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  • Dimitri Savineau's avatar
    rolling_update: stop/start instead of restart · 15872e3d
    Dimitri Savineau authored
    During the daemon upgrade we're
      - stopping the service when it's not containerized
      - running the daemon role
      - start the service when it's not containerized
      - restart the service when it's containerized
    This implementation has multiple issue.
    1/ We don't use the same service workflow when using containers
    or baremetal.
    2/ The explicity daemon start isn't required since we'are already
    doing this in the daemon role.
    3/ Any non backward changes in the systemd unit template (for
    containerized deployment) won't work due to the restart usage.
    This patch refacts the rolling_update playbook by using the same service
    stop task for both containerized and baremetal deployment at the start
    of the upgrade play.
    It removes the explicit service start task because it's already included
    in the dedicated role.
    The service restart tasks for containerized deployment are also
    This following comment isn't valid because we should have backported
    ceph-crash implementation in stable-4.0 before this commit, which was not
    possible because of the needed tag v4.0.25.1 (async release for 4.1z1):
    ~~Finally, this adds the missing service stop task for ceph crash upgrade
    Signed-off-by: default avatarDimitri Savineau <>
    (cherry picked from commit 155e2a23)