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  1. Aug 12, 2013
  2. Mar 28, 2013
    • Fons Rademakers's avatar
      From Lifeng Sun: · 2f98a6a8
      Fons Rademakers authored
      The attached patchset fixes a bunch of typo in the source:
      git-svn-id: 27541ba8-7e3a-0410-8455-c3a389f83636
  3. Feb 16, 2013
  4. Jan 30, 2013
    • Fons Rademakers's avatar
      From Gerri: · 6725d6f5
      Fons Rademakers authored
      In xpdtest.cxx :
       - Use different technique for time outs
       - Add switch '-T timeout' contro the timeout value during connection
         or ping attempts (value in seconds)
       - Add switch '-p pidfile' to communicate the location of the process
         pid file; if this is defined, an existence check of the process is
         done before any other test
       - Add switch '-v' to set gDebug=1 where relevant
       - Make sure that the check for the esistence of the sandbox dir is only
         done when required, i.e. when the required test type is 2.
      In man1/xpdtest.1:
       - Document new switches
       - Fix issue on zsh (see Savannah #99744)
       - Set default version 3.2.7
      git-svn-id: 27541ba8-7e3a-0410-8455-c3a389f83636
  5. Jan 10, 2013
  6. Dec 19, 2012
    • Fons Rademakers's avatar
      From Gerri: · 1fd6059d
      Fons Rademakers authored
      this patch adds an executable ptest which can be used to test the
      status of the daemon in 3 possible ways: ping, ping+start simple session
      for default user, ping + start simple session for active users.
      The idea is to use it with something like 'monit' or with a cron job.
      This feature was requested by several admins and I believe is anyhow
      something good to have.
      git-svn-id: 27541ba8-7e3a-0410-8455-c3a389f83636
  7. Oct 24, 2011
  8. May 24, 2011
  9. Mar 24, 2011
  10. Dec 11, 2010
  11. Dec 10, 2010
  12. Jul 23, 2010
  13. Jun 09, 2010
  14. Dec 01, 2008
  15. May 11, 2007
    • Fons Rademakers's avatar
      From Chistian Holm: · c847bf24
      Fons Rademakers authored
        * New package names.  Packages that used to be named
          `root-{bin,doc,common,...}' are now called
          `root-system-{bin,doc,common,...}'  This is to please the Debian
          FTP masters so that they might accept ROOT into the main Debian
        * The above change means a lot of files in the `build/package/...'
          need to be renamed.
        * Fix to `unuran/' to allow unpacking the tar-ball an
          remove it before making packages.  This is also done for roofit
          and afterimage.   This is required by Debian so that the
          security team can make patches.
        * Note, that due to the name change, the packages are not
          compatible with the old packages.  That means that users will
          have to completely de-install the old ROOT packages before
          installing the new ones.
      git-svn-id: 27541ba8-7e3a-0410-8455-c3a389f83636
  16. Nov 05, 2006
  17. Aug 24, 2006
  18. Feb 28, 2006
  19. Nov 21, 2005
    • Fons Rademakers's avatar
      From Christian Holm: · 48f5422f
      Fons Rademakers authored
      Here's a patch and some files for ROOT, to fix some problems in the
      Debian build.
      The file `root-plugin-minuit2.control' plus some changes in the existing
      scripts, adds the package `root-plugin-minuit2' containing the new
      Minuit implementation.   `root-bin.png' is used on Debian to integrate
      ROOT into the normal desktop menus.  `xrdcp.1' is a missing man(1)
      I've added logic in `configure' to check how is compiled -
      with a single, double, or no trailing underscores.   This seems safer
      than to rely on using a specific library, compiled with specific
      git-svn-id: 27541ba8-7e3a-0410-8455-c3a389f83636
  20. Sep 07, 2005
  21. Aug 15, 2005
    • Fons Rademakers's avatar
      From Christian Holm: · 623bc45b
      Fons Rademakers authored
      I've made a patch for some updates to the packaging stuff in ROOT.
      The most important change is, that in Debian and Redhat packages
      `libroot', I install the libraries in `/usr/lib/root/<version>' (where
      version is something like 5.03), and I put symbolic links to the ROOT
      libraries in `/usr/lib/root'
              /usr/lib/root/ -> /usr/lib/root/5.03/
              /usr/lib/root/ -> /usr/lib/root/5.03/
      And in `/etc/root/system.rootrc' we get
      	Unix.Root.*.DynamicPath: .:/usr/lib/root/5.03
      This allows users to only install `libroot' and not be forced to install
      `libroot-dev' for the dynamic loading of ROOT plugins to work.
      It also means, that users can more easily upgrade ROOT.  That is,
      suppose you have `libroot' version 4.04.03 installed, and you have some
      application that depends on that, say `mn-fit'.  Now, you want to
      upgrade to the next production version, say 5.03.01, but `mn-fit' hasn't
      been recompiled against the new ROOT libraries.   As the libraries in
      `libroot' are all versioned (end in `.so.<version>'), the two version of
      `libroot' can easily co-exist.  However, the libraries should load the
      correct libraries for the particular version, which is ensured by the
      line in `/etc/root/system.rootrc'.  The name of the package `libroot' is
      changed to `libroot<major>' where <major> is the major version number of
      ROOT (e.g., `5').
