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update to roofit/roostats release notes for 5.24

git-svn-id: 27541ba8-7e3a-0410-8455-c3a389f83636
parent e5d00242
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...@@ -3,6 +3,115 @@ ...@@ -3,6 +3,115 @@
<a name="roofit"></a> <a name="roofit"></a>
<h3>RooFit</h3> <h3>RooFit</h3>
This release of ROOT contains RooFit version 3.00. A summary of new features is listed below
<h4>Error visualization</h4>
It is now possible to visualize the effect of the uncertainties on parameters from a fit
on any p.d.f. or function projection. To do so use the new <tt>VisualizeError()</tt> argument
in a plotOn call
RooFitResult* fr = pdf->fitTo(*data,Save(),...) ;
pdf->plotOn(frame,VisualizeError(*fr),...) ;
Two techniques for error visualization are implemented. The default is
linear error progation, and results in an error band that is by
construction symmetric. The linear error is calculated as
error(x) = Z* F_a(x) * Corr(a,a') F_a'(x)
where F_a(x) = [ f(x,a+da) - f(x,a-da) ] / 2,
with f(x) = the plotted curve
'da' = error taken from the fit result
Corr(a,a') = the correlation matrix from the fit result
Z = requested significance 'Z sigma band'
The linear method is fast (requires 2*N evaluations of the curve,
where N is the number of parameters), but may not be accurate in the
presence of strong correlations (~>0.9) and at Z>2 due to linear and
Gaussian approximations made.
Alternatively, errors can be visualized using a sampling method. In
this method a number of curves is calculated with variations of the
parameter values, as sampled from a multi-variate Gaussian p.d.f. that
is constructed from the fit results covariance matrix. The error(x)
is determined by calculating a central interval that capture N% of the
variations for each valye of x, where N% is controlled by Z (i.e. Z=1
gives N=68%). The number of sampling curves is chosen to be such that
at least 100 curves are expected to be outside the N% interval. Intervals from
the sampling method can be asymmetric, and may perform better in the
presence of strong correlations, but may take (much) longer to
calculate. The sampling method also assumes that the uncertainty on the
parameters can modeled by a multi-variate Gaussian distribution.
A complete example is provided in a new tutorial macro <tt>rf610_visualerror.C</tt>,
the output of which is shown below.
<img src="roofit_524_visualerror.gif" alt="Graphics Output of macro rf610_visualerror">
It is also possible to visualize partial errors (from a subset of the parameters),
as shown above.
<h4>Binned dataset generation</h4>
A new method <tt>RooAbsPdf::generateBinned()</tt> has been implemented
that samples binned datasets (<tt>RooDataHist</tt>) from any
RooDataHist* data = pdf.generateBinned(x,10000) ;
This binned generation interface samples the p.d.f. at each bin
center and applies a Poisson fluctuation to each sampled value.
The binning of the returned <tt>RooDataHist</tt> is controlled by the default
binning associated with the observables generated. To set the number
of bins in x to 200, do e.g. <tt>x.setBins(200)</tt> prior to the call
to <tt>generateBinned()</tt>
The binned dataset generation method does not (yet) support the concept of
prototype datasets.
<h4>New minimizer interface to Minuit2, GSLMinimizer etc...</h4>
A new minimizer interface, <tt>RooMinimizer</tt> has been added (contribution
from Alfio Lazarro). The new minimizer is similar in functionality to
the existing class <tt>RooMinuit</tt>, but supports the new ROOT abstract
minimizer interface and supports multiple minimizer packages and algorithms
through that interface.
The present interface of <tt>RooMinimizer</tt> is identical to that of <tt>RooMinuit</tt>
with two extensions
<li> The <tt>setMinimizer(const char*)</tt> method allows to choose between "minuit" and "minuit2")
as implementation for <tt>migrad(),hesse(),minos()</tt> etc...
