- Sep 21, 2018
Guilherme Amadio authored
This reverts commit dc825fc4.
- Sep 20, 2018
Elie Khairallah authored
* Centralise the generation of help for root command Add argparse2help.py, add root-argparse.py, delete the old help of root, add the cmake commands needed to generate the header containing the command line options help and to generate manual page for the root command. The python file argparse2help.py can be called with the root-argparse.py and the output name as arguments. This call will generate the header file if the output has an extension ".h" and will generate the manual page if the extension is ".1" * Centralise the generation of help for the rest of the commands Add cmake changes to generate headers and manual pages for rootcling hadd and hist2workspace Delete old man pages of hadd and hist2workspace Add commented out generation of man pages for python commands, we need to add a dependency before uncommenting them out Add hadd rootcling hist2workspace argparse modules * make the path compatible with windows * review modifications * add dependency on the input and the generation script of man pages * remove installation of headers * Update CMakeLists.txt It makes no sense to generates man pages on Windows. Windows does not have the `man` command. * Update argparse2help.py * Update argparse2help.py * Update argparse2help.py * Update hadd.cxx haddCommandLineOptionsHelp.h was not included for windows * Update root-argparse.py add the option --version * Update argparse2help.py simplified version (Thanks Bertrand !)
- Mar 27, 2018
Swapneel Mehta authored
Improved documentation, made minor changes to spelling.
- Mar 20, 2018
Gerardo Ganis authored
Deprecated in v6.14, removed in v6.16
Gerardo Ganis authored
Deprecated in v6.14; plan to remove in v6.16
- Feb 07, 2018
Axel Naumann authored
This reverts commit 8f50a7f8.
Danilo Piparo authored
- Jan 11, 2018
Paul Seyfert authored
* switch from LIBS to LDLIBS according to make built-in rules * import options from root-config --help
Paul Seyfert authored
* updated URLs * extended explanation of macro files for `root`
- Dec 23, 2017
Paul Seyfert authored
* aspell -d en -n -c <filename>
- Jun 27, 2016
Mattias Ellert authored
- Jun 23, 2016
Olivier Couet authored
- Spell check
- Aug 12, 2015
Danilo Piparo authored
- Jul 23, 2015
Pere Mato Vila authored
- Mar 09, 2015
Olivier Couet authored
- Aug 05, 2014
Philippe Canal authored
Philippe Canal authored
- Apr 29, 2014
Axel Naumann authored
rootcling will write out ROOT files; that does not work for libCore and RIO which instead use rootcling_tmp. All other libraries use rootcling -rootbuild. Rename ROOTCLINGTMP to ROOTCLINGSTAGE1; rootcling -rootbuild is ROOTCLINGSTAGE2.
- Aug 12, 2013
Axel Naumann authored
- Mar 28, 2013
Fons Rademakers authored
The attached patchset fixes a bunch of typo in the source: 0001-succes-success.patch 0002-preceed-preced.patch 0003-informations-information.patch 0004-childs-children.patch 0005-avaliable-available.patch 0006-writeable-writable.patch 0007-comand-command.patch 0008-unkown-unknown.patch 0009-wierd-weird.patch 0010-wheter-whether.patch 0011-unecessary-unnecessary.patch 0012-splitted-split.patch 0013-registerd-registered.patch 0014-recieve-receive.patch 0015-processsing-processing.patch 0016-ouput-output.patch 0017-mutiple-multiple.patch 0018-lenght-length.patch 0019-interupted-interrupted.patch 0020-independant-independent.patch 0021-inconsistant-inconsistent.patch 0022-expresion-expression.patch 0023-explicitely-explicitly.patch 0024-enviroment-environment.patch 0025-deafult-default.patch 0026-continous-continuous.patch 0027-completly-completely.patch 0028-commited-committed.patch 0029-choosen-chosen.patch 0030-backgroud-background.patch 0031-auxilliary-auxiliary.patch 0032-authentification-authentication.patch 0033-appropiate-appropriate.patch 0034-an-other-another.patch 0035-environement-environment.patch 0036-targetting-targeting.patch 0037-suppported-supported.patch 0038-paramater-parameter.patch git-svn-id: http://root.cern.ch/svn/root/trunk@48992 27541ba8-7e3a-0410-8455-c3a389f83636