      For the packages, root-rootd, and root-proofd, I removed the (X)Inetd
      stuff, so that these services should be started by SYSV Init scripts
      Also, I updated the `README/INSTALL' file to address some recent
      complaints about the RPM building.  I also added section numbers and a
      Table of Contents.
      In `configure', I added the directory `/usr/include/postgresql/8.0' to
      the search path for `lib-pq.h', as that's where the headers are put now
      a days on Debian `sid'.
      In `xrootd/', I took out the `xrdpwdgsi' executable from the
      `ALLEXECS' variable, as it doesn't seem to be build.
      I added the man page `xrdpwdadmin.1'.
      git-svn-id: 27541ba8-7e3a-0410-8455-c3a389f83636
  22. Jun 23, 2005
  23. Mar 21, 2005
    • Fons Rademakers's avatar
      From Christian Holm Christensen: · 4dfc83ff
      Fons Rademakers authored
            * New Debian and RedHat rpm packaging scripts.
            * Added a description to `build/package/debian/README.Debian' on
              how to add a new package.   It's not that complicated so it
              should be a simple thing to add a new package, even for some
              with little or no experience with RPMs or DEBs.
            * When searching for the Oracle client libraries, I added the
              directories `/usr/lib/oracle/*/client/lib' and
              `/usr/include/oracle/*/client' - as these are the paths that the
              RPMs install into.
            * I added the packages `root-plugin-krb5' and
            * The library `libXMLIO' is in `libroot'.
            * The package `root-plugin-xml' contains the XML parser.
            * I fixed an cosmetic error in `build/misc/root.m4'.  The
              definition of `ROOT_PATH' should be quoted, otherwise aclocal
              will complain.
            * In the top-level `Makefile' I pass an additional argument to
              `makecintdlls' - namely `$(ROOTCINTTMP)'.  In `makecintdlls' I
              use that argument to make the various dictionaries for
              `'.   Originally, the script used plain `rootcint'.
              However, as `rootcint' may not be in the path yet, or the one in
              the path may be old, this failed.  Hence, I use what we know is
              there - namely the newly build `rootcint_tmp'.  BTW, what are
              these shared libraries, and where do they belong?  I guess they
              are specific to ROOT, and not used by plain `CINT'.  For now, I
              put them in `libroot'.
            *  Made the two `virtual' packages `root-db-client' - provided the
              DB plugins, and `root-fitter' provided by `root-plugin-minuit'
              and `root-plugin-fumili'.  Note, the virtual package
              `root-file-server' provided by `root-rootd' and `root-xrootd'
              already existed in the previous patch.
            * Note, I added the directory `build/package/debian/po' which is
              for translations of DebConf templates.  DebConf is Debians very
              advanced package configuration interface.   It presents the user
              with a set of questions in some sort of `GUI' based on how much
              the user would like to change.  These `dialogs' can be
              translated quite easily.  As an example, I translated the
              questions used by the `ttf-root-installer' package into Danish.
              I'm sure someone can translate them into German, French,
              Italien, Spanish, and so on.
      git-svn-id: 27541ba8-7e3a-0410-8455-c3a389f83636
  24. Dec 15, 2004
    • Fons Rademakers's avatar
      From Gerri: · 466d1455
      Fons Rademakers authored
      1) New files:
       .1 build/package/rpm/
          skeleton for the rootd RPM specs file
       .2 build/package/common/root-rootd.dscr
          short and long descriptions used in the previous file
       .3 config/
          Skeleton for the startup script to be created under etc; the
          variable which depends on the configuration directives is
          the location of the executable to run (i.e the installation
          prefix). This file is to be moved to /etc/rc.d/init.d/ on RH
          (or equivalent position on other versions of Linux).
       .4 man/man1/system.rootdaemonrc.1
          man page for system.rootdaemonrc and related files
      2) Patched files:
       .1 Makefile
          add new target 'rootdrpm' with the rules to create the specs file
       .2 configure
          add creation of etc/rootd from the skeleton in config/
       .3 config/
          add variable ROOTDRPMREL with the RPM release version (default 1);
          this can be changed on command line whn creating the spec file
       .4 config/
          update fir 'sockd' and correct a few typos
       .5 man/man1/rootd.1
          significant updates; typo corrections
      git-svn-id: 27541ba8-7e3a-0410-8455-c3a389f83636
  25. Jul 31, 2002
  26. Jan 20, 2002
    • Fons Rademakers's avatar
      Mega patch by Christian Holm concerning the configure, build and · 7c8b1c13
      Fons Rademakers authored
      Debian and RedHat packaging scripts. The configure script has been
      rationalized (introduction of two shell functions to find package
      headers and libraries). Extensive update of the INSTALL writeup,
      including description of all new packages (SapDB, PgSql, etc.).
      More options to the root-config script. Man page for memprobe.
      Big overhaul of the Debian and RedHat packaging scripts, supporting
      the new libraries.
      git-svn-id: 27541ba8-7e3a-0410-8455-c3a389f83636
  27. Aug 15, 2001
  28. Apr 30, 2001
  29. Apr 23, 2001
  30. Mar 27, 2001
  31. Dec 08, 2000