diff --git a/Makefile b/Makefile
index 73c6e9e64512c142b04b767deae44757828b34ab..55e4beea83fc5320dc2e52c1174b9b7b8d620188 100644
--- a/Makefile
+++ b/Makefile
@@ -42,9 +42,9 @@ endif
 ##### Modules to build #####
-MODULES       = build cint metautils utils base cont meta net auth zip clib \
-                matrix newdelete hist tree freetype graf g3d gpad gui minuit \
-                histpainter treeplayer treeviewer physics postscript \
+MODULES       = build cint metautils pcre utils base cont meta net auth zip \
+                clib matrix newdelete hist tree freetype graf g3d gpad gui \
+                minuit histpainter treeplayer treeviewer physics postscript \
                 rint html eg geom geompainter vmc fumili mlp gedold ged quadp \
                 guibuilder xml foam splot smatrix
@@ -441,15 +441,15 @@ G__%.d: G__%.cxx $(RMKDEP)
 %.d: %.cxx $(RMKDEP)
 	$(MAKEDEP) $@ "$(CXXFLAGS)" $< > $@
 ifneq ($(ARCH),alphacxx6)
 	   "$(SOFLAGS)" libCore.$(SOEXT) $@ "$(COREO) $(COREDO)" \
 	   "$(SOFLAGS)" libCore.$(SOEXT) $@ "$(COREO) $(COREDO)" \
 map::   $(RLIBMAP)
diff --git a/base/Module.mk b/base/Module.mk
index e2aab2a616e5422ae82af43daec8f6f55f1278c7..d323925b8d6ba5e0e3c5952e7a2357af263238c1 100644
--- a/base/Module.mk
+++ b/base/Module.mk
@@ -79,10 +79,10 @@ $(BASEDS4):
 		@echo "Generating dictionary $@..."
 		$(ROOTCINTTMP) -f $@ -c $(BASEH4) $(BASEL4)
-$(BASEDO1):     $(BASEDS1)
-		$(CXX) $(NOOPT) $(CXXFLAGS) -I. -o $@ -c $<
-$(BASEDO2):     $(BASEDS2)
-		$(CXX) $(NOOPT) $(CXXFLAGS) -I. -o $@ -c $<
+$(BASEDO1):     $(BASEDS1) $(PCREDEP)
+		$(CXX) $(NOOPT) $(PCREINC) $(CXXFLAGS) -I. -o $@ -c $<
+$(BASEDO2):     $(BASEDS2) $(PCREDEP)
+		$(CXX) $(NOOPT) $(PCREINC) $(CXXFLAGS) -I. -o $@ -c $<
 ifeq ($(ARCH),linuxicc)
 $(BASEDO3):     $(BASEDS3)
 		$(CXX) $(NOOPT) $(CXXFLAGS) -wd191 -I. -o $@ -c $<
@@ -108,6 +108,9 @@ distclean-base: clean-base
 distclean::     distclean-base
 ##### extra rules ######
+base/src/TPRegexp.o: base/src/TPRegexp.cxx $(PCREDEP)
+	$(CXX) $(OPT) $(PCREINC) $(CXXFLAGS) -o $@ -c $<
 ifeq ($(ARCH),alphacxx6)
 $(BASEDIRS)/TRandom.o: $(BASEDIRS)/TRandom.cxx
 	$(CXX) $(NOOPT) $(CXXFLAGS) -o $@ -c $<
diff --git a/base/inc/LinkDef2.h b/base/inc/LinkDef2.h
index 6a1b4a5d72714aed055e06d9e39b51c513200673..dbbc99c33a6154bf482318d8befafffb4306a214 100644
--- a/base/inc/LinkDef2.h
+++ b/base/inc/LinkDef2.h
@@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
-/* @(#)root/base:$Name:  $:$Id: LinkDef2.h,v 1.29 2004/11/03 11:05:12 rdm Exp $ */
+/* @(#)root/base:$Name:  $:$Id: LinkDef2.h,v 1.30 2005/08/16 12:57:57 brun Exp $ */
  * Copyright (C) 1995-2000, Rene Brun and Fons Rademakers.               *
@@ -102,6 +102,7 @@
 #pragma link C++ class TROOT;
 #pragma link C++ class TRealData+;
 #pragma link C++ class TRegexp;
+#pragma link C++ class TPRegexp;
 #pragma link C++ class TRefCnt;
 #pragma link C++ class TSignalHandler;
 #pragma link C++ class TStopwatch+;
diff --git a/base/inc/TPRegexp.h b/base/inc/TPRegexp.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..7d5a08a5c483127c39a4a878e7d4365e2df6661f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/base/inc/TPRegexp.h
@@ -0,0 +1,85 @@
+// @(#)root/base:$Name:  $:$Id: TRegexp.h,v 2000/05/16 17:00:39 rdm Exp $
+// Author: Eddy Offermann   24/06/05
+ * Copyright (C) 1995-2005, Rene Brun and Fons Rademakers.               *
+ * All rights reserved.                                                  *
+ *                                                                       *
+ * For the licensing terms see $ROOTSYS/LICENSE.                         *
+ * For the list of contributors see $ROOTSYS/README/CREDITS.             *
+ *************************************************************************/
+#ifndef ROOT_TPRegexp
+#define ROOT_TPRegexp
+//                                                                      //
+// TPRegexp                                                             //
