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AsymptoticCalculator.cxx 35.47 KiB
// @(#)root/roostats:$Id$
// Author: Kyle Cranmer, Sven Kreiss   23/05/10
 * Copyright (C) 1995-2008, Rene Brun and Fons Rademakers.               *
 * All rights reserved.                                                  *
 *                                                                       *
 * For the licensing terms see $ROOTSYS/LICENSE.                         *
 * For the list of contributors see $ROOTSYS/README/CREDITS.             *

   Performs hypothesis tests using aysmptotic formula for the profile likelihood and 
   Asimov data set

#include "RooStats/AsymptoticCalculator.h"
#include "RooStats/ToyMCSampler.h"
#include "RooStats/ModelConfig.h"
#include "RooStats/ProfileLikelihoodTestStat.h"
#include "RooStats/RooStatsUtils.h"

#include "RooArgSet.h"
#include "RooArgList.h"
#include "RooProdPdf.h"
#include "RooSimultaneous.h"
#include "RooDataSet.h"
#include "RooCategory.h"
#include "RooRealVar.h"
#include "RooMinimizer.h"
#include "RooNLLVar.h"
#include "Math/MinimizerOptions.h"
#include "RooPoisson.h"
#include "RooUniform.h"
#include <cmath>

#include "TStopwatch.h"

using namespace RooStats;

namespace Utils { 

    bool SetAllConstant(const RooAbsCollection &coll, bool constant) {
       // utility function to set all variable constant in a collection
       // (from G. Petrucciani)
       bool changed = false;
       std::auto_ptr<TIterator> iter(coll.createIterator());
       for (RooAbsArg *a = (RooAbsArg *) iter->Next(); a != 0; a = (RooAbsArg *) iter->Next()) {
          RooRealVar *v = dynamic_cast<RooRealVar *>(a);
          if (v && (v->isConstant() != constant)) {
             changed = true;
       return changed;



int AsymptoticCalculator::fgPrintLevel = 1;

void AsymptoticCalculator::SetPrintLevel(int level) { 
   // set print level (static function)
   // 0 minimal, 1 normal,  2 debug
   fgPrintLevel = level;

   const RooAbsData &data,
   const ModelConfig &altModel,
   const ModelConfig &nullModel) :
      HypoTestCalculatorGeneric(data, altModel, nullModel, 0), 
      fOneSided(false), fUseQTilde(false), 
      fNLLObs(0), fNLLAsimov(0), 
   // constructor for asymptotic calculator from Data set  and ModelConfig
   // The constructor will perform a global fit of the model to the data 
   // and build an Asimov data set. 
   // It will then also fit the model to the Asimov data set to find the likelihood value  
   // of the Asimov data set
   // NOTE: If a fit has been done before, one for speeding up could set all the initial prameters 
   // to the fit value and in addition set the null snapshot to the best fit

   RooAbsPdf * nullPdf = GetNullModel()->GetPdf();

   int verbose = fgPrintLevel; 

   RooAbsData * obsData = const_cast<RooAbsData *>(GetData() );
   assert( obsData );

   const RooArgSet * poi = GetNullModel()->GetParametersOfInterest(); 
   if (!poi || poi->getSize() == 0) { 
      oocoutE((TObject*)0,InputArguments) << "AsymptoticCalculator: ModelConfig has not POI defined." << endl;
   if (poi->getSize() > 1) { 
      oocoutW((TObject*)0,InputArguments) << "AsymptoticCalculator: ModelConfig has more than one POI defined \n\t" 
                                          << "The asymptotic calculator works for only one POI - consider as POI only the first parameter" 
                                          << std::endl;

   // This will set the poi value to the null snapshot value in the ModelConfig
   const RooArgSet * nullSnapshot = GetNullModel()->GetSnapshot();
   if(nullSnapshot == NULL || nullSnapshot->getSize() == 0) {
      oocoutE((TObject*)0,InputArguments) << "Null model needs a snapshot. Set using modelconfig->SetSnapshot(poi)." << endl;
   // evaluate the unconditional nll for the full model on the  observed data  
   oocoutP((TObject*)0,Eval) << "AsymptoticCalculator: Find  best unconditional NLL on observed data" << endl;
   int oldVerboseLevel = fgPrintLevel;
   if (fgPrintLevel > 0) fgPrintLevel = 2; 
   fNLLObs = EvaluateNLL( *nullPdf, *obsData);
   // fill also snapshot of best poi
   fgPrintLevel = oldVerboseLevel;
   if (verbose > 0) {
      std::cout << "Best fitted POI\n";
   // compute Asimov data set for the background (alt poi ) value
   const RooArgSet * altSnapshot = GetAlternateModel()->GetSnapshot();
   if(altSnapshot == NULL || altSnapshot->getSize() == 0) {
      oocoutE((TObject*)0,InputArguments) << "Alt (Background)  model needs a snapshot. Set using modelconfig->SetSnapshot(poi)." << endl;

