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  1. Feb 06, 2018
    • Axel Naumann's avatar
      Remove entry point for configure/make. · d47847d1
      Axel Naumann authored
      This build system has served us well for about twenty years, but
      time has come to part. ROOT can be built with CMake (the de-facto
      standard for many software packages out there) since several years
      now. It's not a beauty, but it works. And we have better things to
      do than maintain two independent build systems. Thus:
        So long, configure, and thanks for all the bash!
  2. Oct 27, 2017
  3. Sep 28, 2017
  4. Sep 08, 2017
  5. Sep 06, 2017
  6. Sep 05, 2017
  7. Sep 04, 2017
  8. Aug 11, 2017
  9. May 31, 2017
  10. May 19, 2017
    • Xavier Valls Pla's avatar
      [WIP] PR#3 Vectorization: Added parallelized and vectorized Chi2 and Unbinned Likelihood (#567) · 5a4e4ba6
      Xavier Valls Pla authored
      * Add parallelization to Chi2 fitting.
      - Adapt vectorized TF1 for a Fitter with fixed parameters.
      - Made the Chi2FCN Evaluating loop independent of the size of the SIMD array.
      - Parallelized both vectorized and scalar versions of the Chi2FCN evaluation.
      - Added new fExecutionpolicy field to the Chi2FCN class that will determine the policy to use for the chi2 function evaluation: multiprocess, multithread or serial(none).
      * Provide automatic chunking in parallel Chi2 Fit
      * Change naming in template resolver
      * Fix error calling EvalParVec with ftype=1
      * Template Paramfunctor
      Templates Paramfunctor and adds const parameters interfaces for evaluation.
      * Add vectorized Chi2 Evaluation
      * Add Functor type resolving to TF1
      * Vectorize and parallelize unbinned likelihood fit
      * Introduce the Double_v type
      * Linked MathCore with Vc
      * Prepare for chunking
      * Adapt Fitter interfaces for vectorization
      * Improve use of VecCore
      * Change Mathcore linking from Thread to IMT
      * Allow the evaluation of Chi2 with coord errors
      * Improve identation
      * Disable the multiprocessing of the fitting
      * Cleaned remaining Vc directives
      * Link vecCore instead of Vc
      * Define R__HAS_VECCORE
      * Differentiate VecCore code at compile time
      * Fix warning due to unused args
      * Restore original conditions for Chi2Evaluation
      * Make fFunctor transient again
      * Reenable Chi2Gradient and Chi2Residual evaluations
      * Add ValuePtr documentation
      * Fix white lines between functions
      * Fix Chi2 evaluation of multidimensional data
      * Fix Memory alignment in the vectorized Likelihood fit.
      This reintroduces Vc dependencies
      * Fix for classic builds
      * Conditionate MathCore linking
      * Only Fit Multithreaded if IMT is enabled
      * Fix multidim integral error in the Chi2 fit
      * Fix LogL evaluation of multidimensional unbinned data
      * Improve VecCore usage
      * Simplify fFunctor check expressions
      * Move the Double_v type into the ROOT namespace
      * Make executionPolicy an enum
      * Explain functor operator resolving in TF1
      * Improved TF1::fType documentation
      * Adapt execution policy option of the histogram fit
      * Completed move of executionPolicy to a enum
      * Add tests for the new parallel fitting.
      This tests check both Chi2 and Unbinned LogL fitting in each one of the
      execution policies available.
      * Correct function naming
      * Rename global variables to supress shadowing warning.
      * Remove legacy parallel implementations
  11. May 03, 2017
  12. Feb 22, 2017
  13. Jan 28, 2017
  14. Jan 26, 2017
  15. Dec 14, 2016
  16. Nov 16, 2016
  17. Oct 31, 2016
  18. Oct 26, 2016
    • Vassil Vassilev's avatar
      Implement support for cross-compilation with clang, using gcc toolchain. · 9d8c84b6
      Vassil Vassilev authored
      When building modules with clang from the trunk we need to build with gcc's
      libstdc++. Apparently this can be done in clang in 2 ways:
        1. Building clang with -DGCC_INSTALL_PREFIX=$(dirname `which gcc`)/../
           This would hardcode the patch to the gcc toolchain when compiling clang.
        2. Pass on every compiler invocation --gcc-toolchain=$(dirname `which gcc`)/../
           This allows relocatability of the toolchain.
      I decided to implement the second option and got stuck with implementing it in
      cmake. One of the reasons was I was unable to pass --gcc-toolchain early enough
      and try_compile fails at very early stages.
      Finally I decided to go for the first option hardcoding the gcc toolchain path
      at clang built time. This is sufficient for modules.
      This commit serializes the progress I did on 2 in configure make. Now we can
      configure with --gcc-toolchain in configure-make.
  19. Sep 30, 2016
  20. Jun 21, 2016
    • Mattias Ellert's avatar
      Implement builtin-gl2ps option · 2ddf4658
      Mattias Ellert authored
      ROOT uses builtin gl2ps sources, but has no switch to use the system
      library instead. This adds this missing option.
    • Mattias Ellert's avatar
      Implement builtin-unuran option · c0bdb875
      Mattias Ellert authored
      ROOT uses builtin unuran sources, but has no switch to use the system
      library instead. This adds this missing option.
    • Mattias Ellert's avatar
      Fix handling of deprecated options · 1be945ad
      Mattias Ellert authored
      The configure script currently uses a simple grep to determine if an option
      is deprecated. This causes problems, since the enable-reflex option is
      deprecated and grepping for enable-r will result in a match. The configure
      script therefore considers enable-r deprecated too, even though it is not.
      This commit addresses this issue.
  21. Jun 09, 2016
  22. Mar 23, 2016
  23. Feb 24, 2016
  24. Feb 03, 2016
  25. Jan 09, 2016
  26. Dec 26, 2015
  27. Dec 18, 2015
  28. Dec 17, 2015
    • Fons Rademakers's avatar
      add support for tbb and imt in the old configure;make system. · dae4322f
      Fons Rademakers authored
      Although it is not anymore the base build system, adding tbb support was
      not too complicated and allows still easy testing of this new feature.
      Use ./configure --enable-tbb. TBB needs to be preinstalled, there is no
      support for the on the fly TBB installation featured supported by cmake.
  29. Dec 16, 2015
  30. Dec 10, 2015
  31. Nov 06, 2015
  32. Oct 30, 2015
  33. Oct 22, 2015
  34. Oct 15, 2015