<li> The <tt>minimizer(const char* package, const char* alg)</tt> provides a completely generic interface
to all minimizers, where <tt>package</tt> is the package (minuit,GSLminimizer) and <tt>alg</tt> is the algorithm (migrad) to be used
By default, <tt>RooMinuit</tt> is still used when <tt>RooAbsPdf::fitTo()</tt> is called, but can be overridden with
a <tt>Minimizer()</tt> named argument
// Minimization with MINUIT/MIGRAD through RooMinuit
pdf->fitTo(data) ;
// Minimization with MINUIT/MIGRAD through RooMinimizer
pdf->fitTo(data,Minimizer("minuit")) ;
// Minimization with MINUIT2/MIGRAD through RooMinimizer
pdf->fitTo(data,Minimizer("minuit2")) ;
// Minimization with GSLMultiMin/conjugatefr through RooMinimizer
pdf->fitTo(data,Minimizer("GSLMultiMin","conjugatefr")) ;
Note that installation of GSL and the ROOT MathMore package is needed to access the GSL Minimizers and that the GSL
Minimizer do not implement error analysis.
<h4>New numeric integration algorithms available</h4> <h4>New numeric integration algorithms available</h4>
<p>RooFit can now interface all MathCore numeric intergration <p>RooFit can now interface all MathCore numeric intergration
...@@ -19,22 +128,6 @@ causing MINUIT converge problems due to numeric precision issues. ...@@ -19,22 +128,6 @@ causing MINUIT converge problems due to numeric precision issues.
<p>In future release some more numeric integrators will be migrated to <p>In future release some more numeric integrators will be migrated to
a MathCore implementation. a MathCore implementation.
<h4>Optional persistent caching of numeric integrals</h4>
<p>For p.d.f.s with numeric integrals that remain difficult or very time consuming,
a new persistent caching technique is now available that allows to precalculate
these integrals and store their values for future use. This technique works transparently
for any p.d.f. stored in a RooWorkspace.
<p>One can store numeric integral values for problems with zero, one or two floating parameters.
In the first case, the value is simply stored. In cases with one or two floating parameters
a grid (histogram) of integral values is stored, which are interpolated to return integral
values for each value of the parameters.
<p>A new tutorial macro <tt>rf903_numintcache.C</tt> has been added to <tt>$ROOTSYS/tutorials/roofit</tt>
to illustrate the use of this feature.
<h4>Interface to TFoam adaptive MC sampler added</h4> <h4>Interface to TFoam adaptive MC sampler added</h4>
<p>RooFit can now use the <tt>TFoam</tt> adaptive MC sampler for event generation of p.d.f.s that <p>RooFit can now use the <tt>TFoam</tt> adaptive MC sampler for event generation of p.d.f.s that
...@@ -51,6 +144,25 @@ numeric integration algorithm. ...@@ -51,6 +144,25 @@ numeric integration algorithm.
<p>A new tutorial macro <tt>rf902_numgenconfig.C</tt> has been added to <tt>$ROOTSYS/tutorials/roofit</tt> <p>A new tutorial macro <tt>rf902_numgenconfig.C</tt> has been added to <tt>$ROOTSYS/tutorials/roofit</tt>
to illustrate the use of the steering. to illustrate the use of the steering.
<p>A macro that demonstrates of the power of these newly interface numeric algorithms is provided at the
end of the RooFit section of the release notes.
<h4>Optional persistent caching of numeric integrals</h4>
<p>For p.d.f.s with numeric integrals that remain difficult or very time consuming,
a new persistent caching technique is now available that allows to precalculate
these integrals and store their values for future use. This technique works transparently
for any p.d.f. stored in a <tt>RooWorkspace</tt>.
<p>One can store numeric integral values for problems with zero, one or two floating parameters.
In the first case, the value is simply stored. In cases with one or two floating parameters
a grid (histogram) of integral values is stored, which are interpolated to return integral
values for each value of the parameters.
<p>A new tutorial macro <tt>rf903_numintcache.C</tt> has been added to <tt>$ROOTSYS/tutorials/roofit</tt>
to illustrate the use of this feature.