+//                                                                      //
+// C++ Wrapper for the "Perl Compatible Regular Expressions" library    //
+//  The PCRE lib can be found at:                                       //
+//              http://www.pcre.org/                                    //
+//                                                                      //
+// Extensive documentation about Regular expressions in Perl can be     //
+// found at :                                                           //
+//              http://perldoc.perl.org/perlre.html                     //
+//                                                                      //
+#ifndef ROOT_Rtypes
+#include "Rtypes.h"
+#ifndef ROOT_TString
+#include "TString.h"
+#ifndef ROOT_TArrayI
+#include "TArrayI.h"
+struct PCREPriv_t;
+class TPRegexp {
+   enum {
+      kPCRE_GLOBAL     = 0x80000000,
+      kPCRE_OPTIMIZE   = 0x40000000,
+      kPCRE_DEBUG_MSGS = 0x20000000,
+      kPCRE_INTMASK    = 0x0FFF,
+   };
+   TString     fPattern;
+   PCREPriv_t *fPriv;
+   UInt_t      fPCREOpts;
+   void     Compile();
+   void     Optimize();
+   UInt_t   ParseMods(const TString &mods) const;
+   Int_t    ReplaceSubs(const TString &s, TString &final,
+                        const TString &replacePattern,
+                        Int_t *ovec, Int_t nmatch) const;
+   TPRegexp();
+   TPRegexp(const TString &pat);
+   TPRegexp(const TPRegexp &p);
+   virtual ~TPRegexp();
+   Int_t      Match(const TString &s, const TString &mods="",
+                    Int_t offset=0, Int_t nMatchMax=30, TArrayI *pos=0);
+   TObjArray *MatchS(const TString &s, const TString &mods="",
+                     Int_t offset=0, Int_t nMaxMatch=30);
+   Bool_t     MatchB(const TString &s, const TString &mods="",
+                     Int_t offset=0, Int_t nMaxMatch=30) {
+                           return (Match(s,mods,offset,nMaxMatch) > 0); }
+   Int_t      Substitute(TString &s, const TString &replace,
+                         const TString &mods="", Int_t offset=0,
+                         Int_t nMatchMax=30);
+   TPRegexp &operator=(const TPRegexp &p);
+   ClassDef(TPRegexp,0)  // Perl Compatible Regular Expression Class
diff --git a/base/inc/TString.h b/base/inc/TString.h
index 39394d5b7354e5ee1886b066e88e9d13f9ebe754..c70e1a15cba3670ea13364dc5480bcc3d30f2816 100644
--- a/base/inc/TString.h
+++ b/base/inc/TString.h
@@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
-// @(#)root/base:$Name:  $:$Id: TString.h,v 1.40 2005/08/15 21:21:46 pcanal Exp $
+// @(#)root/base:$Name:  $:$Id: TString.h,v 1.41 2005/11/21 11:17:18 rdm Exp $
 // Author: Fons Rademakers   04/08/95
@@ -47,6 +47,7 @@ namespace std { using ::string; }
 class TRegexp;
+class TPRegexp;
 class TString;
 class TSubString;
 class TObjArray;
@@ -272,6 +273,8 @@ public:
    TSubString    operator()(Ssiz_t start, Ssiz_t len);   // Sub-string operator
    TSubString    operator()(const TRegexp &re);          // Match the RE
    TSubString    operator()(const TRegexp &re, Ssiz_t start);
+   TSubString    operator()(TPRegexp &re);               // Match the Perl compatible Regular Expression
+   TSubString    operator()(TPRegexp &re, Ssiz_t start);
    TSubString    SubString(const char *pat, Ssiz_t start = 0,
                            ECaseCompare cmp = kExact);
    char          operator[](Ssiz_t i) const;
@@ -279,6 +282,8 @@ public:
    TSubString    operator()(Ssiz_t start, Ssiz_t len) const;
    TSubString    operator()(const TRegexp &re) const;   // Match the RE
    TSubString    operator()(const TRegexp &re, Ssiz_t start) const;
+   TSubString    operator()(TPRegexp &re) const;        // Match the Perl compatible Regular Expression
+   TSubString    operator()(TPRegexp &re, Ssiz_t start) const;
    TSubString    SubString(const char *pat, Ssiz_t start = 0,
                            ECaseCompare cmp = kExact) const;
@@ -300,6 +305,7 @@ public:
    Bool_t       Contains(const char *pat,    ECaseCompare cmp = kExact) const;
    Bool_t       Contains(const TString &pat, ECaseCompare cmp = kExact) const;
    Bool_t       Contains(const TRegexp &pat) const;
+   Bool_t       Contains(TPRegexp &pat) const;
    Int_t        CountChar(Int_t c) const;
    TString      Copy() const;
    const char  *Data() const                 { return fData; }
@@ -318,6 +324,8 @@ public:
                       ECaseCompare cmp) const;
    Ssiz_t       Index(const TRegexp &pat, Ssiz_t i = 0) const;
    Ssiz_t       Index(const TRegexp &pat, Ssiz_t *ext, Ssiz_t i = 0) const;
+   Ssiz_t       Index(TPRegexp &pat, Ssiz_t i = 0) const;
+   Ssiz_t       Index(TPRegexp &pat, Ssiz_t *ext, Ssiz_t i = 0) const;
    TString     &Insert(Ssiz_t pos, const char *s);
    TString     &Insert(Ssiz_t pos, const char *s, Ssiz_t extent);
    TString     &Insert(Ssiz_t pos, const TString &s);
@@ -326,6 +334,7 @@ public:
    Bool_t       IsAlpha() const;
    Bool_t       IsAlnum() const;
    Bool_t       IsDigit() const;
+   Bool_t       IsFloat() const;
    Bool_t       IsHex() const;
    Bool_t       IsNull() const              { return Pref()->fNchars == 0; }
    Ssiz_t       Last(char c) const          { return Pref()->Last(c); }
@@ -415,12 +424,6 @@ extern int strncasecmp(const char *str1, const char *str2, Ssiz_t n);
 inline void TStringRef::UnLink()
 { if (RemoveReference() == 0) delete [] (char*)this; }
-inline Int_t TString::Atoi() const
-{ return atoi(fData); }
-inline Double_t TString::Atof() const
-{ return atof(fData); }
 inline void TString::Cow()
 { if (Pref()->References() > 1) Clone(); }
@@ -493,6 +496,9 @@ inline Bool_t TString::Contains(const char *s, ECaseCompare cmp) const
 inline Bool_t TString::Contains(const TRegexp &pat) const
 { return Index(pat, (Ssiz_t)0) != kNPOS; }
+inline Bool_t TString::Contains(TPRegexp &pat) const
+{ return Index(pat, (Ssiz_t)0) != kNPOS; }
 inline Ssiz_t TString::Index(const char *s, Ssiz_t i, ECaseCompare cmp) const
 { return Index(s, s ? strlen(s) : 0, i, cmp); }
diff --git a/base/src/TPRegexp.cxx b/base/src/TPRegexp.cxx
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..1456973ac3ba39c1fe5f4fe594489230f3a1b45c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/base/src/TPRegexp.cxx
@@ -0,0 +1,470 @@
+// @(#)root/base:$Name:  $:$Id: TRegexp.h,v 2000/05/16 17:00:39 rdm Exp $
+// Author: Eddy Offermann   24/06/05
+ * Copyright (C) 1995-2005, Rene Brun and Fons Rademakers.               *
+ * All rights reserved.                                                  *
+ *                                                                       *
+ * For the licensing terms see $ROOTSYS/LICENSE.                         *
+ * For the list of contributors see $ROOTSYS/README/CREDITS.             *
+ *************************************************************************/
+//                                                                      //
+// TPRegexp                                                             //
+//                                                                      //
+// C++ Wrapper for the "Perl Compatible Regular Expressions" library    //
+//  The PCRE lib can be found at:                                       //
+//              http://www.pcre.org/                                    //
+//                                                                      //
+// Extensive documentation about Regular expressions in Perl can be     //
+// found at :                                                           //
+//              http://perldoc.perl.org/perlre.html                     //
+//                                                                      //
+#include "Riostream.h"
+#include "TPRegexp.h"
+#include "TObjArray.h"
+#include "TObjString.h"
+#include "TError.h"
+#include <pcre.h>
+struct PCREPriv_t {
+   pcre       *fPCRE;
+   pcre_extra *fPCREExtra;
+   PCREPriv_t() { fPCRE = 0; fPCREExtra = 0; }
+   // Default ctor.