- Feb 16, 2013
Fons Rademakers authored
git-svn-id: http://root.cern.ch/svn/root/trunk@48612 27541ba8-7e3a-0410-8455-c3a389f83636
- Jan 30, 2013
Fons Rademakers authored
In xpdtest.cxx : - Use different technique for time outs - Add switch '-T timeout' contro the timeout value during connection or ping attempts (value in seconds) - Add switch '-p pidfile' to communicate the location of the process pid file; if this is defined, an existence check of the process is done before any other test - Add switch '-v' to set gDebug=1 where relevant - Make sure that the check for the esistence of the sandbox dir is only done when required, i.e. when the required test type is 2. In man1/xpdtest.1: - Document new switches In setxrd.sh: - Fix issue on zsh (see Savannah #99744) In installXrootd.sh - Set default version 3.2.7 git-svn-id: http://root.cern.ch/svn/root/trunk@48439 27541ba8-7e3a-0410-8455-c3a389f83636
- Jan 10, 2013
Fons Rademakers authored
git-svn-id: http://root.cern.ch/svn/root/trunk@48265 27541ba8-7e3a-0410-8455-c3a389f83636
- Dec 19, 2012
Fons Rademakers authored
this patch adds an executable ptest which can be used to test the status of the daemon in 3 possible ways: ping, ping+start simple session for default user, ping + start simple session for active users. The idea is to use it with something like 'monit' or with a cron job. This feature was requested by several admins and I believe is anyhow something good to have. git-svn-id: http://root.cern.ch/svn/root/trunk@48130 27541ba8-7e3a-0410-8455-c3a389f83636
- Oct 24, 2011
Fons Rademakers authored
removing built-in xrootd, from now on use external xrootd. git-svn-id: http://root.cern.ch/svn/root/trunk@41550 27541ba8-7e3a-0410-8455-c3a389f83636
- May 24, 2011
Gerardo Ganis authored
git-svn-id: http://root.cern.ch/svn/root/trunk@39358 27541ba8-7e3a-0410-8455-c3a389f83636
- Mar 24, 2011
Fons Rademakers authored
merge from roostats development branch and the 5.28 patches the fix 38597 which contains a new version of the histfactory. git-svn-id: http://root.cern.ch/svn/root/trunk@38603 27541ba8-7e3a-0410-8455-c3a389f83636
- Dec 11, 2010
Fons Rademakers authored
man page. git-svn-id: http://root.cern.ch/svn/root/trunk@37546 27541ba8-7e3a-0410-8455-c3a389f83636
- Dec 10, 2010
Rene Brun authored
right version of the file git-svn-id: http://root.cern.ch/svn/root/trunk@37524 27541ba8-7e3a-0410-8455-c3a389f83636
Rene Brun authored
add man page for hist2workspace git-svn-id: http://root.cern.ch/svn/root/trunk@37500 27541ba8-7e3a-0410-8455-c3a389f83636
- Jul 23, 2010
Philippe Canal authored
git-svn-id: http://root.cern.ch/svn/root/trunk@34580 27541ba8-7e3a-0410-8455-c3a389f83636
- Jun 09, 2010
Gerardo Ganis authored
git-svn-id: http://root.cern.ch/svn/root/trunk@33803 27541ba8-7e3a-0410-8455-c3a389f83636
- Dec 01, 2008
Fons Rademakers authored
new and updated man files. git-svn-id: http://root.cern.ch/svn/root/trunk@26559 27541ba8-7e3a-0410-8455-c3a389f83636
- May 11, 2007
Fons Rademakers authored
* New package names. Packages that used to be named `root-{bin,doc,common,...}' are now called `root-system-{bin,doc,common,...}' This is to please the Debian FTP masters so that they might accept ROOT into the main Debian distribution. * The above change means a lot of files in the `build/package/...' need to be renamed. * Fix to `unuran/Module.mk' to allow unpacking the tar-ball an remove it before making packages. This is also done for roofit and afterimage. This is required by Debian so that the security team can make patches. * Note, that due to the name change, the packages are not compatible with the old packages. That means that users will have to completely de-install the old ROOT packages before installing the new ones. git-svn-id: http://root.cern.ch/svn/root/trunk@18746 27541ba8-7e3a-0410-8455-c3a389f83636