<h4>Representation of function and p.d.f. derivatives</h4> <h4>Representation of function and p.d.f. derivatives</h4>
<p>A new class has been added that can represent the derivative of any p.d.f or function w.r.t. any <p>A new class has been added that can represent the derivative of any p.d.f or function w.r.t. any
...@@ -59,6 +171,11 @@ parameter or observable. To construct e.g. a first order derivative of a Gaussia ...@@ -59,6 +171,11 @@ parameter or observable. To construct e.g. a first order derivative of a Gaussia
RooAbsReal* dgdx = gauss.derivative(x,1) ; RooAbsReal* dgdx = gauss.derivative(x,1) ;
</pre> </pre>
<p>A more complete example is available in the new tutorial macro <tt>rf111_derivatives.C</tt> <p>A more complete example is available in the new tutorial macro <tt>rf111_derivatives.C</tt>
<img src="roofit_524_derivatives.gif" alt="Graphics Output of macro rf111_derivatives">
<h4>Improved handling of chi-squared fits</h4> <h4>Improved handling of chi-squared fits</h4>
...@@ -100,7 +217,7 @@ new functionality. ...@@ -100,7 +217,7 @@ new functionality.
create a likelihood from a p.d.f and a dataset rather than constructing a <tt>RooNLLVar</tt> create a likelihood from a p.d.f and a dataset rather than constructing a <tt>RooNLLVar</tt>
object directly. This is because part of the likelihood construction functionality such a using object directly. This is because part of the likelihood construction functionality such a using
multiple <tt>Range()</tt>s, or the inclusion for constraint terms are only available through multiple <tt>Range()</tt>s, or the inclusion for constraint terms are only available through
<tt>createNLL</tt>. <tt>createNLL()</tt>.
<p>To promote the consistency of this interface, a similar method <tt>RooAbsReal::createChi2()</tt> <p>To promote the consistency of this interface, a similar method <tt>RooAbsReal::createChi2()</tt>
has been added to construct chi-squared functions of a dataset and a function or p.d.f. has been added to construct chi-squared functions of a dataset and a function or p.d.f.
...@@ -112,9 +229,9 @@ recast a profile of a profile into a single profile object. ...@@ -112,9 +229,9 @@ recast a profile of a profile into a single profile object.
<h4>Multivariate Gaussian modeling of parameters estimates from a fit</h4> <h4>Multivariate Gaussian modeling of parameters estimates from a fit</h4>
<p>You can now construct a multivariate Gaussian p.d.f on the parameters of a model that <p>You can now construct a multivariate Gaussian p.d.f on the parameters of a model that
represents the result of a fit, from any RooFitResult object. represents the result of a fit, from any <tt>RooFitResult</tt> object.
<pre> <pre>
RooAbsPdf* paramPdf = fitresult->createPdf(RooArgSet(a,b)) ; RooAbsPdf* paramPdf = fitresult->createHessePdf(RooArgSet(a,b)) ;
</pre> </pre>
<p>The returned object is an instance of the newly added class <tt>RooMultiVarGaussian</tt>, that can <p>The returned object is an instance of the newly added class <tt>RooMultiVarGaussian</tt>, that can
model correlated Gaussian distributions in an arbitrary number of dimensions, given a model correlated Gaussian distributions in an arbitrary number of dimensions, given a
...@@ -129,7 +246,8 @@ that many) and implements in effect internal generation strategy for its observa ...@@ -129,7 +246,8 @@ that many) and implements in effect internal generation strategy for its observa
<p>The FFT convolution operator p.d.f. class <tt>RooFFTConvPdf</tt> has been substantially upgraded <p>The FFT convolution operator p.d.f. class <tt>RooFFTConvPdf</tt> has been substantially upgraded
for improved performance has several new options for improved performance has several new options
<p>For the overflow buffering, which aims to reduce cylical spillover from the FFT convolution, <ul>
<li>For the overflow buffering, which aims to reduce cylical spillover from the FFT convolution,
a choice of three algorithms is now provided: a choice of three algorithms is now provided:
<ol> <ol>
<li> Extend the p.d.f. somewhat beyond its original domain (the new default) <li> Extend the p.d.f. somewhat beyond its original domain (the new default)
...@@ -138,13 +256,24 @@ a choice of three algorithms is now provided: ...@@ -138,13 +256,24 @@ a choice of three algorithms is now provided:
</ol> </ol>