+   fPriv     = new PCREPriv_t;
+   fPCREOpts = 0;
+TPRegexp::TPRegexp(const TString &pat)
+   // Create and initialize with pat.
+   fPattern  = pat;
+   fPriv     = new PCREPriv_t;
+   fPCREOpts = 0;
+TPRegexp::TPRegexp(const TPRegexp &p)
+   // Copy ctor.
+   fPattern  = p.fPattern;
+   fPriv     = new PCREPriv_t;
+   fPCREOpts = p.fPCREOpts;
+   // Cleanup.
+   if (fPriv->fPCRE)
+      pcre_free(fPriv->fPCRE);
+   if (fPriv->fPCREExtra)
+      pcre_free(fPriv->fPCREExtra);
+   delete fPriv;
+TPRegexp &TPRegexp::operator=(const TPRegexp &p)
+   // Assignement operator.
+   if (this != &p) {
+      fPattern = p.fPattern;
+      if (fPriv->fPCRE)
+         pcre_free(fPriv->fPCRE);
+      fPriv->fPCRE = 0;
+      if (fPriv->fPCREExtra)
+         pcre_free(fPriv->fPCREExtra);
+      fPriv->fPCREExtra = 0;
+      fPCREOpts  = p.fPCREOpts;
+   }
+   return *this;
+UInt_t TPRegexp::ParseMods(const TString &modStr) const
+   // Translate Perl modifier flags into pcre flags.
+   UInt_t opts = 0;
+   if (modStr.Length() <= 0)
+      return fPCREOpts;
+   //translate perl flags into pcre flags
+   const char *m = modStr;
+   while (*m) {
+      switch (*m) {
+         case 'g':
+            opts |= kPCRE_GLOBAL;
+            break;
+         case 'i':
+            opts |= PCRE_CASELESS;
+            break;
+         case 'm':
+            opts |= PCRE_MULTILINE;
+            break;
+         case 'o':
+            opts |= kPCRE_OPTIMIZE;
+            break;
+         case 's':
+            opts |= PCRE_DOTALL;
+            break;
+         case 'x':
+            opts |= PCRE_EXTENDED;
+            break;
+         case 'd': // special flag to enable debug printing (not Perl compat.)
+            opts |= kPCRE_DEBUG_MSGS;
+            break;
+         default:
+            Error("ParseMods", "illegal pattern modifier: %c", *m);
+	    opts = 0;
+      }
+      ++m;
+   }
+   return opts;
+void TPRegexp::Compile()
+   // Compile the fPattern.
+   if (fPriv->fPCRE)
+      pcre_free(fPriv->fPCRE);
+   if (fPCREOpts & kPCRE_DEBUG_MSGS)
+      Info("Compile", "PREGEX compiling %s", fPattern.Data());
+   const char *errstr;
+   Int_t patIndex;
+   fPriv->fPCRE = pcre_compile(fPattern.Data(), fPCREOpts & kPCRE_INTMASK,
+                               &errstr, &patIndex, 0);
+   if (!fPriv->fPCRE) {
+      Error("Compile", "compilation of TPRegexp(%s) failed at: %d because %s",
+            fPattern.Data(), patIndex, errstr);
+   }
+   if (fPriv->fPCREExtra || (fPCREOpts & kPCRE_OPTIMIZE))
+      Optimize();
+void TPRegexp::Optimize()
+   // Send the pattern through the optimizer.
