- Dec 17, 2016
Vassil Vassilev authored
Make cannot deal with 'export *', they have to be escaped and fixed later on.
- Dec 14, 2016
Vassil Vassilev authored
This is the recommended way of using the modules feature and should pave our way of enabling -fmodules-local-submodules-visibility mode.
Vassil Vassilev authored
Our two build systems can generate almost entirely a modulemap file laying out one module per library. Due to some non-modular implementation in ROOT's core we still need to treat some header files specially. This patch appends modular header files to the modulemap while skipping the predefined ones. Configure-make relates all headers that are installed in $ROOTSYS/include to their library whereas relates only headers which are part of library's dictionary.
- Nov 25, 2016
Axel Naumann authored
Axel Naumann authored
Axel Naumann authored
Axel Naumann authored
rpdp headers are not part of the ROOT public API and thus should not be visible in include/. They were simply because multiple ROOT modules were including them, and we had no way to specify that other than publishing them. Now we have a new directory next to src/ and inc/: res/ (as in "reserved" or "restricted"), signalling that these headers are not public but used by other ROOT modules. Update the Moduke.mk-s accordingly. Move a few really private headers into their src/ directories.
- Aug 18, 2016
Gerardo Ganis authored
- May 09, 2016
Vassil Vassilev authored
- Nov 05, 2015
Pere Mato Vila authored
Added new option 'builtin_ssl' to build OpenSSL (static libraries) internally. This is useful for Mac OS X 10.11.
- Aug 23, 2015
Benedikt Hegner authored
- Jun 26, 2015
Axel Naumann authored
- Jun 25, 2015
Pere Mato Vila authored
Added more protections to include_directories(${OPENSSL_INCLUDE_DIR})
Pere Mato Vila authored
The patch adds missing OpenSSL include directories. Otherwise the ones from standard system location is being used, which might not be installed. E.g., CMSSW provides their own build of OpenSSL and build machines do not have OpenSSL libs and dev packages installed. Signed-off-by:
David Abdurachmanov <davidlt@cern.ch>
- Nov 28, 2014
Danilo Piparo authored
the flags were -Wc++11-narrowing -Wsign-compare -Wsometimes-uninitialized -Wconditional-uninitialized -Wheader-guard -Warray-bounds -Wcomment
- Nov 14, 2014
Vassil Vassilev authored
Vassil Vassilev authored
- Oct 30, 2014
Vassil Vassilev authored
This reverts commit fddb23fc.
Vassil Vassilev authored
This reverts commit b9e82ff8.
Vassil Vassilev authored
This reverts commit fce1d6e0.
- Oct 29, 2014
Pere Mato Vila authored
Vassil Vassilev authored
Vassil Vassilev authored
- Sep 04, 2014
Pere Mato Vila authored
- Aug 05, 2014
Philippe Canal authored
Philippe Canal authored
Conflicts: bindings/pyroot/src/MethodProxy.cxx cmake/modules/RootConfiguration.cmake etc/http/files/main.htm etc/http/files/single.htm geom/geompainter/src/TGeoChecker.cxx graf2d/mathtext/inc/mathtext.h graf2d/mathtext/src/fontembed.cxx graf2d/mathtext/src/fontembedps.cxx graf2d/qt/inc/TQtCanvasPainter.h gui/qtgsi/src/TQRootCanvas.cxx hist/hist/src/TBackCompFitter.cxx hist/hist/src/TEfficiency.cxx hist/hist/src/TFractionFitter.cxx hist/hist/src/TGraphAsymmErrors.cxx hist/hist/src/TH2.cxx hist/hist/src/TH3.cxx hist/hist/src/TMultiDimFit.cxx hist/hist/src/TProfile.cxx hist/hist/src/TProfile2D.cxx hist/hist/src/TUnfoldBinning.cxx html/src/TDocParser.cxx math/foam/src/TFoam.cxx math/genvector/inc/Math/VectorUtil_Cint.h math/minuit2/inc/Minuit2/FumiliMaximumLikelihoodFCN.h math/minuit2/inc/Minuit2/FumiliStandardChi2FCN.h math/minuit2/inc/Minuit2/FumiliStandardMaximumLikelihoodFCN.h math/minuit2/inc/Minuit2/StackAllocator.h math/minuit2/src/TChi2ExtendedFCN.cxx math/minuit2/src/TChi2FCN.cxx math/minuit2/src/TFitterMinuit.cxx math/minuit2/src/TFumiliFCN.cxx misc/table/src/TTableDescriptor.cxx net/auth/src/rsaaux.cxx test/QpRandomDriver.cxx test/ios/RootBrowser/Src/Browser/Controllers/FileCollectionViewController.mm test/ios/RootBrowser/Src/Browser/Controllers/FileContentViewController.mm test/ios/RootBrowser/Src/Browser/Controllers/ObjectViewController.mm test/ios/RootBrowser/Src/Browser/Views/PadView.mm test/ios/RootBrowser/Src/CustomUI/RangeSlider.mm test/ios/RootBrowser/Src/ObjectInspector/Controllers/AxisFontInspector.mm test/ios/RootBrowser/Src/ObjectInspector/Controllers/AxisInspector.mm test/ios/RootBrowser/Src/ObjectInspector/Controllers/AxisLabelsInspector.mm test/ios/RootBrowser/Src/ObjectInspector/Controllers/AxisTitleInspector.mm test/ios/RootBrowser/Src/ObjectInspector/Controllers/FilledAreaInspector.mm