The new default algorithm provides a more sensible result for p.d.f.s with significant The new default algorithm provides a more sensible result for p.d.f.s with significant
spillover issues, provided that the p.d.f. can be continuated beyond its original domain. spillover issues, provided that the p.d.f. can be continuated beyond its original domain.<br><br>
<p>It is now also possible to express FFT convolutions in terms of other observables than the <li>Convolution in non-observables is also explicitly supported now. One can e.g. construct a p.d.f
of the form G(x) = Int[dy] ( F(x,y) (*) H(y) ). A new tutorial macro <tt>rf211_paramconv</tt> illustrates
how such convolutions can be constructed<br><br>
<li>It is now also possible to express FFT convolutions in terms of other observables than the
convolution observable itself. A common occurrence of that situation is a (circular) convolution a polar convolution observable itself. A common occurrence of that situation is a (circular) convolution a polar
angle theta, for a p.d.f. that is ultimately expressed in terms of cos(theta). angle theta, for a p.d.f. that is ultimately expressed in terms of cos(theta).
A new tutorial macro <tt>rf210_angularconv</tt> illustrates how to convolutions of angular observable A new tutorial macro <tt>rf210_angularconv</tt> illustrates how to convolutions of angular observable
with or without an optional cosine transformation for the final observable. with or without an optional cosine transformation for the final observable.
<img src="roofit_524_convolution.gif" alt="Graphics Output of macro rf210_angularconv">
<h4>Option for improved calculation of errors in weighted likelihood fits</h4> <h4>Option for improved calculation of errors in weighted likelihood fits</h4>
...@@ -156,11 +285,66 @@ scale with the sum of the weights, rather than the number of the events in the d ...@@ -156,11 +285,66 @@ scale with the sum of the weights, rather than the number of the events in the d
if you double all event weights, all parameter errors will go down with sqrt(2)). In chi-squared if you double all event weights, all parameter errors will go down with sqrt(2)). In chi-squared
fits event weights can processed correctly by using both the sum of the weights and the fits event weights can processed correctly by using both the sum of the weights and the
sum of the weights-squared for each bin. The newly added option <tt>SumW2Error()</tt> implements a similar sum of the weights-squared for each bin. The newly added option <tt>SumW2Error()</tt> implements a similar
strategy for (unbinned) weighted ML fits (more documentation to follow for the next release) strategy for (unbinned) weighted ML fits by applying a correction to the covariance matrix
as follows
V' = V C-1 V
where <tt>V</tt> is the covariance matrix from the fit to weighted data, and <tt>C-1</tt> is the inverse of the
covariance matrix calculated from a similar likelihood that constructed with the event weights applied squared
<h4>Redesign of RooFit dataset class structure</h4>
The original class structure of RooFit featured an abstract dataset
class <tt>RooAbsData</tt>. Inheriting from that was a single class
<tt>RooTreeData</tt>, which implemented datasets with a ROOT
<tt>TTree</tt>-based storage implementation, and inheriting from that
two classes <tt>RooDataSet</tt> , representing unbinned data, and
<tt>RooDataHist</tt>, representing binned data. A main problem with
this structure was that the implementation of the storage technology
(<tt>TTree</tt>) and the data representation (binned vs unbinned) were
Starting with version 3.00, the class structure has been
rearranged: Now classes <tt>RooDataSet</tt> and <tt>RooDataHist</tt> inherit directly
from class <tt>RooAbsData</tt>, and class <tt>RooAbsData</tt> now owns an object that
inherits from <tt>RooAbsDataStore</tt> that implements the storage of the
data. This new class structure allows multiple data storage implementations to
be applied efficiently to both <tt>RooDataSet</tt> and <tt>RooDataHist</tt>
At present a single implementation of <tt>RooAbsDataStore</tt> exists,
class <tt>RooTreeDataStore</tt>, that contains the storage implementation
formerly implement in class <tt>RooTreeData</tt>. Methods in class <tt>RooTreeData</tt>
that were not specific to the storage technology have been moved to
class <tt>RooAbsData</tt>.
