From b66f56fa267821ce1a47345a5e49181b9ccb00ea Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Lorenzo Moneta <>
Date: Thu, 15 Jun 2006 16:23:44 +0000
Subject: [PATCH] changes for coding conventions

git-svn-id: 27541ba8-7e3a-0410-8455-c3a389f83636
 mathcore/inc/Math/GenVector/AxisAngle.h       |  14 +-
 mathcore/inc/Math/GenVector/BitReproducible.h |  12 +-
 mathcore/inc/Math/GenVector/Boost.h           |  28 +--
 mathcore/inc/Math/GenVector/BoostX.h          |  28 +--
 mathcore/inc/Math/GenVector/BoostY.h          |  28 +--
 mathcore/inc/Math/GenVector/BoostZ.h          |  28 +--
 mathcore/inc/Math/GenVector/EulerAngles.h     |  10 +-
 mathcore/inc/Math/GenVector/LorentzRotation.h |  68 +++----
 mathcore/inc/Math/GenVector/Quaternion.h      |  16 +-
 mathcore/inc/Math/GenVector/Rotation3D.h      |  60 +++---
 mathcore/inc/Math/GenVector/RotationX.h       |  12 +-
 mathcore/inc/Math/GenVector/RotationY.h       |  12 +-
 mathcore/inc/Math/GenVector/RotationZ.h       |  12 +-
 mathcore/src/3DConversions.cxx                | 164 +++++++++------
 mathcore/src/3DDistances.cxx                  |  10 +-
 mathcore/src/AxisAngle.cxx                    |  10 +-
 mathcore/src/AxisAngleXother.cxx              |  54 +++--
 mathcore/src/BitReproducible.cxx              |  62 +++---
 mathcore/src/Boost.cxx                        | 108 +++++-----
 mathcore/src/BoostX.cxx                       |  49 +++--
 mathcore/src/BoostY.cxx                       |  47 ++---
 mathcore/src/BoostZ.cxx                       |  47 ++---
 mathcore/src/EulerAngles.cxx                  |  49 ++---
 mathcore/src/LorentzRotation.cxx              | 190 +++++++++---------
 mathcore/src/Plane3D.cxx                      |   4 +-
 mathcore/src/Quaternion.cxx                   |  33 ++-
 mathcore/src/QuaternionXaxial.cxx             |  19 +-
 mathcore/src/Rotation3D.cxx                   | 153 +++++++-------
 mathcore/src/Rotation3DxAxial.cxx             |  38 ++--
 mathcore/src/Transform3D.cxx                  |  18 +-
 30 files changed, 701 insertions(+), 682 deletions(-)

diff --git a/mathcore/inc/Math/GenVector/AxisAngle.h b/mathcore/inc/Math/GenVector/AxisAngle.h
index e1a363705b5..3bd55f32e54 100644
--- a/mathcore/inc/Math/GenVector/AxisAngle.h
+++ b/mathcore/inc/Math/GenVector/AxisAngle.h
@@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
-// @(#)root/mathcore:$Name:  $:$Id: AxisAngle.h,v 1.5 2006/04/11 13:06:15 moneta Exp $
+// @(#)root/mathcore:$Name:  $:$Id: AxisAngle.h,v 1.6 2006/05/26 15:10:39 moneta Exp $
 // Authors: W. Brown, M. Fischler, L. Moneta    2005  
@@ -206,9 +206,9 @@ public:
   DisplacementVector3D<CoordSystem, Tag>
   operator() (const DisplacementVector3D<CoordSystem, Tag> & v) const {
      DisplacementVector3D< Cartesian3D<double> > xyz(v.X(), v.Y(), v.Z());
-     DisplacementVector3D< Cartesian3D<double> > Rxyz = operator()(xyz);
+     DisplacementVector3D< Cartesian3D<double> > rxyz = operator()(xyz);
      DisplacementVector3D< CoordSystem, Tag > vNew;
-     vNew.SetXYZ( Rxyz.X(), Rxyz.Y(), Rxyz.Z() ); 
+     vNew.SetXYZ( rxyz.X(), rxyz.Y(), rxyz.Z() ); 
      return vNew; 
@@ -219,8 +219,8 @@ public:
   PositionVector3D<CoordSystem, Tag>
   operator() (const PositionVector3D<CoordSystem,Tag> & p) const {
     DisplacementVector3D< Cartesian3D<double>,Tag > xyz(p);
-    DisplacementVector3D< Cartesian3D<double>,Tag > Rxyz = operator()(xyz);
-    return PositionVector3D<CoordSystem,Tag> ( Rxyz );
+    DisplacementVector3D< Cartesian3D<double>,Tag > rxyz = operator()(xyz);
+    return PositionVector3D<CoordSystem,Tag> ( rxyz );
@@ -245,8 +245,8 @@ public:
   operator() (const  ForeignVector & v) const {
     DisplacementVector3D< Cartesian3D<double> > xyz(v);
-    DisplacementVector3D< Cartesian3D<double> > Rxyz = operator()(xyz);
-    return ForeignVector ( Rxyz.X(), Rxyz.Y(), Rxyz.Z() );
+    DisplacementVector3D< Cartesian3D<double> > rxyz = operator()(xyz);
+    return ForeignVector ( rxyz.X(), rxyz.Y(), rxyz.Z() );
diff --git a/mathcore/inc/Math/GenVector/BitReproducible.h b/mathcore/inc/Math/GenVector/BitReproducible.h
index d204fd72ee9..928d7a48e74 100644
--- a/mathcore/inc/Math/GenVector/BitReproducible.h
+++ b/mathcore/inc/Math/GenVector/BitReproducible.h
@@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
-// @(#)root/mathcore:$Name:  $:$Id: BitReproducible.h,v 1.3 2005/09/19 15:50:04 brun Exp $
+// @(#)root/mathcore:$Name:  $:$Id: BitReproducible.h,v 1.4 2005/12/12 13:46:42 moneta Exp $
 // Authors: W. Brown, M. Fischler, L. Moneta    2005  
@@ -12,7 +12,7 @@
 // Created by: fischler  at Mon Jun 25  2005
-// Last update: $Id: BitReproducible.h,v 1.3 2005/09/19 15:50:04 brun Exp $
+// Last update: $Id: BitReproducible.h,v 1.4 2005/12/12 13:46:42 moneta Exp $
 #ifndef ROOT_Math_GenVector_BitReproducible 
 #define ROOT_Math_GenVector_BitReproducible  1
@@ -95,12 +95,12 @@ public:
   union DB8 {
-    unsigned char b[8];
-    double d;
+    unsigned char fB[8];
+    double fD;
   static void Fill_byte_order ();
-  static bool byte_order_known;
-  static int  byte_order[8];
+  static bool fgByte_order_known;
+  static int  fgByte_order[8];
     // Meaning of byte_order:  The first (high-order in IEEE 754) byte to
     // output (or the high-order byte of the first unsigned long)
     // is  of db.b[byte_order[0]].  Thus the index INTO byte_order
diff --git a/mathcore/inc/Math/GenVector/Boost.h b/mathcore/inc/Math/GenVector/Boost.h
index 90f354611ce..070cd11e915 100644
--- a/mathcore/inc/Math/GenVector/Boost.h
+++ b/mathcore/inc/Math/GenVector/Boost.h
@@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
-// @(#)root/mathcore:$Name:  $:$Id: Boost.h,v 1.3 2006/04/11 13:06:15 moneta Exp $
+// @(#)root/mathcore:$Name:  $:$Id: Boost.h,v 1.4 2006/05/26 15:10:39 moneta Exp $
 // Authors: W. Brown, M. Fischler, L. Moneta    2005  
@@ -12,7 +12,7 @@
 // Created by: Mark Fischler  Mon Nov 1  2005
-// Last update: $Id: Boost.h,v 1.3 2006/04/11 13:06:15 moneta Exp $
+// Last update: $Id: Boost.h,v 1.4 2006/05/26 15:10:39 moneta Exp $
 #ifndef ROOT_Math_GenVector_Boost
 #define ROOT_Math_GenVector_Boost 1
@@ -49,17 +49,17 @@ public:
   typedef double Scalar;
   enum LorentzRotationMatrixIndex {
-      LXX =  0, LXY =  1, LXZ =  2, LXT =  3
-    , LYX =  4, LYY =  5, LYZ =  6, LYT =  7
-    , LZX =  8, LZY =  9, LZZ = 10, LZT = 11
-    , LTX = 12, LTY = 13, LTZ = 14, LTT = 15
+      kLXX =  0, kLXY =  1, kLXZ =  2, kLXT =  3
+    , kLYX =  4, kLYY =  5, kLYZ =  6, kLYT =  7
+    , kLZX =  8, kLZY =  9, kLZZ = 10, kLZT = 11
+    , kLTX = 12, kLTY = 13, kLTZ = 14, kLTT = 15
   enum BoostMatrixIndex {
-      XX =  0, XY =  1, XZ =  2, XT =  3
-    	     , YY =  4, YZ =  5, YT =  6
-    		      , ZZ =  7, ZT =  8
-    			       , TT =  9
+      kXX =  0, kXY =  1, kXZ =  2, kXT =  3
+    	      , kYY =  4, kYZ =  5, kYT =  6
+    		        , kZZ =  7, kZT =  8
+    			          , kTT =  9
   // ========== Constructors and Assignment =====================
@@ -189,8 +189,8 @@ public:
   operator() (const LorentzVector<CoordSystem> & v) const {
     LorentzVector< PxPyPzE4D<double> > xyzt(v);
-    LorentzVector< PxPyPzE4D<double> > Rxyzt = operator()(xyzt);
-    return LorentzVector<CoordSystem> ( Rxyzt );
+    LorentzVector< PxPyPzE4D<double> > r_xyzt = operator()(xyzt);
+    return LorentzVector<CoordSystem> ( r_xyzt );
@@ -202,8 +202,8 @@ public:
   operator() (const Foreign4Vector & v) const {
     LorentzVector< PxPyPzE4D<double> > xyzt(v);
-    LorentzVector< PxPyPzE4D<double> > Rxyzt = operator()(xyzt);
-    return Foreign4Vector ( Rxyzt.X(), Rxyzt.Y(), Rxyzt.Z(), Rxyzt.T() );
+    LorentzVector< PxPyPzE4D<double> > r_xyzt = operator()(xyzt);
+    return Foreign4Vector ( r_xyzt.X(), r_xyzt.Y(), r_xyzt.Z(), r_xyzt.T() );
diff --git a/mathcore/inc/Math/GenVector/BoostX.h b/mathcore/inc/Math/GenVector/BoostX.h
index f6e5f5a37f4..9d36819ef2c 100644
--- a/mathcore/inc/Math/GenVector/BoostX.h
+++ b/mathcore/inc/Math/GenVector/BoostX.h
@@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
-// @(#)root/mathcore:$Name:  $:$Id: BoostX.h,v 1.3 2006/04/11 13:06:15 moneta Exp $
+// @(#)root/mathcore:$Name:  $:$Id: BoostX.h,v 1.4 2006/05/26 15:10:39 moneta Exp $
 // Authors: W. Brown, M. Fischler, L. Moneta    2005  
@@ -12,7 +12,7 @@
 // Created by: Mark Fischler  Mon Nov 1  2005
-// Last update: $Id: BoostX.h,v 1.3 2006/04/11 13:06:15 moneta Exp $
+// Last update: $Id: BoostX.h,v 1.4 2006/05/26 15:10:39 moneta Exp $
 #ifndef ROOT_Math_GenVector_BoostX
 #define ROOT_Math_GenVector_BoostX 1
@@ -43,17 +43,17 @@ public:
   typedef double Scalar;
   enum LorentzRotationMatrixIndex {
-      LXX =  0, LXY =  1, LXZ =  2, LXT =  3
-    , LYX =  4, LYY =  5, LYZ =  6, LYT =  7
-    , LZX =  8, LZY =  9, LZZ = 10, LZT = 11
-    , LTX = 12, LTY = 13, LTZ = 14, LTT = 15
+      kLXX =  0, kLXY =  1, kLXZ =  2, kLXT =  3
+    , kLYX =  4, kLYY =  5, kLYZ =  6, kLYT =  7
+    , kLZX =  8, kLZY =  9, kLZZ = 10, kLZT = 11
+    , kLTX = 12, kLTY = 13, kLTZ = 14, kLTT = 15
   enum BoostMatrixIndex {
-      XX =  0, XY =  1, XZ =  2, XT =  3
-    	     , YY =  4, YZ =  5, YT =  6
-    		      , ZZ =  7, ZT =  8
-    			       , TT =  9
+      kXX =  0, kXY =  1, kXZ =  2, kXT =  3
+    	      , kYY =  4, kYZ =  5, kYT =  6
+    		        , kZZ =  7, kZT =  8
+    			          , kTT =  9
   // ========== Constructors and Assignment =====================
@@ -139,8 +139,8 @@ public:
   operator() (const LorentzVector<CoordSystem> & v) const {
     LorentzVector< PxPyPzE4D<double> > xyzt(v);
-    LorentzVector< PxPyPzE4D<double> > Rxyzt = operator()(xyzt);
-    return LorentzVector<CoordSystem> ( Rxyzt );
+    LorentzVector< PxPyPzE4D<double> > r_xyzt = operator()(xyzt);
+    return LorentzVector<CoordSystem> ( r_xyzt );
@@ -152,8 +152,8 @@ public:
   operator() (const Foreign4Vector & v) const {
     LorentzVector< PxPyPzE4D<double> > xyzt(v);
-    LorentzVector< PxPyPzE4D<double> > Rxyzt = operator()(xyzt);
-    return Foreign4Vector ( Rxyzt.X(), Rxyzt.Y(), Rxyzt.Z(), Rxyzt.T() );
+    LorentzVector< PxPyPzE4D<double> > r_xyzt = operator()(xyzt);
+    return Foreign4Vector ( r_xyzt.X(), r_xyzt.Y(), r_xyzt.Z(), r_xyzt.T() );
diff --git a/mathcore/inc/Math/GenVector/BoostY.h b/mathcore/inc/Math/GenVector/BoostY.h
index fbbbc2c1b01..ffa16220c01 100644
--- a/mathcore/inc/Math/GenVector/BoostY.h
+++ b/mathcore/inc/Math/GenVector/BoostY.h
@@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
-// @(#)root/mathcore:$Name:  $:$Id: BoostY.h,v 1.3 2006/04/11 13:06:15 moneta Exp $
+// @(#)root/mathcore:$Name:  $:$Id: BoostY.h,v 1.4 2006/05/26 15:10:39 moneta Exp $
 // Authors: W. Brown, M. Fischler, L. Moneta    2005  
@@ -12,7 +12,7 @@
 // Created by: Mark Fischler  Mon Nov 1  2005
-// Last update: $Id: BoostY.h,v 1.3 2006/04/11 13:06:15 moneta Exp $
+// Last update: $Id: BoostY.h,v 1.4 2006/05/26 15:10:39 moneta Exp $
 #ifndef ROOT_Math_GenVector_BoostY
 #define ROOT_Math_GenVector_BoostY 1
@@ -43,17 +43,17 @@ public:
   typedef double Scalar;
   enum LorentzRotationMatrixIndex {
-      LXX =  0, LXY =  1, LXZ =  2, LXT =  3
-    , LYX =  4, LYY =  5, LYZ =  6, LYT =  7
-    , LZX =  8, LZY =  9, LZZ = 10, LZT = 11
-    , LTX = 12, LTY = 13, LTZ = 14, LTT = 15
+      kLXX =  0, kLXY =  1, kLXZ =  2, kLXT =  3
+    , kLYX =  4, kLYY =  5, kLYZ =  6, kLYT =  7
+    , kLZX =  8, kLZY =  9, kLZZ = 10, kLZT = 11
+    , kLTX = 12, kLTY = 13, kLTZ = 14, kLTT = 15
   enum BoostMatrixIndex {
-      XX =  0, XY =  1, XZ =  2, XT =  3
-    	     , YY =  4, YZ =  5, YT =  6
-    		      , ZZ =  7, ZT =  8
-    			       , TT =  9
+      kXX =  0, kXY =  1, kXZ =  2, kXT =  3
+    	      , kYY =  4, kYZ =  5, kYT =  6
+    		        , kZZ =  7, kZT =  8
+    			          , kTT =  9
   // ========== Constructors and Assignment =====================
@@ -139,8 +139,8 @@ public:
   operator() (const LorentzVector<CoordSystem> & v) const {
     LorentzVector< PxPyPzE4D<double> > xyzt(v);
-    LorentzVector< PxPyPzE4D<double> > Rxyzt = operator()(xyzt);
-    return LorentzVector<CoordSystem> ( Rxyzt );
+    LorentzVector< PxPyPzE4D<double> > r_xyzt = operator()(xyzt);
+    return LorentzVector<CoordSystem> ( r_xyzt );
@@ -152,8 +152,8 @@ public:
   operator() (const Foreign4Vector & v) const {
     LorentzVector< PxPyPzE4D<double> > xyzt(v);
-    LorentzVector< PxPyPzE4D<double> > Rxyzt = operator()(xyzt);
-    return Foreign4Vector ( Rxyzt.X(), Rxyzt.Y(), Rxyzt.Z(), Rxyzt.T() );
+    LorentzVector< PxPyPzE4D<double> > r_xyzt = operator()(xyzt);
+    return Foreign4Vector ( r_xyzt.X(), r_xyzt.Y(), r_xyzt.Z(), r_xyzt.T() );
diff --git a/mathcore/inc/Math/GenVector/BoostZ.h b/mathcore/inc/Math/GenVector/BoostZ.h
index d129e3746a3..5fd8bd72385 100644
--- a/mathcore/inc/Math/GenVector/BoostZ.h
+++ b/mathcore/inc/Math/GenVector/BoostZ.h
@@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
-// @(#)root/mathcore:$Name:  $:$Id: BoostZ.h,v 1.3 2006/04/11 13:06:15 moneta Exp $
+// @(#)root/mathcore:$Name:  $:$Id: BoostZ.h,v 1.4 2006/05/26 15:10:39 moneta Exp $
 // Authors: W. Brown, M. Fischler, L. Moneta    2005  
@@ -12,7 +12,7 @@
 // Created by: Mark Fischler  Mon Nov 1  2005
-// Last update: $Id: BoostZ.h,v 1.3 2006/04/11 13:06:15 moneta Exp $
+// Last update: $Id: BoostZ.h,v 1.4 2006/05/26 15:10:39 moneta Exp $
 #ifndef ROOT_Math_GenVector_BoostZ
 #define ROOT_Math_GenVector_BoostZ 1
@@ -43,17 +43,17 @@ public:
   typedef double Scalar;
   enum LorentzRotationMatrixIndex {
-      LXX =  0, LXY =  1, LXZ =  2, LXT =  3
-    , LYX =  4, LYY =  5, LYZ =  6, LYT =  7
-    , LZX =  8, LZY =  9, LZZ = 10, LZT = 11
-    , LTX = 12, LTY = 13, LTZ = 14, LTT = 15
+      kLXX =  0, kLXY =  1, kLXZ =  2, kLXT =  3
+    , kLYX =  4, kLYY =  5, kLYZ =  6, kLYT =  7
+    , kLZX =  8, kLZY =  9, kLZZ = 10, kLZT = 11
