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Snippets Groups Projects
  1. Feb 10, 2007
  2. Feb 08, 2007
  3. Nov 28, 2006
    • Fons Rademakers's avatar
      From Gerri: · f74ff6c3
      Fons Rademakers authored
      This patch eliminates TVirtualProof, TVirtualProofMgr and TVirtualProofDesc.
      The first is integrated in TProof, the second in TProofMgr and the third
      becomes TProofDesc defined in TProofMgr.h.
      git-svn-id: 27541ba8-7e3a-0410-8455-c3a389f83636
  4. Aug 18, 2006
    • Fons Rademakers's avatar
      From Matevz: · 9c3fb078
      Fons Rademakers authored
      new class TObjectSpy and TObjectRefSpy. These small classes monitor objects
      for deletion via RecursiveRemvoe() and reflect the deletion by reverting
      the internal pointer to zero. When this pointer is zero (via GetObject())
      we know the object has been deleted. This avoids the unsafe
      TestBit(kNotDeleted) hack. The spied object must have the kMustCleanup bit
      set otherwise you will get an error. To be used in editor management.
      git-svn-id: 27541ba8-7e3a-0410-8455-c3a389f83636
  5. May 26, 2006
  6. Dec 10, 2005
    • Fons Rademakers's avatar
      From Gerri: · 36c358f0
      Fons Rademakers authored
      introduction of major new PROOF features. Main features:
      - PROOF session manager which allows disconnect/reconnect from running
      - use xrootd/xproofd as connection daemon
      Much more extensive description in release notes.
      git-svn-id: 27541ba8-7e3a-0410-8455-c3a389f83636
  7. Oct 11, 2005
    • Fons Rademakers's avatar
      From Gerri: · 7a5add34
      Fons Rademakers authored
      This patch contains two new very small utility classes:
        1. base/inc/TRedirectOutputGuard.h
           Very simple guard class for RedirectOutput (similar to TLockGuard)
           to redirect the output to a file. Usage:
           void redir() {
              TRedirectOutputGuard guard("/tmp/pippo.txt","w");
              Printf("Here we go ...");
              cout << "Me too!" << endl;
           If the file does not exist it is created. The mode has the same meaning
           as in TSystem::RedirectOutput(). When the guard object goes out of scope
           the redirection is restored to stdout and stderr, this is exception
        2. gui/inc/TGRedirectOutputGuard.h, gui/src/TGRedirectOutputGuard.cxx
           Same functionality but with a text frame window. Usage:
           #include "TGTextView.h"
           void guiredir(TGTextView *tv, const char *fout, const char *mode) {
              TGRedirectOutputGuard guard(tv, fout, mode);
              Printf("Here we go ...");
              cout << "Me too!" << endl;
           where 'tv' is a TGTextView object initialized by the caller; optionally
           one can save the logs into a file.
      git-svn-id: 27541ba8-7e3a-0410-8455-c3a389f83636
  8. Sep 23, 2005
    • Fons Rademakers's avatar
      From Andreas: · 6ca0e02c
      Fons Rademakers authored
      here are my modifications to interface the Grid file catalog
      (AliEn in this case) with TChain data sets. Some changes are just
      one-liner changes to make some base class things virtual or to set
      some members. With these changes one can do:
      // connect
      // query
      TGridResult* result = gGrid->Query("/alice/","*.root","","");
      TGridResult* result = gGrid->Query("/alice/","*.root","","-l 50");  // to query maximum 50 files
      result->Print(""); // or result->Print("l") or result->Print("all"); => Tells you also the complete size of the TDSet (the ALICE one is 68 GB)
      // build chain for ALICE files
      TChain* mychain = new TChain("esdTree","AliceSession");
      // Get a list of FileInfo Objects
      // -> I cannot use directly a list of FileInfo objects in TGridResult,
      //    because TGridResult can be also a list of jobs etc ....
      TList* list = result->GetFileInfoList()
      // add them to a chain
      mychain->AddFileInfoList(list);    // adds all
      mychain->AddFileInfoList(list,10); // adds only the first 10
      // to use PROOF then, you need to do
      mychain->Lookup();                 // open's all files via TAlienFile over
                                            the redirector and replaces the
                                            alien URL with the physical location
                                            of the file on the cluster
                                            (including the access token)
      git-svn-id: 27541ba8-7e3a-0410-8455-c3a389f83636
  9. Sep 16, 2005
  10. Jul 27, 2005
  11. Jul 18, 2005
    • Fons Rademakers's avatar
      From Gerri: · 3c397d4c
      Fons Rademakers authored
      Big patch restructuring the authentication code so libCore does not depend
      on libssl etc. anymore. Isolate the current authentication code behind a
      plugin library to be loaded on demand.
