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  1. Feb 08, 2007
  2. Feb 07, 2007
    • Rene Brun's avatar
      From Axel: · 2d9d5222
      Rene Brun authored
      Added functionality:
      * Begin_Macro/End_Macro, Begin_Latex/End_Latex (generate images, see
      TDocParser's doc for now)
      * module documentation (e.g. html/doc/index.html)
      * help on help (savannah bug #20755)
      Separate parser and output generator; public interface stays in THtml.
      Create a "hook" for directives like Begin_Html/End_Html etc, to make it
      easily expandable.
      New layout, bug fix (savannah #20472).
      Missing: lots of doc. Rule checker fixes  :-)
      git-svn-id: 27541ba8-7e3a-0410-8455-c3a389f83636
  3. Jan 22, 2007
    • Fons Rademakers's avatar
      From Gerri: · 4cb62661
      Fons Rademakers authored
      - Last part of the patch to fully activate authentication in XProofd.
      - Further additions:
         - creation of a default list of workers based on the number of CPUs
          (to automatically start a local cluster with #workers == #CPUs)
         - support fo usernames longer than 8 chars (bug #22598).
      git-svn-id: 27541ba8-7e3a-0410-8455-c3a389f83636
  4. Dec 06, 2006
  5. Dec 03, 2006
    • Fons Rademakers's avatar
      From Gerri: · 7c107d24
      Fons Rademakers authored
      0. Introduction of the static:
            TProof::Mgr(const char *url)
         to get the manager to the cluster; this gives access to all the manager
         functionality, included Reset(). TProof::Reset() is removed.
      1. Two new classes: TProofLog and TProofLogElem.
         TProofLog contains a list of TProofLogElem, one per node. TProofLogElem
         basically contains a TMacro plus methods to play  with it.
      2. The TProofLog object can be retrieved via the manager:
            TProofLog *pl = TProof::Mgr("cluster")->GetSessionLogs()
         by default the last session is retrieved: the signature for GetSessionLogs is
            TProofLog *TProofMgr::GetSessionLogs(Int_t ridx, const char *stag)
         the first argument is a reversed relative index (-1 gets the next to last
         session), the second is the session unique tag; if the second is
         specified the first is ignored.
      3. TProofMgr has a new method ReadBuffer to quickly read a buffer from
         a file via XrdProofd: this allows to avoid the second xrootd on the
         redirector and in general is useful when a quick reading is needed.
         Also, the buffer is always retrieved via the master, so we should not
         have firewall problems in accessing directly the xrootd of the workers.
      4. In the sandbox I have kept the .sessions file with the active sessions
         and I have added .terminated in each session working dir which have
         been terminated. On the master, each session working dir has the file
         .workers with the relevant information about the workers.
      5. The max number of old session workdirs is set to 10 by default
         (configurable in the sandbox is trimmed when closing a session.
      6. Some unrelated changes/fixes contained in the patch:
         - in XrdProofdProtocol:
            - use of /proc (linux, solaris) or sysctl (mac) to verify/search
              for running of a process. For other platforms I have left the
              parsing of the output of 'ps'.
            - I have introduced a 'cron'  thread: it runs every minute and for
              the moment it just cleans a vector; this is the place where to do
              client independent actions, like checking if the config files have
              changed, for example.
            - I have added the possibility to control which user can access
              the cluster; requested by Jan Fiete.
      7. The patch contains also several fixes here and there I have found by
      git-svn-id: 27541ba8-7e3a-0410-8455-c3a389f83636
  6. Dec 01, 2006
  7. Oct 23, 2006
    • Fons Rademakers's avatar
      From Gerri: · 99fba5b1
      Fons Rademakers authored
      The patch fixes the problem of xrootd not terminating in case the xpd plugin
      loading fails. In addition is also fixes:
      - SetUserEnvironment:
        chdir to sandbox instead of HOME (which may not be accessible, e.g. on AFS
        and no tokens)
      - Add a new trace level, HDBG, for printings in loops or any other low
        level details.