+    , kLTX = 12, kLTY = 13, kLTZ = 14, kLTT = 15
   enum BoostMatrixIndex {
-      XX =  0, XY =  1, XZ =  2, XT =  3
-    	     , YY =  4, YZ =  5, YT =  6
-    		      , ZZ =  7, ZT =  8
-    			       , TT =  9
+      kXX =  0, kXY =  1, kXZ =  2, kXT =  3
+    	      , kYY =  4, kYZ =  5, kYT =  6
+    		        , kZZ =  7, kZT =  8
+    			          , kTT =  9
   // ========== Constructors and Assignment =====================
@@ -139,8 +139,8 @@ public:
   operator() (const LorentzVector<CoordSystem> & v) const {
     LorentzVector< PxPyPzE4D<double> > xyzt(v);
-    LorentzVector< PxPyPzE4D<double> > Rxyzt = operator()(xyzt);
-    return LorentzVector<CoordSystem> ( Rxyzt );
+    LorentzVector< PxPyPzE4D<double> > r_xyzt = operator()(xyzt);
+    return LorentzVector<CoordSystem> ( r_xyzt );
@@ -152,8 +152,8 @@ public:
   operator() (const Foreign4Vector & v) const {
     LorentzVector< PxPyPzE4D<double> > xyzt(v);
-    LorentzVector< PxPyPzE4D<double> > Rxyzt = operator()(xyzt);
-    return Foreign4Vector ( Rxyzt.X(), Rxyzt.Y(), Rxyzt.Z(), Rxyzt.T() );
+    LorentzVector< PxPyPzE4D<double> > r_xyzt = operator()(xyzt);
+    return Foreign4Vector ( r_xyzt.X(), r_xyzt.Y(), r_xyzt.Z(), r_xyzt.T() );
diff --git a/mathcore/inc/Math/GenVector/EulerAngles.h b/mathcore/inc/Math/GenVector/EulerAngles.h
index 99f6aed0055..ea70d4a9b9d 100644
--- a/mathcore/inc/Math/GenVector/EulerAngles.h
+++ b/mathcore/inc/Math/GenVector/EulerAngles.h
@@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
-// @(#)root/mathcore:$Name:  $:$Id: EulerAngles.h,v 1.6 2006/02/06 17:22:03 moneta Exp $
+// @(#)root/mathcore:$Name:  $:$Id: EulerAngles.h,v 1.7 2006/04/11 13:06:15 moneta Exp $
 // Authors: W. Brown, M. Fischler, L. Moneta    2005  
@@ -216,8 +216,8 @@ public:
   PositionVector3D<CoordSystem, U>
   operator() (const PositionVector3D<CoordSystem,U> & v) const {
     DisplacementVector3D< Cartesian3D<double>,U > xyz(v);
-    DisplacementVector3D< Cartesian3D<double>,U > Rxyz = operator()(xyz);
-    return PositionVector3D<CoordSystem,U> ( Rxyz );
+    DisplacementVector3D< Cartesian3D<double>,U > rxyz = operator()(xyz);
+    return PositionVector3D<CoordSystem,U> ( rxyz );
@@ -241,8 +241,8 @@ public:
   operator() (const  ForeignVector & v) const {
     DisplacementVector3D< Cartesian3D<double> > xyz(v);
-    DisplacementVector3D< Cartesian3D<double> > Rxyz = operator()(xyz);
-    return ForeignVector ( Rxyz.X(), Rxyz.Y(), Rxyz.Z() );
+    DisplacementVector3D< Cartesian3D<double> > rxyz = operator()(xyz);
+    return ForeignVector ( rxyz.X(), rxyz.Y(), rxyz.Z() );
diff --git a/mathcore/inc/Math/GenVector/LorentzRotation.h b/mathcore/inc/Math/GenVector/LorentzRotation.h
index 82de500bb5f..219cdc7a006 100644
--- a/mathcore/inc/Math/GenVector/LorentzRotation.h
+++ b/mathcore/inc/Math/GenVector/LorentzRotation.h
@@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
-// @(#)root/mathcore:$Name:  $:$Id: LorentzRotation.h,v 1.6 2005/11/24 14:45:50 moneta Exp $
+// @(#)root/mathcore:$Name:  $:$Id: LorentzRotation.h,v 1.7 2005/12/08 15:52:41 moneta Exp $
 // Authors: W. Brown, M. Fischler, L. Moneta    2005  
@@ -12,7 +12,7 @@
 // Created by: Mark Fischler  Mon Aug 8  2005
-// Last update: $Id: LorentzRotation.h,v 1.6 2005/11/24 14:45:50 moneta Exp $
+// Last update: $Id: LorentzRotation.h,v 1.7 2005/12/08 15:52:41 moneta Exp $
 #ifndef ROOT_Math_GenVector_LorentzRotation 
 #define ROOT_Math_GenVector_LorentzRotation  1
@@ -57,10 +57,10 @@ public:
   typedef double Scalar;
   enum LorentzRotationMatrixIndex {
-      XX =  0, XY =  1, XZ =  2, XT =  3
-    , YX =  4, YY =  5, YZ =  6, YT =  7
-    , ZX =  8, ZY =  9, ZZ = 10, ZT = 11
-    , TX = 12, TY = 13, TZ = 14, TT = 15
+      kXX =  0, kXY =  1, kXZ =  2, kXT =  3
+    , kYX =  4, kYY =  5, kYZ =  6, kYT =  7
+    , kZX =  8, kZY =  9, kZZ = 10, kZT = 11
+    , kTX = 12, kTY = 13, kTZ = 14, kTT = 15
   // ========== Constructors and Assignment =====================
@@ -201,10 +201,10 @@ public:
                  const Foreign4Vector& v2,
                  const Foreign4Vector& v3,
                  const Foreign4Vector& v4 ) {
-    fM[XX]=v1.x();  fM[XY]=v2.x();  fM[XZ]=v3.x();  fM[XT]=v4.x();
-    fM[YX]=v1.y();  fM[YY]=v2.y();  fM[YZ]=v3.y();  fM[YT]=v4.y();
-    fM[ZX]=v1.z();  fM[ZY]=v2.z();  fM[ZZ]=v3.z();  fM[ZT]=v4.z();
-    fM[TX]=v1.t();  fM[TY]=v2.t();  fM[TZ]=v3.t();  fM[TT]=v4.t();
+    fM[kXX]=v1.x();  fM[kXY]=v2.x();  fM[kXZ]=v3.x();  fM[kXT]=v4.x();
+    fM[kYX]=v1.y();  fM[kYY]=v2.y();  fM[kYZ]=v3.y();  fM[kYT]=v4.y();
+    fM[kZX]=v1.z();  fM[kZY]=v2.z();  fM[kZZ]=v3.z();  fM[kZT]=v4.z();
+    fM[kTX]=v1.t();  fM[kTY]=v2.t();  fM[kTZ]=v3.t();  fM[kTT]=v4.t();
@@ -219,10 +219,10 @@ public:
                   Foreign4Vector& v2,
                   Foreign4Vector& v3,
                   Foreign4Vector& v4 ) const {
-    v1 = Foreign4Vector ( fM[XX], fM[YX], fM[ZX], fM[TX] );
-    v2 = Foreign4Vector ( fM[XY], fM[YY], fM[ZY], fM[TY] );
-    v3 = Foreign4Vector ( fM[XZ], fM[YZ], fM[ZZ], fM[TZ] );
-    v4 = Foreign4Vector ( fM[XT], fM[YT], fM[ZT], fM[TT] );
+    v1 = Foreign4Vector ( fM[kXX], fM[kYX], fM[kZX], fM[kTX] );
+    v2 = Foreign4Vector ( fM[kXY], fM[kYY], fM[kZY], fM[kTY] );
+    v3 = Foreign4Vector ( fM[kXZ], fM[kYZ], fM[kZZ], fM[kTZ] );
+    v4 = Foreign4Vector ( fM[kXT], fM[kYT], fM[kZT], fM[kTT] );
@@ -254,10 +254,10 @@ public:
   template<class ForeignMatrix>
   SetComponents (const ForeignMatrix & m) {
-    fM[XX]=m(0,0);  fM[XY]=m(0,1);  fM[XZ]=m(0,2);  fM[XT]=m(0,3);
-    fM[YX]=m(1,0);  fM[YY]=m(1,1);  fM[YZ]=m(1,2);  fM[YT]=m(1,3);
-    fM[ZX]=m(2,0);  fM[ZY]=m(2,1);  fM[ZZ]=m(2,2);  fM[ZT]=m(2,3);
-    fM[TX]=m(3,0);  fM[TY]=m(3,1);  fM[TZ]=m(3,2);  fM[TT]=m(3,3);
+    fM[kXX]=m(0,0);  fM[kXY]=m(0,1);  fM[kXZ]=m(0,2);  fM[kXT]=m(0,3);
+    fM[kYX]=m(1,0);  fM[kYY]=m(1,1);  fM[kYZ]=m(1,2);  fM[kYT]=m(1,3);
+    fM[kZX]=m(2,0);  fM[kZY]=m(2,1);  fM[kZZ]=m(2,2);  fM[kZT]=m(2,3);
+    fM[kTX]=m(3,0);  fM[kTY]=m(3,1);  fM[kTZ]=m(3,2);  fM[kTT]=m(3,3);
@@ -268,10 +268,10 @@ public:
   template<class ForeignMatrix>
   GetComponents (ForeignMatrix & m) const {
-    m(0,0)=fM[XX];  m(0,1)=fM[XY];  m(0,2)=fM[XZ]; m(0,3)=fM[XT];
-    m(1,0)=fM[YX];  m(1,1)=fM[YY];  m(1,2)=fM[YZ]; m(1,3)=fM[YT];
-    m(2,0)=fM[ZX];  m(2,1)=fM[ZY];  m(2,2)=fM[ZZ]; m(2,3)=fM[ZT];
-    m(3,0)=fM[TX];  m(3,1)=fM[TY];  m(3,2)=fM[TZ]; m(3,3)=fM[TT];
+    m(0,0)=fM[kXX];  m(0,1)=fM[kXY];  m(0,2)=fM[kXZ]; m(0,3)=fM[kXT];
+    m(1,0)=fM[kYX];  m(1,1)=fM[kYY];  m(1,2)=fM[kYZ]; m(1,3)=fM[kYT];
+    m(2,0)=fM[kZX];  m(2,1)=fM[kZY];  m(2,2)=fM[kZZ]; m(2,3)=fM[kZT];
+    m(3,0)=fM[kTX];  m(3,1)=fM[kTY];  m(3,2)=fM[kTZ]; m(3,3)=fM[kTT];
@@ -282,10 +282,10 @@ public:
                  Scalar  yx, Scalar  yy, Scalar  yz, Scalar  yt,
                  Scalar  zx, Scalar  zy, Scalar  zz, Scalar  zt,
                  Scalar  tx, Scalar  ty, Scalar  tz, Scalar  tt) {
-                 fM[XX]=xx;  fM[XY]=xy;  fM[XZ]=xz;  fM[XT]=xt;
-                 fM[YX]=yx;  fM[YY]=yy;  fM[YZ]=yz;  fM[YT]=yt;
-                 fM[ZX]=zx;  fM[ZY]=zy;  fM[ZZ]=zz;  fM[ZT]=zt;
-                 fM[TX]=tx;  fM[TY]=ty;  fM[TZ]=tz;  fM[TT]=tt;
+                 fM[kXX]=xx;  fM[kXY]=xy;  fM[kXZ]=xz;  fM[kXT]=xt;
+                 fM[kYX]=yx;  fM[kYY]=yy;  fM[kYZ]=yz;  fM[kYT]=yt;
+                 fM[kZX]=zx;  fM[kZY]=zy;  fM[kZZ]=zz;  fM[kZT]=zt;
+                 fM[kTX]=tx;  fM[kTY]=ty;  fM[kTZ]=tz;  fM[kTT]=tt;
@@ -296,10 +296,10 @@ public:
                  Scalar &yx, Scalar &yy, Scalar &yz, Scalar &yt,
                  Scalar &zx, Scalar &zy, Scalar &zz, Scalar &zt,
                  Scalar &tx, Scalar &ty, Scalar &tz, Scalar &tt) const {
-                 xx=fM[XX];  xy=fM[XY];  xz=fM[XZ];  xt=fM[XT];
-                 yx=fM[YX];  yy=fM[YY];  yz=fM[YZ];  yt=fM[YT];
-                 zx=fM[ZX];  zy=fM[ZY];  zz=fM[ZZ];  zt=fM[ZT];
-                 tx=fM[TX];  ty=fM[TY];  tz=fM[TZ];  tt=fM[TT];
+                 xx=fM[kXX];  xy=fM[kXY];  xz=fM[kXZ];  xt=fM[kXT];
+                 yx=fM[kYX];  yy=fM[kYY];  yz=fM[kYZ];  yt=fM[kYT];
+                 zx=fM[kZX];  zy=fM[kZY];  zz=fM[kZZ];  zt=fM[kZT];
+                 tx=fM[kTX];  ty=fM[kTY];  tz=fM[kTZ];  tt=fM[kTT];
   // =========== operations ==============
@@ -319,8 +319,8 @@ public:
   operator() (const LorentzVector<CoordSystem> & v) const {
     LorentzVector< PxPyPzE4D<double> > xyzt(v);
-    LorentzVector< PxPyPzE4D<double> > Rxyzt = operator()(xyzt);
-    return LorentzVector<CoordSystem> ( Rxyzt );
+    LorentzVector< PxPyPzE4D<double> > r_xyzt = operator()(xyzt);
+    return LorentzVector<CoordSystem> ( r_xyzt );
@@ -332,8 +332,8 @@ public:
   operator() (const Foreign4Vector & v) const {
     LorentzVector< PxPyPzE4D<double> > xyzt(v);
-    LorentzVector< PxPyPzE4D<double> > Rxyzt = operator()(xyzt);
-    return Foreign4Vector ( Rxyzt.X(), Rxyzt.Y(), Rxyzt.Z(), Rxyzt.T() );
+    LorentzVector< PxPyPzE4D<double> > r_xyzt = operator()(xyzt);
+    return Foreign4Vector ( r_xyzt.X(), r_xyzt.Y(), r_xyzt.Z(), r_xyzt.T() );
diff --git a/mathcore/inc/Math/GenVector/Quaternion.h b/mathcore/inc/Math/GenVector/Quaternion.h
index 02e69138461..45141f07ced 100644
--- a/mathcore/inc/Math/GenVector/Quaternion.h
+++ b/mathcore/inc/Math/GenVector/Quaternion.h
@@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
-// @(#)root/mathcore:$Name:  $:$Id: Quaternion.h,v 1.4 2006/04/11 13:06:15 moneta Exp $
+// @(#)root/mathcore:$Name:  $:$Id: Quaternion.h,v 1.5 2006/05/26 15:10:39 moneta Exp $
 // Authors: W. Brown, M. Fischler, L. Moneta    2005  
@@ -11,7 +11,7 @@
 // Header file for rotation in 3 dimensions, represented by a quaternion
 // Created by: Mark Fischler Thurs June 9  2005
-// Last update: $Id: Quaternion.h,v 1.4 2006/04/11 13:06:15 moneta Exp $
+// Last update: $Id: Quaternion.h,v 1.5 2006/05/26 15:10:39 moneta Exp $
 #ifndef ROOT_Math_GenVector_Quaternion 
 #define ROOT_Math_GenVector_Quaternion  1
@@ -201,9 +201,9 @@ public:
   operator() (const DisplacementVector3D<CoordSystem,Tag> & v) const {
     DisplacementVector3D< Cartesian3D<double> > xyz(v.X(), v.Y(), v.Z());
-    DisplacementVector3D< Cartesian3D<double> > Rxyz = operator()(xyz);
+    DisplacementVector3D< Cartesian3D<double> > rxyz = operator()(xyz);
     DisplacementVector3D< CoordSystem,Tag > vNew;
-    vNew.SetXYZ( Rxyz.X(), Rxyz.Y(), Rxyz.Z() ); 
+    vNew.SetXYZ( rxyz.X(), rxyz.Y(), rxyz.Z() ); 
     return vNew; 
@@ -214,8 +214,8 @@ public:
   operator() (const PositionVector3D<CoordSystem,Tag> & p) const {
     DisplacementVector3D< Cartesian3D<double>,Tag > xyz(p);
-    DisplacementVector3D< Cartesian3D<double>,Tag > Rxyz = operator()(xyz);
-    return PositionVector3D<CoordSystem,Tag> ( Rxyz );
+    DisplacementVector3D< Cartesian3D<double>,Tag > rxyz = operator()(xyz);
+    return PositionVector3D<CoordSystem,Tag> ( rxyz );
@@ -239,8 +239,8 @@ public:
   operator() (const  ForeignVector & v) const {
     DisplacementVector3D< Cartesian3D<double> > xyz(v);
-    DisplacementVector3D< Cartesian3D<double> > Rxyz = operator()(xyz);
-    return ForeignVector ( Rxyz.X(), Rxyz.Y(), Rxyz.Z() );
+    DisplacementVector3D< Cartesian3D<double> > rxyz = operator()(xyz);
+    return ForeignVector ( rxyz.X(), rxyz.Y(), rxyz.Z() );
diff --git a/mathcore/inc/Math/GenVector/Rotation3D.h b/mathcore/inc/Math/GenVector/Rotation3D.h
index a4752b46d9f..b6bf59d740e 100644
--- a/mathcore/inc/Math/GenVector/Rotation3D.h
+++ b/mathcore/inc/Math/GenVector/Rotation3D.h
@@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
-// @(#)root/mathcore:$Name:  $:$Id: Rotation3D.h,v 1.5 2005/12/07 09:31:27 moneta Exp $
+// @(#)root/mathcore:$Name:  $:$Id: Rotation3D.h,v 1.6 2006/04/11 13:06:15 moneta Exp $
 // Authors: W. Brown, M. Fischler, L. Moneta    2005  
@@ -12,7 +12,7 @@
 // Created by: Mark Fischler Thurs June 9  2005
-// Last update: $Id: Rotation3D.h,v 1.5 2005/12/07 09:31:27 moneta Exp $
+// Last update: $Id: Rotation3D.h,v 1.6 2006/04/11 13:06:15 moneta Exp $
 #ifndef ROOT_Math_GenVector_Rotation3D 
 #define ROOT_Math_GenVector_Rotation3D  1
@@ -61,9 +61,9 @@ public:
   typedef double Scalar;
   enum Rotation3DMatrixIndex {
-      XX = 0, XY = 1, XZ = 2
-    , YX = 3, YY = 4, YZ = 5
-    , ZX = 6, ZY = 7, ZZ = 8
+      kXX = 0, kXY = 1, kXZ = 2
+    , kYX = 3, kYY = 4, kYZ = 5
+    , kZX = 6, kZY = 7, kZZ = 8
   // ========== Constructors and Assignment =====================
@@ -189,9 +189,9 @@ public:
   SetComponents (const ForeignVector& v1,
                  const ForeignVector& v2,
                  const ForeignVector& v3 ) {
-    fM[XX]=v1.x();  fM[XY]=v2.x();  fM[XZ]=v3.x();
-    fM[YX]=v1.y();  fM[YY]=v2.y();  fM[YZ]=v3.y();
-    fM[ZX]=v1.z();  fM[ZY]=v2.z();  fM[ZZ]=v3.z();
+    fM[kXX]=v1.x();  fM[kXY]=v2.x();  fM[kXZ]=v3.x();
+    fM[kYX]=v1.y();  fM[kYY]=v2.y();  fM[kYZ]=v3.y();
+    fM[kZX]=v1.z();  fM[kZY]=v2.z();  fM[kZZ]=v3.z();
@@ -205,9 +205,9 @@ public:
   GetComponents ( ForeignVector& v1,
                   ForeignVector& v2,
                   ForeignVector& v3 ) {
-    v1 = ForeignVector ( fM[XX], fM[XY], fM[XZ] );
-    v2 = ForeignVector ( fM[YX], fM[YY], fM[YZ] );
-    v3 = ForeignVector ( fM[ZX], fM[ZY], fM[ZZ] );
+    v1 = ForeignVector ( fM[kXX], fM[kXY], fM[kXZ] );
+    v2 = ForeignVector ( fM[kYX], fM[kYY], fM[kYZ] );
+    v3 = ForeignVector ( fM[kZX], fM[kZY], fM[kZZ] );
@@ -239,9 +239,9 @@ public:
   template<class ForeignMatrix>
   SetComponents (const ForeignMatrix & m) {
-    fM[XX]=m(0,0);  fM[XY]=m(0,1);  fM[XZ]=m(0,2);
-    fM[YX]=m(1,0);  fM[YY]=m(1,1);  fM[YZ]=m(1,2);
-    fM[ZX]=m(2,0);  fM[ZY]=m(2,1);  fM[ZZ]=m(2,2);
+    fM[kXX]=m(0,0);  fM[kXY]=m(0,1);  fM[kXZ]=m(0,2);
+    fM[kYX]=m(1,0);  fM[kYY]=m(1,1);  fM[kYZ]=m(1,2);
+    fM[kZX]=m(2,0);  fM[kZY]=m(2,1);  fM[kZZ]=m(2,2);
