// Author: Timur Pocheptsov 03/08/2004
* Copyright (C) 1995-2004, Rene Brun and Fons Rademakers. *
* All rights reserved. *
* *
* For the licensing terms see $ROOTSYS/LICENSE. *
* For the list of contributors see $ROOTSYS/README/CREDITS. *
#include "TArcBall.h"
#include "TPoint.h"
#include "TMath.h"
const Double_t Epsilon = 1.0e-5;
// Implements the arc-ball rotation manipulator.
// Used by plot-painters.
//Arcball sphere constants:
//Diameter is 2.0f
//Radius is 1.0f
inline void Vector3dCross(Double_t *NewObj, const Double_t * v1, const Double_t *v2)
NewObj[0] = v1[1] * v2[2] - v1[2] * v2[1];
NewObj[1] = v1[2] * v2[0] - v1[0] * v2[2];
NewObj[2] = v1[0] * v2[1] - v1[1] * v2[0];
inline Double_t Vector3dDot(const Double_t *NewObj, const Double_t *v1)
return NewObj[0] * v1[0] + NewObj[1] * v1[1] + NewObj[2] * v1[2];
inline Double_t Vector3dLengthSquared(const Double_t *NewObj)
return NewObj[0] * NewObj[0] + NewObj[1] * NewObj[1] + NewObj[2] * NewObj[2];
inline Double_t Vector3dLength(const Double_t *NewObj)
inline void Matrix3dSetIdentity(Double_t *NewObj)
//then set diagonal as 1
NewObj[0] = NewObj[4] = NewObj[8] = 1.;
void Matrix3dSetRotationFromQuat4d(Double_t *NewObj, const Double_t *q1)
Double_t n = (q1[0] * q1[0]) + (q1[1] * q1[1]) + (q1[2] * q1[2]) + (q1[3] * q1[3]);
Double_t s = (n > 0.0f) ? (2.0f / n) : 0.0f;
Double_t xs = q1[0] * s, ys = q1[1] * s, zs = q1[2] * s;
Double_t wx = q1[3] * xs, wy = q1[3] * ys, wz = q1[3] * zs;
Double_t xx = q1[0] * xs, xy = q1[0] * ys, xz = q1[0] * zs;
Double_t yy = q1[1] * ys, yz = q1[1] * zs, zz = q1[2] * zs;
NewObj[0] = 1.0f - (yy + zz); NewObj[3] = xy - wz; NewObj[6] = xz + wy;
NewObj[1] = xy + wz; NewObj[4] = 1.0f - (xx + zz); NewObj[7] = yz - wx;
NewObj[2] = xz - wy; NewObj[5] = yz + wx; NewObj[8] = 1.0f - (xx + yy);
void Matrix3dMulMatrix3d(Double_t *NewObj, const Double_t *m1)
Double_t result[9];
result[0] = (NewObj[0] * m1[0]) + (NewObj[3] * m1[1]) + (NewObj[6] * m1[2]);
result[3] = (NewObj[0] * m1[3]) + (NewObj[3] * m1[4]) + (NewObj[6] * m1[5]);
result[6] = (NewObj[0] * m1[6]) + (NewObj[3] * m1[7]) + (NewObj[6] * m1[8]);
result[1] = (NewObj[1] * m1[0]) + (NewObj[4] * m1[1]) + (NewObj[7] * m1[2]);
result[4] = (NewObj[1] * m1[3]) + (NewObj[4] * m1[4]) + (NewObj[7] * m1[5]);
result[7] = (NewObj[1] * m1[6]) + (NewObj[4] * m1[7]) + (NewObj[7] * m1[8]);
result[2] = (NewObj[2] * m1[0]) + (NewObj[5] * m1[1]) + (NewObj[8] * m1[2]);
result[5] = (NewObj[2] * m1[3]) + (NewObj[5] * m1[4]) + (NewObj[8] * m1[5]);
result[8] = (NewObj[2] * m1[6]) + (NewObj[5] * m1[7]) + (NewObj[8] * m1[8]);
NewObj[i] = result[i];
inline void Matrix4dSetRotationScaleFromMatrix4d(Double_t *NewObj, const Double_t *m1)
NewObj[0] = m1[0]; NewObj[4] = m1[4]; NewObj[8] = m1[8];
NewObj[1] = m1[1]; NewObj[5] = m1[5]; NewObj[9] = m1[9];
NewObj[2] = m1[2]; NewObj[6] = m1[6]; NewObj[10] = m1[10];
inline Double_t Matrix4fSVD(const Double_t *NewObj, Double_t *rot3, Double_t *rot4)
Double_t s = TMath::Sqrt(
( (NewObj[0] * NewObj[0]) + (NewObj[1] * NewObj[1]) + (NewObj[2] * NewObj[2]) +
(NewObj[4] * NewObj[4]) + (NewObj[5] * NewObj[5]) + (NewObj[6] * NewObj[6]) +
(NewObj[8] * NewObj[8]) + (NewObj[9] * NewObj[9]) + (NewObj[10] * NewObj[10]) ) / 3.0f );
rot3[0] = NewObj[0]; rot3[1] = NewObj[1]; rot3[2] = NewObj[2];
rot3[3] = NewObj[4]; rot3[4] = NewObj[5]; rot3[5] = NewObj[6];
rot3[6] = NewObj[8]; rot3[7] = NewObj[9]; rot3[8] = NewObj[10];
Double_t n = 1. / TMath::Sqrt(NewObj[0] * NewObj[0] + NewObj[1] * NewObj[1] + NewObj[2] * NewObj[2] + 0.0001);