      - Some cosmetics (tabs, misalignments, ...)
      git-svn-id: 27541ba8-7e3a-0410-8455-c3a389f83636
  8. Oct 20, 2006
  9. Oct 19, 2006
  10. Oct 05, 2006
  11. Aug 25, 2006
  12. May 29, 2006
  13. Apr 19, 2006
  14. Mar 31, 2006
  15. Sep 22, 2005
  16. May 10, 2005
  17. May 03, 2005
    • Rene Brun's avatar
      From Andrei Sokolov <> · 575a6081
      Rene Brun authored
      Some updates to the PDG table:
        141 D*_2s+              435  1 100 CharmedMeson       3 2.57240e+00
        Mass of this meson has been changed according to the latest PDG booklet.
        404 D*_0s+            10431  1 100 Unknown     3 2.3174e+00
      4.60000e-03 -100 -1 -100 -1   -1   2
      #    decay  type(PY6)    BR     Nd         daughters(codes, then names)
               1     0   8.00000e-01   2      431
      111                                     D_s+       pi0
               2     0   2.00000e-01   2      431
      22                                      D_s+       gamma
      Mass and width of D*_0s+(D*_sj92317)) have been changhed according to
      the latest PDG booklet.
      I am not sure about branching ratios of the decay channel. Our
      theoretists told me that it should be order D_s+pi0/D_s+gamma ~ 4:1
        441 D*_1s+            20433  1 100 Unknown     3 2.4592e+00
      5.50000e-03 -100 -1 -100 -1   -1   2
      #    decay  type(PY6)    BR     Nd         daughters(codes, then names)
               1     0   8.00000e-01   2      433
      111                                     D*_s+      pi0
               1     0   2.00000e-01   2      433
      22                                     D*_s+      gamma
      git-svn-id: 27541ba8-7e3a-0410-8455-c3a389f83636
  18. Mar 21, 2005
    • Fons Rademakers's avatar
      From Christian Holm Christensen: · 4dfc83ff
      Fons Rademakers authored
            * New Debian and RedHat rpm packaging scripts.
            * Added a description to `build/package/debian/README.Debian' on
              how to add a new package.   It's not that complicated so it
              should be a simple thing to add a new package, even for some
              with little or no experience with RPMs or DEBs.
            * When searching for the Oracle client libraries, I added the
              directories `/usr/lib/oracle/*/client/lib' and
              `/usr/include/oracle/*/client' - as these are the paths that the
              RPMs install into.
            * I added the packages `root-plugin-krb5' and
            * The library `libXMLIO' is in `libroot'.
            * The package `root-plugin-xml' contains the XML parser.
            * I fixed an cosmetic error in `build/misc/root.m4'.  The
              definition of `ROOT_PATH' should be quoted, otherwise aclocal
              will complain.
            * In the top-level `Makefile' I pass an additional argument to
              `makecintdlls' - namely `$(ROOTCINTTMP)'.  In `makecintdlls' I
              use that argument to make the various dictionaries for
              `'.   Originally, the script used plain `rootcint'.
              However, as `rootcint' may not be in the path yet, or the one in
              the path may be old, this failed.  Hence, I use what we know is
              there - namely the newly build `rootcint_tmp'.  BTW, what are
              these shared libraries, and where do they belong?  I guess they
              are specific to ROOT, and not used by plain `CINT'.  For now, I
              put them in `libroot'.
            *  Made the two `virtual' packages `root-db-client' - provided the
              DB plugins, and `root-fitter' provided by `root-plugin-minuit'
              and `root-plugin-fumili'.  Note, the virtual package
              `root-file-server' provided by `root-rootd' and `root-xrootd'
              already existed in the previous patch.
            * Note, I added the directory `build/package/debian/po' which is
              for translations of DebConf templates.  DebConf is Debians very
              advanced package configuration interface.   It presents the user
              with a set of questions in some sort of `GUI' based on how much
              the user would like to change.  These `dialogs' can be
              translated quite easily.  As an example, I translated the
              questions used by the `ttf-root-installer' package into Danish.