@@ -252,9 +252,9 @@ public:
   template<class ForeignMatrix>
   GetComponents (ForeignMatrix & m) const {
-    m(0,0)=fM[XX];  m(0,1)=fM[XY];  m(0,2)=fM[XZ];
-    m(1,0)=fM[YX];  m(1,1)=fM[YY];  m(1,2)=fM[YZ];
-    m(2,0)=fM[ZX];  m(2,1)=fM[ZY];  m(2,2)=fM[ZZ];
+    m(0,0)=fM[kXX];  m(0,1)=fM[kXY];  m(0,2)=fM[kXZ];
+    m(1,0)=fM[kYX];  m(1,1)=fM[kYY];  m(1,2)=fM[kYZ];
+    m(2,0)=fM[kZX];  m(2,1)=fM[kZY];  m(2,2)=fM[kZZ];
@@ -264,9 +264,9 @@ public:
   SetComponents (Scalar  xx, Scalar  xy, Scalar  xz,
                  Scalar  yx, Scalar  yy, Scalar  yz,
                  Scalar  zx, Scalar  zy, Scalar  zz) {
-                 fM[XX]=xx;  fM[XY]=xy;  fM[XZ]=xz;
-                 fM[YX]=yx;  fM[YY]=yy;  fM[YZ]=yz;
-                 fM[ZX]=zx;  fM[ZY]=zy;  fM[ZZ]=zz;
+                 fM[kXX]=xx;  fM[kXY]=xy;  fM[kXZ]=xz;
+                 fM[kYX]=yx;  fM[kYY]=yy;  fM[kYZ]=yz;
+                 fM[kZX]=zx;  fM[kZY]=zy;  fM[kZZ]=zz;
@@ -276,9 +276,9 @@ public:
   GetComponents (Scalar &xx, Scalar &xy, Scalar &xz,
                  Scalar &yx, Scalar &yy, Scalar &yz,
                  Scalar &zx, Scalar &zy, Scalar &zz) const {
-                 xx=fM[XX];  xy=fM[XY];  xz=fM[XZ];
-                 yx=fM[YX];  yy=fM[YY];  yz=fM[YZ];
-                 zx=fM[ZX];  zy=fM[ZY];  zz=fM[ZZ];
+                 xx=fM[kXX];  xy=fM[kXY];  xz=fM[kXZ];
+                 yx=fM[kYX];  yy=fM[kYY];  yz=fM[kYZ];
+                 zx=fM[kZX];  zy=fM[kZY];  zz=fM[kZZ];
   // =========== operations ==============
@@ -291,9 +291,9 @@ public:
   operator() (const DisplacementVector3D<CoordSystem,U> & v) const {
     DisplacementVector3D< Cartesian3D<double>,U > xyz;
-    xyz.SetXYZ( fM[XX] * v.X() + fM[XY] * v.Y() + fM[XZ] * v.Z() ,
-		fM[YX] * v.X() + fM[YY] * v.Y() + fM[YZ] * v.Z() , 
-		fM[ZX] * v.X() + fM[ZY] * v.Y() + fM[ZZ] * v.Z() );
+    xyz.SetXYZ( fM[kXX] * v.X() + fM[kXY] * v.Y() + fM[kXZ] * v.Z() ,
+		fM[kYX] * v.X() + fM[kYY] * v.Y() + fM[kYZ] * v.Z() , 
+		fM[kZX] * v.X() + fM[kZY] * v.Y() + fM[kZZ] * v.Z() );
     return  DisplacementVector3D<CoordSystem,U>( xyz ); 
@@ -304,8 +304,8 @@ public:
   operator() (const PositionVector3D<CoordSystem,U> & v) const {
     DisplacementVector3D< Cartesian3D<double>,U > xyz(v);
-    DisplacementVector3D< Cartesian3D<double>,U > Rxyz = operator()(xyz);
-    return PositionVector3D<CoordSystem,U> ( Rxyz );
+    DisplacementVector3D< Cartesian3D<double>,U > rxyz = operator()(xyz);
+    return PositionVector3D<CoordSystem,U> ( rxyz );
@@ -329,8 +329,8 @@ public:
   operator() (const  ForeignVector & v) const {
     DisplacementVector3D< Cartesian3D<double> > xyz(v);
-    DisplacementVector3D< Cartesian3D<double> > Rxyz = operator()(xyz);
-    return ForeignVector ( Rxyz.X(), Rxyz.Y(), Rxyz.Z() );
+    DisplacementVector3D< Cartesian3D<double> > rxyz = operator()(xyz);
+    return ForeignVector ( rxyz.X(), rxyz.Y(), rxyz.Z() );
diff --git a/mathcore/inc/Math/GenVector/RotationX.h b/mathcore/inc/Math/GenVector/RotationX.h
index 28bddfbe39e..4de29e9b446 100644
--- a/mathcore/inc/Math/GenVector/RotationX.h
+++ b/mathcore/inc/Math/GenVector/RotationX.h
@@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
-// @(#)root/mathcore:$Name:  $:$Id: RotationX.h,v 1.3 2005/10/27 18:00:01 moneta Exp $
+// @(#)root/mathcore:$Name:  $:$Id: RotationX.h,v 1.4 2006/04/11 13:06:15 moneta Exp $
 // Authors: W. Brown, M. Fischler, L. Moneta    2005  
@@ -12,7 +12,7 @@
 // Created by: Mark Fischler Mon July 18  2005
-// Last update: $Id: RotationX.h,v 1.3 2005/10/27 18:00:01 moneta Exp $
+// Last update: $Id: RotationX.h,v 1.4 2006/04/11 13:06:15 moneta Exp $
 #ifndef ROOT_Math_GenVector_RotationX 
 #define ROOT_Math_GenVector_RotationX  1
@@ -131,8 +131,8 @@ public:
   PositionVector3D<CoordSystem, U>
   operator() (const PositionVector3D<CoordSystem,U> & v) const {
     DisplacementVector3D< Cartesian3D<double>,U > xyz(v);
-    DisplacementVector3D< Cartesian3D<double>,U > Rxyz = operator()(xyz);
-    return PositionVector3D<CoordSystem,U> ( Rxyz );
+    DisplacementVector3D< Cartesian3D<double>,U > rxyz = operator()(xyz);
+    return PositionVector3D<CoordSystem,U> ( rxyz );
@@ -156,8 +156,8 @@ public:
   operator() (const  ForeignVector & v) const {
     DisplacementVector3D< Cartesian3D<double> > xyz(v);
-    DisplacementVector3D< Cartesian3D<double> > Rxyz = operator()(xyz);
-    return ForeignVector ( Rxyz.X(), Rxyz.Y(), Rxyz.Z() );
+    DisplacementVector3D< Cartesian3D<double> > rxyz = operator()(xyz);
+    return ForeignVector ( rxyz.X(), rxyz.Y(), rxyz.Z() );
diff --git a/mathcore/inc/Math/GenVector/RotationY.h b/mathcore/inc/Math/GenVector/RotationY.h
index bdc12857dea..f1232adfdfc 100644
--- a/mathcore/inc/Math/GenVector/RotationY.h
+++ b/mathcore/inc/Math/GenVector/RotationY.h
@@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
-// @(#)root/mathcore:$Name:  $:$Id: RotationY.h,v 1.3 2005/10/27 18:00:01 moneta Exp $
+// @(#)root/mathcore:$Name:  $:$Id: RotationY.h,v 1.4 2006/04/11 13:06:15 moneta Exp $
 // Authors: W. Brown, M. Fischler, L. Moneta    2005  
@@ -12,7 +12,7 @@
 // Created by: Mark Fischler Mon July 18  2005
-// Last update: $Id: RotationY.h,v 1.3 2005/10/27 18:00:01 moneta Exp $
+// Last update: $Id: RotationY.h,v 1.4 2006/04/11 13:06:15 moneta Exp $
 #ifndef ROOT_Math_GenVector_RotationY 
 #define ROOT_Math_GenVector_RotationY  1
@@ -131,8 +131,8 @@ public:
   PositionVector3D<CoordSystem, U>
   operator() (const PositionVector3D<CoordSystem,U> & v) const {
     DisplacementVector3D< Cartesian3D<double>,U > xyz(v);
-    DisplacementVector3D< Cartesian3D<double>,U > Rxyz = operator()(xyz);
-    return PositionVector3D<CoordSystem,U> ( Rxyz );
+    DisplacementVector3D< Cartesian3D<double>,U > rxyz = operator()(xyz);
+    return PositionVector3D<CoordSystem,U> ( rxyz );
@@ -156,8 +156,8 @@ public:
   operator() (const  ForeignVector & v) const {
     DisplacementVector3D< Cartesian3D<double> > xyz(v);
-    DisplacementVector3D< Cartesian3D<double> > Rxyz = operator()(xyz);
-    return ForeignVector ( Rxyz.X(), Rxyz.Y(), Rxyz.Z() );
+    DisplacementVector3D< Cartesian3D<double> > rxyz = operator()(xyz);
+    return ForeignVector ( rxyz.X(), rxyz.Y(), rxyz.Z() );
diff --git a/mathcore/inc/Math/GenVector/RotationZ.h b/mathcore/inc/Math/GenVector/RotationZ.h
index 25f31cc7d0c..75c3d0fa710 100644
--- a/mathcore/inc/Math/GenVector/RotationZ.h
+++ b/mathcore/inc/Math/GenVector/RotationZ.h
@@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
-// @(#)root/mathcore:$Name:  $:$Id: RotationZ.h,v 1.3 2005/10/27 18:00:01 moneta Exp $
+// @(#)root/mathcore:$Name:  $:$Id: RotationZ.h,v 1.4 2006/04/11 13:06:15 moneta Exp $
 // Authors: W. Brown, M. Fischler, L. Moneta    2005  
@@ -12,7 +12,7 @@
 // Created by: Mark Fischler Mon July 18  2005
-// Last update: $Id: RotationZ.h,v 1.3 2005/10/27 18:00:01 moneta Exp $
+// Last update: $Id: RotationZ.h,v 1.4 2006/04/11 13:06:15 moneta Exp $
 #ifndef ROOT_Math_GenVector_RotationZ 
 #define ROOT_Math_GenVector_RotationZ  1
@@ -131,8 +131,8 @@ public:
   PositionVector3D<CoordSystem, U>
   operator() (const PositionVector3D<CoordSystem,U> & v) const {
     DisplacementVector3D< Cartesian3D<double>,U > xyz(v);
-    DisplacementVector3D< Cartesian3D<double>,U > Rxyz = operator()(xyz);
-    return PositionVector3D<CoordSystem,U> ( Rxyz );
+    DisplacementVector3D< Cartesian3D<double>,U > rxyz = operator()(xyz);
+    return PositionVector3D<CoordSystem,U> ( rxyz );
@@ -156,8 +156,8 @@ public:
   operator() (const  ForeignVector & v) const {
     DisplacementVector3D< Cartesian3D<double> > xyz(v);
-    DisplacementVector3D< Cartesian3D<double> > Rxyz = operator()(xyz);
-    return ForeignVector ( Rxyz.X(), Rxyz.Y(), Rxyz.Z() );
+    DisplacementVector3D< Cartesian3D<double> > rxyz = operator()(xyz);
+    return ForeignVector ( rxyz.X(), rxyz.Y(), rxyz.Z() );
diff --git a/mathcore/src/3DConversions.cxx b/mathcore/src/3DConversions.cxx
index d6c1576d341..25eb0268e9e 100644
--- a/mathcore/src/3DConversions.cxx
+++ b/mathcore/src/3DConversions.cxx
@@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
-// @(#)root/mathcore:$Name:  $:$Id: 3DConversions.cxx,v 1.2 2005/09/19 09:57:07 brun Exp $
+// @(#)root/mathcore:$Name:  $:$Id: 3DConversions.cxx,v 1.3 2006/03/01 16:21:59 moneta Exp $
 // Authors: W. Brown, M. Fischler, L. Moneta    2005  
@@ -12,7 +12,7 @@
 // Created by: Mark Fischler and Walter Brown Thurs July 7, 2005
-// Last update: $Id: 3DConversions.cxx,v 1.2 2005/09/19 09:57:07 brun Exp $
+// Last update: $Id: 3DConversions.cxx,v 1.3 2006/03/01 16:21:59 moneta Exp $
 // TODO - For now, all conversions are grouped in this one compilation unit.
@@ -37,43 +37,42 @@ namespace ROOT {
 namespace Math {
 namespace gv_detail {
-enum Rotation3DMatrixIndex
-{ XX = Rotation3D::XX, XY = Rotation3D::XY, XZ = Rotation3D::XZ
-, YX = Rotation3D::YX, YY = Rotation3D::YY, YZ = Rotation3D::YZ
-, ZX = Rotation3D::ZX, ZY = Rotation3D::ZY, ZZ = Rotation3D::ZZ
+enum ERotation3DMatrixIndex
+{ kXX = Rotation3D::kXX, kXY = Rotation3D::kXY, kXZ = Rotation3D::kXZ
+, kYX = Rotation3D::kYX, kYY = Rotation3D::kYY, kYZ = Rotation3D::kYZ
+, kZX = Rotation3D::kZX, kZY = Rotation3D::kZY, kZZ = Rotation3D::kZZ
 // ----------------------------------------------------------------------
-// conversions from Rotation3D
 void convert( Rotation3D const & from, AxisAngle   & to)
+  // conversions from Rotation3D
   double m[9];
   from.GetComponents(m, m+9);
-  const double  Uz = m[YX] - m[XY];
-  const double  Uy = m[XZ] - m[ZX];
-  const double  Ux = m[ZY] - m[YZ];
+  const double  uZ = m[kYX] - m[kXY];
+  const double  uY = m[kXZ] - m[kZX];
+  const double  uX = m[kZY] - m[kYZ];
   AxisAngle::AxisVector u;
-  if ( (Uz==0) && (Uy==0) && (Ux==0) ) {
-    if        ( m[ZZ]>0 ) {
+  if ( (uZ==0) && (uY==0) && (uX==0) ) {
+    if        ( m[kZZ]>0 ) {
-    } else if ( m[YY]>0 ) {
+    } else if ( m[kYY]>0 ) {
     } else {
   } else {
-    u.SetCoordinates( Ux, Uy, Uz );
+    u.SetCoordinates( uX, uY, uZ );
   //to.SetAxis(u); // Note:  SetAxis does normalize
   static const double pi=3.14159265358979323;
   double angle;
-  const double cosdelta = (m[XX] + m[YY] + m[ZZ] - 1.0) / 2.0;
+  const double cosdelta = (m[kXX] + m[kYY] + m[kZZ] - 1.0) / 2.0;
   if (cosdelta > 1.0) {
     angle = 0;
   } else if (cosdelta < -1.0) {
@@ -103,7 +102,7 @@ static void correctByPi ( double& psi, double& phi ) {
 void convert( Rotation3D const & from, EulerAngles & to)
+  // conversion from Rotation3D to Euler Angles
   // Mathematical justification appears in
   double r[9];
@@ -113,10 +112,10 @@ void convert( Rotation3D const & from, EulerAngles & to)
   double psiPlusPhi, psiMinusPhi;
   static const double pi=3.14159265358979323;
-  theta = (std::fabs(r[ZZ]) <= 1.0) ? std::acos(r[ZZ]) :
-  	            (r[ZZ]  >  0.0) ?     0            : pi;
+  theta = (std::fabs(r[kZZ]) <= 1.0) ? std::acos(r[kZZ]) :
+  	            (r[kZZ]  >  0.0) ?     0            : pi;
-  double cosTheta = r[ZZ];
+  double cosTheta = r[kZZ];
   if (cosTheta > 1)  cosTheta = 1;
   if (cosTheta < -1) cosTheta = -1;
@@ -125,20 +124,20 @@ void convert( Rotation3D const & from, EulerAngles & to)
   // is less than 1 in absolute value, different mathematically equivalent
   // expressions are numerically stable.
   if (cosTheta == 1) {
-    psiPlusPhi = atan2 ( r[XY] - r[YX], r[XX] + r[YY] );
+    psiPlusPhi = atan2 ( r[kXY] - r[kYX], r[kXX] + r[kYY] );
     psiMinusPhi = 0;     
   } else if (cosTheta >= 0) {
-    psiPlusPhi = atan2 ( r[XY] - r[YX], r[XX] + r[YY] );
-    double s = -r[XY] - r[YX]; // sin (psi-phi) * (1 - cos theta)
-    double c =  r[XX] - r[YY]; // cos (psi-phi) * (1 - cos theta)
+    psiPlusPhi = atan2 ( r[kXY] - r[kYX], r[kXX] + r[kYY] );
+    double s = -r[kXY] - r[kYX]; // sin (psi-phi) * (1 - cos theta)
+    double c =  r[kXX] - r[kYY]; // cos (psi-phi) * (1 - cos theta)
     psiMinusPhi = atan2 ( s, c );
   } else if (cosTheta > -1) {
-    psiMinusPhi = atan2 ( -r[XY] - r[YX], r[XX] - r[YY] );
-    double s = r[XY] - r[YX]; // sin (psi+phi) * (1 + cos theta)
-    double c = r[XX] + r[YY]; // cos (psi+phi) * (1 + cos theta)
+    psiMinusPhi = atan2 ( -r[kXY] - r[kYX], r[kXX] - r[kYY] );
+    double s = r[kXY] - r[kYX]; // sin (psi+phi) * (1 + cos theta)
+    double c = r[kXX] + r[kYY]; // cos (psi+phi) * (1 + cos theta)
     psiPlusPhi = atan2 ( s, c );
   } else { // cosTheta == -1
-    psiMinusPhi = atan2 ( -r[XY] - r[YX], r[XX] - r[YY] );
+    psiMinusPhi = atan2 ( -r[kXY] - r[kYX], r[kXX] - r[kYY] );
     psiPlusPhi = 0;
@@ -151,7 +150,7 @@ void convert( Rotation3D const & from, EulerAngles & to)
   // set up w[i], all of which would be positive if sin and cosine of
   // psi and phi were positive:
   double w[4];
-  w[0] = r[XZ]; w[1] = r[ZX]; w[2] = r[YZ]; w[3] = -r[ZY];
+  w[0] = r[kXZ]; w[1] = r[kZX]; w[2] = r[kYZ]; w[3] = -r[kZY];
   // find biggest relevant term, which is the best one to use in correcting.
   double maxw = std::fabs(w[0]); 
@@ -187,15 +186,18 @@ void convert( Rotation3D const & from, EulerAngles & to)
 } // convert to EulerAngles
 void convert( Rotation3D const & from, Quaternion  & to)
+  // conversion from Rotation3D to Quaternion
   double m[9];
   from.GetComponents(m, m+9);
-  const double d0 =   m[XX] + m[YY] + m[ZZ];
-  const double d1 = + m[XX] - m[YY] - m[ZZ];
-  const double d2 = - m[XX] + m[YY] - m[ZZ];
-  const double d3 = - m[XX] - m[YY] + m[ZZ];
+  const double d0 =   m[kXX] + m[kYY] + m[kZZ];
+  const double d1 = + m[kXX] - m[kYY] - m[kZZ];
+  const double d2 = - m[kXX] + m[kYY] - m[kZZ];
+  const double d3 = - m[kXX] - m[kYY] + m[kZZ];
   // these are related to the various q^2 values;
   // choose the largest to avoid dividing two small numbers and losing accuracy.