   RooArgSet poiAlt(*altSnapshot);  // this is the poi snapshot of B (i.e. for mu=0)
   oocoutP((TObject*)0,Eval) << "AsymptoticCalculator: Building Asimov data Set" << endl;

   fAsimovData = MakeAsimovData( poiAlt, fAsimovGlobObs);
   if (!fAsimovData) return;

   // set global observables to their Asimov values 
   RooArgSet globObs;
   RooArgSet globObsSnapshot;
   if (GetNullModel()->GetGlobalObservables()  ) {
      assert(globObs.getSize() == fAsimovGlobObs.getSize() );
      // store previous snapshot value
      globObs = fAsimovGlobObs; 

   // evaluate  the likelihood. Since we use on Asimov data , conditional and unconditional values should be the same

   oocoutP((TObject*)0,Eval) << "AsymptoticCalculator: Find  best unconditional NLL on ASIMOV data set" << endl;
   oldVerboseLevel = fgPrintLevel;
   if (fgPrintLevel > 0) fgPrintLevel = 2; 
   fNLLAsimov =  EvaluateNLL( *nullPdf, *fAsimovData );
   if (verbose > 0) {
      std::cout << "Best Fit POI on Asimov data set " << std::endl;
   fgPrintLevel = oldVerboseLevel;

   // restore previous value 
   globObs = globObsSnapshot;


Double_t AsymptoticCalculator::EvaluateNLL(RooAbsPdf & pdf, RooAbsData& data,   const RooArgSet *poiSet) {
    RooFit::MsgLevel msglevel = RooMsgService::instance().globalKillBelow();

    int verbose = fgPrintLevel;

    RooArgSet* allParams = pdf.getParameters(data);
    // add constraint terms for all non-constant parameters

    // need to call constrain for RooSimultaneous until stripDisconnected problem fixed
    RooAbsReal* nll = (RooNLLVar*) pdf.createNLL(data, RooFit::CloneData(kFALSE),RooFit::Constrain(*allParams));

    // if poi are specified - do a conditional fit 
    RooArgSet paramsSetConstant;
    // support now only one POI 
    if (poiSet && poiSet->getSize() > 0) { 
       RooArgSet* attachedSet = nll->getVariables();

       RooRealVar * poiVar = dynamic_cast<RooRealVar*>( attachedSet->find( (poiSet->first())->GetName() ) );
       if (poiVar && !poiVar->isConstant() ) {

       // This for more than one POI (not yet supported)
       // RooLinkedListIter it = poiSet->iterator();
       // RooRealVar* tmpPar = NULL, *tmpParA=NULL;
       // while((tmpPar = (RooRealVar*)it.Next())){
       //    tmpParA =  ((RooRealVar*)attachedSet->find(tmpPar->GetName()));
       //    tmpParA->setVal( tmpPar->getVal() );
       //    if (!tmpParA->isConstant() ) { 
       //       tmpParA->setConstant();
       //       paramsSetConstant.add(*tmpParA);
       //    }
       // }
       delete attachedSet;

    TStopwatch tw; 

    if (verbose > 0 )
       std::cout << "Doing NLL minimization....." << std::endl;

    int minimPrintLevel = ROOT::Math::MinimizerOptions::DefaultPrintLevel();
    if (verbose > 1) minimPrintLevel = verbose; 
    RooMinimizer minim(*nll);
    //LM: RooMinimizer.setPrintLevel has +1 offset - so subtruct  here -1
    int status = -1;
    for (int tries = 0, maxtries = 4; tries <= maxtries; ++tries) {
       //	 status = minim.minimize(fMinimizer, ROOT::Math::MinimizerOptions::DefaultMinimizerAlgo().c_str());
       TString minimizer = ROOT::Math::MinimizerOptions::DefaultMinimizerType(); 
       status = minim.minimize(minimizer, "Minimize");
       if (status == 0) {  
       } else {
          if (tries > 1) {
             printf("    ----> Doing a re-scan first\n");
          if (tries > 2) {
             printf("    ----> trying with strategy = 1\n");


    // return max value of nll
    double val =  nll->getVal(); 
    double muTest = 0; 
    if (verbose > 0) { 
       std::cout << "AsymptoticCalculator::EvaluateNLL -  value = " << val;
       if (poiSet) { 
          muTest = ( (RooRealVar*) poiSet->first() )->getVal();
          std::cout << " for poi fixed at = " << muTest; 
       std::cout << "\tfit time : ";  
       std::cout << std::endl;