+   if (fPriv->fPCREExtra)
+      pcre_free(fPriv->fPCREExtra);
+   if (fPCREOpts & kPCRE_DEBUG_MSGS)
+      Info("Optimize", "PREGEX studying %s", fPattern.Data());
+   const char *errstr;
+   fPriv->fPCREExtra = pcre_study(fPriv->fPCRE, fPCREOpts & kPCRE_INTMASK, &errstr);
+   if (!fPriv->fPCREExtra && errstr) {
+      Error("Optimize", "Optimization of TPRegexp(%s) failed: %s",
+            fPattern.Data(), errstr);
+   }
+Int_t TPRegexp::ReplaceSubs(const TString &s, TString &final,
+                            const TString &replacePattern,
+                            Int_t *offVec, Int_t nrMatch) const
+   // Return the number of substitutions.
+   Int_t nrSubs = 0;
+   const char *p = replacePattern;
+   Int_t state = 0;
+   Int_t subnum = 0;
+   while (state != -1) {
+      switch (state) {
+         case 0:
+            if (!*p) {
+               state = -1;
+               break;
+            }
+            if (*p == '$') {
+               state = 1;
+               subnum = 0;
+               if (p[1] == '&') {
+                  p++;
+                  if (isdigit(p[1]))
+                     p++;
+               } else if (!isdigit(p[1])) {
+                  Error("ReplaceSubs", "badly formed replacement pattern: %s",
+                        replacePattern.Data());
+               }
+            } else
+               final += *p;
+            break;
+         case 1:
+            if (isdigit(*p)) {
+               subnum *= 10;
+               subnum += (*p)-'0';
+            } else {
+               if (fPCREOpts & kPCRE_DEBUG_MSGS)
+                  Info("ReplaceSubs", "PREGEX appending substr #%d", subnum);
+               if (subnum < 0 || subnum > nrMatch-1) {
+                  Error("ReplaceSubs","bad string number :%d",subnum);
+               }
+               const TString subStr = s(offVec[2*subnum],offVec[2*subnum+1]-offVec[2*subnum]);
+               final += subStr;
+               nrSubs++;
+               state = 0;
+               continue;  // send char to start state
+            }
+      }
+      p++;
+   }
+   return nrSubs;
+Int_t TPRegexp::Match(const TString &s, const TString &mods, Int_t start,
+                      Int_t nMaxMatch, TArrayI *pos)
+   // The number of matches is returned, this equals the full match +
+   // sub-pattern matches.
+   // nMaxmatch is the maximum allowed number of matches.
+   // pos contains the string indices of the matches. Its usage is
+   // shown in the routine MatchS.
+   UInt_t opts = ParseMods(mods);
+   if (!fPriv->fPCRE || opts != fPCREOpts) {
+      fPCREOpts = opts;
+      Compile();
+   }
+   Int_t *offVec = new Int_t[nMaxMatch];
+   Int_t nrMatch = pcre_exec(fPriv->fPCRE, fPriv->fPCREExtra, s.Data(),
+                             s.Length(), start, fPCREOpts & kPCRE_INTMASK,
+                             offVec, nMaxMatch);
+   if (nrMatch == PCRE_ERROR_NOMATCH)
+      nrMatch = 0;
+   else if (nrMatch <= 0) {
+      Error("Match","pcre_exec error = %d", nrMatch);
+      delete [] offVec;
+      return 0;
+   }
+   if (pos)
+      pos->Adopt(2*nrMatch, offVec);
+   else
+      delete [] offVec;
+   return nrMatch;
+TObjArray *TPRegexp::MatchS(const TString &s, const TString &mods,
+                            Int_t start, Int_t nMaxMatch)
+   // Returns a TObjArray of matched substrings as TObjString's.
+   // The TObjArray is owner of the objects. The first entry is the full
+   // matched pattern, followed by the subpatterns.