              I'm sure someone can translate them into German, French,
              Italien, Spanish, and so on.
      git-svn-id: 27541ba8-7e3a-0410-8455-c3a389f83636
  19. Feb 22, 2005
    • Fons Rademakers's avatar
      From Gerri: · 4262ff7c
      Fons Rademakers authored
      Writing the documentation I realized that the way GSI certificates
      were tested on the server side was non-optimal.
      This patch fixes this; in particular it allows non-fully-privileged
      servers to use GSI service certificate (ROOT-specific, ldap, ...) if
      read permissions are set (before this was possible only for privileged
      git-svn-id: 27541ba8-7e3a-0410-8455-c3a389f83636
  20. Mar 17, 2004
    • Fons Rademakers's avatar
      From Gerri: · 4f4ab2a2
      Fons Rademakers authored
        o Added support for creation of authentication tokens
          exclusive to parent daemon and its childs; by default
          tokens have inclusive nature, i.e. can be checked by another
          server on the same machine with having access to the key files
          (option -E to rootd/proofd)
        o Added support for non-standard file name for daemon access rules
          (option -D <rootdaemonrc> to rootd/proofd)
        o Added support for non-standard file name for authentication directives
          (PROOF only: option -A [<rootauthrc>] to proofd; see header of
        o Improved security in ssh authentications
      Bug fixes:
        o Fix a few inconsistencies in treating error conditions
        o Fix bug with default init strings for ProxyDuration and ProxyKeyBits
        o Fix problem with checking for valid globus proxies
        o fixed message desynchronization problem in case of non valid offset
        o Modified error call in case of failure of Krb5 initialization:
          execution continues (call Err instead of ErrFatal)
        o Fix (again) problem with cygwingcc definition in rpdutils.cxx
        o Fix problem with fgUser not being correctly saved in case
          of successful authentication in TAuthenticate.cxx
        o Fix a problem with duplication in socket list (TPSocket)
        o Set fContext=0 after deletion TPwdCtx (in TSecContext::Deactivate).
        o Fix link problem with the globus patched function in rootd/
          and proofd/
        o Added function ProofdTerm (equivalent of RootdTerm) to terminate
          correctly in case of interrupting signal SIGTERM or SIGINT (proofd.cxx)
        o Fix several incorrect comments.
      git-svn-id: 27541ba8-7e3a-0410-8455-c3a389f83636
  21. Feb 25, 2004
  22. Feb 20, 2004
  23. Feb 19, 2004
  24. Feb 18, 2004
  25. Feb 05, 2004
  26. Nov 18, 2003
    • Fons Rademakers's avatar
      From Gerri: · 18c7d6b3
      Fons Rademakers authored
       o Rename RpdCheckHostWild as RpdCheckHost
       o Remove function RpdCheckHostWild
       o Add function RpdCheckHost
       o updated documentation
      git-svn-id: 27541ba8-7e3a-0410-8455-c3a389f83636
    • Fons Rademakers's avatar
      From Gerri: · 5fbc685b
      Fons Rademakers authored
       o drop method CheckHostWild()
       o drop method CheckHostWild()
       o Modified hostname checking in CheckHost()
       o updated documentation
      git-svn-id: 27541ba8-7e3a-0410-8455-c3a389f83636
  27. Nov 07, 2003
    • Fons Rademakers's avatar
      From Gerri: · beacbef7
      Fons Rademakers authored
       o Update explaining tutorial use
      Index: base/src/TFile.cxx
       o ::Open(): call TNetFile also if same host but different user
         (to access files protected by password)
      Index: globusauth/src/GlobusAuth.cxx
       o Aestethic changes (shortening of a few lines)
      Index: krb5auth/src/Krb5Auth.cxx
       o Simplify two debug printouts
       o Change debug print to stderr in Info(...; add gDebug control.