    // reset the parameter free which where set as constant
    if (poiSet && paramsSetConstant.getSize() > 0) SetAllConstant(paramsSetConstant,false);

    delete allParams;
    delete nll;

    if (status != 0) {
       oocoutE((TObject*)0,Fitting) << "FIT FAILED !- return a NaN NLL " << std::endl;
       return TMath::QuietNaN();

    return val;

HypoTestResult* AsymptoticCalculator::GetHypoTest() const {
   // It performs an hypothesis tests using the likelihood function
   // and computes the p values for the null and the alternate using the asymptotic 
   // formulae for the profile likelihood ratio.
   // See G. Cowan, K. Cranmer, E. Gross and O. Vitells.
   // Asymptotic formulae for likelihood- based tests of new physics. Eur. Phys. J., C71:1–19, 2011.
   // The formulae are valid only for one POI. If more than one POI exists consider as POI only the 
   // first one

   int verbose = fgPrintLevel;

   if (!fAsimovData) { 
       oocoutE((TObject*)0,InputArguments) << "AsymptoticCalculator::GetHypoTest - Asimov data set has not been generated - return NULL result " << endl;
       return 0;

   assert(GetNullModel() );
   assert(GetData() );

   RooAbsPdf * nullPdf = GetNullModel()->GetPdf();

   // make conditional fit on null snapshot of poi

   const RooArgSet * nullSnapshot = GetNullModel()->GetSnapshot();
   assert(nullSnapshot && nullSnapshot->getSize() > 0);

   // use as POI the nullSnapshot
   // if more than one POI exists, consider only the first one
   RooArgSet poiTest(*nullSnapshot);

   if (poiTest.getSize() > 1)  { 
      oocoutW((TObject*)0,InputArguments) << "AsymptoticCalculator::GetHypoTest: snapshot has more than one POI - assume as POI first parameter " << std::endl;         

   // evaluate the conditional NLL on the observed data for the snapshot value
   double condNLL = EvaluateNLL( *nullPdf, const_cast<RooAbsData&>(*GetData()), &poiTest);

   double qmu = 2.*(condNLL - fNLLObs); 
   // set the one-side condition
   // (this works when we have only one params of interest 
   RooRealVar * muHat =  dynamic_cast<RooRealVar*> (  fBestFitPoi.first() );
   RooRealVar * muTest = dynamic_cast<RooRealVar*> ( nullSnapshot->find(muHat->GetName() ) );
   assert(muHat && "no best fit parameter defined"); 
   assert(muTest && "poi snapshot is not existing"); 

   if (verbose > 0) 
      std::cout << " qmu on data = " << qmu << " condNLL = " << condNLL << " uncond " << fNLLObs << std::endl;

   if (qmu < 0) {

      oocoutW((TObject*)0,Minimization) << "AsymptoticCalculator:  Found a negative value of the qmu - retry to do the unconditional fit " 
                                        << std::endl;         
      double nll = EvaluateNLL( *nullPdf, const_cast<RooAbsData&>(*GetData()));
      if (nll < fNLLObs) { 
         oocoutW((TObject*)0,Minimization) << "AsymptoticCalculator:  Found a better unconditional minimum "
                                           << " old NLL = " << fNLLObs << " old muHat " << muHat->getVal() << std::endl;            

         // update values
         fNLLObs = nll; 
         const RooArgSet * poi = GetNullModel()->GetParametersOfInterest(); 
         // restore also muHad since previous pointr has been deleted
         muHat =  dynamic_cast<RooRealVar*> (  fBestFitPoi.first() );

        oocoutW((TObject*)0,Minimization) << "AsymptoticCalculator:  New minimum  found for                       "
                                          << "    NLL = " << fNLLObs << "    muHat  " << muHat->getVal() << std::endl;            

        qmu = 2.*(condNLL - fNLLObs); 

        std::cout << " New qmu value is " << qmu << std::endl;


   if (qmu < 0) {       
      oocoutW((TObject*)0,Minimization) << "AsymptoticCalculator:  qmu is still < 0  for mu = " 
                                        <<  muTest << " resulting p-value will not be meaningful "  
                                        << std::endl;         

   //check for one side condition (remember this is valid only for one poi)
   if (fOneSided ) { 
      if ( muHat->getVal() > muTest->getVal() ) { 
         oocoutI((TObject*)0,Eval) << "Using one-sided qmu - setting qmu to zero  muHat = " << muHat->getVal() 
                                   << " muTest = " << muTest->getVal() << std::endl;
         qmu = 0;