rot3[0] *= n;
rot3[1] *= n;
rot3[2] *= n;
n = 1. / TMath::Sqrt(NewObj[4] * NewObj[4] + NewObj[5] * NewObj[5] + NewObj[6] * NewObj[6] + 0.0001);
rot3[3] *= n;
rot3[4] *= n;
rot3[5] *= n;
n = 1.0f / TMath::Sqrt(NewObj[8] * NewObj[8] + NewObj[9] * NewObj[9] + NewObj[10] * NewObj[10] + 0.0001);
rot3[6] *= n;
rot3[7] *= n;
rot3[8] *= n;
if (rot4 != NewObj)
Matrix4dSetRotationScaleFromMatrix4d(rot4, NewObj);
Double_t n = 1. / TMath::Sqrt(NewObj[0] * NewObj[0] + NewObj[1] * NewObj[1] + NewObj[2] * NewObj[2] + 0.0001);
rot4[0] *= n;
rot4[1] *= n;
rot4[2] *= n;
n = 1. / TMath::Sqrt(NewObj[4] * NewObj[4] + NewObj[5] * NewObj[5] + NewObj[6] * NewObj[6] + 0.0001);
rot4[4] *= n;
rot4[5] *= n;
rot4[6] *= n;
n = 1. / TMath::Sqrt(NewObj[8] * NewObj[8] + NewObj[9] * NewObj[9] + NewObj[10] * NewObj[10] + 0.0001);
rot4[8] *= n;
rot4[9] *= n;
rot4[10] *= n;
return s;
inline void Matrix4dSetRotationScaleFromMatrix3d(Double_t *NewObj, const Double_t *m1)
NewObj[0] = m1[0]; NewObj[4] = m1[3]; NewObj[8] = m1[6];
NewObj[1] = m1[1]; NewObj[5] = m1[4]; NewObj[9] = m1[7];
NewObj[2] = m1[2]; NewObj[6] = m1[5]; NewObj[10] = m1[8];
inline void Matrix4dMulRotationScale(Double_t *NewObj, Double_t scale)
NewObj[0] *= scale; NewObj[4] *= scale; NewObj[8] *= scale;
NewObj[1] *= scale; NewObj[5] *= scale; NewObj[9] *= scale;
NewObj[2] *= scale; NewObj[6] *= scale; NewObj[10] *= scale;
void Matrix4dSetRotationFromMatrix3d(Double_t *NewObj, const Double_t *m1)
Double_t scale = Matrix4fSVD(NewObj, 0, 0);
Matrix4dSetRotationScaleFromMatrix3d(NewObj, m1);
Matrix4dMulRotationScale(NewObj, scale);
inline void TArcBall::MapToSphere(const TPoint &NewPt, Double_t *NewVec) const
Double_t tempPt[] = {NewPt.fX, NewPt.fY};
tempPt[0] = tempPt[0] * fAdjustWidth - 1.;
tempPt[1] = 1. - tempPt[1] * fAdjustHeight;
//Compute the square of the length of the vector to the point from the center
Double_t length = tempPt[0] * tempPt[0] + tempPt[1] * tempPt[1];
//If the point is mapped outside of the sphere... (length > radius squared)
Double_t norm = 1.0f / TMath::Sqrt(length);
//Return the "normalized" vector, a point on the sphere
NewVec[0] = tempPt[0] * norm;
NewVec[1] = tempPt[1] * norm;
//Return a vector to a point mapped inside the sphere sqrt(radius squared - length)
NewVec[0] = tempPt[0];
NewVec[1] = tempPt[1];
:fThisRot(), fLastRot(),
fTransform(), fStVec(),
fEnVec(), fAdjustWidth(0.),
void TArcBall::Click(const TPoint &NewPt)
void TArcBall::Drag(const TPoint &NewPt)
MapToSphere(NewPt, fEnVec);
//Return the quaternion equivalent to the rotation
Double_t newRot[4] = {0.};
Double_t perp[3] = {0.};
Vector3dCross(perp, fStVec, fEnVec);
if (Vector3dLength(perp) > Epsilon) {
//We're ok, so return the perpendicular vector as the transform after all
newRot[0] = perp[0];
newRot[1] = perp[1];
newRot[2] = perp[2];
//In the quaternion values, w is cosine (theta / 2), where theta is rotation angle
newRot[3]= Vector3dDot(fStVec, fEnVec);
newRot[0] = newRot[1] = newRot[2] = newRot[3] = 0.;
Matrix3dSetRotationFromQuat4d(fThisRot, newRot);
Matrix3dMulMatrix3d(fThisRot, fLastRot);
Matrix4dSetRotationFromMatrix3d(fTransform, fThisRot);
fTransform[0] = 1.f, fTransform[1] = fTransform[2] = fTransform[3] =
fTransform[4] = 0.f, fTransform[5] = 1.f, fTransform[6] = fTransform[7] =
fTransform[8] = fTransform[9] = 0.f, fTransform[10] = 1.f, fTransform[11] =
fTransform[12] = fTransform[13] = fTransform[14] = 0.f, fTransform[15] = 1.f;