectInspector/Controllers/AxisTitleInspector.mm test/ios/RootBrowser/Src/ObjectInspector/Controllers/FilledAreaInspector.mm test/ios/RootBrowser/Src/ObjectInspector/Controllers/H1BinsInspector.mm test/ios/RootBrowser/Src/ObjectInspector/Controllers/H1ErrorsInspector.mm test/ios/RootBrowser/Src/ObjectInspector/Controllers/H1Inspector.mm test/ios/RootBrowser/Src/ObjectInspector/Controllers/InspectorWithNavigation.mm test/ios/RootBrowser/Src/ObjectInspector/Controllers/LineInspector.mm test/ios/RootBrowser/Src/ObjectInspector/Controllers/MarkerInspector.mm test/ios/RootBrowser/Src/ObjectInspector/Controllers/ObjectInspector.mm test/ios/RootBrowser/Src/ObjectInspector/Controllers/PadInspector.mm test/ios/RootBrowser/Src/ObjectInspector/Controllers/PadTicksGridInspector.mm test/ios/Tutorials/PadOptionsController.mm test/ios/Tutorials/PadView.mm test/periodic/NdbMF.cxx test/periodic/NdbMTReacDesc.cxx test/periodic/NdbMTReactionXS.cxx test/periodic/NdbParticleList.cxx test/periodic/XSGui.h test/stressLinear.cxx test/stressRooFit_tests.cxx test/tcollbm.cxx test/vmatrix.cxx tutorials/eve/boxset.C tutorials/geom/geodemo.C tutorials/graphs/splines.C tutorials/hist/th2polyEurope.C tutorials/mc/CompareMasses.C tutorials/memstat/memstat.C
Philippe Canal authored
Christopher Jones authored
To determine if TObject is on the heap we read the value of a member data before it has been set by the constructor. If it was heap allocated the TObject::operator new will have filled special values into the memory area. However, for stack allocated it is unset. This makes valgrind report an error. Given we intend this behavior, we suppress the message.
- Jul 30, 2014
Bertrand Bellenot authored
Bertrand Bellenot authored
Bertrand Bellenot authored
The most important: Added possibility to move/resize of statbox, title and color palette, also while histogram content is being updated (can be tested with example.htm)
- Jul 25, 2014
Bertrand Bellenot authored
Bertrand Bellenot authored
Bertrand Bellenot authored
After exchanging many mails with Martin Vala, I prepared JS code which can be really inserted into arbitrary HTML page. At least Martin was managing to run his test server http://alicepc104.jinr.ru/ with such code. Together with these small changes I did several more improvements: - migration to d3.v3.js and jQuery v2.1.1 - fix errors in histograms statistic filling - possibility of move and resize of statbox - remove many (not all) global variables - example.htm with direct usage JSRootIO graphics (like Martin did) http://web-docs.gsi.de/~linev/JSRootIO/example.htm - example of inserting ROOT graphics from THttpServer into <iframe></iframe>
- Jul 11, 2014
Peter Hristov authored
- Jul 03, 2014
Bertrand Bellenot authored
- Jun 26, 2014
Axel Naumann authored
- May 22, 2014
Fons Rademakers authored
Bertrand Bellenot authored
Fons Rademakers <Fons.Rademakers@cern.ch>
- May 01, 2014
Axel Naumann authored
- Apr 30, 2014
Axel Naumann authored
- Mar 14, 2014
Dario Berzano authored
From Laurent Aphecetche.
- Feb 25, 2014
Fons Rademakers authored
- Feb 17, 2014
Pere Mato Vila authored
Changes by K. Smith (ksmith37@nd.edu) to properly handle include files in ROOT_GENERATE_DICTIONARY() macro See https://root.cern.ch/phpBB3/viewtopic.php?f=3&t=17589
- Jan 23, 2014
Timur Pocheptsov authored
- Dec 13, 2013
Fons Rademakers authored
it the default till davix is rock solid.