If your user code only uses the classes <tt>RooDataSet</tt>,<tt>RooDataHist</tt> and <tt>RooAbsData</tt>
nothing will change: Existing <tt>RooDataSet</tt>s and <tt>RooDataHist</tt>s
(that inherit from <tt>RooTreeData</tt>) can be read in <i>without problems</i> in
RooFit 3.00 and will be converted on the fly to the new dataset structure
in memory.
<i>User code that explicitly uses <tt>RooTreeData</tt> pointers should
be changed to <tt>RooAbsData</tt> pointers</i>. This change should be transparent
for all uses, with the exception of the <tt>RooTreeData::tree()</tt> method.
Explicit access to tree implementation can still be obtained
through the <tt>RooTreeDataStore::tree()</tt> method. (A pointer to the datastore
can be obtained through the <tt>RooAbsData::store()</tt> method.)
Note that in future releases it is no longer guaranteed that all datasets are implemented
with a plain <tt>TTree</tt> implementation, so any user code that uses the tree
implementation directly should implement checks that the implementation
is indeed tree-based (<tt>data->store()->InheritsFrom(RooTreeDataStore::Class())==kTRUE)</tt>).
In future release additional implementations of <tt>RooAbsDataStore</tt> will
be provided that will support new dataset functionality such as the
ability to construct 'joint' dataset from two input datasets without
the need to copy the input data and 'filtered' datasets that represent
a reduced view (in dimensions or by selecting events) of a dataset
without the need to copy content.
<h4>Various workspace improvements</h4> <h4>Various workspace improvements</h4>
A number of smaller and larger improvements has been made to the RooWorkspace class. A number of smaller and larger improvements has been made to the <tt>RooWorkspace</tt> class.
<ul> <ul>
<li><p><b>Direct interactive access to contents from CINT</b> - <li><p><b>Direct interactive access to contents from CINT</b> -
...@@ -303,18 +487,87 @@ various features of the object factory ...@@ -303,18 +487,87 @@ various features of the object factory
the workspace. If an error is detected in the expression, no objects the workspace. If an error is detected in the expression, no objects
will be committed to the workspace, thus leaving no 'partial builds'. will be committed to the workspace, thus leaving no 'partial builds'.
<h4> Compact demo of several new major features</h4>
The macro below demonstrates in a couple of lines a number of major new features in RooFit 3.00: Use of
<li> workspace factory to quickly create and store (compiled) models
<li> workspace CINT interface to easily access contents in a typesafe way
<li> new adaptive ND numeric integration technique to normalize arbitrary p.d.f. in fast
and reliable way
<li> new adapative TFoam sampling technique to efficiently generate toy MC data from strongly
peaked datasets
<li> parallel processing in likelihood construction and use of profile likelihood operator
to represent profile likelihoods as regular RooFit functions
void demo()
<b>// Construct compiled 2-D model that requires numeric integration for normalization</b>
RooWorkspace w("w",1) ;
w.factory("CEXPR::model('1/((x-a)*(x-a)+0.001)+1/((y-b)*(y-b)+0.001)',x[-1,1],y[-1,1],a[-5,5],b[-5,5])") ;
<b>// Generate data from model (using TFoam adaptive sampling algorithm)</b>
RooDataSet* d = w::model.generate(RooArgSet(w::x,w::y),1000) ;
w::model.fitTo(*d) ;
<b>// Make 2D plot on (x,y)</b>
TH2* hh = w::model.createHistogram("x,y",40,40) ;
hh->SetLineColor(kBlue) ;
<b>// Make Projection on x (integrate over y)</b>
RooPlot* framex = w::x.frame(Title("Data and p.d.f. projected on X")) ;
d->plotOn(framex) ;
w::model.plotOn(framex) ;
<b>// Construct likelihood, profile likelihood in a, and draw the latter</b>
RooAbsReal* nll = w::model.createNLL(*d,NumCPU(2)) ;
RooAbsReal* pll = nll->createProfile(w::a) ;