@@ -203,36 +205,36 @@ void convert( Rotation3D const & from, Quaternion  & to)
   if ( d0 >= d1 && d0 >= d2 && d0 >= d3 ) {
     const double q0 = .5*std::sqrt(1+d0);
     const double f  = .25/q0;
-    const double q1 = f*(m[ZY]-m[YZ]);
-    const double q2 = f*(m[XZ]-m[ZX]);
-    const double q3 = f*(m[YX]-m[XY]);
+    const double q1 = f*(m[kZY]-m[kYZ]);
+    const double q2 = f*(m[kXZ]-m[kZX]);
+    const double q3 = f*(m[kYX]-m[kXY]);
  } else if ( d1 >= d2 && d1 >= d3 ) {
     const double q1 = .5*std::sqrt(1+d1);
     const double f  = .25/q1;
-    const double q0 = f*(m[ZY]-m[YZ]);
-    const double q2 = f*(m[XY]+m[YX]); 
-    const double q3 = f*(m[XZ]+m[ZX]);
+    const double q0 = f*(m[kZY]-m[kYZ]);
+    const double q2 = f*(m[kXY]+m[kYX]); 
+    const double q3 = f*(m[kXZ]+m[kZX]);
  } else if ( d2 >= d3 ) {
     const double q2 = .5*std::sqrt(1+d2);
     const double f  = .25/q2;
-    const double q0 = f*(m[XZ]-m[ZX]);
-    const double q1 = f*(m[XY]+m[YX]);
-    const double q3 = f*(m[YZ]+m[ZY]);
+    const double q0 = f*(m[kXZ]-m[kZX]);
+    const double q1 = f*(m[kXY]+m[kYX]);
+    const double q3 = f*(m[kYZ]+m[kZY]);
  } else {
     const double q3 = .5*std::sqrt(1+d3);
     const double f  = .25/q3;
-    const double q0 = f*(m[YX]-m[XY]);
-    const double q1 = f*(m[XZ]+m[ZX]);
-    const double q2 = f*(m[YZ]+m[ZY]);
+    const double q0 = f*(m[kYX]-m[kXY]);
+    const double q1 = f*(m[kXZ]+m[kZX]);
+    const double q2 = f*(m[kYZ]+m[kZY]);
@@ -246,6 +248,8 @@ void convert( Rotation3D const & from, Quaternion  & to)
 void convert( AxisAngle const & from, Rotation3D  & to)
+  // conversion from AxixAngle to Rotation3D 
   const double sinDelta = std::sin( from.Angle() );
   const double cosDelta = std::cos( from.Angle() );
   const double oneMinusCosDelta = 1.0 - cosDelta;
@@ -257,25 +261,26 @@ void convert( AxisAngle const & from, Rotation3D  & to)
   double m[9];
-  m[XX] = oneMinusCosDelta * uX * uX  +  cosDelta;
-  m[XY] = oneMinusCosDelta * uX * uY  -  sinDelta * uZ;
-  m[XZ] = oneMinusCosDelta * uX * uZ  +  sinDelta * uY;
+  m[kXX] = oneMinusCosDelta * uX * uX  +  cosDelta;
+  m[kXY] = oneMinusCosDelta * uX * uY  -  sinDelta * uZ;
+  m[kXZ] = oneMinusCosDelta * uX * uZ  +  sinDelta * uY;
-  m[YX] = oneMinusCosDelta * uY * uX  +  sinDelta * uZ;
-  m[YY] = oneMinusCosDelta * uY * uY  +  cosDelta;
-  m[YZ] = oneMinusCosDelta * uY * uZ  -  sinDelta * uX;
+  m[kYX] = oneMinusCosDelta * uY * uX  +  sinDelta * uZ;
+  m[kYY] = oneMinusCosDelta * uY * uY  +  cosDelta;
+  m[kYZ] = oneMinusCosDelta * uY * uZ  -  sinDelta * uX;
-  m[ZX] = oneMinusCosDelta * uZ * uX  -  sinDelta * uY;
-  m[ZY] = oneMinusCosDelta * uZ * uY  +  sinDelta * uX;
-  m[ZZ] = oneMinusCosDelta * uZ * uZ  +  cosDelta;
+  m[kZX] = oneMinusCosDelta * uZ * uX  -  sinDelta * uY;
+  m[kZY] = oneMinusCosDelta * uZ * uY  +  sinDelta * uX;
+  m[kZZ] = oneMinusCosDelta * uZ * uZ  +  cosDelta;
 } // convert to Rotation3D
 void convert( AxisAngle const & from , EulerAngles & to  )
-  // TODO better 
-  // temporary make conversion using  Rotation3D
+  // conversion from AxixAngle to EulerAngles 
+  // TODO better : temporary make conversion using  Rotation3D
   Rotation3D tmp; 
@@ -283,6 +288,8 @@ void convert( AxisAngle const & from , EulerAngles & to  )
 void convert( AxisAngle const & from, Quaternion  & to)
+  // conversion from AxixAngle to Quaternion  
   double s = std::sin (from.Angle()/2);
   DisplacementVector3D< Cartesian3D<double> > axis = from.Axis();
@@ -300,6 +307,8 @@ void convert( AxisAngle const & from, Quaternion  & to)
 void convert( EulerAngles const & from, Rotation3D  & to)
+  // conversion from EulerAngles to Rotation3D 
   typedef double Scalar; 
   const Scalar sPhi   = std::sin( from.Phi()   );
   const Scalar cPhi   = std::cos( from.Phi()   );
@@ -316,6 +325,8 @@ void convert( EulerAngles const & from, Rotation3D  & to)
 void convert( EulerAngles const & from, AxisAngle   & to)
+  // conversion from EulerAngles to AxisAngle
+  // make converting first to quaternion
   Quaternion q;
   convert (from, q);
   convert (q, to);
@@ -323,6 +334,8 @@ void convert( EulerAngles const & from, AxisAngle   & to)
 void convert( EulerAngles const & from, Quaternion  & to)
+  // conversion from EulerAngles to Quaternion 
   typedef double Scalar; 
   const Scalar plus   = (from.Phi()+from.Psi())/2;
   const Scalar minus  = (from.Phi()-from.Psi())/2;
@@ -344,6 +357,8 @@ void convert( EulerAngles const & from, Quaternion  & to)
 void convert( Quaternion const & from, Rotation3D  & to)
+  // conversion from Quaternion to Rotation3D 
   const double q0 = from.U();
   const double q1 = from.I();
   const double q2 = from.J();
@@ -368,6 +383,8 @@ void convert( Quaternion const & from, Rotation3D  & to)
 void convert( Quaternion const & from, AxisAngle   & to)
+  // conversion from Quaternion to AxisAngle 
   double u = from.U();
   if ( u >= 0 ) {
     if ( u > 1 ) u = 1;
@@ -386,8 +403,10 @@ void convert( Quaternion const & from, AxisAngle   & to)
 void convert( Quaternion const &  from, EulerAngles & to  )
+  // conversion from Quaternion to EulerAngles 
   // TODO better 
   // temporary make conversion using  Rotation3D
   Rotation3D tmp; 
@@ -400,6 +419,8 @@ void convert( Quaternion const &  from, EulerAngles & to  )
 void convert( RotationX const & from, Rotation3D  & to)
+  // conversion from RotationX to Rotation3D 
   const double c = from.CosAngle();
   const double s = from.SinAngle();
   to.SetComponents ( 1,  0,  0,
@@ -409,14 +430,17 @@ void convert( RotationX const & from, Rotation3D  & to)
 void convert( RotationX const & from, AxisAngle   & to)
+  // conversion from RotationX to AxisAngle 
   DisplacementVector3D< Cartesian3D<double> > axis (1, 0, 0);
   to.SetComponents ( axis, from.Angle() );
 void convert( RotationX const & from , EulerAngles &  to  )
-  //TODO better
-  // temporary make conversion using  Rotation3D
+  // conversion from RotationX to EulerAngles 
+  //TODO better: temporary make conversion using  Rotation3D
   Rotation3D tmp; 
@@ -424,6 +448,8 @@ void convert( RotationX const & from , EulerAngles &  to  )
 void convert( RotationX const & from, Quaternion  & to)
+  // conversion from RotationX to Quaternion 
   to.SetComponents (std::cos(from.Angle()/2), std::sin(from.Angle()/2), 0, 0);
@@ -434,6 +460,8 @@ void convert( RotationX const & from, Quaternion  & to)
 void convert( RotationY const & from, Rotation3D  & to)
+  // conversion from RotationY to Rotation3D
   const double c = from.CosAngle();
   const double s = from.SinAngle();
   to.SetComponents (  c, 0, s,
@@ -443,14 +471,17 @@ void convert( RotationY const & from, Rotation3D  & to)
 void convert( RotationY const & from, AxisAngle   & to)
+  // conversion from RotationY to AxisAngle
   DisplacementVector3D< Cartesian3D<double> > axis (0, 1, 0);
   to.SetComponents ( axis, from.Angle() );
 void convert( RotationY const & from, EulerAngles & to  )
-  // TODO better
-  // temporary make conversion using  Rotation3D
+  // conversion from RotationY to EulerAngles
+  // TODO better: temporary make conversion using  Rotation3D
   Rotation3D tmp; 
@@ -458,6 +489,8 @@ void convert( RotationY const & from, EulerAngles & to  )
 void convert( RotationY const & from, Quaternion  & to)
+  // conversion from RotationY to Quaternion
   to.SetComponents (std::cos(from.Angle()/2), 0, std::sin(from.Angle()/2), 0);
@@ -468,6 +501,8 @@ void convert( RotationY const & from, Quaternion  & to)
 void convert( RotationZ const & from, Rotation3D  & to)
+  // conversion from RotationZ to Rotation3D
   const double c = from.CosAngle();
   const double s = from.SinAngle();
   to.SetComponents ( c, -s, 0,
@@ -477,14 +512,17 @@ void convert( RotationZ const & from, Rotation3D  & to)
 void convert( RotationZ const & from, AxisAngle   & to)
+  // conversion from RotationZ to AxisAngle
   DisplacementVector3D< Cartesian3D<double> > axis (0, 0, 1);
   to.SetComponents ( axis, from.Angle() );
 void convert( RotationZ const & from  , EulerAngles & to  )
-  // TODO better
-  // temporary make conversion using  Rotation3D
+  // conversion from RotationZ to EulerAngles
+  // TODO better: temporary make conversion using  Rotation3D
   Rotation3D tmp; 
@@ -492,6 +530,8 @@ void convert( RotationZ const & from  , EulerAngles & to  )
 void convert( RotationZ const & from, Quaternion  & to)
+  // conversion from RotationZ to Quaternion
   to.SetComponents (0, 0, std::cos(from.Angle()/2), std::sin(from.Angle()/2));
diff --git a/mathcore/src/3DDistances.cxx b/mathcore/src/3DDistances.cxx
index 83c2598822d..0ad80cb90af 100644
--- a/mathcore/src/3DDistances.cxx
+++ b/mathcore/src/3DDistances.cxx
@@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
-// @(#)root/mathcore:$Name:  $:$Id: 3DDistances.cxxv 1.0 2005/06/23 12:00:00 moneta Exp $
+// @(#)root/mathcore:$Name:  $:$Id: 3DDistances.cxx,v 1.1 2005/09/18 17:33:47 brun Exp $
 // Authors: W. Brown, M. Fischler, L. Moneta    2005  
@@ -34,10 +34,10 @@ namespace Math {
 namespace gv_detail {
-enum Rotation3DMatrixIndex
-{ XX = 0, XY = 1, XZ = 2
-, YX = 3, YY = 4, YZ = 5
-, ZX = 6, ZY = 7, ZZ = 8
+enum ERotation3DMatrixIndex
+{ kXX = 0, kXY = 1, kXZ = 2
+, kYX = 3, kYY = 4, kYZ = 5
+, kZX = 6, kZY = 7, kZZ = 8
diff --git a/mathcore/src/AxisAngle.cxx b/mathcore/src/AxisAngle.cxx
index f6b5803a105..7f7573844a7 100644
--- a/mathcore/src/AxisAngle.cxx
+++ b/mathcore/src/AxisAngle.cxx
@@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
-// @(#)root/mathcore:$Name:  $:$Id: AxisAngle.cxx,v 1.1 2005/09/18 17:33:47 brun Exp $
+// @(#)root/mathcore:$Name:  $:$Id: AxisAngle.cxx,v 1.2 2005/09/19 09:57:07 brun Exp $
 // Authors: W. Brown, M. Fischler, L. Moneta    2005  
@@ -63,10 +63,10 @@ AxisAngle::Rectify()
 // ======== Transformation to other Rotation Forms ==================
-enum Rotation3DMatrixIndex {
-      XX = 0, XY = 1, XZ = 2
-    , YX = 3, YY = 4, YZ = 5
-    , ZX = 6, ZY = 7, ZZ = 8
+enum ERotation3DMatrixIndex {
+      kXX = 0, kXY = 1, kXZ = 2
+    , kYX = 3, kYY = 4, kYZ = 5
+    , kZX = 6, kZY = 7, kZZ = 8
diff --git a/mathcore/src/AxisAngleXother.cxx b/mathcore/src/AxisAngleXother.cxx
index d40cf84cda6..e3821abfb15 100644
--- a/mathcore/src/AxisAngleXother.cxx
+++ b/mathcore/src/AxisAngleXother.cxx
@@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
-// @(#)root/mathcore:$Name:  $:$Id: AxisAngleXother.cxxv 1.0 2005/06/23 12:00:00 moneta Exp $
+// @(#)root/mathcore:$Name:  $:$Id: AxisAngleXother.cxx,v 1.1 2005/09/18 17:33:47 brun Exp $
 // Authors: W. Brown, M. Fischler, L. Moneta    2005  
@@ -31,36 +31,31 @@ namespace ROOT {
   namespace Math {
-operator * (const Rotation3D & r) const {
+AxisAngle AxisAngle::operator * (const Rotation3D & r) const {
+  // combination with a Rotation3D
   return operator* ( Quaternion(r) );
-operator * (const AxisAngle   & a) const {
+AxisAngle AxisAngle::operator * (const AxisAngle   & a) const {
+  // combination with another AxisAngle
   return operator* ( Quaternion(a) );
-operator * (const EulerAngles & e) const {
+AxisAngle AxisAngle::operator * (const EulerAngles & e) const {
+  // combination with EulerAngles
   return operator* ( Quaternion(e) );
-operator * (const Quaternion  & q) const {
+AxisAngle AxisAngle::operator * (const Quaternion  & q) const {
+  // combination with Quaternion
   return AxisAngle ( Quaternion(*this) * q );
 #ifdef MOVE
-operator * (const Quaternion  & q) const {
+AxisAngle AxisAngle::operator * (const Quaternion  & q) const {
+  // combination with quaternion (not used)
   const Scalar s1 = std::sin(fAngle/2);
   const Scalar au = std::cos(fAngle/2);
   const Scalar ai = s1 * fAxis.X();
@@ -85,9 +80,9 @@ operator * (const Quaternion  & q) const {
-operator * (const RotationX & rx) const {
+AxisAngle AxisAngle::operator * (const RotationX & rx) const {
+  // combination with RotationX
   const Scalar s1 = std::sin(fAngle/2);
   const Scalar au = std::cos(fAngle/2);
   const Scalar ai = s1 * fAxis.X();
@@ -116,9 +111,9 @@ operator * (const RotationX & rx) const {
   return AxisAngle ( axis, angle );
-operator * (const RotationY & ry) const {
+AxisAngle AxisAngle::operator * (const RotationY & ry) const {
+  // combination with RotationY
   const Scalar s1 = std::sin(fAngle/2);
   const Scalar au = std::cos(fAngle/2);
   const Scalar ai = s1 * fAxis.X();
@@ -147,9 +142,9 @@ operator * (const RotationY & ry) const {
   return AxisAngle ( axis, angle );
-operator * (const RotationZ & rz) const {
+AxisAngle AxisAngle::operator * (const RotationZ & rz) const {
+  // combination with RotationZ
   const Scalar s1 = std::sin(fAngle/2);
   const Scalar au = std::cos(fAngle/2);
   const Scalar ai = s1 * fAxis.X();
@@ -178,18 +173,15 @@ operator * (const RotationZ & rz) const {
   return AxisAngle ( axis, angle );
-operator*( RotationX const & r, AxisAngle const & a ) {
+AxisAngle operator*( RotationX const & r, AxisAngle const & a ) {
   return AxisAngle(r) * a;  // TODO: improve performance
-operator*( RotationY const & r, AxisAngle const & a ) {
+AxisAngle operator*( RotationY const & r, AxisAngle const & a ) {
   return AxisAngle(r) * a;  // TODO: improve performance
-operator*( RotationZ const & r, AxisAngle const & a ) {
+AxisAngle operator*( RotationZ const & r, AxisAngle const & a ) {
   return AxisAngle(r) * a;  // TODO: improve performance
diff --git a/mathcore/src/BitReproducible.cxx b/mathcore/src/BitReproducible.cxx
index d72963a0996..cb4c2566132 100644
--- a/mathcore/src/BitReproducible.cxx
+++ b/mathcore/src/BitReproducible.cxx
@@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
-// @(#)root/mathcore:$Name:  $:$Id: BitReproducible.cxx,v 1.1 2005/09/18 17:33:47 brun Exp $
+// @(#)root/mathcore:$Name:  $:$Id: BitReproducible.cxx,v 1.2 2005/09/19 09:57:07 brun Exp $
