// Author: Timur Pocheptsov, Jun 2007
#include <utility>
#include <list>
* Copyright (C) 1995-2004, Rene Brun and Fons Rademakers. *
* All rights reserved. *
* *
* For the licensing terms see $ROOTSYS/LICENSE. *
* For the list of contributors see $ROOTSYS/README/CREDITS. *
#ifndef ROOT_TGLFormat
#include "TGLFormat.h"
#ifndef ROOT_Rtypes
#include "Rtypes.h"
class TGLContextPrivate;
friend class TGLContextPrivate;
Bool_t fFromCtor;//To prohibit user's calls of SetContext.
Bool_t fValid;
TGLContext(TGLWidget *glWidget);
TGLContext(TGLWidget *glWidget, const TGLContext *shareList);
// TGLContext(TGLPBuffer *glPbuf, const TGLContext *shareList = 0);
virtual ~TGLContext();
Bool_t MakeCurrent();
void SwapBuffers();
//This functions are public _ONLY_ for calls via
//gROOT under win32. Please, DO NOT CALL IT DIRECTLY.
void SetContext(TGLWidget *widget, const TGLContext *shareList);
// void SetContextPB(TGLPBuffer *pbuff, const TGLContext *shareList);
void Release();
Bool_t IsValid()const
return fValid;
static TGLContext *GetCurrent();
TGLContext(const TGLContext &);
TGLContext &operator = (const TGLContext &);
ClassDef(TGLContext, 0) // Control internal gl-context resources.
class TGLContextIdentity {
void AddClientRef() { ++fClientCnt; }
void ReleaseClient() { --fClientCnt; CheckDestroy(); }
Int_t GetRefCnt() const { return fCnt; }
Int_t GetClientRefCnt() const { return fClientCnt; }
Bool_t IsValid() const { return fCnt > 0; }
void RegisterDLNameRangeToWipe(UInt_t base, Int_t size);
void DeleteDisplayLists();
static TGLContextIdentity *GetCurrent();
static TGLContextIdentity *GetDefaultIdentity();
static TGLContext *GetDefaultContextAny();
typedef std::pair<UInt_t, Int_t> DLRange_t;
typedef std::list<DLRange_t> DLTrash_t;
typedef DLTrash_t::const_iterator DLTrashIt_t;
CtxList_t fCtxs;
static TGLContextIdentity * fgDefaultIdentity;
ClassDef(TGLContextIdentity, 0) // Identity of a shared GL context.