- Dec 12, 2013
Fons Rademakers authored
- Dec 09, 2013
Fons Rademakers authored
Davix not yet on iOS.
Fons Rademakers authored
Provided by Justin Salmon, Lukasz Janyst (CERN/IT).
- Dec 07, 2013
Fons Rademakers authored
Fons Rademakers authored
These classes make use of the libdavix library and coded by Tigran Mkrtchyan (DESY) Fabrizio Furano (CERN) and Adrien Devresse (CERN).
Axel Naumann authored
- Nov 26, 2013
Paul Russo authored
- Nov 20, 2013
Philippe Canal authored
Philippe Canal authored
- Oct 31, 2013
Gerardo Ganis authored
Fons Rademakers <Fons.Rademakers@cern.ch>
- Sep 13, 2013
Fons Rademakers authored
Fons Rademakers authored
- Aug 01, 2013
Olivier Couet authored
- Jun 27, 2013
Fons Rademakers authored
The attached patches add the following classes: TSQLiteResult TSQLiteRow TSQLiteServer TSQLiteStatement and corresponding integration into both the ROOT-buildsystem and cmake. Naturally, also the macro for the plugin-manager is included. Patches supplied for ROOT 5.34.08 and current master (as SQL-part is rarely changing, this statement should stay valid at least for some months). Some usage notes: * The handed path is evaluated as URI by sqlite3, which means it can be a relative or absolute path and can even contain additional settings as "URI" parameters, which are described in the SQLite-documentation. * Functions "{Create,Select,Drop} DataBase(s)", "Reload", "Shutdown" are not implemented as SQLite operates on one DB per file only. The implemented stub methods return appropriate error results. * "TSQLiteServer::GetColumns()" is not implemented (i.e. returns error and value 0): This is sadly not possible via a query in SQLite by their API design. This also means the TableInfo-objects cannot be queried. * The result-row-count of a TSQLiteResult is always -1, as SQLite does not know the number of result rows before all have been retrieved (a valid optimization for a file-only DBMS). For the person reviewing this patch, please note that the indices of bind_parameters in SQLite start from 1, while those for the result-columns start from 0. As this is a rather large featureset to cover and the software of our experiment currently only uses a small subset of it (only 'reading' statements, and no prepared statements), I also wrote a very simple testing-tool which creates a new database with a table with 10 columns of very different type, inserts some example data, and rereads that data both using a simple Query() and using a prepared Statement(). This tool and a very short makefile to build it are also attached if needed for the review-process. The tool uses the commands described in the documentation of the abstract baseclass TSQLStatement to simulate real-life behaviour. Please note that tool is rather hacked-together without real error-handling, as it is not meant for long-term usage, but might be helpful in the review-process / adapted to a unit-test. Apart from the mentioned specifics, nothing is really SQLite-only, thus I did not change the documentation of the baseclass in the patch (this documentation also lists all SQL-implementations). At least this list in the documentation might be extended to make users aware of the new implementation. SQlite plugin provided by Oliver Freyermuth (o.f@cern.ch).
