//------------------------------------------------------------------------------ // CLING - the C++ LLVM-based InterpreterG :) // // This file is dual-licensed: you can choose to license it under the University // of Illinois Open Source License or the GNU Lesser General Public License. See // LICENSE.TXT for details. //------------------------------------------------------------------------------ // RUN: cat %s | %cling -Xclang -verify | FileCheck %s #include "cling/Interpreter/Interpreter.h" #include "cling/Interpreter/Value.h" #include <cmath> cling::Value V; V // CHECK: (cling::Value &) <<<invalid>>> @0x{{.*}} gCling->evaluate("return 1;", V); V // CHECK: (cling::Value &) boxes [(int) 1] gCling->evaluate("(void)V", V); V // CHECK-NEXT: (cling::Value &) boxes [(void) ] // Returns must put the result in the Value. bool cond = true; gCling->evaluate("if (cond) return \"true\"; else return 0;", V); V // CHECK-NEXT: (cling::Value &) boxes [(const char [5]) "true"] gCling->evaluate("if (cond) return; else return 12;", V); V // CHECK-NEXT: (cling::Value &) boxes [(void) ] gCling->evaluate("if (cond) return; int aa = 12;", V); V // CHECK-NEXT: (cling::Value &) boxes [(void) ] gCling->evaluate("cond = false; if (cond) return \"true\"; else return 0;", V); V // CHECK-NEXT: (cling::Value &) boxes [(int) 0] gCling->evaluate("bool a = [](){return true;};", V); V // CHECK-NEXT: (cling::Value &) boxes [(bool) true] gCling->evaluate("auto a = 12.3; a;", V); V // CHECK: (cling::Value &) boxes [(double) 12.300000] long LongV = 17; gCling->evaluate("LongV;", V); V // CHECK: (cling::Value &) boxes [(long) 17] int* IntP = (int*)0x12; gCling->evaluate("IntP;", V); V // CHECK: (cling::Value &) boxes [(int *) 0x12 <invalid memory address>] cling::Value Result; gCling->evaluate("V", Result); // Here we check what happens for record type like cling::Value; they are returned by reference. Result // CHECK: (cling::Value &) boxes [(cling::Value &) boxes [(int *) 0x12 <invalid memory address>]] V // CHECK: (cling::Value &) boxes [(int *) 0x12 <invalid memory address>] // Savannah #96277 gCling->evaluate("gCling->declare(\"double sin(double);\"); double one = sin(3.1416/2);", V); V // CHECK: (cling::Value &) boxes [(double) 1.0000000] gCling->process("double one = sin(3.1416/2); // expected-note {{previous definition is here}}", &V); V // CHECK: (cling::Value &) boxes [(double) 1.0000000] one // CHECK: (double) 1 int one; // expected-error {{redefinition of 'one' with a different type: 'int' vs 'double'}} // Make sure that PR#98434 doesn't get reintroduced. .rawInput void f(int) { return; } .rawInput gCling->evaluate("f", V); V.isValid() //CHECK: {{\([_]B|b}}ool) true // end PR#98434 // Multi-dim arrays (ROOT-7016) gCling->evaluate("int multiDimArray[2][3][4]{{{1,2,3,4},{11,12,13,14},{21,22,23,24}}," "{{101,102,103,104},{111,112,113,114},{121,122,123,124}}};", V); V // CHECK-NEXT: (cling::Value &) boxes [(int [2][3][4]) { { { 1, 2, 3, 4 }, { 11, 12, 13, 14 }, { 21, 22, 23, 24 } }, { { 101, 102, 103, 104 }, { 111, 112, 113, 114 }, { 121, 122, 123, 124 } } }] // Check lifetime of objects in Value .rawInput 1 struct WithDtor { char mem = 0; static int fgCount; WithDtor() { ++fgCount; } WithDtor(const WithDtor&) { ++fgCount; } ~WithDtor() { --fgCount; } }; int WithDtor::fgCount = 0; WithDtor getWithDtor() { return WithDtor(); } #include <vector> std::vector<WithDtor> getWithDtorVec() { std::vector<WithDtor> ret; ret.resize(7); return ret; } .rawInput 0 cling::Value* VOnHeap = new cling::Value(); gCling->evaluate("getWithDtor()", *VOnHeap); *VOnHeap //CHECK: (cling::Value &) boxes [(WithDtor) @0x{{.*}}] WithDtor::fgCount //CHECK: (int) 1 delete VOnHeap; WithDtor::fgCount //CHECK: (int) 0 // Check destructor call for templates VOnHeap = new cling::Value(); gCling->evaluate("getWithDtorVec()", *VOnHeap); *VOnHeap //CHECK: (cling::Value &) boxes [(std::vector<WithDtor>) {{{ (@0x.*, )*@0x.