 // Authors: W. Brown, M. Fischler, L. Moneta    2005  
 #include "Math/GenVector/BitReproducible.h"
@@ -11,10 +11,11 @@ namespace ROOT {
  namespace Math { 
   namespace GenVector_detail {
-bool BitReproducible::byte_order_known = false;
-int  BitReproducible::byte_order[8];
+bool BitReproducible::fgByte_order_known = false;
+int  BitReproducible::fgByte_order[8];
 void BitReproducible::Fill_byte_order () {
+  // Fill_byte_order
   double x = 1.0;
   int t30 = 1 << 30;
   int t22 = 1 << 22;
@@ -30,19 +31,19 @@ void BitReproducible::Fill_byte_order () {
   // x, in IEEE format, would now be 0x4330060504030201
   union DB8 {
-    unsigned char b[8];
-    double d;
+    unsigned char fB[8];
+    double fD;
   DB8 xb;
-  xb.d = x;
+  xb.fD = x;
   int n;
-  static const int UNSET = -1;
+  static const int kUNSET = -1;
   for (n=0; n<8; n++) {
-    byte_order[n] = UNSET;
+    fgByte_order[n] = kUNSET;
   int order;
   for (n=0; n<8; n++) {
-    switch ( xb.b[n] ) {
+    switch ( xb.fB[n] ) {
       case 0x43:
         order = 0;
@@ -71,46 +72,49 @@ void BitReproducible::Fill_byte_order () {
         throw BitReproducibleException(
         "Cannot determine byte-ordering of doubles on this system");
-    if (byte_order[n] != UNSET) {
+    if (fgByte_order[n] != kUNSET) {
         throw BitReproducibleException(
         "Confusion in byte-ordering of doubles on this system");
-    byte_order[n] = order;
-    byte_order_known = true;
+    fgByte_order[n] = order;
+    fgByte_order_known = true;
 std::string BitReproducible::D2x(double d) {
-  if ( !byte_order_known ) Fill_byte_order ();
+  // hex conversion
+  if ( !fgByte_order_known ) Fill_byte_order ();
   DB8 db;
-  db.d = d;
+  db.fD = d;
   std::ostringstream ss;
   for (int i=0; i<8; ++i) {
-    int k = byte_order[i];
-    ss << std::hex << std::setw(2) << std::setfill('0') << (int)db.b[k];
+    int k = fgByte_order[i];
+    ss << std::hex << std::setw(2) << std::setfill('0') << (int)db.fB[k];
   return ss.str();
 void BitReproducible::Dto2longs(double d, unsigned long& i, unsigned long& j) {
-  if ( !byte_order_known ) Fill_byte_order ();
+  // conversion to 2 longs
+  if ( !fgByte_order_known ) Fill_byte_order ();
   DB8 db;
-  db.d = d;
-  i    =   ((static_cast<unsigned long>(db.b[byte_order[0]])) << 24)
-         | ((static_cast<unsigned long>(db.b[byte_order[1]])) << 16)
-         | ((static_cast<unsigned long>(db.b[byte_order[2]])) <<  8)
-         | ((static_cast<unsigned long>(db.b[byte_order[3]]))      );
-  j    =   ((static_cast<unsigned long>(db.b[byte_order[4]])) << 24)
-         | ((static_cast<unsigned long>(db.b[byte_order[5]])) << 16)
-         | ((static_cast<unsigned long>(db.b[byte_order[6]])) <<  8)
-         | ((static_cast<unsigned long>(db.b[byte_order[7]]))      );
+  db.fD = d;
+  i    =   ((static_cast<unsigned long>(db.fB[fgByte_order[0]])) << 24)
+         | ((static_cast<unsigned long>(db.fB[fgByte_order[1]])) << 16)
+         | ((static_cast<unsigned long>(db.fB[fgByte_order[2]])) <<  8)
+         | ((static_cast<unsigned long>(db.fB[fgByte_order[3]]))      );
+  j    =   ((static_cast<unsigned long>(db.fB[fgByte_order[4]])) << 24)
+         | ((static_cast<unsigned long>(db.fB[fgByte_order[5]])) << 16)
+         | ((static_cast<unsigned long>(db.fB[fgByte_order[6]])) <<  8)
+         | ((static_cast<unsigned long>(db.fB[fgByte_order[7]]))      );
 double BitReproducible::Longs2double (unsigned long i, unsigned long j) {
+  // conversion longs to double
   DB8 db;
   unsigned char bytes[8];
-  if ( !byte_order_known ) Fill_byte_order ();
+  if ( !fgByte_order_known ) Fill_byte_order ();
   bytes[0] = static_cast<unsigned char>((i >> 24) & 0xFF);
   bytes[1] = static_cast<unsigned char>((i >> 16) & 0xFF);
   bytes[2] = static_cast<unsigned char>((i >>  8) & 0xFF);
@@ -120,9 +124,9 @@ double BitReproducible::Longs2double (unsigned long i, unsigned long j) {
   bytes[6] = static_cast<unsigned char>((j >>  8) & 0xFF);
   bytes[7] = static_cast<unsigned char>((j      ) & 0xFF);
   for (int k=0; k<8; ++k) {
-    db.b[byte_order[k]] =  bytes[k];
+    db.fB[fgByte_order[k]] =  bytes[k];
-  return db.d;
+  return db.fD;
 }  // namespace _GenVector_detail
diff --git a/mathcore/src/Boost.cxx b/mathcore/src/Boost.cxx
index f58f0358787..a2a7b3a5edf 100644
--- a/mathcore/src/Boost.cxx
+++ b/mathcore/src/Boost.cxx
@@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
-// @(#)root/mathcore:$Name:  $:$Id: Boost.cxx,v 1.3 2005/12/08 15:52:41 moneta Exp $
+// @(#)root/mathcore:$Name:  $:$Id: Boost.cxx,v 1.4 2005/12/08 21:56:39 moneta Exp $
 // Authors:  M. Fischler  2005  
@@ -65,15 +65,16 @@ namespace ROOT {
   namespace Math {
 void Boost::SetIdentity() {
-  fM[XX] = 1.0;  fM[XY] = 0.0; fM[XZ] = 0.0; fM[XT] = 0.0;
-                 fM[YY] = 1.0; fM[YZ] = 0.0; fM[YT] = 0.0;
-                               fM[ZZ] = 1.0; fM[ZT] = 0.0;
-                                             fM[TT] = 1.0;
+  // set identity boost
+  fM[kXX] = 1.0;  fM[kXY] = 0.0; fM[kXZ] = 0.0; fM[kXT] = 0.0;
+                 fM[kYY] = 1.0; fM[kYZ] = 0.0; fM[kYT] = 0.0;
+                               fM[kZZ] = 1.0; fM[kZT] = 0.0;
+                                             fM[kTT] = 1.0;
-Boost::SetComponents (Scalar bx, Scalar by, Scalar bz) {
+void Boost::SetComponents (Scalar bx, Scalar by, Scalar bz) {
+  // set the boost beta as 3 components
   Scalar bp2 = bx*bx + by*by + bz*bz;
   if (bp2 >= 1) {
     GenVector_exception e ( 
@@ -84,57 +85,56 @@ Boost::SetComponents (Scalar bx, Scalar by, Scalar bz) {
   Scalar gamma = 1.0 / std::sqrt(1.0 - bp2);
   Scalar bgamma = gamma * gamma / (1.0 + gamma);
-  fM[XX] = 1.0 + bgamma * bx * bx;
-  fM[YY] = 1.0 + bgamma * by * by;
-  fM[ZZ] = 1.0 + bgamma * bz * bz;
-  fM[XY] = bgamma * bx * by;
-  fM[XZ] = bgamma * bx * bz;
-  fM[YZ] = bgamma * by * bz;
-  fM[XT] = gamma * bx;
-  fM[YT] = gamma * by;
-  fM[ZT] = gamma * bz;
-  fM[TT] = gamma;
+  fM[kXX] = 1.0 + bgamma * bx * bx;
+  fM[kYY] = 1.0 + bgamma * by * by;
+  fM[kZZ] = 1.0 + bgamma * bz * bz;
+  fM[kXY] = bgamma * bx * by;
+  fM[kXZ] = bgamma * bx * bz;
+  fM[kYZ] = bgamma * by * bz;
+  fM[kXT] = gamma * bx;
+  fM[kYT] = gamma * by;
+  fM[kZT] = gamma * bz;
+  fM[kTT] = gamma;
-Boost::GetComponents (Scalar& bx, Scalar& by, Scalar& bz) const {
-  Scalar gaminv = 1.0/fM[TT];
-  bx = fM[XT]*gaminv;
-  by = fM[YT]*gaminv;
-  bz = fM[ZT]*gaminv;
+void Boost::GetComponents (Scalar& bx, Scalar& by, Scalar& bz) const {
+  // get beta of the boots as 3 components
+  Scalar gaminv = 1.0/fM[kTT];
+  bx = fM[kXT]*gaminv;
+  by = fM[kYT]*gaminv;
+  bz = fM[kZT]*gaminv;
 DisplacementVector3D< Cartesian3D<Boost::Scalar> >
 Boost::BetaVector() const {
-  Scalar gaminv = 1.0/fM[TT];
+  // get boost beta vector
+  Scalar gaminv = 1.0/fM[kTT];
   return DisplacementVector3D< Cartesian3D<Scalar> >
-  			( fM[XT]*gaminv, fM[YT]*gaminv, fM[ZT]*gaminv );
+  			( fM[kXT]*gaminv, fM[kYT]*gaminv, fM[kZT]*gaminv );
-Boost::GetLorentzRotation (Scalar r[]) const {
-  r[LXX] = fM[XX];  r[LXY] = fM[XY];  r[LXZ] = fM[XZ];  r[LXT] = fM[XT];  
-  r[LYX] = fM[XY];  r[LYY] = fM[YY];  r[LYZ] = fM[YZ];  r[LYT] = fM[YT];  
-  r[LZX] = fM[XZ];  r[LZY] = fM[YZ];  r[LZZ] = fM[ZZ];  r[LZT] = fM[ZT];  
-  r[LTX] = fM[XT];  r[LTY] = fM[YT];  r[LTZ] = fM[ZT];  r[LTT] = fM[TT];  
+void Boost::GetLorentzRotation (Scalar r[]) const {
+  // get Lorentz rotation corresponding to this boost as an array of 16 values 
+  r[kLXX] = fM[kXX];  r[kLXY] = fM[kXY];  r[kLXZ] = fM[kXZ];  r[kLXT] = fM[kXT];  
+  r[kLYX] = fM[kXY];  r[kLYY] = fM[kYY];  r[kLYZ] = fM[kYZ];  r[kLYT] = fM[kYT];  
+  r[kLZX] = fM[kXZ];  r[kLZY] = fM[kYZ];  r[kLZZ] = fM[kZZ];  r[kLZT] = fM[kZT];  
+  r[kLTX] = fM[kXT];  r[kLTY] = fM[kYT];  r[kLTZ] = fM[kZT];  r[kLTT] = fM[kTT];  
-Rectify() {
+void Boost::Rectify() {
   // Assuming the representation of this is close to a true Lorentz Rotation,
   // but may have drifted due to round-off error from many operations,
   // this forms an "exact" orthosymplectic matrix for the Lorentz Rotation
   // again.
-  if (fM[TT] <= 0) {	
+  if (fM[kTT] <= 0) {	
     GenVector_exception e ( 
       "Attempt to rectify a boost with non-positive gamma");
-  DisplacementVector3D< Cartesian3D<Scalar> > beta ( fM[XT], fM[YT], fM[ZT] );
-  beta /= fM[TT];
+  DisplacementVector3D< Cartesian3D<Scalar> > beta ( fM[kXT], fM[kYT], fM[kZT] );
+  beta /= fM[kTT];
   if ( beta.mag2() >= 1 ) {			    
     beta /= ( beta.R() * ( 1.0 + 1.0e-16 ) );  
@@ -142,33 +142,31 @@ Rectify() {
 LorentzVector< PxPyPzE4D<double> >
-operator() (const LorentzVector< PxPyPzE4D<double> > & v) const {
+Boost::operator() (const LorentzVector< PxPyPzE4D<double> > & v) const {
+  // apply bosost to a PxPyPzE LorentzVector
   Scalar x = v.Px();
   Scalar y = v.Py();
   Scalar z = v.Pz();
   Scalar t = v.E();
   return LorentzVector< PxPyPzE4D<double> > 
-    ( fM[XX]*x + fM[XY]*y + fM[XZ]*z + fM[XT]*t 
-    , fM[XY]*x + fM[YY]*y + fM[YZ]*z + fM[YT]*t
-    , fM[XZ]*x + fM[YZ]*y + fM[ZZ]*z + fM[ZT]*t
-    , fM[XT]*x + fM[YT]*y + fM[ZT]*z + fM[TT]*t );
+    ( fM[kXX]*x + fM[kXY]*y + fM[kXZ]*z + fM[kXT]*t 
+    , fM[kXY]*x + fM[kYY]*y + fM[kYZ]*z + fM[kYT]*t
+    , fM[kXZ]*x + fM[kYZ]*y + fM[kZZ]*z + fM[kZT]*t
+    , fM[kXT]*x + fM[kYT]*y + fM[kZT]*z + fM[kTT]*t );
-Invert() {
-  fM[XT] = -fM[XT];
-  fM[YT] = -fM[YT];
-  fM[ZT] = -fM[ZT];
+void Boost::Invert() {
+  // invert in place boost (modifying the object)
+  fM[kXT] = -fM[kXT];
+  fM[kYT] = -fM[kYT];
+  fM[kZT] = -fM[kZT];
-Inverse() const {
-  Boost I(*this);
-  I.Invert();
-  return I; 
+Boost Boost::Inverse() const {
+  // return inverse of boost 
+  Boost tmp(*this);
+  tmp.Invert();
+  return tmp; 
diff --git a/mathcore/src/BoostX.cxx b/mathcore/src/BoostX.cxx
index fd177c24115..348e89fa7ba 100644
--- a/mathcore/src/BoostX.cxx
+++ b/mathcore/src/BoostX.cxx
@@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
-       // @(#)root/mathcore:$Name:  $:$Id: BoostX.cpp,v 1.4 2006/02/04 16:10:26 moneta Exp $
+       // @(#)root/mathcore:$Name:  $:$Id: BoostX.cxx,v 1.3 2006/02/06 17:22:03 moneta Exp $
 // Authors:  M. Fischler  2005  
@@ -29,8 +29,8 @@ namespace ROOT {
 BoostX::BoostX() : fBeta(0.0), fGamma(1.0) {}
-BoostX::SetComponents (Scalar bx ) {
+void BoostX::SetComponents (Scalar bx ) {
+  // set component
   Scalar bp2 = bx*bx;
   if (bp2 >= 1) {
     GenVector_exception e ( 
@@ -42,27 +42,26 @@ BoostX::SetComponents (Scalar bx ) {
   fGamma = 1.0 / std::sqrt(1.0 - bp2);
-BoostX::GetComponents (Scalar& bx) const {
+void BoostX::GetComponents (Scalar& bx) const {
+  // get component
   bx = fBeta;
 DisplacementVector3D< Cartesian3D<BoostX::Scalar> >
 BoostX::BetaVector() const {
+  // return beta vector
   return DisplacementVector3D< Cartesian3D<Scalar> > ( fBeta, 0.0, 0.0 );
-BoostX::GetLorentzRotation (Scalar r[]) const {
-  r[LXX] = fGamma;        r[LXY] = 0.0;  r[LXZ] = 0.0;  r[LXT] = fGamma*fBeta;  
-  r[LYX] = 0.0;           r[LYY] = 1.0;  r[LYZ] = 0.0;  r[LYT] = 0.0;  
-  r[LZX] = 0.0;           r[LZY] = 0.0;  r[LZZ] = 1.0;  r[LZT] = 0.0;  
-  r[LTX] = fGamma*fBeta;  r[LTY] = 0.0;  r[LTZ] = 0.0;  r[LTT] = fGamma;  
+void BoostX::GetLorentzRotation (Scalar r[]) const {
+  // get corresponding LorentzRotation
+  r[kLXX] = fGamma;        r[kLXY] = 0.0;  r[kLXZ] = 0.0;  r[kLXT] = fGamma*fBeta;  
+  r[kLYX] = 0.0;           r[kLYY] = 1.0;  r[kLYZ] = 0.0;  r[kLYT] = 0.0;  
+  r[kLZX] = 0.0;           r[kLZY] = 0.0;  r[kLZZ] = 1.0;  r[kLZT] = 0.0;  
+  r[kLTX] = fGamma*fBeta;  r[kLTY] = 0.0;  r[kLTZ] = 0.0;  r[kLTT] = fGamma;  
-Rectify() {
+void BoostX::Rectify() {
   // Assuming the representation of this is close to a true Lorentz Rotation,
   // but may have drifted due to round-off error from many operations,
   // this forms an "exact" orthosymplectic matrix for the Lorentz Rotation
@@ -82,8 +81,8 @@ Rectify() {
 LorentzVector< PxPyPzE4D<double> >
-operator() (const LorentzVector< PxPyPzE4D<double> > & v) const {
+BoostX::operator() (const LorentzVector< PxPyPzE4D<double> > & v) const {
+  // apply boost to a LV
   Scalar x = v.Px();
   Scalar t = v.E();
   return LorentzVector< PxPyPzE4D<double> > 
@@ -93,16 +92,16 @@ operator() (const LorentzVector< PxPyPzE4D<double> > & v) const {
     , fGamma*fBeta*x + fGamma*t );
-Invert() { fBeta = -fBeta; }
+void BoostX::Invert() { 
+  // invert
+  fBeta = -fBeta; 
-Inverse() const {
-  BoostX I(*this);
-  I.Invert();
-  return I; 
+BoostX BoostX::Inverse() const {
+  // return an inverse boostX
+  BoostX tmp(*this);
+  tmp.Invert();
+  return tmp; 
 // ========== I/O =====================
diff --git a/mathcore/src/BoostY.cxx b/mathcore/src/BoostY.cxx
index f9fab366847..c67e00978e0 100644
--- a/mathcore/src/BoostY.cxx
+++ b/mathcore/src/BoostY.cxx
@@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
-// @(#)root/mathcore:$Name:  $:$Id: BoostY.cpp,v 1.4 2006/02/04 16:10:26 moneta Exp $
+// @(#)root/mathcore:$Name:  $:$Id: BoostY.cxx,v 1.3 2006/02/06 17:22:03 moneta Exp $
 // Authors:  M. Fischler  2005  
@@ -29,8 +29,8 @@ namespace ROOT {
 BoostY::BoostY() : fBeta(0.0), fGamma(1.0) {}
-BoostY::SetComponents (Scalar by) {
+void BoostY::SetComponents (Scalar by) {
+  // set component
   Scalar bp2 = by*by;
   if (bp2 >= 1) {
     GenVector_exception e ( 
@@ -42,27 +42,26 @@ BoostY::SetComponents (Scalar by) {
   fGamma = 1.0 / std::sqrt(1.0-bp2);
-BoostY::GetComponents (Scalar& by) const {
+void BoostY::GetComponents (Scalar& by) const {
+  // get component
   by = fBeta;
 DisplacementVector3D< Cartesian3D<BoostY::Scalar> >
 BoostY::BetaVector() const {
+  // return beta vector
   return DisplacementVector3D< Cartesian3D<Scalar> > ( 0.0, fBeta, 0.0 );
-BoostY::GetLorentzRotation (Scalar r[]) const {