   // asymptotic formula for pnull (for only one POI) 
   // From fact that qmu is a chi2 with ndf=1

   double sqrtqmu = (qmu > 0) ? std::sqrt(qmu) : 0; 

   double pnull = ROOT::Math::normal_cdf_c( sqrtqmu, 1.);

   // compute conditional ML on Asimov data set
   // (need to const cast because it uses fitTo which is a non const method
   // RooArgSet asimovGlobObs;
   // RooAbsData * asimovData = (const_cast<AsymptoticCalculator*>(this))->MakeAsimovData( poi, asimovGlobObs);
   // set global observables to their Asimov values 
   RooArgSet globObs;
   RooArgSet globObsSnapshot;
   if (GetNullModel()->GetGlobalObservables()  ) {
      // store previous snapshot value
      globObs = fAsimovGlobObs; 

   double condNLL_A = EvaluateNLL( *nullPdf, *fAsimovData, &poiTest);

   double qmu_A = 2.*(condNLL_A - fNLLAsimov  );

   if (verbose > 0) 
      std::cout << " qmu on Asimov = " << qmu_A << " condNLL = " << condNLL_A << " uncond " << fNLLAsimov << std::endl;

   if (qmu_A < 0) {

      oocoutW((TObject*)0,Minimization) << "AsymptoticCalculator:  Found a negative value of the qmu Asimov- retry to do the unconditional fit " 
                                        << std::endl;         
      double nll = EvaluateNLL( *nullPdf, *fAsimovData );
      if (nll < fNLLAsimov) { 
         oocoutW((TObject*)0,Minimization) << "AsymptoticCalculator:  Found a better unconditional minimum for Asimov data set"
                                           << " old NLL = " << fNLLAsimov << std::endl;            

         // update values
         fNLLAsimov = nll; 
         oocoutW((TObject*)0,Minimization) << "AsymptoticCalculator:  New minimum  found for                       "
                                           << "    NLL = " << fNLLAsimov << std::endl;            
         qmu_A = 2.*(condNLL_A - fNLLAsimov); 

         std::cout << " New qmu value is " << qmu_A << std::endl;


   if (qmu_A < 0) {       
      oocoutW((TObject*)0,Minimization) << "AsymptoticCalculator:  qmu_A is still < 0  for mu = " 
                                        <<  muTest << " resulting p-value will not be meaningful "  
                                        << std::endl;         

   // restore previous value of global observables
   globObs = globObsSnapshot;

   // do I need to do something for Asimov on the one-sided case ???
//    if (fOneSided) { 
//          if ( muHat->getVal() > muTest->getVal() ) qmu_A = 0;
//       }
//    }

   // asymptotic formula for palt based on Asimov data set 
   // See Eur.Phys.J C(2011( 71:1554
   double sqrtqmu_A = (qmu_A > 0) ? std::sqrt(qmu_A) : 0; 

   double palt = ROOT::Math::normal_cdf( sqrtqmu_A - sqrtqmu, 1.);

   // formula for Qtilde (need to distinguish case when qmu > qmuA
   // (see Cowan et al, Eur.Phys.J. C(2011) 71:1554 paper equations 64 and 65
   // (remember qmu_A = mu^2/sigma^2 )
   if (fUseQTilde && qmu > qmu_A) { 
      pnull = ROOT::Math::normal_cdf_c( (qmu + qmu_A)/(2 * sqrtqmu_A), 1.);
      palt = ROOT::Math::normal_cdf_c( (qmu - qmu_A)/(2 * sqrtqmu_A), 1.);


   // create an HypoTest result but where the sampling distributions are set to zero
   string resultname = "HypoTestAsymptotic_result";
   HypoTestResult* res = new HypoTestResult(resultname.c_str(), pnull, palt);

   oocoutP((TObject*)0,Eval) << "poi = " << muTest->getVal() << " qmu = " << qmu << " qmu_A = " << qmu_A 
                             << "  CLsplusb = " << pnull << " CLb = " << palt << " CLs = " <<  res->CLs() << std::endl; 

   return res; 


double AsymptoticCalculator::GetExpectedPValues(double pnull, double palt, double nsigma, bool useCls ) { 
   // function given the null and the alt p value - return the expected one given the N - sigma value
   double sqrtqmu =  ROOT::Math::normal_quantile_c( pnull,1.);
   double sqrtqmu_A =  ROOT::Math::normal_quantile( palt,1.) + sqrtqmu;
   double clsplusb = ROOT::Math::normal_cdf_c( sqrtqmu_A - nsigma, 1.);
   if (!useCls) return clsplusb; 
   double clb = ROOT::Math::normal_cdf( nsigma, 1.);
   return (clb == 0) ? -1 : clsplusb / clb;  

