// @(#)root/thread:$Id$
// Author: Enric Tejedor, CERN 12/09/2016
* Copyright (C) 1995-2016, Rene Brun and Fons Rademakers. *
* All rights reserved. *
* *
* For the licensing terms see $ROOTSYS/LICENSE. *
* For the list of contributors see $ROOTSYS/README/CREDITS. *
\ingroup Parallelism
\brief A class to process the entries of a TTree in parallel.
By means of its Process method, ROOT::TTreeProcessorMT provides a way to process the
entries of a TTree in parallel. When invoking TTreeProcessor::Process, the user
passes a function whose only parameter is a TTreeReader. The function iterates
on a subrange of entries by using that TTreeReader.
The implementation of ROOT::TTreeProcessorMT parallelizes the processing of the subranges,
each corresponding to a cluster in the TTree. This is possible thanks to the use
of a ROOT::TThreadedObject, so that each thread works with its own TFile and TTree
#include "TROOT.h"
#include "ROOT/TTreeProcessorMT.hxx"
#include "ROOT/TThreadExecutor.hxx"
using namespace ROOT;
/// Constructor based on a file name.
/// \param[in] filename Name of the file containing the tree to process.
/// \param[in] treename Name of the tree to process. If not provided,
/// the implementation will automatically search for a
/// tree in the file.
TTreeProcessorMT::TTreeProcessorMT(std::string_view filename, std::string_view treename) : treeView(filename, treename) {}
/// Constructor based on a collection of file names.
/// \param[in] filenames Collection of the names of the files containing the tree to process.
/// \param[in] treename Name of the tree to process. If not provided,
/// the implementation will automatically search for a
/// tree in the collection of files.
TTreeProcessorMT::TTreeProcessorMT(const std::vector<std::string_view> &filenames, std::string_view treename) : treeView(filenames, treename) {}
Enric Tejedor Saavedra
/// Constructor based on a TTree.
/// \param[in] tree Tree or chain of files containing the tree to process.
TTreeProcessorMT::TTreeProcessorMT(TTree &tree) : treeView(tree) {}
Enric Tejedor Saavedra
/// Constructor based on a TTree and a TEntryList.
/// \param[in] tree Tree or chain of files containing the tree to process.
/// \param[in] entries List of entry numbers to process.
TTreeProcessorMT::TTreeProcessorMT(TTree &tree, TEntryList &entries) : treeView(tree, entries) {}
Enric Tejedor Saavedra
/// Divide input data in clusters, i.e. the workloads to distribute to tasks
std::vector<ROOT::Internal::TreeViewCluster> TTreeProcessorMT::MakeClusters()
std::vector<ROOT::Internal::TreeViewCluster> clusters;
const auto &fileNames = treeView->GetFileNames();
const auto nFileNames = fileNames.size();
const auto &treeName = treeView->GetTreeName();
for (auto i = 0u; i < nFileNames; ++i) { // TTreeViewCluster requires the index of the file the cluster belongs to
std::unique_ptr<TFile> f(TFile::Open(fileNames[i].c_str())); // need TFile::Open to load plugins if need be
TTree *t = nullptr; // not a leak, t will be deleted by f
f->GetObject(treeName.c_str(), t);
auto clusterIter = t->GetClusterIterator(0);
Long64_t start = 0, end = 0;
const Long64_t entries = t->GetEntries();
// Iterate over the clusters in the current file and generate a task for each of them
while ((start = clusterIter()) < entries) {
end = clusterIter.GetNextEntry();
clusters.emplace_back(ROOT::Internal::TreeViewCluster{start, end, i});
return clusters;
/// Process the entries of a TTree in parallel. The user-provided function
/// receives a TTreeReader which can be used to iterate on a subrange of
/// entries
/// ~~~{.cpp}
/// TTreeProcessorMT::Process([](TTreeReader& readerSubRange) {
/// // Select branches to read
/// while ( {
/// // Use content of current entry
/// }
/// });
/// ~~~
/// The user needs to be aware that each of the subranges can potentially
/// be processed in parallel. This means that the code of the user function
/// should be thread safe.
/// \param[in] func User-defined function that processes a subrange of entries
void TTreeProcessorMT::Process(std::function<void(TTreeReader &)> func)
// Enable this IMT use case (activate its locks)
Internal::TParTreeProcessingRAII ptpRAII;
auto clusters = MakeClusters();
auto mapFunction = [this, &func](const ROOT::Internal::TreeViewCluster &c) {
// get the idx to the TreeViewInput for this task in the current thread
const auto dataIdx = treeView->FindOrOpenFile(c.filenameIdx);
auto readerAndEntryList = treeView->GetTreeReader(dataIdx, c.startEntry, c.endEntry);
auto &reader = std::get<0>(readerAndEntryList);
// Assume number of threads has been initialized via ROOT::EnableImplicitMT
Enrico Guiraud
pool.Foreach(mapFunction, clusters);