-  r[LXX] = 1.0;  r[LXY] = 0.0;           r[LXZ] = 0.0;  r[LXT] = 0.0;  
-  r[LYX] = 0.0;  r[LYY] = fGamma;        r[LYZ] = 0.0;  r[LYT] = fGamma*fBeta; 
-  r[LZX] = 0.0;  r[LZY] = 0.0;           r[LZZ] = 1.0;  r[LZT] = 0.0;  
-  r[LTX] = 0.0;  r[LTY] = fGamma*fBeta;  r[LTZ] = 0.0;  r[LTT] = fGamma;  
+void BoostY::GetLorentzRotation (Scalar r[]) const {
+  // get corresponding LorentzRotation
+  r[kLXX] = 1.0;  r[kLXY] = 0.0;           r[kLXZ] = 0.0;  r[kLXT] = 0.0;  
+  r[kLYX] = 0.0;  r[kLYY] = fGamma;        r[kLYZ] = 0.0;  r[kLYT] = fGamma*fBeta; 
+  r[kLZX] = 0.0;  r[kLZY] = 0.0;           r[kLZZ] = 1.0;  r[kLZT] = 0.0;  
+  r[kLTX] = 0.0;  r[kLTY] = fGamma*fBeta;  r[kLTZ] = 0.0;  r[kLTT] = fGamma;  
-Rectify() {
+void BoostY::Rectify() {
   // Assuming the representation of this is close to a true Lorentz Rotation,
   // but may have drifted due to round-off error from many operations,
   // this forms an "exact" orthosymplectic matrix for the Lorentz Rotation
@@ -82,8 +81,8 @@ Rectify() {
 LorentzVector< PxPyPzE4D<double> >
-operator() (const LorentzVector< PxPyPzE4D<double> > & v) const {
+BoostY::operator() (const LorentzVector< PxPyPzE4D<double> > & v) const {
+  // apply boost to a LV
   Scalar y = v.Py();
   Scalar t = v.E();
   return LorentzVector< PxPyPzE4D<double> > 
@@ -93,18 +92,16 @@ operator() (const LorentzVector< PxPyPzE4D<double> > & v) const {
     , fGamma*fBeta*y + fGamma*t );
-Invert() {
+void BoostY::Invert() {
+  // invert Boost
   fBeta = -fBeta;
-Inverse() const {
-  BoostY I(*this);
-  I.Invert();
-  return I; 
+BoostY BoostY::Inverse() const {
+  // return inverse
+  BoostY tmp(*this);
+  tmp.Invert();
+  return tmp; 
 // ========== I/O =====================
diff --git a/mathcore/src/BoostZ.cxx b/mathcore/src/BoostZ.cxx
index b6dedffe0ee..221ef35de0b 100644
--- a/mathcore/src/BoostZ.cxx
+++ b/mathcore/src/BoostZ.cxx
@@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
-// @(#)root/mathcore:$Name:  $:$Id: BoostZ.cpp,v 1.4 2006/02/04 16:10:26 moneta Exp $
+// @(#)root/mathcore:$Name:  $:$Id: BoostZ.cxx,v 1.3 2006/02/06 17:22:03 moneta Exp $
 // Authors:  M. Fischler  2005  
@@ -29,8 +29,8 @@ namespace ROOT {
 BoostZ::BoostZ() : fBeta(0.0), fGamma(1.0) {}
-BoostZ::SetComponents (Scalar bz) {
+void BoostZ::SetComponents (Scalar bz) {
+  // set component
   Scalar bp2 = bz*bz;
   if (bp2 >= 1) {
     GenVector_exception e ( 
@@ -42,28 +42,27 @@ BoostZ::SetComponents (Scalar bz) {
   fGamma = 1.0 / std::sqrt(1.0 - bp2);
-BoostZ::GetComponents (Scalar& bz) const {
+void BoostZ::GetComponents (Scalar& bz) const {
+  // get component
   bz = fBeta;
 DisplacementVector3D< Cartesian3D<BoostZ::Scalar> >
 BoostZ::BetaVector() const {
+  // return beta vector
   return DisplacementVector3D< Cartesian3D<Scalar> >
   			( 0.0, 0.0, fBeta );
-BoostZ::GetLorentzRotation (Scalar r[]) const {
-  r[LXX] = 1.0;  r[LXY] = 0.0;  r[LXZ] = 0.0;           r[LXT] = 0.0   ;  
-  r[LYX] = 0.0;  r[LYY] = 1.0;  r[LYZ] = 0.0;           r[LYT] = 0.0   ;  
-  r[LZX] = 0.0;  r[LZY] = 0.0;  r[LZZ] = fGamma;        r[LZT] = fGamma*fBeta;  
-  r[LTX] = 0.0;  r[LTY] = 0.0;  r[LTZ] = fGamma*fBeta;  r[LTT] = fGamma;
+void BoostZ::GetLorentzRotation (Scalar r[]) const {
+  // get corresponding LorentzRotation
+  r[kLXX] = 1.0;  r[kLXY] = 0.0;  r[kLXZ] = 0.0;           r[kLXT] = 0.0   ;  
+  r[kLYX] = 0.0;  r[kLYY] = 1.0;  r[kLYZ] = 0.0;           r[kLYT] = 0.0   ;  
+  r[kLZX] = 0.0;  r[kLZY] = 0.0;  r[kLZZ] = fGamma;        r[kLZT] = fGamma*fBeta;  
+  r[kLTX] = 0.0;  r[kLTY] = 0.0;  r[kLTZ] = fGamma*fBeta;  r[kLTT] = fGamma;
-Rectify() {
+void BoostZ::Rectify() {
   // Assuming the representation of this is close to a true Lorentz Rotation,
   // but may have drifted due to round-off error from many operations,
   // this forms an "exact" orthosymplectic matrix for the Lorentz Rotation
@@ -83,8 +82,8 @@ Rectify() {
 LorentzVector< PxPyPzE4D<double> >
-operator() (const LorentzVector< PxPyPzE4D<double> > & v) const {
+BoostZ::operator() (const LorentzVector< PxPyPzE4D<double> > & v) const {
+  // apply boost to a LV
   Scalar z = v.Pz();
   Scalar t = v.E();
   return LorentzVector< PxPyPzE4D<double> > 
@@ -94,18 +93,16 @@ operator() (const LorentzVector< PxPyPzE4D<double> > & v) const {
     , fGamma*fBeta*z  + fGamma*t );
-Invert() {
+void BoostZ::Invert() {
+  // invert
   fBeta = -fBeta;
-Inverse() const {
-  BoostZ I(*this);
-  I.Invert();
-  return I; 
+BoostZ BoostZ::Inverse() const {
+  // return an inverse boostZ
+  BoostZ tmp(*this);
+  tmp.Invert();
+  return tmp; 
 // ========== I/O =====================
diff --git a/mathcore/src/EulerAngles.cxx b/mathcore/src/EulerAngles.cxx
index 041454650d5..55035c70ec5 100644
--- a/mathcore/src/EulerAngles.cxx
+++ b/mathcore/src/EulerAngles.cxx
@@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
-// @(#)root/mathcore:$Name:  $:$Id: EulerAngles.cxx,v 1.3 2006/02/06 17:22:03 moneta Exp $
+// @(#)root/mathcore:$Name:  $:$Id: EulerAngles.cxx,v 1.4 2006/04/11 13:06:15 moneta Exp $
 // Authors: W. Brown, M. Fischler, L. Moneta    2005  
@@ -12,7 +12,7 @@
 // Created by: Mark Fischler Thurs June 9  2005
-// Last update: $Id: EulerAngles.cxx,v 1.3 2006/02/06 17:22:03 moneta Exp $
+// Last update: $Id: EulerAngles.cxx,v 1.4 2006/04/11 13:06:15 moneta Exp $
 #include "Math/GenVector/EulerAngles.h"
@@ -35,9 +35,9 @@ namespace ROOT {
 // ========== Constructors and Assignment =====================
+void EulerAngles::Rectify()
+  // rectify 
   if ( fTheta < 0 || fTheta > Pi() ) {
     Scalar t = fTheta - std::floor( fTheta/(2*Pi()) ) * 2*Pi();
     if ( t <= Pi() ) {
@@ -70,44 +70,37 @@ EulerAngles::Rectify()
 // }
-operator * (const Rotation3D  & r) const {
+EulerAngles EulerAngles::operator * (const Rotation3D  & r) const {
+  // combine with a Rotation3D
   return EulerAngles ( Rotation3D(*this) * r );
-operator * (const AxisAngle   & a) const {
+EulerAngles EulerAngles::operator * (const AxisAngle   & a) const {
+  // combine with a AxisAngle
   return EulerAngles ( Quaternion(*this) * Quaternion(a) );
-operator * (const EulerAngles & e) const {
+EulerAngles EulerAngles::operator * (const EulerAngles & e) const {
+  // combine with a EulerAngles
   return EulerAngles ( Quaternion(*this) * Quaternion(e) );
-operator * (const Quaternion & q) const {
+EulerAngles EulerAngles::operator * (const Quaternion & q) const {
+  // combination with a Quaternion
   return EulerAngles ( Quaternion(*this) * q );
-operator * (const RotationX  & r) const {
+EulerAngles EulerAngles::operator * (const RotationX  & r) const {
+  // combine with a RotationX
   return EulerAngles ( Quaternion(*this) * r );
-operator * (const RotationY  & r) const {
+EulerAngles EulerAngles::operator * (const RotationY  & r) const {
+  // combine with a RotationY
   return EulerAngles ( Quaternion(*this) * r );
-operator * (const RotationZ  & r) const {
+EulerAngles EulerAngles::operator * (const RotationZ  & r) const {
+  // combine with a RotationZ
   // TODO -- this can be made much faster because it merely adds
   //         the r.Angle() to phi.
   Scalar newPhi = fPhi + r.Angle();
@@ -117,13 +110,11 @@ operator * (const RotationZ  & r) const {
   return EulerAngles ( newPhi, fTheta, fPsi );
-operator * ( RotationX const & r, EulerAngles const & e )  {
+EulerAngles operator * ( RotationX const & r, EulerAngles const & e )  {
   return EulerAngles(r) * e;  // TODO: improve performance
-operator * ( RotationY const & r, EulerAngles const & e )  {
+EulerAngles operator * ( RotationY const & r, EulerAngles const & e )  {
   return EulerAngles(r) * e;  // TODO: improve performance
diff --git a/mathcore/src/LorentzRotation.cxx b/mathcore/src/LorentzRotation.cxx
index 71abeb7cfd8..67992d43ffd 100644
--- a/mathcore/src/LorentzRotation.cxx
+++ b/mathcore/src/LorentzRotation.cxx
@@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
-// @(#)root/mathcore:$Name:  $:$Id: LorentzRotation.cxx,v 1.3 2005/10/18 09:13:34 moneta Exp $
+// @(#)root/mathcore:$Name:  $:$Id: LorentzRotation.cxx,v 1.4 2005/12/08 15:52:41 moneta Exp $
 // Authors: W. Brown, M. Fischler, L. Moneta    2005  
@@ -34,98 +34,105 @@ namespace ROOT {
   namespace Math {
 LorentzRotation::LorentzRotation() {
-  fM[XX] = 1.0;  fM[XY] = 0.0; fM[XZ] = 0.0; fM[XT] = 0.0;
-  fM[YX] = 0.0;  fM[YY] = 1.0; fM[YZ] = 0.0; fM[YT] = 0.0;
-  fM[ZX] = 0.0;  fM[ZY] = 0.0; fM[ZZ] = 1.0; fM[ZT] = 0.0;
-  fM[TX] = 0.0;  fM[TY] = 0.0; fM[TZ] = 0.0; fM[TT] = 1.0;
+  // constructor of an identity LR
+  fM[kXX] = 1.0;  fM[kXY] = 0.0; fM[kXZ] = 0.0; fM[kXT] = 0.0;
+  fM[kYX] = 0.0;  fM[kYY] = 1.0; fM[kYZ] = 0.0; fM[kYT] = 0.0;
+  fM[kZX] = 0.0;  fM[kZY] = 0.0; fM[kZZ] = 1.0; fM[kZT] = 0.0;
+  fM[kTX] = 0.0;  fM[kTY] = 0.0; fM[kTZ] = 0.0; fM[kTT] = 1.0;
 LorentzRotation::LorentzRotation(Rotation3D  const & r) {  
-  r.GetComponents ( fM[XX], fM[XY], fM[XZ],
-                    fM[YX], fM[YY], fM[YZ],
-                    fM[ZX], fM[ZY], fM[ZZ] );
-   					     fM[XT] = 0.0;
-   					     fM[YT] = 0.0;
-   					     fM[ZT] = 0.0;
-  fM[TX] = 0.0;  fM[TY] = 0.0; fM[TZ] = 0.0; fM[TT] = 1.0;
+  // construct from  Rotation3D
+  r.GetComponents ( fM[kXX], fM[kXY], fM[kXZ],
+                    fM[kYX], fM[kYY], fM[kYZ],
+                    fM[kZX], fM[kZY], fM[kZZ] );
+   					     fM[kXT] = 0.0;
+   					     fM[kYT] = 0.0;
+   					     fM[kZT] = 0.0;
+  fM[kTX] = 0.0;  fM[kTY] = 0.0; fM[kTZ] = 0.0; fM[kTT] = 1.0;
 LorentzRotation::LorentzRotation(AxisAngle  const & a) {  
+  // construct from  AxisAngle
   const Rotation3D r(a);
-  r.GetComponents ( fM[XX], fM[XY], fM[XZ],
-                    fM[YX], fM[YY], fM[YZ],
-                    fM[ZX], fM[ZY], fM[ZZ] );
-   					     fM[XT] = 0.0;
-   					     fM[YT] = 0.0;
-   					     fM[ZT] = 0.0;
-  fM[TX] = 0.0;  fM[TY] = 0.0; fM[TZ] = 0.0; fM[TT] = 1.0;
+  r.GetComponents ( fM[kXX], fM[kXY], fM[kXZ],
+                    fM[kYX], fM[kYY], fM[kYZ],
+                    fM[kZX], fM[kZY], fM[kZZ] );
+   					     fM[kXT] = 0.0;
+   					     fM[kYT] = 0.0;
+   					     fM[kZT] = 0.0;
+  fM[kTX] = 0.0;  fM[kTY] = 0.0; fM[kTZ] = 0.0; fM[kTT] = 1.0;
 LorentzRotation::LorentzRotation(EulerAngles  const & e) {  
+  // construct from  EulerAngles
   const Rotation3D r(e);
-  r.GetComponents ( fM[XX], fM[XY], fM[XZ],
-                    fM[YX], fM[YY], fM[YZ],
-                    fM[ZX], fM[ZY], fM[ZZ] );
-   					     fM[XT] = 0.0;
-   					     fM[YT] = 0.0;
-   					     fM[ZT] = 0.0;
-  fM[TX] = 0.0;  fM[TY] = 0.0; fM[TZ] = 0.0; fM[TT] = 1.0;
+  r.GetComponents ( fM[kXX], fM[kXY], fM[kXZ],
+                    fM[kYX], fM[kYY], fM[kYZ],
+                    fM[kZX], fM[kZY], fM[kZZ] );
+   					     fM[kXT] = 0.0;
+   					     fM[kYT] = 0.0;
+   					     fM[kZT] = 0.0;
+  fM[kTX] = 0.0;  fM[kTY] = 0.0; fM[kTZ] = 0.0; fM[kTT] = 1.0;
 LorentzRotation::LorentzRotation(Quaternion  const & q) {  
+  // construct from Quaternion
   const Rotation3D r(q);
-  r.GetComponents ( fM[XX], fM[XY], fM[XZ],
-                    fM[YX], fM[YY], fM[YZ],
-                    fM[ZX], fM[ZY], fM[ZZ] );
-   					     fM[XT] = 0.0;
-   					     fM[YT] = 0.0;
-   					     fM[ZT] = 0.0;
-  fM[TX] = 0.0;  fM[TY] = 0.0; fM[TZ] = 0.0; fM[TT] = 1.0;
+  r.GetComponents ( fM[kXX], fM[kXY], fM[kXZ],
+                    fM[kYX], fM[kYY], fM[kYZ],
+                    fM[kZX], fM[kZY], fM[kZZ] );
+   					     fM[kXT] = 0.0;
+   					     fM[kYT] = 0.0;
+   					     fM[kZT] = 0.0;
+  fM[kTX] = 0.0;  fM[kTY] = 0.0; fM[kTZ] = 0.0; fM[kTT] = 1.0;
 LorentzRotation::LorentzRotation(RotationX  const & r) {  
+  // construct from  RotationX
   Scalar s = r.SinAngle();
   Scalar c = r.CosAngle();
-  fM[XX] = 1.0;  fM[XY] = 0.0; fM[XZ] = 0.0; fM[XT] = 0.0;
-  fM[YX] = 0.0;  fM[YY] =  c ; fM[YZ] = -s ; fM[YT] = 0.0;
-  fM[ZX] = 0.0;  fM[ZY] =  s ; fM[ZZ] =  c ; fM[ZT] = 0.0;
-  fM[TX] = 0.0;  fM[TY] = 0.0; fM[TZ] = 0.0; fM[TT] = 1.0;
+  fM[kXX] = 1.0;  fM[kXY] = 0.0; fM[kXZ] = 0.0; fM[kXT] = 0.0;
+  fM[kYX] = 0.0;  fM[kYY] =  c ; fM[kYZ] = -s ; fM[kYT] = 0.0;
+  fM[kZX] = 0.0;  fM[kZY] =  s ; fM[kZZ] =  c ; fM[kZT] = 0.0;
+  fM[kTX] = 0.0;  fM[kTY] = 0.0; fM[kTZ] = 0.0; fM[kTT] = 1.0;
 LorentzRotation::LorentzRotation(RotationY  const & r) {  
+  // construct from  RotationY
   Scalar s = r.SinAngle();
   Scalar c = r.CosAngle();
-  fM[XX] =  c ;  fM[XY] = 0.0; fM[XZ] =  s ; fM[XT] = 0.0;
-  fM[YX] = 0.0;  fM[YY] = 1.0; fM[YZ] = 0.0; fM[YT] = 0.0;
-  fM[ZX] = -s ;  fM[ZY] = 0.0; fM[ZZ] =  c ; fM[ZT] = 0.0;
-  fM[TX] = 0.0;  fM[TY] = 0.0; fM[TZ] = 0.0; fM[TT] = 1.0;
+  fM[kXX] =  c ;  fM[kXY] = 0.0; fM[kXZ] =  s ; fM[kXT] = 0.0;
+  fM[kYX] = 0.0;  fM[kYY] = 1.0; fM[kYZ] = 0.0; fM[kYT] = 0.0;
+  fM[kZX] = -s ;  fM[kZY] = 0.0; fM[kZZ] =  c ; fM[kZT] = 0.0;
+  fM[kTX] = 0.0;  fM[kTY] = 0.0; fM[kTZ] = 0.0; fM[kTT] = 1.0;
 LorentzRotation::LorentzRotation(RotationZ  const & r) {  
+  // construct from  RotationX
   Scalar s = r.SinAngle();
   Scalar c = r.CosAngle();
-  fM[XX] =  c ;  fM[XY] = -s ; fM[XZ] = 0.0; fM[XT] = 0.0;
-  fM[YX] =  s ;  fM[YY] =  c ; fM[YZ] = 0.0; fM[YT] = 0.0;
-  fM[ZX] = 0.0;  fM[ZY] = 0.0; fM[ZZ] = 1.0; fM[ZT] = 0.0;
-  fM[TX] = 0.0;  fM[TY] = 0.0; fM[TZ] = 0.0; fM[TT] = 1.0;
+  fM[kXX] =  c ;  fM[kXY] = -s ; fM[kXZ] = 0.0; fM[kXT] = 0.0;
+  fM[kYX] =  s ;  fM[kYY] =  c ; fM[kYZ] = 0.0; fM[kYT] = 0.0;
+  fM[kZX] = 0.0;  fM[kZY] = 0.0; fM[kZZ] = 1.0; fM[kZT] = 0.0;
+  fM[kTX] = 0.0;  fM[kTY] = 0.0; fM[kTZ] = 0.0; fM[kTT] = 1.0;
-Rectify() {
+LorentzRotation::Rectify() {
   // Assuming the representation of this is close to a true Lorentz Rotation,
   // but may have drifted due to round-off error from many operations,
   // this forms an "exact" orthosymplectic matrix for the Lorentz Rotation
   // again.