// void GetExpectedLimit(double nsigma, double alpha, double &clsblimit, double &clslimit) { 
//    // get expected limit 
//    double 
// }

void AsymptoticCalculator::FillBins(const RooAbsPdf & pdf, const RooArgList &obs, RooAbsData & data, int &index,  double &binVolume, int &ibin) { 
   /// fill bins by looping recursivly on observables 

   bool debug = (fgPrintLevel == 2);  

   RooRealVar * v = dynamic_cast<RooRealVar*>( &(obs[index]) );
   if (!v) return;

   RooArgSet obstmp(obs);
   double expectedEvents = pdf.expectedEvents(obstmp);

   if (debug) cout << "looping on observable " << v->GetName() << endl;
   for (int i = 0; i < v->getBins(); ++i) {
      if (index < obs.getSize() -1) {
         index++;  // increase index
         double prevBinVolume = binVolume; 
         binVolume *= v->getBinWidth(i); // increase bin volume
         FillBins(pdf, obs, data, index,  binVolume, ibin);
         index--; // decrease index
         binVolume = prevBinVolume; // decrease also bin volume
      else {

         // this is now a new bin - compute the pdf in this bin 
         double totBinVolume = binVolume * v->getBinWidth(i);
         double fval = pdf.getVal(&obstmp)*totBinVolume;
         if (fval*expectedEvents <= 0)
            cout << "WARNING::Detected bin with zero expected events! Please check your inputs." << endl;
         // have a cut off for overflows ??
         data.add(obs, fval*expectedEvents);

         if (debug) { 
            cout << "bin " << ibin << "\t";
            for (int j=0; j < obs.getSize(); ++j) { cout << "  " <<  ((RooRealVar&) obs[j]).getVal(); }
            cout << endl;
         // RooArgSet xxx(obs);
         // h3->Fill(((RooRealVar&) obs[0]).getVal(), ((RooRealVar&) obs[1]).getVal(), ((RooRealVar&) obs[2]).getVal() ,
         //          pdf->getVal(&xxx) );
   //reset bin values
   if (debug) 
      cout << "ending loop on .. " << v->GetName() << endl;

void AsymptoticCalculator::SetObsToExpected(RooProdPdf &prod, const RooArgSet &obs) 
   // iterate a Prod pdf to find the Poisson part to set the observed value to expected one
    std::auto_ptr<TIterator> iter(prod.pdfList().createIterator());
    for (RooAbsArg *a = (RooAbsArg *) iter->Next(); a != 0; a = (RooAbsArg *) iter->Next()) {
        if (!a->dependsOn(obs)) continue;
        RooPoisson *pois = 0;
        if ((pois = dynamic_cast<RooPoisson *>(a)) != 0) {
            SetObsToExpected(*pois, obs);
        } else {
           // should try to add also Gaussian and lognormal case ? 
            RooProdPdf *subprod = dynamic_cast<RooProdPdf *>(a);
            if (subprod) SetObsToExpected(*subprod, obs);
            else {
               oocoutE((TObject*)0,InputArguments) << "Illegal term in counting model: depends on observables, but not Poisson or Product" << endl;

void AsymptoticCalculator::SetObsToExpected(RooPoisson &pois, const RooArgSet &obs) 
   // set observed value in Poisson to the expected one
   // need to iterate on the components of the POisson to get n and nu (nu can be a RooAbsReal)
   // (code from G. Petrucciani)
   RooRealVar *myobs = 0;
   RooAbsReal *myexp = 0;
   std::auto_ptr<TIterator> iter(pois.serverIterator());
   for (RooAbsArg *a = (RooAbsArg *) iter->Next(); a != 0; a = (RooAbsArg *) iter->Next()) {
      if (obs.contains(*a)) {
         assert(myobs == 0 && "SinglePdfGenInfo::setToExpected(RooPoisson): Two observables??");
         myobs = dynamic_cast<RooRealVar *>(a);
         assert(myobs != 0 && "SinglePdfGenInfo::setToExpected(RooPoisson): Observables is not a RooRealVar??");
      } else {
         assert(myexp == 0 && "SinglePdfGenInfo::setToExpected(RooPoisson): Two expecteds??");
         myexp = dynamic_cast<RooAbsReal *>(a);
         assert(myexp != 0 && "SinglePdfGenInfo::setToExpected(RooPoisson): Expectedis not a RooAbsReal??");
   assert(myobs != 0 && "SinglePdfGenInfo::setToExpected(RooPoisson): No observable?");
   assert(myexp != 0 && "SinglePdfGenInfo::setToExpected(RooPoisson): No expected?");