RooPlot* framea = w::a.frame(Title("Profile likelihood in parameter a")) ;
pll->plotOn(framea) ;
<b>// Construct 2D cumulative distribution function from p.d.f.</b>
RooAbsReal* cdfxy = w::model.createCdf(RooArgSet(w::x,w::y),ScanNoCdf()) ;
TH2* hhcdf = cdfxy->createHistogram("x,y",40,40) ;
hhcdf->SetLineColor(kRed) ;
TCanvas* c = new TCanvas("c","c",650,650) ; c->Divide(2,2) ;
c->cd(1) ; hh->Draw("surf") ; c->cd(2) ; framex->Draw() ;
c->cd(3) ; framea->Draw() ; c->cd(4) ; hhcdf->Draw("surf") ;
Plot that results from above macro
<img src="roofit_524_demo.gif" alt="Graphics Output of demo macro">
<h4>Miscellaneous small improvements</h4> <h4>Miscellaneous small improvements</h4>
<ul> <ul>
<li>Utility functiom <tt>bindFunction()</tt> and <tt>bindPdf</tt> that can bind
external C++ functions as RooFit functions or p.d.f.s now can also take
<tt>ROOT::Math::Functor</tt> objects as input arguments, which allows the
binding of function methods of classes.<br><br>
<li>By default datasets are no cloned for fit operations to save time and memory.
This change in procedure should save some time and memory, especially in toy MC
studies where the overhead in setting up the likelihood can dominate the total
time spent in fitting. The data cloning behavior of <tt>RooAbsPdf::fitTo()</tt>
and <tt>RooAbsPdf::createNLL()</tt> can be explicitly set through the <tt>CloneData()</tt>
named argument<br><br>
<li> It is now possible to construct a <tt>RooSimultaneous</tt> p.d.f. from other <li> It is now possible to construct a <tt>RooSimultaneous</tt> p.d.f. from other
<tt>RooSimultaneous</tt> p.d.f.s, provided the constructor form is used that takes <tt>RooSimultaneous</tt> p.d.f.s, provided the constructor form is used that takes
all input p.d.f.s. In this constructor simultaneous-of-simultaneous p.d.f.s are automatically all input p.d.f.s. In this constructor simultaneous-of-simultaneous p.d.f.s are automatically
recast to an equivalent top-level simultaneous p.d.f recast to an equivalent top-level simultaneous p.d.f
Sim of sim now possible<br><br> Sim of sim now possible<br><br>
<li> Several improvements were made in the internal handling of datasets that <li> Several improvements were made in the internal handling of datasets that
will speedup certain data intensive operations will speedup certain data intensive operations<br><br>
</ul> </ul>
<hr> <hr>
<a name="roostats"></a> <a name="roostats"></a>
<h3>RooStats</h3> <h3>RooStats</h3>
...@@ -324,27 +577,30 @@ Sim of sim now possible<br><br> ...@@ -324,27 +577,30 @@ Sim of sim now possible<br><br>
Several new tutorials were added for RooStats Several new tutorials were added for RooStats
<ul> <ul>
<li><tt>rs101_limitexample.C</tt> Demonstrates use of Frequentist,
Bayesian, and Likelihood intervals for a simple number counting experiment
with uncertainty on signal and background rates.</li>
<li><tt>rs301_splot.C</tt> Demonstrates use of RooStats sPlot <li><tt>rs301_splot.C</tt> Demonstrates use of RooStats sPlot
implementation</li> implementation</li>
<li><tt>rs401c_FeldmanCousins.C</tt>Demonstrates use of <li><tt>rs401c_FeldmanCousins.C</tt> Demonstrates use of
FeldmanCousins interval calculator with a Poisson problem, reproduces FeldmanCousins interval calculator with a Poisson problem, reproduces
resulst from table IV and V of the original resulst from table IV and V of the original
paper Phys.Rev.D57:3873-3889,1998.</li> paper Phys.Rev.D57:3873-3889,1998.</li>
<li><tt>rs401d_FeldmanCousins.C</tt>Demonstrates use of <li><tt>rs401d_FeldmanCousins.C</tt> Demonstrates use of
FeldmanCousins interval calculator with the neutrino oscillation toy FeldmanCousins interval calculator with the neutrino oscillation toy
example described in the original paper Phys.Rev.D57:3873-3889,1998. example described in the original paper Phys.Rev.D57:3873-3889,1998.
