sudo: false language: cpp addons: &addons apt: packages: timeout sources: &sources - ubuntu-toolchain-r-test - llvm-toolchain-precise-3.9 cache: apt: true ccache: true # directories: # - $BUILD_DEPS # Do not build our sync branch. branches: only: - master - Travis* # Without the top-level env, no job will be allowed to fail. env: matrix: # Abort all builds on a single failing matrix entry. fast_finish: true exclude: # Note: Workaround travis-ci/travis-ci#4681 # Exclude default job which lacks our included environment variables. - os: linux - env: include: # There seems to be a hard limit to how many machines a Travis build will # across all platforms. By interleaving OS X, the hope is to get in the # queue faster while not blocking Linux builds from occuring. - os: linux env: TOOL=clang-format addons: apt: sources: *sources packages: ['clang-format-3.9'] compiler: clang - os: linux env: TOOL=clang-tidy addons: apt: sources: *sources packages: ['clang-3.9', 'clang-tidy-3.9', 'libstdc++-6-dev'] compiler: clang allow_failures: # clang-tidy is still experimental - env: TOOL=clang-tidy install: - | if [[ $TOOL == 'clang-tidy' ]]; then export BUILD_DEPS="${TRAVIS_BUILD_DIR}/deps" mkdir ${BUILD_DEPS} && cd ${BUILD_DEPS} CMAKE_URL="" mkdir cmake && travis_retry wget --no-check-certificate --quiet -O - ${CMAKE_URL} | tar --strip-components=1 -xz -C cmake export PATH=${BUILD_DEPS}/cmake/bin:${PATH} # Go to the Root directory cd - fi script: - echo "Copying and generating header files." && echo -en "travis_fold:start:install.headers" - | # We need to put in place all relevant headers before running clang-tidy. if [[ $TOOL == 'clang-tidy' ]]; then mkdir ../build cd ../build export CC=clang-3.9 export CXX=clang++-3.9 cmake -DCMAKE_EXPORT_COMPILE_COMMANDS=ON -Dall=On -Dtesting=On -Dx11=Off ../root # We need to prebuild a minimal set of targets which are responsible for header copy # or generation. make -j4 move_headers intrinsics_gen ClangCommentCommandList ClangCommentCommandInfo \ ClangCommentHTMLNamedCharacterReferences ClangCommentHTMLTagsProperties \ ClangCommentNodes ClangAttrImpl ClangStmtNodes ClangAttrClasses \ ClangAttrDump ClangCommentHTMLTags ClangDeclNodes ClangAttrVisitor \ ClangDiagnosticCommon ClangARMNeon ClangDiagnosticIndexName \ ClangDiagnosticParse ClangDiagnosticComment ClangDiagnosticFrontend \ ClangDiagnosticGroups ClangDiagnosticSerialization ClangDiagnosticLex \ ClangDiagnosticSema ClangAttrList ClangAttrHasAttributeImpl \ ClangDiagnosticAST ClangDiagnosticDriver ClangDiagnosticAnalysis \ ClangDriverOptions ClangAttrParserStringSwitches ClangAttrParsedAttrList \ ClangAttrTemplateInstantiate ClangAttrSpellingListIndex \ ClangAttrParsedAttrImpl ClangAttrParsedAttrKinds googletest ln -s $PWD/compile_commands.json $PWD/../root/ fi - echo -en 'travis_fold:end:install.headers\\r' - | if [ "$TRAVIS_PULL_REQUEST" != "false" ]; then if [[ $TOOL == 'clang-format' ]]; then BASE_COMMIT=$(git rev-parse $TRAVIS_BRANCH) echo "Running clang-format-3.9 against branch $TRAVIS_BRANCH, with hash $BASE_COMMIT" COMMIT_FILES=$(git diff --name-only $BASE_COMMIT | grep -i -v LinkDef) RESULT_OUTPUT="$(git-clang-format-3.9 --commit $BASE_COMMIT --diff --binary `which clang-format-3.9` $COMMIT_FILES)" if [ "$RESULT_OUTPUT" == "no modified files to format" ] \ || [ "$RESULT_OUTPUT" == "clang-format did not modify any files" ] ; then echo "clang-format passed." exit 0 else echo "clang-format failed." echo "To reproduce it locally please run" echo -e "\tgit checkout $TRAVIS_BRANCH" echo -e "\tgit-clang-format --commit $BASE_COMMIT --diff --binary $(which clang-format)" echo "$RESULT_OUTPUT" exit 1 fi elif [[ $TOOL == 'clang-tidy' ]]; then echo "Running clang-tidy-3.9 only against the changes in branch $TRAVIS_BRANCH." cd ../root/ # Workaround for travis issue: travis-ci/travis-ci#6069 git remote set-branches --add origin master git fetch RESULT_OUTPUT="$(git diff -U0 origin/master | -p1 -clang-tidy-binary $(which clang-tidy-3.9) -checks=-*,clang-analyzer-*)" if [[ $? -eq 0 ]]; then echo "clang-tidy passed." exit 0 else echo "To reproduce it locally please run" echo -e "\tgit checkout $TRAVIS_BRANCH" echo -e "Command: git diff -U0 $TRAVIS_BRANCH..origin/master | -p1 -clang-tidy-binary \$(which clang-tidy) -checks=-*,clang-analyzer-*" echo "$RESULT_OUTPUT" exit 1 fi fi elif [[ "$TRAVIS_EVENT_TYPE" = "cron" ]] && [[ $TOOL == 'clang-tidy' ]]; then # We need to ignore our vendor drops. FILES_REGEX='^.*root\/(?!interpreter\/|core\/clib)' echo "Running clang-tidy-3.9 against branch $TRAVIS_BRANCH." echo " -j4 -clang-tidy-binary $(which clang-tidy-3.9) -checks=-*,clang-analyzer-* $FILES_REGEX" -j4 -clang-tidy-binary $(which clang-tidy-3.9) -checks=-*,clang-analyzer-* $FILES_REGEX fi on_failure: -| echo "Showing current directory contents" ls -la