+   // If a pattern was not matched, it will return an empty substring:
+   //
+   // TObjArray *subStrL = TPRegexp("(a|(z))(bc)").MatchS("abc");
+   // for (Int_t i = 0; i < subStrL->GetLast()+1; i++) {
+   //    const TString subStr = ((TObjString *)subStrL->At(i))->GetString();
+   //    cout << "\"" << subStr << "\" ";
+   // }
+   // cout << subStr << endl;
+   //
+   // produces:  "abc" "a" "" "bc"
+   TArrayI pos;
+   Int_t nrMatch = Match(s, mods, start, nMaxMatch, &pos);
+   TObjArray *subStrL = new TObjArray();
+   subStrL->SetOwner();
+   for (Int_t i = 0; i < nrMatch; i++) {
+      Int_t start = pos[2*i];
+      Int_t stop  = pos[2*i+1];
+      if (start >= 0 && stop >= 0) {
+         const TString subStr = s(pos[2*i], pos[2*i+1]-pos[2*i]);
+         subStrL->Add(new TObjString(subStr));
+      } else
+         subStrL->Add(new TObjString());
+   }
+   return subStrL;
+Int_t TPRegexp::Substitute(TString &s, const TString &replacePattern,
+                           const TString &mods, Int_t start, Int_t nMaxMatch)
+   // Substitute replaces the string s by a new string in which matching
+   // patterns are replaced by the replacePattern string. The number of
+   // substitutions are returned.
+   //
+   // TString s("aap noot mies");
+   // const Int_t nrSub = TPRegexp("(\\w*) noot (\\w*)").Substitute(s,"$2 noot $1");
+   // cout << nrSub << " \"" << s << "\"" <<endl;
+   //
+   // produces: 2 "mies noot aap"
+   UInt_t opts = ParseMods(mods);
+   Int_t nrSubs = 0;
+   TString final;
+   if (!fPriv->fPCRE || opts != fPCREOpts) {
+      fPCREOpts = opts;
+      Compile();
+   }
+   Int_t *offVec = new Int_t[nMaxMatch];
+   Int_t offset = start;
+   Int_t last = 0;
+   while (kTRUE) {
+      // find next matching subs
+      Int_t nrMatch = pcre_exec(fPriv->fPCRE, fPriv->fPCREExtra, s.Data(),
+                                s.Length(), offset, fPCREOpts & kPCRE_INTMASK,
+                                offVec, nMaxMatch);
+      if (nrMatch == PCRE_ERROR_NOMATCH) {
+         nrMatch = 0;
+         break;
+      } else if (nrMatch <= 0)
+         Error("Substitute", "pcre_exec error = %d", nrMatch);
+      // append anything previously unmatched, but not substituted
+      if (last <= offVec[0]) {
+         final += s(last,offVec[0]-last);
+         last = offVec[1];
+      }
+      // replace stuff in s
+      nrSubs += ReplaceSubs(s, final, replacePattern, offVec, nrMatch);
+      // if global gotta check match at every pos
+      if (!(fPCREOpts & kPCRE_GLOBAL))
+         break;
+      if (offVec[0] != offVec[1])
+         offset = offVec[1];
+      else {
+         // matched empty string
+         if (offVec[1] == s.Length())
+         break;
+         offset = offVec[1]+1;
+      }
+   }
+   delete [] offVec;
+   final += s(last,s.Length()-last);
+   s = final;
+   return nrSubs;
+//                                                                      //
+// TString member functions, put here so the linker will include        //
+// them only if regular expressions are used.                           //
+//                                                                      //
+Ssiz_t TString::Index(TPRegexp& r, Ssiz_t start) const
+   // Find the first occurance of the regexp in string and return the position.
+   // Start is the offset at which the search should start.
+   TArrayI pos;
+   Int_t nrMatch = r.Match(*this,"",start,30,&pos);
+   if (nrMatch > 0)
+      return pos[0];
+   else
+      return -1;
+Ssiz_t TString::Index(TPRegexp& r, Ssiz_t* extent, Ssiz_t start) const
+   // Find the first occurance of the regexp in string and return the position.
+   // Extent is length of the matched string and start is the offset at which
+   // the matching should start.