- Nov 05, 2006
Fons Rademakers authored
several packinging mods in preparation for inclusion in Debian. git-svn-id: http://root.cern.ch/svn/root/trunk@16682 27541ba8-7e3a-0410-8455-c3a389f83636
- Aug 24, 2006
Fons Rademakers authored
- configure: new option --fail-on-missing, when this is set configure will fail if the files for a requested plugin are not found. Needed for proper Debian install. - many Debian packaging fixes. git-svn-id: http://root.cern.ch/svn/root/trunk@16103 27541ba8-7e3a-0410-8455-c3a389f83636
- Feb 28, 2006
Fons Rademakers authored
many mods in the Debian and RedHat packaging system to ready ROOT for inclusion in Debian and RedHat distributions. git-svn-id: http://root.cern.ch/svn/root/trunk@14124 27541ba8-7e3a-0410-8455-c3a389f83636
- Nov 21, 2005
Fons Rademakers authored
Here's a patch and some files for ROOT, to fix some problems in the Debian build. The file `root-plugin-minuit2.control' plus some changes in the existing scripts, adds the package `root-plugin-minuit2' containing the new Minuit implementation. `root-bin.png' is used on Debian to integrate ROOT into the normal desktop menus. `xrdcp.1' is a missing man(1) page. I've added logic in `configure' to check how libPythia6.so is compiled - with a single, double, or no trailing underscores. This seems safer than to rely on using a specific library, compiled with specific options. git-svn-id: http://root.cern.ch/svn/root/trunk@13301 27541ba8-7e3a-0410-8455-c3a389f83636
- Sep 07, 2005
Fons Rademakers authored
fixes for Debian packages (due to the license change ROOT can be moved out of the non-free tree). Also updates in the man pages reflecting the new license. git-svn-id: http://root.cern.ch/svn/root/trunk@12673 27541ba8-7e3a-0410-8455-c3a389f83636
- Aug 15, 2005
Fons Rademakers authored
I've made a patch for some updates to the packaging stuff in ROOT. The most important change is, that in Debian and Redhat packages `libroot', I install the libraries in `/usr/lib/root/<version>' (where version is something like 5.03), and I put symbolic links to the ROOT libraries in `/usr/lib/root' /usr/lib/root/libTreePlayer.so.5.03 -> /usr/lib/root/5.03/libTreePlayer.so.5.03 /usr/lib/root/libTreePlayer.so -> /usr/lib/root/5.03/libTreePlayer.so.5.03 And in `/etc/root/system.rootrc' we get Unix.Root.*.DynamicPath: .:/usr/lib/root/5.03 This allows users to only install `libroot' and not be forced to install `libroot-dev' for the dynamic loading of ROOT plugins to work. It also means, that users can more easily upgrade ROOT. That is, suppose you have `libroot' version 4.04.03 installed, and you have some application that depends on that, say `mn-fit'. Now, you want to upgrade to the next production version, say 5.03.01, but `mn-fit' hasn't been recompiled against the new ROOT libraries. As the libraries in `libroot' are all versioned (end in `.so.<version>'), the two version of `libroot' can easily co-exist. However, the libraries should load the correct libraries for the particular version, which is ensured by the line in `/etc/root/system.rootrc'. The name of the package `libroot' is changed to `libroot<major>' where <major> is the major version number of ROOT (e.g., `5'). For the packages, root-rootd, and root-proofd, I removed the (X)Inetd stuff, so that these services should be started by SYSV Init scripts instead. Also, I updated the `README/INSTALL' file to address some recent complaints about the RPM building. I also added section numbers and a Table of Contents. In `configure', I added the directory `/usr/include/postgresql/8.0' to the search path for `lib-pq.h', as that's where the headers are put now a days on Debian `sid'. In `xrootd/Module.mk', I took out the `xrdpwdgsi' executable from the `ALLEXECS' variable, as it doesn't seem to be build. I added the man page `xrdpwdadmin.1'. git-svn-id: http://root.cern.ch/svn/root/trunk@12478 27541ba8-7e3a-0410-8455-c3a389f83636