- Sep 06, 2018
Sergey Linev authored
Sergey Linev authored
Now URL to the webwindow is shorter and like: http://server/win1/
Sergey Linev authored
Now one can directly register WS handlers to THttpServer If allowed, handlers can be precessed directly in the civetweb threads without involving of THttpServer thread at all. This allows to run many connections for many different web widgets absolutely independent from each other - there are no one bottleneck in http thread (or any other main thread)
Sergey Linev authored
Sergey Linev authored
Sergey Linev authored
Provide methods to configure extra thread for THttpServer (default off) and extra threads for clients sending (default off). Same configuration can be done via .rootrc file
Sergey Linev authored
Sergey Linev authored
RCanvas::Run(doble) runs canvas functionality for specified time, must be regularly called when canvas should be used from user thread RCanvas::Remove() method remove canvas from global lists, let destroy canvas regularly Update tutorials/v7/draw_mt.cxx macro
Sergey Linev authored
It allows to run webwindow functionality in non-main thread. When no connection exists - just do sleep for specified time. Should be regularly called
Sergey Linev authored
Sergey Linev authored
Mutex is booked in the beginning of operation and unbooked at the end with specialized guard class. This prevents from complete locking of the mutex for very long time
Sergey Linev authored
operations Depending from caller thread, also invoke gSystem->ProcessEvents()
Sergey Linev authored
In multithreaded environment user data callback invoked not necessary from the thread where data is received (typically THttpThread) but from thread where TWebWindow is running. For that special queue is created and Sync() function is introduced. Still open question - how to correctly detect main thread, where system events should be processed when blocking function is called
Sergey Linev authored
In that folder all objects are registered, used by THttpServer This allows to avoid all kind of global lists and exclude interfereance between different instances of THttpServer. Such feature of main importance for TWebWindow(s), which should be possible to run from many threads without interfearing with gROOT
Sergey Linev authored
Sergey Linev authored
To avoid 100% of CPU usage, made regulat short sleeps for 1ms
Sergey Linev authored
Should be used only with default sniffer, which does not have access to any global lists
Sergey Linev authored
While websockets can run in multiple threads, one should clearly identify instance as disabled
Sergey Linev authored
Sergey Linev authored
If websocket send operation was submitted into other thread, one have to wait it completion before next send operation can be performed
Sergey Linev authored
web socket engine should support this (default off) and web socket handler have to allow this
Sergey Linev authored
Sergey Linev authored
Sergey Linev authored
This allows to run data transfer to each connection in separate threads
Sergey Linev authored
While some structures of TWebWindow could be accessed from different threads, introduce mutex which protects list of connections. List of connections itself now is vector of shread_ptr. This allows to have reference on connection from different thread. One still need to introduce separate mutex for connection data. Of course one should avoid acquiring of several mutexes at same time.
Sergey Linev authored
Axel Naumann authored
Pere Mato Vila authored
ROOT-9620 #close
- Sep 05, 2018
Oksana Shadura authored
Fix in LLVM trunk: https://reviews.llvm.org/rL317091
Danilo Piparo authored
Danilo Piparo authored
Enrico Guiraud authored
- RResultPtr now stores a raw pointer intead of a weak_ptr - weak_ptr validity checks have been removed since RLoopManager cannot go out of scope before these other entities
Enrico Guiraud authored
Danilo Piparo authored
- Sep 04, 2018
Enrico Guiraud authored
Enrico Guiraud authored
Enrico Guiraud authored
Enrico Guiraud authored
Enrico Guiraud authored
Enrico Guiraud authored