RooAbsData * AsymptoticCalculator::GenerateCountingAsimovData(RooAbsPdf & pdf, const RooArgSet & observables,  const RooRealVar & , RooCategory * channelCat) { 
   // generate countuing Asimov data for the case when the pdf cannot be extended
   // assume pdf is a RooPoisson or can be decomposed in a product of RooPoisson, 
   // otherwise we cannot know how to make the Asimov data sets in the other cases
    RooArgSet obs(observables);
    RooProdPdf *prod = dynamic_cast<RooProdPdf *>(&pdf);
    RooPoisson *pois = 0;
    if (prod != 0) {
        SetObsToExpected(*prod, observables);
    } else if ((pois = dynamic_cast<RooPoisson *>(&pdf)) != 0) {
        SetObsToExpected(*pois, observables);
    } else {
       oocoutE((TObject*)0,InputArguments) << "A counting model pdf must be either a RooProdPdf or a RooPoisson" << endl;
    int icat = 0;
    if (channelCat) {
       icat = channelCat->getIndex(); 
    RooDataSet *ret = new RooDataSet(TString::Format("CountingAsimovData%d",icat),TString::Format("CountingAsimovData%d",icat), obs);
    return ret;

RooAbsData * AsymptoticCalculator::GenerateAsimovDataSinglePdf(const RooAbsPdf & pdf, const RooArgSet & allobs,  const RooRealVar & weightVar, RooCategory * channelCat) { 
   // compute the asimov data set for an observable of a pdf 
   // use the number of bins sets in the observables 
   // to do :  (possibility to change number of bins)
   // impelment integration over bin content

   int printLevel = fgPrintLevel;

   // Get observables defined by the pdf associated with this state
   RooArgSet* obs = pdf.getObservables(allobs) ;

   // if pdf cannot be extended assume is then a counting experiment
   if (!pdf.canBeExtended() ) return GenerateCountingAsimovData(const_cast<RooAbsPdf&>(pdf), *obs, weightVar, channelCat);

   RooArgSet obsAndWeight(*obs); 

   RooDataSet* asimovData = 0; 
   if (channelCat) {
      int icat = channelCat->getIndex(); 
      asimovData = new RooDataSet(TString::Format("AsimovData%d",icat),TString::Format("combAsimovData%d",icat),
      asimovData = new RooDataSet("AsimovData","AsimovData",RooArgSet(obsAndWeight),RooFit::WeightVar(weightVar));

    // This works ony for 1D observables 
    //RooRealVar* thisObs = ((RooRealVar*)obstmp->first());

    RooArgList obsList(*obs);

    // loop on observables and on the bins 
    if (printLevel >= 2) { 
       cout << "Generating Asimov data for pdf " << pdf.GetName() << endl;
       cout << "list of observables  " << endl;

    int obsIndex = 0; 
    double binVolume = 1; 
    int nbins = 0; 
    FillBins(pdf, obsList, *asimovData, obsIndex, binVolume, nbins);
    if (printLevel >= 2) 
       cout << "filled from " << pdf.GetName() << "   " << nbins << " nbins " << " volume is " << binVolume << endl;

    // for (int iobs = 0; iobs < obsList.getSize(); ++iobs) { 
    //    RooRealVar * thisObs = dynamic_cast<RooRealVar*> &obsList[i];
    //    if (thisObs == 0) continue; 
    //    // loop on the bin contents
    //    for(int  ibin=0; ibin<thisObs->numBins(); ++ibin){
    //       thisObs->setBin(ibin);

    //   thisNorm=pdftmp->getVal(obstmp)*thisObs->getBinWidth(jj);
    //   if (thisNorm*expectedEvents <= 0)
    //   {
    //     cout << "WARNING::Detected bin with zero expected events! Please check your inputs." << endl;
    //   }
    //   // have a cut off for overflows ??
    //   obsDataUnbinned->add(*mc->GetObservables(), thisNorm*expectedEvents);
    // }
    if (printLevel >= 1)
      //cout <<"sum entries "<< asimovData->sumEntries()<<endl;
    if( TMath::IsNaN(asimovData->sumEntries()) ){
      cout << "sum entries is nan"<<endl;
      delete asimovData;
      asimovData = 0;

    delete obs;
    return asimovData;


RooAbsData * AsymptoticCalculator::GenerateAsimovData(const RooAbsPdf & pdf, const RooArgSet & observables  )  { 
   // generate the asimov data for the observables (not the global ones) 
   // need to deal with the case of a sim pdf 

   int printLevel = fgPrintLevel;