- Mar 28, 2013
Fons Rademakers authored
The attached patchset fixes a bunch of typo in the source: 0001-succes-success.patch 0002-preceed-preced.patch 0003-informations-information.patch 0004-childs-children.patch 0005-avaliable-available.patch 0006-writeable-writable.patch 0007-comand-command.patch 0008-unkown-unknown.patch 0009-wierd-weird.patch 0010-wheter-whether.patch 0011-unecessary-unnecessary.patch 0012-splitted-split.patch 0013-registerd-registered.patch 0014-recieve-receive.patch 0015-processsing-processing.patch 0016-ouput-output.patch 0017-mutiple-multiple.patch 0018-lenght-length.patch 0019-interupted-interrupted.patch 0020-independant-independent.patch 0021-inconsistant-inconsistent.patch 0022-expresion-expression.patch 0023-explicitely-explicitly.patch 0024-enviroment-environment.patch 0025-deafult-default.patch 0026-continous-continuous.patch 0027-completly-completely.patch 0028-commited-committed.patch 0029-choosen-chosen.patch 0030-backgroud-background.patch 0031-auxilliary-auxiliary.patch 0032-authentification-authentication.patch 0033-appropiate-appropriate.patch 0034-an-other-another.patch 0035-environement-environment.patch 0036-targetting-targeting.patch 0037-suppported-supported.patch 0038-paramater-parameter.patch git-svn-id: http://root.cern.ch/svn/root/trunk@48992 27541ba8-7e3a-0410-8455-c3a389f83636
- Feb 25, 2013
Fons Rademakers authored
The class TS3WebFile was modified to support also reading files hosted by Google using the S3 protocol. Its TFile plugin was also modified to reflect this. The class TS3HTTPRequest is new. git-svn-id: http://root.cern.ch/svn/root/trunk@48687 27541ba8-7e3a-0410-8455-c3a389f83636
- Jan 23, 2013
Fons Rademakers authored
The enclosed patch includes a new class and some modifications to existing classes. The new class TS3WebFile is an extension of TWebFile and belongs to the net module. I deliberately did not modify the existing TAS3File. I think that the name TS3WebFile reflects better the fact that this solution is intended to be generic to several S3 servers and not limited to Amazon's, in addition to the fact that it actually extends the capabilities of TWebFile. Compared to the current support of S3 in ROOT (basically the class TAS3File), the modifications in this patch include the improvements below: - add support for using HTTPS : you can use different schemas for specifying the underlying transport protocol to use "s3:", "s3http:", "s3https:" ["s3" uses HTTPS]. The current schema, namely "as3:", is supported for backwards compatibility. - extend support for other S3 service providers that do not offer the virtual hosting functionality (currently only Amazon offers this) - support the possibility of specifying user credentials on a per-file basis or for all S3 files via environment variables - honor the "NOPROXY" option when specified in the constructor - exploit the capability of the S3 file server to provide partial content responses to multi-range HTTP requests Here are some examples of usages from the end user perspective: TFile* f = TFile::Open("s3://s3.amazonaws.com/mybucket/path/to/my/file", "AUTH=<accessKey>:<secretKey> NOPROXY") TFile* f = TFile::Open("s3://s3.amazonaws.com/mybucket/path/to/my/file") // Uses environmental variables for retrieving credentials Limitations: - we cannot efficiently detect that a S3 server is able to respond to multi-range HTTP GET requests. Some servers, such as Amazon's, respond to such kind of requests with the whole file contents. Other servers, such as Huawei's, respond with the exact partial content requested. Therefore, I added the possibility of configuring the behavior via the ROOT configuration file: the identity of the servers known to correctly support multi-range requests is configurable. If the server is known to support this feature, ROOT will send multi-range requests, otherwise it will issue multiple single-range GET requests, which is also the default behavior. - currently the virtual host syntax "s3://mybucket.s3.amazonaws.com/path/to/my/file" is not supported but can be added if this is considered useful git-svn-id: http://root.cern.ch/svn/root/trunk@48397 27541ba8-7e3a-0410-8455-c3a389f83636
- Dec 15, 2012
Fons Rademakers authored
preparation for the introduction of the new TDataSetManagerAliEn. Also fixes TUrl issues 99374. git-svn-id: http://root.cern.ch/svn/root/trunk@48058 27541ba8-7e3a-0410-8455-c3a389f83636
- Dec 09, 2012
Fons Rademakers authored
- Remove CINT - Update configure to not have CINT references - Update Makefile to not have CINT references - Remove all references to G__BIT_xxxx More cleaning in next rounds. git-svn-id: http://root.cern.ch/svn/root/trunk@47939 27541ba8-7e3a-0410-8455-c3a389f83636