Reproduces figure 12.</li> Reproduces figure 12.</li>
<li><tt>rs_bernsteinCorrection.C</tt>Demonstrates use of <li><tt>rs_bernsteinCorrection.C</tt> Demonstrates use of
BernsteinCorrection class, which corrects a nominal PDF with a polynomial BernsteinCorrection class, which corrects a nominal PDF with a polynomial
to agree with observed or simulated data.</li> to agree with observed or simulated data.</li>
</ul> </ul>
<h4>TestStatistic interface and implementations</h4> <h4>TestStatistic interface and implementations</h4>
<p>We added a new interface class called TestStatistic. It defines the <p>We added a new interface class called <tt>TestStatistic</tt>. It defines the
method Evaluate(data, parameterPoint), which returns a double. This method <tt>Evaluate(data, parameterPoint)</tt>, which returns a double. This
class can be used in conjunction with the ToyMCSampler class to generate class can be used in conjunction with the <tt>ToyMCSampler</tt> class to generate
sampling distributions for a user-defined test statistic. </p> sampling distributions for a user-defined test statistic. </p>
<p>The following concrete implementations of the TestStatistic interface <p>The following concrete implementations of the <tt>TestStatistic</tt> interface
are currently available</p> are currently available</p>
<ul> <ul>
<li><tt>ProfileLikelihoodTestStat</tt>Returns the log of profile <li><tt>ProfileLikelihoodTestStat</tt>Returns the log of profile
...@@ -358,12 +614,12 @@ between 0,1. ...@@ -358,12 +614,12 @@ between 0,1.
<h4>SamplingDistribution and the TestStatSampler interface and <h4>SamplingDistribution and the TestStatSampler interface and
implementations</h4> implementations</h4>
<p>We introduced a ``result'' or data model class called <p>We introduced a ``result'' or data model class called
SamplingDistribution, which holds the sampling distribution of an <tt>SamplingDistribution</tt>, which holds the sampling distribution of an
arbitrary real valued test statistic. The class also can return the arbitrary real valued test statistic. The class also can return the
inverse of the cumulative distribution function (with or without inverse of the cumulative distribution function (with or without
interpolation). </p> interpolation). </p>
<p>We introduced an interface for any tool that can produce a <p>We introduced an interface for any tool that can produce a
SamplingDistribution, called TestStatSampler. The interface is <tt>SamplingDistribution</tt>, called <tt>TestStatSampler</tt>. The interface is
essentially GetSamplingDistribution(parameterPoint) which returns a essentially GetSamplingDistribution(parameterPoint) which returns a
SamplingDistribution based on a given probability density function. We SamplingDistribution based on a given probability density function. We
foresee a few versions of this tool based on toy Monte Carlo, importance foresee a few versions of this tool based on toy Monte Carlo, importance
...@@ -383,21 +639,60 @@ between 0,1. ...@@ -383,21 +639,60 @@ between 0,1.