* }}}] WithDtor::fgCount //CHECK: (int) 7 delete VOnHeap; WithDtor::fgCount //CHECK: (int) 0 // long doubles (tricky for the JIT). gCling->evaluate("17.42L", V); V // CHECK: (cling::Value &) boxes [(long double) 17.42{{[0-9]*}}L] // Test references, temporaries .rawInput 1 extern "C" int printf(const char*,...); struct Tracer { std::string Content; int Instance; static int InstanceCount; Tracer(const char* str): Content(str), Instance(++InstanceCount) { dump("ctor"); } Tracer(const Tracer& o): Content(o.Content + "+"), Instance(++InstanceCount) { dump("copy"); } ~Tracer() { dump("dtor");} std::string asStr() const { return Content + "{" + std::to_string(Instance) + "}"; } void dump(const char* tag) { printf("%s:%s\n", asStr().c_str(), tag); } }; int Tracer::InstanceCount = 0; Tracer ObjMaker() { return Tracer("MADE"); } Tracer& RefMaker() { static Tracer R("REF"); return R; } const Tracer& ConstRefMaker() {static Tracer R("CONSTREF"); return R;} namespace cling { // FIXME: inline printValue is not used by PrintClingValue()! std::string printValue(const Tracer* const p, const Tracer* const u, const Value& V) { return p->asStr(); } } void dumpTracerSVR(cling::Value& svr) { ((Tracer*)svr.getAs<void*>())->dump("dump"); } .rawInput 0 // Creating the static in constructs one object. It gets returned by // reference; it should only be destructed by ~JIT, definitely not by // ~Value (which should only store a Tracer&) gCling->evaluate("RefMaker()", V); // This is the local static: // CHECK: REF{1}:ctor printf("RefMaker() done\n"); // CHECK-NEXT: RefMaker() done V // CHECK-NEXT: (cling::Value &) boxes [(Tracer &) @{{.*}}] dumpTracerSVR(V); // CHECK-NEXT: REF{1}:dump // Setting a new value should destruct the old - BUT it's a ref thus no // destruction. // Create a temporary. Copies it into V through placement-new and copy // construction. The latter is elided; the temporary *is* what's stored in V. // Thus all we see is the construction of the temporary. gCling->evaluate("ObjMaker()", V); // The temporary gets created: // CHECK-NEXT:MADE{2}:ctor printf("ObjMaker() done\n"); //CHECK-NEXT: ObjMaker() done V // CHECK-NEXT: (cling::Value &) boxes [(Tracer) @{{.*}}] dumpTracerSVR(V); // CHECK-NEXT: MADE{2}:dump // Creating a variable: Tracer RT("VAR"); // CHECK-NEXT: VAR{3}:ctor // The following is a declRefExpr of lvalue type. We explicitly treat this as // a reference; i.e. the cling::Value will claim to store a Tracer&. No extra // construction, no extra allocation should happen. // // Setting a new value should destruct the old: // CHECK-NEXT: MADE{2}:dtor gCling->evaluate("RT", V); // should not call any ctor! printf("RT done\n"); //CHECK-NEXT: RT done V // CHECK-NEXT: (cling::Value &) boxes [(Tracer &) @{{.*}}] dumpTracerSVR(V); // CHECK-NEXT: VAR{3}:dump // The following creates a copy, explicitly. This temporary object is then put // into the Value. // gCling->evaluate("(Tracer)RT", V); // Copies RT: //CHECK-NEXT: VAR+{4}:copy printf("(Tracer)RT done\n"); //CHECK-NEXT: RT done V // CHECK-NEXT: (cling::Value &) boxes [(Tracer) @{{.*}}] dumpTracerSVR(V); // CHECK-NEXT: VAR+{4}:dump // Check eval of array var Tracer arrV[] = {ObjMaker(), ObjMaker(), ObjMaker()}; // The array is built: //CHECK-NEXT: MADE{5}:ctor //CHECK-NEXT: MADE{6}:ctor //CHECK-NEXT: MADE{7}:ctor gCling->evaluate("arrV", V); // Now V gets destructed... //CHECK-NEXT: VAR+{4}:dtor // ...and the elements are copied: //CHECK-NEXT: MADE+{8}:copy //CHECK-NEXT: MADE+{9}:copy //CHECK-NEXT: MADE+{10}:copy V // CHECK-NEXT: (cling::Value &) boxes [(Tracer [3]) { @{{.*}}, @{{.*}}, @{{.*}} }] // Explicitly destory the copies V = cling::Value() //CHECK-NEXT: MADE+{10}:dtor //CHECK-NEXT: MADE+{9}:dtor //CHECK-NEXT: MADE+{8}:dtor //CHECK-NEXT: (cling::Value &) <<<invalid>>> @0x{{.*}} gCling->evaluate("arrV", V); //CHECK-NEXT: MADE+{11}:copy //CHECK-NEXT: MADE+{12}:copy //CHECK-NEXT: MADE+{13}:copy // Destruct the variables with static storage: // Destruct arrV: //CHECK-NEXT: MADE{7}:dtor //CHECK-NEXT: MADE{6}:dtor //CHECK-NEXT: MADE{5}:dtor // CHECK-NEXT: VAR{3}:dtor // CHECK-NEXT: REF{1}:dtor // V going out of scope //CHECK-NEXT: MADE+{13}:dtor //CHECK-NEXT: MADE+{12}:dtor //CHECK-NEXT: MADE+{11}:dtor