   RooRealVar * weightVar = new RooRealVar("binWeightAsimov", "binWeightAsimov", 1, 0, 1.E30 );

   if (printLevel >= 1) cout <<" check expectedData by category"<<endl;
  //RooDataSet* simData=NULL;
   const RooSimultaneous* simPdf = dynamic_cast<const RooSimultaneous*>(&pdf);
   if (!simPdf) { 
      // generate data for non sim pdf
      return GenerateAsimovDataSinglePdf( pdf, observables, *weightVar, 0);

   std::map<std::string, RooDataSet*> asimovDataMap;
  //look at category of simpdf 
  RooCategory& channelCat = (RooCategory&)simPdf->indexCat();
  //    TIterator* iter = simPdf->indexCat().typeIterator() ;
  TIterator* iter = channelCat.typeIterator() ;
  RooCatType* tt = NULL;
  int nrIndices = 0;
  while((tt=(RooCatType*) iter->Next())) {
  for (int i=0;i<nrIndices;i++){
    // Get pdf associated with state from simpdf
    RooAbsPdf* pdftmp = simPdf->getPdf(channelCat.getLabel()) ;
    if (printLevel >= 1)
      cout << "on type " << channelCat.getLabel() << " " << channelCat.getIndex() << endl;

    RooAbsData * dataSinglePdf = GenerateAsimovDataSinglePdf( *pdftmp, observables, *weightVar, &channelCat);
    //cout << "expected events " << pdftmp->expectedEvents(*obstmp) << endl;
    if (!dataSinglePdf) { 
       oocoutE((TObject*)0,Generation) << "Error generating an Asimov data set for pdf " << pdftmp->GetName() << endl;
       return 0;

    asimovDataMap[string(channelCat.getLabel())] = (RooDataSet*) dataSinglePdf;

    if (printLevel >= 1)
      cout << "channel: " << channelCat.getLabel() << ", data: ";
      cout << endl;

  RooArgSet obsAndWeight(observables); 

  RooDataSet* asimovData = new RooDataSet("asimovDataFullModel","asimovDataFullModel",RooArgSet(obsAndWeight,channelCat),

  delete weightVar; 
  return asimovData;


RooAbsData * AsymptoticCalculator::MakeAsimovData(const RooArgSet & paramValues, RooArgSet & asimovGlobObs)  {
   // make the Asimov data set
   // extract from code from Giovanni and AAron

   // inputs: 
   // RooAbsData &realdata, RooAbsCollection &snapshot, double poiValue, int verbose

   // get the model

   int verbose = fgPrintLevel;

   const RooStats::ModelConfig *mc = GetNullModel() ;
   RooAbsData * realData = const_cast<RooAbsData*> (GetData() ); 

   RooArgSet  poi(*mc->GetParametersOfInterest());
   poi = paramValues; 
   //RooRealVar *r = dynamic_cast<RooRealVar *>(poi.first());
   // set poi constant for conditional MLE 
   // need to fit nuisance parameters at their conditional MLE value
   RooLinkedListIter it = poi.iterator();
   RooRealVar*  tmpPar = NULL;
   while((tmpPar = (RooRealVar*)it.Next())){
   if (mc->GetNuisanceParameters()) {
      RooAbsPdf * pdf = mc->GetPdf();
      RooArgSet  constrainParams(*mc->GetNuisanceParameters());
      TStopwatch tw2; tw2.Start(); 
      int minimPrintLevel = ROOT::Math::MinimizerOptions::DefaultPrintLevel();
      if (verbose>0) { 
         std::cout << "MakeAsimov: doing a conditional fit for finding best nuisance values " << std::endl;
         minimPrintLevel += 1;
      pdf->fitTo(*realData, RooFit::Minimizer("Minuit2","minimize"), RooFit::Strategy(ROOT::Math::MinimizerOptions::DefaultStrategy()),
                 RooFit::PrintLevel(minimPrintLevel-1), RooFit::Hesse(false), RooFit::InitialHesse(false),
      if (verbose>0) { std::cout << "fit time "; tw2.Print();}
   } else {
      // Do we have free parameters anyway that need fitting?
      bool hasFloatParams = false;
      std::auto_ptr<RooArgSet> params(mc->GetPdf()->getParameters(*realData));
      std::auto_ptr<TIterator> iter(params->createIterator());
      for (RooAbsArg *a = (RooAbsArg *) iter->Next(); a != 0; a = (RooAbsArg *) iter->Next()) {
         RooRealVar *rrv = dynamic_cast<RooRealVar *>(a);
         if ( rrv != 0 && rrv->isConstant() == false ) { hasFloatParams = true; break; }
      if (hasFloatParams) mc->GetPdf()->fitTo(*realData, RooFit::Minimizer("Minuit2","minimize"), RooFit::Strategy(1));
   // after the fit the nuisance parameters will have their best fit value
   if (mc->GetNuisanceParameters() && verbose > 1) {
      std::cout << "Nuisance parameters after fit for asimov dataset: " << std::endl;
   // generate the Asimov data set for the observables 
   // need to distinguish  if Simpdf or normal pdf
   // toymcoptutils::SimPdfGenInfo newToyMC(*mc->GetPdf(), *mc->GetObservables(), false); 