<p>A flexible framework for the Neyman Construction was added in this <p>A flexible framework for the Neyman Construction was added in this
release. The NeymanConstruction is a concrete implementation of the release. The NeymanConstruction is a concrete implementation of the
IntervalCalculator interface, but it needs several IntervalCalculator interface, but it needs several
additional components to be specified before use. The design additional components to be specified before use. The design
factorizes the choice of the parameter points to be tested, the choice of factorizes the choice of the parameter points to be tested, the choice of
the test statistic, and the generation of sampling distribution into the test statistic, and the generation of sampling distribution into
separate parts (described above). Finally, the NeymanConstruction class separate parts (described above). Finally, the <tt>NeymanConstruction</tt> class
is simply in charge of using these parts (strategies) and constructing is simply in charge of using these parts (strategies) and constructing
the confidence belt and confidence intervals. The ConfidenceBelt class the confidence belt and confidence intervals. The <tt>ConfidenceBelt</tt> class
is still under development, but the current version works fine for is still under development, but the current version works fine for
producing ConfidenceIntervals. We are also working to make this class producing <tt>ConfidenceIntervals</tt>. We are also working to make this class
work with parallelization approaches, which is not yet complete.</p> work with parallelization approaches, which is not yet complete.</p>
<p>The FeldmanCousins class is a separate concrete implementation of the <p>The <tt>FeldmanCousins</tt> class is a separate concrete implementation of the
IntervalCalculator interface. It uses the NeymanConstruction internally, <tt>IntervalCalculator</tt> interface. It uses the <tt>NeymanConstruction</tt> internally,
and enforces specific choices of the test statistic and ordering and enforces specific choices of the test statistic and ordering
principle to realize the Unified intervals described by Feldman and principle to realize the Unified intervals described by Feldman and
Cousins in their paper Phys.Rev.D57:3873-3889,1998. Cousins in their paper Phys.Rev.D57:3873-3889,1998.
</p> </p>
In an extension to the technique discussed in Feldman and Cousins paper,
the <tt>FeldmanCousins</tt> class also performs a "profile construction" if their are nuisance parameters.
In this case, the parameters of interest are scanned in a regular grid. For each point in the grid
the calculator finds the best fit value of the nuisance parameters (given the data). The construction
is then only performed in this subspace of the parameters. As a result, the number of points in the
construction only scales in the number of parameters of interest, not in the number of nuisance parameters.
<h4>Markov Chain Monte Carlo Interval</h4>
<p>A flexible framework for Markov Chain Monte Carlo was added in this
release. The <tt>MCMCCalculator</tt> is a concrete implementation of the
<tt>IntervalCalculator</tt> interface. To use it one needs to specify the <tt>ProposalFunction</tt>.
There is a base class for ProposalFunctions and one concrete implementation: <tt>UniformProposal</tt>.
Support for other proposal functions will be added in the next release.
The <tt>MCMCCalculator</tt> scans the space of the parameters of interest and nuisance parameters and
produces a Bayesian posterior. In this version, the prior must be added to the model initially,
otherwise a flat prior is assumed. The <tt>MCMCCalculator</tt> returns an <tt>MCMCInterval</tt>, which produces
the smallest interval by taking a contour of the posterior. This first version only supports
1,2, and 3 dimensional intervals, but will be generalized in the next release.
In addition to the MCMC implementation in RooStats, one can export their model and dataset into a workspace,
and then use the Bayesian Analysis Toolkit (BAT) for the MCMC. There is a wrapper available.
<h4>Redesigned SPlot class</h4>
<p>The RooStats SPlot implementation works with any RooAbsPdf. The class has been redesigned for more
convenient use. It also adds some helper functions to check that the sum of sWeights over species is 1 for each event and
the sum over events for a given species equals the yield for that species.
<h4>Plotting classes</h4>
<p>We have added new plotting classes: <tt>SamplingDistPlot</tt> and <tt>LikelihoodIntervalPlot</tt>.
In 1-d LikelihoodIntervalPlot shows the profile likelihood ratio and the upper/lower limits
of the interval for the parameter of interest. In 2-d, the LikelihoodIntervalPlot shows
the contour of the profile likelihood ratio for the parameters of interest.
<h4>Bernstein Correction</h4> <h4>Bernstein Correction</h4>
...@@ -445,9 +740,7 @@ probability that the n+1-th ...@@ -445,9 +740,7 @@ probability that the n+1-th
</p> </p>
<h4>HybridCalculator</h4> <h4>HybridCalculator</h4>
<ul> <p> Add as a new test statistics the profile likelihood ratio. Will be redesigned to use TestStatSampler and TestStatistic in next release.
<li> Add as a new test statistics the profile likelihood ratio </p>

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