   typedef LorentzVector< PxPyPzE4D<Scalar> > FourVector;
-  if (fM[TT] <= 0) {
+  if (fM[kTT] <= 0) {
     GenVector_exception e ( 
       "LorentzRotation:Rectify(): Non-positive TT component - cannot rectify");
-  FourVector t ( fM[TX], fM[TY], fM[TZ], fM[TT] );
+  FourVector t ( fM[kTX], fM[kTY], fM[kTZ], fM[kTT] );
   Scalar m2 = t.M2();
   if ( m2 <= 0 ) {
     GenVector_exception e ( 
@@ -134,7 +141,7 @@ Rectify() {
   t /= std::sqrt(m2);
-  FourVector z ( fM[ZX], fM[ZY], fM[ZZ], fM[ZT] );
+  FourVector z ( fM[kZX], fM[kZY], fM[kZZ], fM[kZT] );
   z = z - z.Dot(t)*t;
   m2 = z.M2();
   if ( m2 >= 0 ) {
@@ -145,7 +152,7 @@ Rectify() {
   z /= std::sqrt(-m2);
-  FourVector y ( fM[YX], fM[YY], fM[YZ], fM[YT] );
+  FourVector y ( fM[kYX], fM[kYY], fM[kYZ], fM[kYT] );
   y = y - y.Dot(t)*t - y.Dot(z)*z;
   m2 = y.M2();
   if ( m2 >= 0 ) {
@@ -156,7 +163,7 @@ Rectify() {
   y /= std::sqrt(-m2);
-  FourVector x ( fM[XX], fM[XY], fM[XZ], fM[XT] );
+  FourVector x ( fM[kXX], fM[kXY], fM[kXZ], fM[kXT] );
   x = x - x.Dot(t)*t - x.Dot(z)*z - x.Dot(y)*y;
   m2 = x.M2();
   if ( m2 >= 0 ) {
@@ -170,62 +177,59 @@ Rectify() {
 LorentzVector< PxPyPzE4D<double> >
-operator() (const LorentzVector< PxPyPzE4D<double> > & v) const {
+LorentzRotation::operator() (const LorentzVector< PxPyPzE4D<double> > & v) const {
+  // apply a LR to a 4D LoentzVector
   Scalar x = v.Px();
   Scalar y = v.Py();
   Scalar z = v.Pz();
   Scalar t = v.E();
   return LorentzVector< PxPyPzE4D<double> > 
-    ( fM[XX]*x + fM[XY]*y + fM[XZ]*z + fM[XT]*t 
-    , fM[YX]*x + fM[YY]*y + fM[YZ]*z + fM[YT]*t
-    , fM[ZX]*x + fM[ZY]*y + fM[ZZ]*z + fM[ZT]*t
-    , fM[TX]*x + fM[TY]*y + fM[TZ]*z + fM[TT]*t );
+    ( fM[kXX]*x + fM[kXY]*y + fM[kXZ]*z + fM[kXT]*t 
+    , fM[kYX]*x + fM[kYY]*y + fM[kYZ]*z + fM[kYT]*t
+    , fM[kZX]*x + fM[kZY]*y + fM[kZZ]*z + fM[kZT]*t
+    , fM[kTX]*x + fM[kTY]*y + fM[kTZ]*z + fM[kTT]*t );
-Invert() {
+void LorentzRotation::Invert() {
+  // invert modifying current content
   Scalar temp;
-  temp = fM[XY]; fM[XY] =  fM[YX]; fM[YX] =  temp;  
-  temp = fM[XZ]; fM[XZ] =  fM[ZX]; fM[ZX] =  temp;  
-  temp = fM[YZ]; fM[YZ] =  fM[ZY]; fM[ZY] =  temp;  
-  temp = fM[XT]; fM[XT] = -fM[TX]; fM[TX] = -temp;  
-  temp = fM[YT]; fM[YT] = -fM[TY]; fM[TY] = -temp;  
-  temp = fM[ZT]; fM[ZT] = -fM[TZ]; fM[TZ] = -temp;  
+  temp = fM[kXY]; fM[kXY] =  fM[kYX]; fM[kYX] =  temp;  
+  temp = fM[kXZ]; fM[kXZ] =  fM[kZX]; fM[kZX] =  temp;  
+  temp = fM[kYZ]; fM[kYZ] =  fM[kZY]; fM[kZY] =  temp;  
+  temp = fM[kXT]; fM[kXT] = -fM[kTX]; fM[kTX] = -temp;  
+  temp = fM[kYT]; fM[kYT] = -fM[kTY]; fM[kTY] = -temp;  
+  temp = fM[kZT]; fM[kZT] = -fM[kTZ]; fM[kTZ] = -temp;  
-Inverse() const {
+LorentzRotation LorentzRotation::Inverse() const {
+  // return an inverse LR
   return LorentzRotation 
-    (  fM[XX],  fM[YX],  fM[ZX], -fM[TX]
-    ,  fM[XY],  fM[YY],  fM[ZY], -fM[TY]
-    ,  fM[XZ],  fM[YZ],  fM[ZZ], -fM[TZ]
-    , -fM[XT], -fM[YT], -fM[ZT],  fM[TT]
+    (  fM[kXX],  fM[kYX],  fM[kZX], -fM[kTX]
+    ,  fM[kXY],  fM[kYY],  fM[kZY], -fM[kTY]
+    ,  fM[kXZ],  fM[kYZ],  fM[kZZ], -fM[kTZ]
+    , -fM[kXT], -fM[kYT], -fM[kZT],  fM[kTT]
-operator * (const LorentzRotation & r) const {
+LorentzRotation LorentzRotation::operator * (const LorentzRotation & r) const {
+  // combination with another LR
   return LorentzRotation 
-    ( fM[XX]*r.fM[XX] + fM[XY]*r.fM[YX] + fM[XZ]*r.fM[ZX] + fM[XT]*r.fM[TX]
-    , fM[XX]*r.fM[XY] + fM[XY]*r.fM[YY] + fM[XZ]*r.fM[ZY] + fM[XT]*r.fM[TY]
-    , fM[XX]*r.fM[XZ] + fM[XY]*r.fM[YZ] + fM[XZ]*r.fM[ZZ] + fM[XT]*r.fM[TZ]
-    , fM[XX]*r.fM[XT] + fM[XY]*r.fM[YT] + fM[XZ]*r.fM[ZT] + fM[XT]*r.fM[TT]
-    , fM[YX]*r.fM[XX] + fM[YY]*r.fM[YX] + fM[YZ]*r.fM[ZX] + fM[YT]*r.fM[TX]
-    , fM[YX]*r.fM[XY] + fM[YY]*r.fM[YY] + fM[YZ]*r.fM[ZY] + fM[YT]*r.fM[TY]
-    , fM[YX]*r.fM[XZ] + fM[YY]*r.fM[YZ] + fM[YZ]*r.fM[ZZ] + fM[YT]*r.fM[TZ]
-    , fM[YX]*r.fM[XT] + fM[YY]*r.fM[YT] + fM[YZ]*r.fM[ZT] + fM[YT]*r.fM[TT]
-    , fM[ZX]*r.fM[XX] + fM[ZY]*r.fM[YX] + fM[ZZ]*r.fM[ZX] + fM[ZT]*r.fM[TX]
-    , fM[ZX]*r.fM[XY] + fM[ZY]*r.fM[YY] + fM[ZZ]*r.fM[ZY] + fM[ZT]*r.fM[TY]
-    , fM[ZX]*r.fM[XZ] + fM[ZY]*r.fM[YZ] + fM[ZZ]*r.fM[ZZ] + fM[ZT]*r.fM[TZ]
-    , fM[ZX]*r.fM[XT] + fM[ZY]*r.fM[YT] + fM[ZZ]*r.fM[ZT] + fM[ZT]*r.fM[TT]
-    , fM[TX]*r.fM[XX] + fM[TY]*r.fM[YX] + fM[TZ]*r.fM[ZX] + fM[TT]*r.fM[TX]
-    , fM[TX]*r.fM[XY] + fM[TY]*r.fM[YY] + fM[TZ]*r.fM[ZY] + fM[TT]*r.fM[TY]
-    , fM[TX]*r.fM[XZ] + fM[TY]*r.fM[YZ] + fM[TZ]*r.fM[ZZ] + fM[TT]*r.fM[TZ]
-    , fM[TX]*r.fM[XT] + fM[TY]*r.fM[YT] + fM[TZ]*r.fM[ZT] + fM[TT]*r.fM[TT]
+    ( fM[kXX]*r.fM[kXX] + fM[kXY]*r.fM[kYX] + fM[kXZ]*r.fM[kZX] + fM[kXT]*r.fM[kTX]
+    , fM[kXX]*r.fM[kXY] + fM[kXY]*r.fM[kYY] + fM[kXZ]*r.fM[kZY] + fM[kXT]*r.fM[kTY]
+    , fM[kXX]*r.fM[kXZ] + fM[kXY]*r.fM[kYZ] + fM[kXZ]*r.fM[kZZ] + fM[kXT]*r.fM[kTZ]
+    , fM[kXX]*r.fM[kXT] + fM[kXY]*r.fM[kYT] + fM[kXZ]*r.fM[kZT] + fM[kXT]*r.fM[kTT]
+    , fM[kYX]*r.fM[kXX] + fM[kYY]*r.fM[kYX] + fM[kYZ]*r.fM[kZX] + fM[kYT]*r.fM[kTX]
+    , fM[kYX]*r.fM[kXY] + fM[kYY]*r.fM[kYY] + fM[kYZ]*r.fM[kZY] + fM[kYT]*r.fM[kTY]
+    , fM[kYX]*r.fM[kXZ] + fM[kYY]*r.fM[kYZ] + fM[kYZ]*r.fM[kZZ] + fM[kYT]*r.fM[kTZ]
+    , fM[kYX]*r.fM[kXT] + fM[kYY]*r.fM[kYT] + fM[kYZ]*r.fM[kZT] + fM[kYT]*r.fM[kTT]
+    , fM[kZX]*r.fM[kXX] + fM[kZY]*r.fM[kYX] + fM[kZZ]*r.fM[kZX] + fM[kZT]*r.fM[kTX]
+    , fM[kZX]*r.fM[kXY] + fM[kZY]*r.fM[kYY] + fM[kZZ]*r.fM[kZY] + fM[kZT]*r.fM[kTY]
+    , fM[kZX]*r.fM[kXZ] + fM[kZY]*r.fM[kYZ] + fM[kZZ]*r.fM[kZZ] + fM[kZT]*r.fM[kTZ]
+    , fM[kZX]*r.fM[kXT] + fM[kZY]*r.fM[kYT] + fM[kZZ]*r.fM[kZT] + fM[kZT]*r.fM[kTT]
+    , fM[kTX]*r.fM[kXX] + fM[kTY]*r.fM[kYX] + fM[kTZ]*r.fM[kZX] + fM[kTT]*r.fM[kTX]
+    , fM[kTX]*r.fM[kXY] + fM[kTY]*r.fM[kYY] + fM[kTZ]*r.fM[kZY] + fM[kTT]*r.fM[kTY]
+    , fM[kTX]*r.fM[kXZ] + fM[kTY]*r.fM[kYZ] + fM[kTZ]*r.fM[kZZ] + fM[kTT]*r.fM[kTZ]
+    , fM[kTX]*r.fM[kXT] + fM[kTY]*r.fM[kYT] + fM[kTZ]*r.fM[kZT] + fM[kTT]*r.fM[kTT]
diff --git a/mathcore/src/Plane3D.cxx b/mathcore/src/Plane3D.cxx
index 12551a03aa2..91f69ab656e 100644
--- a/mathcore/src/Plane3D.cxx
+++ b/mathcore/src/Plane3D.cxx
@@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
-// @(#)root/mathcore:$Name:  $:$Id: Plane3D.cxx,v 1.2 2005/12/03 15:15:11 moneta Exp $
+// @(#)root/mathcore:$Name:  $:$Id: Plane3D.cxx,v 1.3 2006/05/26 15:10:39 moneta Exp $
 // Authors: W. Brown, M. Fischler, L. Moneta    2005  
@@ -69,8 +69,8 @@ Scalar Plane3D::Distance(const XYZPoint & p) const {
   return fA*p.X() + fB*p.Y() + fC*p.Z() + fD; 
-// normalize the plane 
 void Plane3D::Normalize() { 
+// normalize the plane 
   Scalar s = std::sqrt( fA*fA + fB*fB + fC*fC );
   // what to do if s = 0 ??
   if ( s == 0) { fD = 0; return; }
diff --git a/mathcore/src/Quaternion.cxx b/mathcore/src/Quaternion.cxx
index f45e966268f..7bb8089c410 100644
--- a/mathcore/src/Quaternion.cxx
+++ b/mathcore/src/Quaternion.cxx
@@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
-// @(#)root/mathcore:$Name:  $:$Id: Quaternion.cxxv 1.0 2005/06/23 12:00:00 moneta Exp $
+// @(#)root/mathcore:$Name:  $:$Id: Quaternion.cxx,v 1.1 2005/09/18 17:33:47 brun Exp $
 // Authors: W. Brown, M. Fischler, L. Moneta    2005  
@@ -12,7 +12,7 @@
 // Created by: Mark Fischler Thurs June 9  2005
-// Last update: $Id: Quaternion.cpp,v 1.3 2005/08/20 00:07:40 fischler Exp $
+// Last update: $Id: Quaternion.cxx,v 1.1 2005/09/18 17:33:47 brun Exp $
 #include "Math/GenVector/Quaternion.h"
@@ -56,9 +56,9 @@ Quaternion::Rectify()
 // ========== Operations =====================
 DisplacementVector3D< Cartesian3D<double> >
-operator() (const DisplacementVector3D< Cartesian3D<double> > & v) const
+Quaternion::operator() (const DisplacementVector3D< Cartesian3D<double> > & v) const
+  // apply to a 3D Vector 
   const Scalar alpha = fU*fU - fI*fI - fJ*fJ - fK*fK;
   const Scalar twoQv = 2*(fI*v.X() + fJ*v.Y() + fK*v.Z());
   const Scalar twoU  = 2 * fU;
@@ -69,9 +69,8 @@ operator() (const DisplacementVector3D< Cartesian3D<double> > & v) const
-operator * (const Quaternion & q) const {
+Quaternion Quaternion::operator * (const Quaternion & q) const {
+  // combination of rotations
   return Quaternion                          (
       fU*q.fU - fI*q.fI - fJ*q.fJ - fK*q.fK
     , fU*q.fI + fI*q.fU + fJ*q.fK - fK*q.fJ
@@ -79,27 +78,23 @@ operator * (const Quaternion & q) const {
     , fU*q.fK + fI*q.fJ - fJ*q.fI + fK*q.fU  );
-operator * (const Rotation3D  & r) const {
+Quaternion Quaternion::operator * (const Rotation3D  & r) const {
+  // combination of rotations
   return operator* ( Quaternion(r) );
-operator * (const AxisAngle   & a) const {
+Quaternion Quaternion::operator * (const AxisAngle   & a) const {
+  // combination of rotations
   return operator* ( Quaternion(a) );
-operator * (const EulerAngles & e) const {
+Quaternion Quaternion::operator * (const EulerAngles & e) const {
+  // combination of rotations
   return operator* ( Quaternion(e) );
-Distance(const Quaternion & q) const {
+Quaternion::Scalar Quaternion::Distance(const Quaternion & q) const {
+  // distance
   Scalar chordLength = std::fabs(fU*q.fU + fI*q.fI + fJ*q.fJ + fK*q.fK);
   if (chordLength > 1) chordLength = 1; // in case roundoff fouls us up
   return acos(chordLength); 
diff --git a/mathcore/src/QuaternionXaxial.cxx b/mathcore/src/QuaternionXaxial.cxx
index 7185933ca3f..f15fc227aa0 100644
--- a/mathcore/src/QuaternionXaxial.cxx
+++ b/mathcore/src/QuaternionXaxial.cxx
@@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
-// @(#)root/mathcore:$Name:  $:$Id: QuaternionXaxial.cxxv 1.0 2005/06/23 12:00:00 moneta Exp $
+// @(#)root/mathcore:$Name:  $:$Id: QuaternionXaxial.cxx,v 1.1 2005/09/18 17:33:47 brun Exp $
 // Authors: W. Brown, M. Fischler, L. Moneta    2005  
@@ -13,7 +13,7 @@
 // Created by: Mark Fischler Tues July 19,  2005
-// Last update: $Id: QuaternionXaxial.cpp,v 1.2 2005/08/08 21:16:38 wbrown Exp $
+// Last update: $Id: QuaternionXaxial.cxx,v 1.1 2005/09/18 17:33:47 brun Exp $
 #include "Math/GenVector/Quaternion.h"
@@ -26,9 +26,8 @@ namespace ROOT {
 // we know that two of the four quaternion components will be zero,
 // and we exploit that knowledge:
-operator * (const RotationX  & rx) const {
+Quaternion Quaternion::operator * (const RotationX  & rx) const {
+  // combination with a RotationX
   Quaternion q(rx);
   return Quaternion (
                       U()*q.U() - I()*q.I()
@@ -38,9 +37,8 @@ operator * (const RotationX  & rx) const {
-operator * (const RotationY  & ry) const {
+Quaternion Quaternion::operator * (const RotationY  & ry) const {
+  // combination with a RotationY
   Quaternion q(ry);
   return Quaternion (
                       U()*q.U() - J()*q.J()
@@ -50,9 +48,8 @@ operator * (const RotationY  & ry) const {
-operator * (const RotationZ  & rz) const {
+Quaternion Quaternion::operator * (const RotationZ  & rz) const {
+  // combination with a RotationZ
   Quaternion q(rz);
   return Quaternion (
                       U()*q.U() - K()*q.K()
diff --git a/mathcore/src/Rotation3D.cxx b/mathcore/src/Rotation3D.cxx
index 1a3f841d718..502b080fdbc 100644
--- a/mathcore/src/Rotation3D.cxx
+++ b/mathcore/src/Rotation3D.cxx
@@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
-// @(#)root/mathcore:$Name:  $:$Id: Rotation3D.cxx,v 1.6 2006/02/26 17:20:11 moneta Exp $
+// @(#)root/mathcore:$Name:  $:$Id: Rotation3D.cxx,v 1.7 2006/04/11 13:06:15 moneta Exp $
 // Authors: W. Brown, M. Fischler, L. Moneta    2005  
@@ -26,17 +26,19 @@ namespace ROOT {
 // ========== Constructors and Assignment =====================
-Rotation3D::Rotation3D() {
-  fM[XX] = 1.0;  fM[XY] = 0.0; fM[XZ] = 0.0;
-  fM[YX] = 0.0;  fM[YY] = 1.0; fM[YZ] = 0.0;
-  fM[ZX] = 0.0;  fM[ZY] = 0.0; fM[ZZ] = 1.0;
+  // constructor of a identity rotation
+  fM[kXX] = 1.0;  fM[kXY] = 0.0; fM[kXZ] = 0.0;
+  fM[kYX] = 0.0;  fM[kYY] = 1.0; fM[kYZ] = 0.0;
+  fM[kZX] = 0.0;  fM[kZY] = 0.0; fM[kZZ] = 1.0;
+  // rectify rotation matrix (make orthogonal) 
   // The "nearest" orthogonal matrix X to a nearly-orthogonal matrix A
   // (in the sense that X is exaclty orthogonal and the sum of the squares
   // of the element differences X-A is as small as possible) is given by
@@ -44,57 +46,57 @@ Rotation3D::Rectify()
   // Step 1 -- form symmetric M = A.transpose * A
-  double M11 = fM[XX]*fM[XX] + fM[YX]*fM[YX] + fM[ZX]*fM[ZX];
-  double M12 = fM[XX]*fM[XY] + fM[YX]*fM[YY] + fM[ZX]*fM[ZY];
-  double M13 = fM[XX]*fM[XZ] + fM[YX]*fM[YZ] + fM[ZX]*fM[ZZ];