test/ios/RootBrowser/Src/ObjectInspector/Controllers/H1BinsInspector.mm test/ios/RootBrowser/Src/ObjectInspector/Controllers/H1ErrorsInspector.mm test/ios/RootBrowser/Src/ObjectInspector/Controllers/H1Inspector.mm test/ios/RootBrowser/Src/ObjectInspector/Controllers/InspectorWithNavigation.mm test/ios/RootBrowser/Src/ObjectInspector/Controllers/LineInspector.mm test/ios/RootBrowser/Src/ObjectInspector/Controllers/MarkerInspector.mm test/ios/RootBrowser/Src/ObjectInspector/Controllers/ObjectInspector.mm test/ios/RootBrowser/Src/ObjectInspector/Controllers/PadInspector.mm test/ios/RootBrowser/Src/ObjectInspector/Controllers/PadTicksGridInspector.mm test/ios/Tutorials/PadOptionsController.mm test/ios/Tutorials/PadView.mm test/periodic/NdbMF.cxx test/periodic/NdbMTReacDesc.cxx test/periodic/NdbMTReactionXS.cxx test/periodic/NdbParticleList.cxx test/periodic/XSGui.h test/stressLinear.cxx test/stressRooFit_tests.cxx test/tcollbm.cxx test/vmatrix.cxx tutorials/eve/boxset.C tutorials/geom/geodemo.C tutorials/graphs/splines.C tutorials/hist/th2polyEurope.C tutorials/mc/CompareMasses.C tutorials/memstat/memstat.C
- May 17, 2014
Fons Rademakers authored
The changes are all related to the use of gendered or binary language in the comments, messages, and documents (e.g. referring to the user explicitly as "he" or "he/she"). I searched for thse instances and changed them to the gender-neutral singular they (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Singular_they). In the process I fixed quite a few typos that would show up in the auto-generated documentation. By Jean-François Caron jfcaron@phas.ubc.ca).
- Feb 17, 2014
Bertrand Bellenot authored
- Jan 21, 2014
Pere Mato Vila authored
- Dec 18, 2013
Axel Naumann authored
- Dec 17, 2013
Bertrand Bellenot authored
Fons Rademakers authored
By Bertrand.
- Dec 08, 2013
Fons Rademakers authored
- Sep 20, 2013
Pere Mato Vila authored
- May 27, 2013
Pere Mato Vila authored
- Apr 30, 2013
Axel Naumann authored
Replace all occurrences of strlen(x) == 0 with !x[0] which is far cheaper for long strings.
- Mar 28, 2013
Fons Rademakers authored
The attached patchset fixes a bunch of typo in the source: 0001-succes-success.patch 0002-preceed-preced.patch 0003-informations-information.patch 0004-childs-children.patch 0005-avaliable-available.patch 0006-writeable-writable.patch 0007-comand-command.patch 0008-unkown-unknown.patch 0009-wierd-weird.patch 0010-wheter-whether.patch 0011-unecessary-unnecessary.patch 0012-splitted-split.patch 0013-registerd-registered.patch 0014-recieve-receive.patch 0015-processsing-processing.patch 0016-ouput-output.patch 0017-mutiple-multiple.patch 0018-lenght-length.patch 0019-interupted-interrupted.patch 0020-independant-independent.patch 0021-inconsistant-inconsistent.patch 0022-expresion-expression.patch 0023-explicitely-explicitly.patch 0024-enviroment-environment.patch 0025-deafult-default.patch 0026-continous-continuous.patch 0027-completly-completely.patch 0028-commited-committed.patch 0029-choosen-chosen.patch 0030-backgroud-background.patch 0031-auxilliary-auxiliary.patch 0032-authentification-authentication.patch 0033-appropiate-appropriate.patch 0034-an-other-another.patch 0035-environement-environment.patch 0036-targetting-targeting.patch 0037-suppported-supported.patch 0038-paramater-parameter.patch git-svn-id: http://root.cern.ch/svn/root/trunk@48992 27541ba8-7e3a-0410-8455-c3a389f83636
- Sep 27, 2012
Fons Rademakers authored
__true64. git-svn-id: http://root.cern.ch/svn/root/trunk@46214 27541ba8-7e3a-0410-8455-c3a389f83636
- Jun 04, 2012
Gerardo Ganis authored
git-svn-id: http://root.cern.ch/svn/root/trunk@44512 27541ba8-7e3a-0410-8455-c3a389f83636
Axel Naumann authored
using namespace std; from Riostream.h, which has huge consequences for all of ROOT. Riostream.h is now a simple wrapper for fstream, iostream, iomanip for backward compatibility; Riosfwd.h simply wraps iosfwd. Because of templates and their inline functions, Riostream.h needed to be included in headers, too (e.g. TParameter.h), which violated the assumption that Riostream.h is not exposing its using namespace std to headers. ROOT now requires R__ANSISTREAM, R__SSTREAM, which does not change the set of supported compilers. Without "using namespace std", several identifiers are now prefixed by std::; e.g. roofit/* source files now have a using namespace std to keep their coding style. TFile::MakeProject() now generates "using namespace std" to convert the CINT-style class names into C++ ones. git-svn-id: http://root.cern.ch/svn/root/trunk@44507 27541ba8-7e3a-0410-8455-c3a389f83636