- Oct 27, 2015
Olivier Couet authored
Update internal version of freetype to 2.6.1 as requested here: https://sft.its.cern.ch/jira/browse/ROOT-7631
Pere Mato Vila authored
Fix issue with TGeoPainter and the new implementation of TFormula (see https://root.cern.ch/phpBB3/viewtopic.php?f=3&t=20555 ). Added geom tutorials that can run without GUI.
- Oct 26, 2015
Philippe Canal authored
Philippe Canal authored
Lorenzo Moneta authored
Avoid crash when accessing elements with empty vectors. Fix for ROOT-7740. Returns also now a Nan as in the case of Matrix
Lorenzo Moneta authored
- Oct 25, 2015
Danilo Piparo authored
More investigation is needed about the failure seen for the roottest-root-meta-autoloading-headerParsingOnDemand-FullheaderParsingOnDemand-libgen-build test. This reverts commit 8decb9e1.
Danilo Piparo authored
- Oct 24, 2015
Danilo Piparo authored
Fons Rademakers authored
- Oct 23, 2015
Axel Naumann authored
Philippe Canal authored
Olivier Couet authored
Olivier Couet authored
Axel Naumann authored
- Oct 22, 2015
Fons Rademakers authored
Fons Rademakers authored
Due to the new way Apple builds python on 10.11 (El Capitan) each plugin must specify where to find dependent libraries. This is done by specifying the rpath using @loader_path (see man dyld) when creating the plugins. In the past we provided this rpath specification only for the executables but now for all plugins.
Fons Rademakers authored
Fons Rademakers authored
Fons Rademakers authored
Philippe Canal authored
For each autoparse record to under which transaction it is being done. If this transaction is rolled back, make sure to clear the caches that noted that this autoparsing had be done.
Philippe Canal authored
Philippe Canal authored
Philippe Canal authored
Philippe Canal authored
Philippe Canal authored
Olivier Couet authored
- Oct 20, 2015
Olivier Couet authored
Y axis are now set to the lowest positive values of the graph. Previously a % of the maximum was used which may hide some points like in the following example { TGraph * gr = new TGraph(10); for (int i = 0;i<10;i++) gr->SetPoint(i,i,TMath::Exp(-10.0*i)); for (int i = 5;i<10;i++) gr->SetPoint(i,i,0.); gr->Draw("apl"); gr->SetMarkerStyle(20); gPad->SetLogy(true); } The problem was reported here: https://root.cern.ch/phpBB3/viewtopic.php?f=3&t=20484 - Formatting - Spell check
Timur Pocheptsov authored
Due to some internal changes in Cocoa, NSWindow object seems to be 'over-autoreleased' way to many times if we do not have any pools on a pool stack except the top level one; it can happen then that such 'deleted' window stays on screen after its widget was deleted (but NSApplication/run loop still did not have a chance to drain a pool, for example, during some heavy processing on a main thread). This patch addresses this problem by: - using local autorelease pools - calling -orderOut: for a window if it's considered to be deleted (at least this will immediately remove it from screen).
Axel Naumann authored
Axel Naumann authored
- Oct 19, 2015
Axel Naumann authored
Axel Naumann authored
Philippe Canal authored
Philippe Canal authored
Philippe Canal authored
When the default TApplication is replaced by a user provide TApplication, do not call EndOfProcessCleanups and co. and thus do not delete TFiles, TSockets or TColors that have already been created.
Matevz Tadel authored
Parts of this were accessed through redefining private/protected as public which, besides of being a nasty hack, does not work with gcc-5.
Olivier Couet authored
- Oct 16, 2015
Pere Mato Vila authored