-  double M22 = fM[XY]*fM[XY] + fM[YY]*fM[YY] + fM[ZY]*fM[ZY];
-  double M23 = fM[XY]*fM[XZ] + fM[YY]*fM[YZ] + fM[ZY]*fM[ZZ];
-  double M33 = fM[XZ]*fM[XZ] + fM[YZ]*fM[YZ] + fM[ZZ]*fM[ZZ];
+  double m11 = fM[kXX]*fM[kXX] + fM[kYX]*fM[kYX] + fM[kZX]*fM[kZX];
+  double m12 = fM[kXX]*fM[kXY] + fM[kYX]*fM[kYY] + fM[kZX]*fM[kZY];
+  double m13 = fM[kXX]*fM[kXZ] + fM[kYX]*fM[kYZ] + fM[kZX]*fM[kZZ];
+  double m22 = fM[kXY]*fM[kXY] + fM[kYY]*fM[kYY] + fM[kZY]*fM[kZY];
+  double m23 = fM[kXY]*fM[kXZ] + fM[kYY]*fM[kYZ] + fM[kZY]*fM[kZZ];
+  double m33 = fM[kXZ]*fM[kXZ] + fM[kYZ]*fM[kYZ] + fM[kZZ]*fM[kZZ];
-  // Step 2 -- find lower-triangular L such that L * L.transpose = M
+  // Step 2 -- find lower-triangular U such that U * U.transpose = M
-  double L11 = std::sqrt(M11);
-  double L21 = M12/L11;
-  double L31 = M13/L11;
-  double L22 = std::sqrt(M22-L21*L21);
-  double L32 = (M23-M12*M13/M11)/L22;
-  double L33 = std::sqrt(M33 - L31*L31 - L32*L32);
+  double u11 = std::sqrt(m11);
+  double u21 = m12/u11;
+  double u31 = m13/u11;
+  double u22 = std::sqrt(m22-u21*u21);
+  double u32 = (m23-m12*m13/m11)/u22;
+  double u33 = std::sqrt(m33 - u31*u31 - u32*u32);
-  // Step 3 -- find K such that K*K = L.  K is also lower-triangular
+  // Step 3 -- find V such that V*V = U.  U is also lower-triangular
-  double K33 = 1/L33;
-  double K32 = -K33*L32/L22;
-  double K31 = -(K32*L21+K33*L31)/L11;
-  double K22 = 1/L22;
-  double K21 = -K22*L21/L11;
-  double K11 = 1/L11;
+  double v33 = 1/u33;
+  double v32 = -v33*u32/u22;
+  double v31 = -(v32*u21+v33*u31)/u11;
+  double v22 = 1/u22;
+  double v21 = -v22*u21/u11;
+  double v11 = 1/u11;
-  // Step 4 -- N = K.transpose * K is inverse(sqrt(A.transpose()*A.inverse()))
+  // Step 4 -- N = V.transpose * V is inverse(sqrt(A.transpose()*A.inverse()))
-  double N11 = K11*K11 + K21*K21 + K31*K31;
-  double N12 = K11*K21 + K21*K22 + K31*K32;
-  double N13 = K11*K31 + K21*K32 + K31*K33;
-  double N22 = K21*K21 + K22*K22 + K32*K32;
-  double N23 = K21*K31 + K22*K32 + K32*K33;
-  double N33 = K31*K31 + K32*K32 + K33*K33;
+  double n11 = v11*v11 + v21*v21 + v31*v31;
+  double n12 = v11*v21 + v21*v22 + v31*v32;
+  double n13 = v11*v31 + v21*v32 + v31*v33;
+  double n22 = v21*v21 + v22*v22 + v32*v32;
+  double n23 = v21*v31 + v22*v32 + v32*v33;
+  double n33 = v31*v31 + v32*v32 + v33*v33;
   // Step 5 -- The new matrix is A * N
-  double A[9];
-  std::copy(fM, &fM[9], A);
+  double mA[9];
+  std::copy(fM, &fM[9], mA);
-  fM[XX] = A[XX]*N11 + A[XY]*N12 + A[XZ]*N13;
-  fM[XY] = A[XX]*N12 + A[XY]*N22 + A[XZ]*N23;
-  fM[XZ] = A[XX]*N13 + A[XY]*N23 + A[XZ]*N33;
-  fM[YX] = A[YX]*N11 + A[YY]*N12 + A[YZ]*N13;
-  fM[YY] = A[YX]*N12 + A[YY]*N22 + A[YZ]*N23;
-  fM[YZ] = A[YX]*N13 + A[YY]*N23 + A[YZ]*N33;
-  fM[ZX] = A[ZX]*N11 + A[ZY]*N12 + A[ZZ]*N13;
-  fM[ZY] = A[ZX]*N12 + A[ZY]*N22 + A[ZZ]*N23;
-  fM[ZZ] = A[ZX]*N13 + A[ZY]*N23 + A[ZZ]*N33;
+  fM[kXX] = mA[kXX]*n11 + mA[kXY]*n12 + mA[kXZ]*n13;
+  fM[kXY] = mA[kXX]*n12 + mA[kXY]*n22 + mA[kXZ]*n23;
+  fM[kXZ] = mA[kXX]*n13 + mA[kXY]*n23 + mA[kXZ]*n33;
+  fM[kYX] = mA[kYX]*n11 + mA[kYY]*n12 + mA[kYZ]*n13;
+  fM[kYY] = mA[kYX]*n12 + mA[kYY]*n22 + mA[kYZ]*n23;
+  fM[kYZ] = mA[kYX]*n13 + mA[kYY]*n23 + mA[kYZ]*n33;
+  fM[kZX] = mA[kZX]*n11 + mA[kZY]*n12 + mA[kZZ]*n13;
+  fM[kZY] = mA[kZX]*n12 + mA[kZY]*n22 + mA[kZZ]*n23;
+  fM[kZZ] = mA[kZX]*n13 + mA[kZY]*n23 + mA[kZZ]*n33;
 } // Rectify()
@@ -107,61 +109,60 @@ Rotation3D::Rectify()
 // operator() (const DisplacementVector3D< Cartesian3D<double> > & v) const
 // {
 //   return  DisplacementVector3D< Cartesian3D<double> >  (
-//       fM[XX] * v.X() + fM[XY] * v.Y() + fM[XZ] * v.Z()
-//     , fM[YX] * v.X() + fM[YY] * v.Y() + fM[YZ] * v.Z()
-//     , fM[ZX] * v.X() + fM[ZY] * v.Y() + fM[ZZ] * v.Z() );
+//       fM[kXX] * v.X() + fM[kXY] * v.Y() + fM[kXZ] * v.Z()
+//     , fM[kYX] * v.X() + fM[kYY] * v.Y() + fM[kYZ] * v.Z()
+//     , fM[kZX] * v.X() + fM[kZY] * v.Y() + fM[kZZ] * v.Z() );
 // }
-static inline void swap(double & a, double & b) { double t=b; b=a; a=t; }
+static inline void swap(double & a, double & b) { 
+  // swap two values
+  double t=b; b=a; a=t; 
-Invert() {
-  swap (fM[XY], fM[YX]);
-  swap (fM[XZ], fM[ZX]);
-  swap (fM[YZ], fM[ZY]);
+void Rotation3D::Invert() {
+  // invert a rotation
+  swap (fM[kXY], fM[kYX]);
+  swap (fM[kXZ], fM[kZX]);
+  swap (fM[kYZ], fM[kZY]);
-operator * (const Rotation3D  & r) const {
+Rotation3D Rotation3D::operator * (const Rotation3D  & r) const {
+  // combine with a rotation of the same type
   return Rotation3D 
-    fM[XX]*r.fM[XX] + fM[XY]*r.fM[YX] + fM[XZ]*r.fM[ZX]
-  , fM[XX]*r.fM[XY] + fM[XY]*r.fM[YY] + fM[XZ]*r.fM[ZY]
-  , fM[XX]*r.fM[XZ] + fM[XY]*r.fM[YZ] + fM[XZ]*r.fM[ZZ]
+    fM[kXX]*r.fM[kXX] + fM[kXY]*r.fM[kYX] + fM[kXZ]*r.fM[kZX]
+  , fM[kXX]*r.fM[kXY] + fM[kXY]*r.fM[kYY] + fM[kXZ]*r.fM[kZY]
+  , fM[kXX]*r.fM[kXZ] + fM[kXY]*r.fM[kYZ] + fM[kXZ]*r.fM[kZZ]
-  , fM[YX]*r.fM[XX] + fM[YY]*r.fM[YX] + fM[YZ]*r.fM[ZX]
-  , fM[YX]*r.fM[XY] + fM[YY]*r.fM[YY] + fM[YZ]*r.fM[ZY]
-  , fM[YX]*r.fM[XZ] + fM[YY]*r.fM[YZ] + fM[YZ]*r.fM[ZZ]
+  , fM[kYX]*r.fM[kXX] + fM[kYY]*r.fM[kYX] + fM[kYZ]*r.fM[kZX]
+  , fM[kYX]*r.fM[kXY] + fM[kYY]*r.fM[kYY] + fM[kYZ]*r.fM[kZY]
+  , fM[kYX]*r.fM[kXZ] + fM[kYY]*r.fM[kYZ] + fM[kYZ]*r.fM[kZZ]
-  , fM[ZX]*r.fM[XX] + fM[ZY]*r.fM[YX] + fM[ZZ]*r.fM[ZX]
-  , fM[ZX]*r.fM[XY] + fM[ZY]*r.fM[YY] + fM[ZZ]*r.fM[ZY]
-  , fM[ZX]*r.fM[XZ] + fM[ZY]*r.fM[YZ] + fM[ZZ]*r.fM[ZZ]
+  , fM[kZX]*r.fM[kXX] + fM[kZY]*r.fM[kYX] + fM[kZZ]*r.fM[kZX]
+  , fM[kZX]*r.fM[kXY] + fM[kZY]*r.fM[kYY] + fM[kZZ]*r.fM[kZY]
+  , fM[kZX]*r.fM[kXZ] + fM[kZY]*r.fM[kYZ] + fM[kZZ]*r.fM[kZZ]
-operator * (const AxisAngle   & a) const {
+Rotation3D Rotation3D::operator * (const AxisAngle   & a) const {
+  // combine with an AxisAngle rotation
   return operator* ( Rotation3D(a) );
-operator * (const EulerAngles & e) const {
+Rotation3D Rotation3D::operator * (const EulerAngles & e) const {
+  // combine with an EulerAngles rotation
   return operator* ( Rotation3D(e) );
-operator * (const Quaternion  & q) const {
+Rotation3D Rotation3D::operator * (const Quaternion  & q) const {
+  // combine with a Quaternion rotation
   return operator* ( Rotation3D(q) );
 std::ostream & operator<< (std::ostream & os, const Rotation3D & r) {
   // TODO - this will need changing for machine-readable issues
-  //        and even the human readable form needs formatiing improvements
+  //        and even the human readable form needs formatting improvements
   double m[9];
   r.GetComponents(m, m+9);
   os << "\n" << m[0] << "  " << m[1] << "  " << m[2]; 
diff --git a/mathcore/src/Rotation3DxAxial.cxx b/mathcore/src/Rotation3DxAxial.cxx
index bdb5e621bd6..707c48728cf 100644
--- a/mathcore/src/Rotation3DxAxial.cxx
+++ b/mathcore/src/Rotation3DxAxial.cxx
@@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
-// @(#)root/mathcore:$Name:  $:$Id: Rotation3DxAxial.cxx,v 1.1 2005/09/18 17:33:47 brun Exp $
+// @(#)root/mathcore:$Name:  $:$Id: Rotation3DxAxial.cxx,v 1.2 2005/12/01 17:17:54 moneta Exp $
 // Authors: W. Brown, M. Fischler, L. Moneta    2005  
 #include "Math/GenVector/Rotation3D.h"
@@ -11,57 +11,57 @@ namespace ROOT {
   namespace Math {
-operator * (const RotationX  & rx) const {
+Rotation3D Rotation3D::operator * (const RotationX  & rx) const {
+  // combination of a Rotation3D with a RotationX
   Scalar s = rx.SinAngle();
   Scalar c = rx.CosAngle();
   return Rotation3D
-    fM[XX],   fM[XY]*c + fM[XZ]*s,   fM[XZ]*c - fM[XY]*s 
-  , fM[YX],   fM[YY]*c + fM[YZ]*s,   fM[YZ]*c - fM[YY]*s 
-  , fM[ZX],   fM[ZY]*c + fM[ZZ]*s,   fM[ZZ]*c - fM[ZY]*s
+    fM[kXX],   fM[kXY]*c + fM[kXZ]*s,   fM[kXZ]*c - fM[kXY]*s 
+  , fM[kYX],   fM[kYY]*c + fM[kYZ]*s,   fM[kYZ]*c - fM[kYY]*s 
+  , fM[kZX],   fM[kZY]*c + fM[kZZ]*s,   fM[kZZ]*c - fM[kZY]*s
-operator * (const RotationY  & ry) const {
+Rotation3D Rotation3D::operator * (const RotationY  & ry) const {
+  // combination of a Rotation3D with a RotationY
   Scalar s = ry.SinAngle();
   Scalar c = ry.CosAngle();
   return Rotation3D
-    fM[XX]*c - fM[XZ]*s,   fM[XY],   fM[XX]*s + fM[XZ]*c
-  , fM[YX]*c - fM[YZ]*s,   fM[YY],   fM[YX]*s + fM[YZ]*c
-  , fM[ZX]*c - fM[ZZ]*s,   fM[ZY],   fM[ZX]*s + fM[ZZ]*c
+    fM[kXX]*c - fM[kXZ]*s,   fM[kXY],   fM[kXX]*s + fM[kXZ]*c
+  , fM[kYX]*c - fM[kYZ]*s,   fM[kYY],   fM[kYX]*s + fM[kYZ]*c
+  , fM[kZX]*c - fM[kZZ]*s,   fM[kZY],   fM[kZX]*s + fM[kZZ]*c
-operator * (const RotationZ  & rz) const {
+Rotation3D Rotation3D::operator * (const RotationZ  & rz) const {
+  // combination of a Rotation3D with a RotationZ
   Scalar s = rz.SinAngle();
   Scalar c = rz.CosAngle();
   return Rotation3D
-    fM[XX]*c + fM[XY]*s, fM[XY]*c - fM[XX]*s,   fM[XZ] 
-  , fM[YX]*c + fM[YY]*s, fM[YY]*c - fM[YX]*s,	fM[YZ] 
-  , fM[ZX]*c + fM[ZY]*s, fM[ZY]*c - fM[ZX]*s,	fM[ZZ] 
+    fM[kXX]*c + fM[kXY]*s, fM[kXY]*c - fM[kXX]*s,   fM[kXZ] 
+  , fM[kYX]*c + fM[kYY]*s, fM[kYY]*c - fM[kYX]*s,	fM[kYZ] 
+  , fM[kZX]*c + fM[kZY]*s, fM[kZY]*c - fM[kZX]*s,	fM[kZZ] 
 Rotation3D operator* (RotationX const & r1, Rotation3D const & r2) {
+  // combination of a RotationX with a Rotation3D 
   // TODO -- recode for much better efficiency!
   return Rotation3D(r1)*r2;
 Rotation3D operator* (RotationY const & r1, Rotation3D const & r2) {
+  // combination of a RotationY with a Rotation3D 
   // TODO -- recode for much better efficiency!
   return Rotation3D(r1)*r2;
 Rotation3D operator* (RotationZ const & r1, Rotation3D const & r2) {
+  // combination of a RotationZ with a Rotation3D 
   // TODO -- recode for much better efficiency!
   return Rotation3D(r1)*r2;
diff --git a/mathcore/src/Transform3D.cxx b/mathcore/src/Transform3D.cxx
index effe08f9829..8d5a4cf3a8a 100644
--- a/mathcore/src/Transform3D.cxx
+++ b/mathcore/src/Transform3D.cxx
@@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
-// @(#)root/mathcore:$Name:  $:$Id: Transform3D.cxx,v 1.7 2006/04/20 14:36:48 rdm Exp $
+// @(#)root/mathcore:$Name:  $:$Id: Transform3D.cxx,v 1.8 2006/05/26 15:10:40 moneta Exp $
 // Authors: W. Brown, M. Fischler, L. Moneta    2005
@@ -138,6 +138,7 @@ void Transform3D::Invert()
 // get rotations and translations
 void Transform3D::GetDecomposition ( Rotation3D &r, XYZVector &v) const
+  // decompose a trasfomation in a 3D rotation and in a 3D vector (cartesian coordinates) 
    r.SetComponents( fM[kXX], fM[kXY], fM[kXZ],
                     fM[kYX], fM[kYY], fM[kYZ],
                     fM[kZX], fM[kZY], fM[kZZ] );
@@ -170,9 +171,10 @@ XYZVector Transform3D::operator() (const XYZVector & v) const
    return r(v);
-// combination of transformations
 Transform3D & Transform3D::operator *= (const Transform3D  & t)
+// combination of transformations
@@ -191,17 +193,19 @@ Transform3D & Transform3D::operator *= (const Transform3D  & t)
    return *this;
-//set identity ( identity rodation and zero translation)
 void Transform3D::SetIdentity()
+  //set identity ( identity rotation and zero translation)
    fM[kXX] = 1.0;  fM[kXY] = 0.0; fM[kXZ] = 0.0; fM[kDX] = 0.0;
    fM[kYX] = 0.0;  fM[kYY] = 1.0; fM[kYZ] = 0.0; fM[kDY] = 0.0;
    fM[kZX] = 0.0;  fM[kZY] = 0.0; fM[kZZ] = 1.0; fM[kDZ] = 0.0;
-// assign from rotation + translation
 void Transform3D::AssignFrom (const Rotation3D  & r,  const XYZVector & v)
+  // assignment  from rotation + translation
    double rotData[9];
    r.GetComponents(rotData, rotData +9);
    // first raw
@@ -223,9 +227,9 @@ void Transform3D::AssignFrom (const Rotation3D  & r,  const XYZVector & v)
-// assign from a translation only (identity rotations)
 void Transform3D::AssignFrom(const Rotation3D & r)
+  // assign from only a rotation  (null translation)
    double rotData[9];
    r.GetComponents(rotData, rotData +9);
    for (int i = 0; i < 3; ++i) {
@@ -236,17 +240,17 @@ void Transform3D::AssignFrom(const Rotation3D & r)
-// assign from a translation only (identity rotations)
 void Transform3D::AssignFrom(const XYZVector & v)
+  // assign from a translation only (identity rotations)
    fM[kXX] = 1.0;  fM[kXY] = 0.0; fM[kXZ] = 0.0; fM[kDX] = v.X();
    fM[kYX] = 0.0;  fM[kYY] = 1.0; fM[kYZ] = 0.0; fM[kDY] = v.Y();
    fM[kZX] = 0.0;  fM[kZY] = 0.0; fM[kZZ] = 1.0; fM[kDZ] = v.Z();
-/// transformations on a 3D plane
 Plane3D Transform3D::operator() (const Plane3D & plane) const
+  // transformations on a 3D plane
    XYZVector n = plane.Normal();
    // take a point on the plane. Use origin projection on the plane
    // ( -ad, -bd, -cd) if (a**2 + b**2 + c**2 ) = 1