   TStopwatch tw; 

   RooAbsData * asimov = GenerateAsimovData(*mc->GetPdf() , *mc->GetObservables() );
   if (verbose>0) {
      std::cout << "Generated Asimov data with time : ";  tw.Print(); 

    // Now need to have in ASIMOV the data sets also the global observables
   // Their values must be the one satisfying the constraint. 
   // to do it make a nuisance pdf with all product of constraints and then 
   // assign to each constraint a glob observable value = to the current fitted nuisance parameter value

   if (mc->GetGlobalObservables() && mc->GetGlobalObservables()->getSize() > 0) {
      RooArgSet gobs(*mc->GetGlobalObservables());

      // snapshot data global observables
      RooArgSet snapGlobalObsData;
      Utils::SetAllConstant(gobs, true);

      RooArgSet nuis(*mc->GetNuisanceParameters());
      // part 1: create the nuisance pdf
      std::auto_ptr<RooAbsPdf> nuispdf(RooStats::MakeNuisancePdf(*mc,"TempNuisPdf") );
      // unfold the nuisance pdf 
      RooProdPdf *prod = dynamic_cast<RooProdPdf *>(nuispdf.get());
      if (prod == 0) { 
         oocoutF((TObject*)0,Generation) << "AsymptoticCalculator::MakeAsimovData: the nuisance pdf is not a RooProdPdf!" << std::endl;
      std::auto_ptr<TIterator> iter(prod->pdfList().createIterator());
      for (RooAbsArg *a = (RooAbsArg *) iter->Next(); a != 0; a = (RooAbsArg *) iter->Next()) {
         RooAbsPdf *cterm = dynamic_cast<RooAbsPdf *>(a); 
         assert(cterm && "AsimovUtils: a factor of the nuisance pdf is not a Pdf!");
         if (!cterm->dependsOn(nuis)) continue; // dummy constraints
         // skip also the case of uniform components
         if (typeid(*cterm) == typeid(RooUniform)) continue;

         std::auto_ptr<RooArgSet> cpars(cterm->getParameters(&gobs));
         std::auto_ptr<RooArgSet> cgobs(cterm->getObservables(&gobs));
         if (cgobs->getSize() != 1) {
            oocoutE((TObject*)0,Generation) << "AsymptoticCalculator::MakeAsimovData: constraint term  " <<  cterm->GetName() 
                                            << " has multiple global observables -cannot generate - skip it" << std::endl;
         RooRealVar &rrv = dynamic_cast<RooRealVar &>(*cgobs->first());

         RooAbsReal *match = 0;
         if (cpars->getSize() == 1) {
            match = dynamic_cast<RooAbsReal *>(cpars->first());
         } else {
            std::auto_ptr<TIterator> iter2(cpars->createIterator());
            for (RooAbsArg *a2 = (RooAbsArg *) iter2->Next(); a2 != 0; a2 = (RooAbsArg *) iter2->Next()) {
               RooRealVar *rrv2 = dynamic_cast<RooRealVar *>(a2); 
               if (rrv2 != 0 && !rrv2->isConstant()) {
                  if (match != 0) {
                     oocoutF((TObject*)0,Generation) << "AsymptoticCalculator::MakeAsimovData:constraint term " 
                                                     << cterm->GetName() << " has multiple floating params" << std::endl;
                     return 0; 
                  match = rrv2;
         if (match == 0) {  
            oocoutF((TObject*)0,Generation) << "AsymptoticCalculator::MakeAsimovData - can't find nuisance for constraint term " << cterm->GetName() << std::endl;
            std::cerr << "Parameters: " << std::endl;
            std::cerr << "Observables: " << std::endl;
            return 0;

      // make a snapshot of global observables 
      // needed this ?? (LM) 

      Utils::SetAllConstant(gobs, true);

      // revert global observables to the data value
      gobs = snapGlobalObsData;
      //Utils::SetAllConstant(paramsSetToConstants, false);

      if (verbose > 1) {
         std::cout << "Global observables for data: " << std::endl;
         std::cout << "Global observables for asimov: " << std::endl;


   return asimov;
