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Snippets Groups Projects
  1. Dec 18, 2007
  2. Nov 01, 2007
  3. Oct 10, 2007
    • Rene Brun's avatar
      · cebe7ef5
      Rene Brun authored
      From Matevz & Alja
      	* base/inc/TVirtualViewer3D.h:
      	Add function virtual void ObjectPaint(TObject*, Option_t*).
      	* ged/src/TGedEditor.cxx:
      	When adding top-level TGFrame for the extra tabs specify layout
      	hints with kLHintsExpandX.
      	* gl/inc/TGLScenePad.h:
      	* gl/src/TGLScenePad.cxx:
      	Implement virtual TVirtualViewer3D::ObjectPaint().
      	* gl/src/TGLCamera.cxx:
      	* gl/inc/TGLCamera.h:	
      	* gl/src/TGLPerspectiveCamera.cxx:
      	* gl/inc/TGLPerspectiveCamera.h:	
      	* gl/src/TGLOrthoCamera.cxx:
      	* gl/inc/TGLOrthoCamera.h:
      	Introduce two transformation matrices to clearly define movement
      	of camera around the center point. The first transformation matrix
      	fCamBase defines the coordinate system placed at the camera center
      	point with camera up-vector as the third base vector. The second
      	transformation matrix fCamTrans defines the camera transformation
      	relative to fCamBase.
              Implement a common Truck(), Rotate() and Dolly() function for
      	orthographic and perspective camera.
      	Implement an option to define camera center point
      	externally. Center can also be determined via picking.
      	* gl/src/TGLUtil.cxx:
      	* gl/inc/TGLUtil.h:
      	TGLMatrix: add new functions to get/set the base vectors
      	TGLUtil: add member UInt_t fgDefaultDrawQuality.
      	TGLRect: bugfix in Diagonal(), integer calculation overflowed.
      	* gl/src/TGLViewer.cxx:
      	* gl/inc/TGLViewer.h:
      	Make interface to draw camera center point.
      	Add option to disable/enable depth test when drawing axis guides. 
      	* gl/src/TGLViewerEditor.cxx:
      	* gl/inc/TGLViewerEditor.h:
      	Add GUI to manipulate camera center and to disable/enable depth
      	test when drawing axis guides.
      	* gl/src/TGLClipSetEditor.cxx:
      	Change layout of labeled number entries.
      	* gl/src/TGLLightSet.cxx:
      	Fix positioning of front light. White-space consolidation.
      	* gl/src/TGLLightSetEditor.cxx:
      	* gl/inc/TGLLightSetEditor.h:
              Put GUI for the 6 lights in two columns.
      	* tutorials/gl/glViewerExercise.C:
      	Follow-up on changes in TGLCamera. Enable rotation on
      	orthographic camera.
      	* tutorials/gl/glViewerLOD.C:
      	Workourond for cint bug with switch statements.
      git-svn-id: 27541ba8-7e3a-0410-8455-c3a389f83636
  4. Sep 19, 2007
  5. Jul 31, 2007
  6. Jul 23, 2007