      Index: net/inc/THostAuth.h
       o Modify default ctor
       o Add method HasMethod to test method availability
      Index: net/src/TAuthenticate.cxx
       o make sure that if fgUser (and nothing else) is set, this is
         the default user name
       o Make sure that requiring roots/rootk uses correctly details
         found for those methods in .rootauthrc
       o Fix return of GetPromptUser()
       o Fix problem with wild cards
       o Add check for wildcard host names in method GetHostAuth
       o Remove debug printout in method ReadAuthRc
      Index: net/src/THostAuth.cxx
       o Modify default ctor
       o Add method HaveMethod to test method availability
       o Aestethic changes (shortening of a few lines)
      Index: net/src/TNetFile.cxx
       o Remove precompiler unused #if's in method ConnectServer
      Index: proof/inc/TProofServ.h
       o Remove method ReadProofAuth, add method RecvHostAuth
         (To receive directly the authentication info in ProofServ
         instead of reading it from temporary files
      Index: proof/src/TProofServ.cxx
       o All mods needed to remove method ReadProofAuth and add
         method RecvHostAuth (see above).
         Modified methods: Setup, CollectAuthInfo .
       o Fix bug in CollectAuthInfo switching ReUse off by default
         for method UsrPwd
       o Removing automatic choice of UidGid for local slaves
       o Setting order of default UidGid authentication to last
       o Aestethic changes in CheckAuth
      Index: proof/src/TSlave.cxx
       o transmit passwd for UsrPwd and SRP authentication also to slaves
       o All mods needed to send auth info to ProofServ instead of
         proofd (see above)
      Index: proofd/src/proofd.cxx
       o Fix compiling problem with namespaces for Kerberos
       o Remove redundant 'access' calls
       o Authenticate: do not recive auth info (done in ProofServ)
       o ProofExec: send TmpDir to proofserv (for key location)
       o Define gSystemdaemonc as $ROOTETCDIR/system.rootdaemonrc
      Index: rootd/src/rootd.cxx
       o Define gSystemdaemonc as $ROOTETCDIR/system.rootdaemonrc
      Index: rpdutils/inc/rpdp.h
       o Rename gAuthAllow as gSystemDaemonRc
       o Rename kDaemonAccess as kDaemonRc
      Index: rpdutils/src/rpdutils.cxx
       o Fix compiling problem with namespaces for Kerberos
       o Define kDaemonRc as .rootdaemonrc (it was daemon.access)
       o Add support for $HOME/.rootdaemonrc
       o Add support for daemon dependent access rules
       o Aestethic changes in CheckAuth (drop commented lines)
      Index: srputils/src/SRPAuth.cxx
       o set static flags only when authentication is successful
      Index: tutorials/TestAuth.C
       o Test using TFTP instead of TNetFile (faster and runs also
         with local host fqdn)
       o Add test for kerberos
      git-svn-id: 27541ba8-7e3a-0410-8455-c3a389f83636
  28. Oct 22, 2003
    • Fons Rademakers's avatar
      From Gerri: · 30fb3363
      Fons Rademakers authored
      Patched files:
       o improved detection of patch details for globus
       o updated
       o add example for non-root runs
       o remove redundant 'access' calls
       o fix return value in method GetPromptUser
       o remove redundant 'access' calls
       o add new includes file depending on Globus GTK version
       o add prototype for new function GblsToolCheckProxy
       o fix a few typos in debug messages
       o add new function GblsToolCheckProxy for checking user
         proxies when running as non-root
       o remove redundant 'access' calls
       o remove redundant 'access' calls
      git-svn-id: 27541ba8-7e3a-0410-8455-c3a389f83636
  29. Sep 24, 2003
  30. Sep 11, 2003
    • Fons Rademakers's avatar
      From Gerri: · d9f9466f
      Fons Rademakers authored
      This patch contains Maarten's suggestions, and the fixes I have done
      since then.
      There was problem in the transmission of the password to master/slaves
      that I believe was causing the hanging ...
      git-svn-id: 27541ba8-7e3a-0410-8455-c3a389f83636
  31. Aug 29, 2003
  32. Jan 22, 2003