      Setup of a framework able to manage both sets of authentication modules
      (the current one and the one based on xrdsec, coming soon).
      Cleanup all direct reference to authentication in TSlave and TProofServ,
      allowing for significant simplification for the forthcoming changes
      in PROOF for XPD.
      New module: auth
      New files: base/inc/TVirtualAuth.h
                 auth/inc/TRootAuth.h auth/inc/TRootSecContext.h
                 auth/src/TRootAuth.cxx auth/src/TRootSecContext.cxx
      Moved files:
         net/inc -> auth/inc : TAuthenticate.h THostAuth.h DaemonUtils.h AuthConst.h
         net/src -> auth/src : TAuthenticate.cxx THostAuth.cxx DaemonUtils.cxx
      git-svn-id: 27541ba8-7e3a-0410-8455-c3a389f83636
  12. Feb 21, 2005
  13. Jul 07, 2004
    • Fons Rademakers's avatar
      two new classes to read archive files. TArchiveFile is an abstract class · 130bc757
      Fons Rademakers authored
      which uses the plugin manager to load a concrete archive reader. Currently
      the TZIPFile class provides a ZIP archive reader. One can also imagine a
      TTARFile to read tar files. We advice however to use ZIP archives since they
      allow direct access to all its members via a directory structure which
      is part of the file. The archive file access has been integrated into TFile
      which also functions as byte reader to access the archive. This has the
      enormous benefit that archives can be accessed using all the existing
      remote file access classes, like TNetFile, TRFIOFile, TCastorFile, etc.
      When creating ZIP files containing ROOT files make sure that the ROOT files
      are not compressed since normally they are already ZIP compressed. on Linux
      one can create a ZIP archive doing:
          zip -n root multi file1.root file2.root file3.root ...
      which creates the archive, with all files ending with .root
      not compressed.
      The ROOT files in an archive can be simply accessed like this:
          TFile *f = TFile::Open("")
          TFile *f = TFile::Open("root://pcsalo/")
      where the second form opens the 3rd ROOT file in the archive via rootd.
      A TFile can also be used to just browse an archive file, like:
           TFile *f = TFile::Open("")
      A TBrowser interface will follow shortly.
      The core ZIP reading code has been kindly provided by Lassi Tuura.
      git-svn-id: 27541ba8-7e3a-0410-8455-c3a389f83636
  14. Jun 25, 2004
    • Fons Rademakers's avatar
      From Maarten: · bc867fce
      Fons Rademakers authored
      - new class TParameter
      - new class TDrawFeedback
      - fixes to the feedback of performance histograms
      - selection of the packetizer
      - cleanups
      Example commands:
      ... package setup ...
      TDSet *d = make_tdset(2)
      TList *fb = new TList
      fb->Add(new TObjString("EventsHist"))
      fb->Add(new TObjString("CpuTimeHist"))
      TDrawFeedback *dfb = new TDrawFeedback((TProof*)gProof)
      git-svn-id: 27541ba8-7e3a-0410-8455-c3a389f83636
  15. Jun 13, 2004
    • Fons Rademakers's avatar
      From Maarten and Kristjan Gulbrandsen: · e739f488
      Fons Rademakers authored
      PROOF and file I/O performance monitoring framework. The TVirtualPerfStats
      abstract class allows adding monitoring events in base classes (TFile and
      TNetfile). The performance monitoring info allows detailed study of PROOF
      performance (which files accessed by which slaves, latency, read/write times,
      packet size, etc.). The result is send back to the client in the form of a
      memory based TTree.
      Remove TProofStats.h and TProofStats.cxx, .d, .o from proof/inc and src.
      git-svn-id: 27541ba8-7e3a-0410-8455-c3a389f83636
  16. Mar 12, 2004
  17. Mar 11, 2004
    • Rene Brun's avatar
      From Philippe: · 14721dee
      Rene Brun authored
      base/inc/LinkDef3.h, mp.h, multmp.h move the creation of pairs from cintdlls to libCore to force the creation of the
      I/O.  This is necessary to allow the std::pair I/O when the cintdll are created.
      TEmulatedVectorProxy: fix a memory leak
      TClass: set a uninitialized value in constructor.  Also remove trailing spaces.
      base/ remove warnings from G__Base3.cxx for icc.
      git-svn-id: 27541ba8-7e3a-0410-8455-c3a389f83636
  18. Aug 06, 2003
  19. Mar 05, 2003
  20. Dec 05, 2002
  21. Dec 04, 2002
  22. Sep 16, 2002
  23. Jun 16, 2002
  24. Feb 14, 2002
  25. Jan 31, 2002
  26. Oct 29, 2000
  27. Oct 26, 2000
  28. Oct 21, 2000