diff --git a/tutorials/eve/geom_cms_playback.C b/tutorials/eve/geom_cms_playback.C
index c7028d1135aacbb9a1744538a16cc61880fae35d..d6110669625c6f11e3c4199f4d19a5d97cd34ac9 100644
--- a/tutorials/eve/geom_cms_playback.C
+++ b/tutorials/eve/geom_cms_playback.C
@@ -1,4 +1,19 @@
+// Plays back event-recording of a root session running geom_cms.C tutorial.
+// [ Recorded using "new TGRecorder" command. ]
+// Script:
+// - type: .x geom_cms.C
+// - demonstratate rotation (left-mouse), zoom (right-mouse left-right)
+// - show GL window Help Window
+// - show wireframe (w), smooth (r, default) and outline (t) render modes
+// - show flip of background color dark-light-dark (e pressed twice)
+// - disable clipping plane in GL-viewer panel
+// - open "Scene" list-tree and further "Geometry scene"
+// - disable drawing of muon system and then calorimeters
+// - select tracker geometry top-node and increase drawing depth
+// - re-enable clipping plane and zoom into pixel detector.
 void geom_cms_playback()
-   TRecorder* r = new TRecorder("http://mtadel.home.cern.ch/mtadel/geom_cms_recording.root");
+   TRecorder* r = new TRecorder("http://root.cern.ch/files/geom_cms_recording.root");