+   TArrayI pos;
+   const Int_t nrMatch = r.Match(*this,"",start,30,&pos);
+   if (nrMatch > 0) {
+      *extent = pos[1]-pos[0];
+      return pos[0];
+   } else {
+      *extent = 0;
+      return -1;
+   }
+TSubString TString::operator()(TPRegexp& r, Ssiz_t start)
+   // Return the substring found by applying the regexp starting at start.
+   Ssiz_t len;
+   Ssiz_t begin = Index(r, &len, start);
+   return TSubString(*this, begin, len);
+TSubString TString::operator()(TPRegexp& r)
+   // Return the substring found by applying the regexp.
+   return (*this)(r,0);
+TSubString TString::operator()(TPRegexp& r, Ssiz_t start) const
+   // Return the substring found by applying the regexp starting at start.
+   Ssiz_t len;
+   Ssiz_t begin = Index(r, &len, start);
+   return TSubString(*this, begin, len);
+TSubString TString::operator()(TPRegexp& r) const
+   // Return the substring found by applying the regexp.
+   return (*this)(r, 0);
diff --git a/base/src/TString.cxx b/base/src/TString.cxx
index 85093f4790a22b9a9ecfd4d77f5c1c5514e92bba..91150a4c6d627fc27be5399484f983037f0a430c 100644
--- a/base/src/TString.cxx
+++ b/base/src/TString.cxx
@@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
-// @(#)root/base:$Name:  $:$Id: TString.cxx,v 1.44 2005/11/16 20:04:11 pcanal Exp $
+// @(#)root/base:$Name:  $:$Id: TString.cxx,v 1.45 2005/11/21 11:17:18 rdm Exp $
 // Author: Fons Rademakers   04/08/95
@@ -1489,18 +1489,62 @@ Bool_t TString::IsAlnum() const
 Bool_t TString::IsDigit() const
-   // Returns true if all characters in string are digits (0-9).
-   // Returns false in case string length is 0.
+   // Returns true if all characters in string are digits (0-9) or whitespaces,
+   // i.e. "123456" and "123 456" are both valid integer strings.
+   // Returns false in case string length is 0 or string contains other
+   // characters.
    const char *cp = Data();
    Ssiz_t len = Length();
    if (len == 0) return kFALSE;
-   for (Ssiz_t i = 0; i < len; ++i)
-      if (!isdigit(cp[i]))
-         return kFALSE;
+   for (Ssiz_t i = 0; i < len; ++i){
+      if (cp[i]!=' ' && !isdigit(cp[i])) return kFALSE;
+   }
    return kTRUE;
+Bool_t TString::IsFloat() const
+   // Returns kTRUE if string contains a floating point or integer number.
+   // Examples of valid formats are:
+   //    64320
+   //    64 320
+   //    6 4 3 2 0
+   //    6.4320     6,4320
+   //    6.43e20   6.43E20    6,43e20
+   //    6.43e-20  6.43E-20   6,43e-20
+   //we first check if we have an integer, in this case, IsDigit() will be true straight away
+   if (IsDigit()) return kTRUE;
+   TString tmp = *this;
+   //now we look for occurrences of '.', ',', e', 'E', '+', '-' and replace each
+   //with '0'. if it is a floating point, IsDigit() will then return kTRUE
+   Int_t i_dot, i_e, i_plus, i_minus, i_comma;
+   i_dot = i_e = i_plus = i_minus = i_comma = -1;
+   i_dot = tmp.First('.');
+   if (i_dot > -1) tmp.Replace(i_dot, 1, "0", 1);
+   i_comma = tmp.First(',');
+   if (i_comma > -1) tmp.Replace(i_comma, 1, "0", 1);
+   i_e = tmp.First('e');
+   if (i_e > -1)
+      tmp.Replace(i_e, 1, "0", 1);
+   else {
+      //try for a capital "E"
+      i_e = tmp.First('E');
+      if (i_e > -1) tmp.Replace(i_e, 1, "0", 1);
+   }
+   i_plus = tmp.First('+');
+   if (i_plus > -1) tmp.Replace(i_plus, 1, "0", 1);
+   i_minus = tmp.First('-');
+   if (i_minus > -1) tmp.Replace(i_minus, 1, "0", 1);
+   //test if it is now uniquely composed of numbers
+   return tmp.IsDigit();
 Bool_t TString::IsHex() const
@@ -1517,6 +1561,68 @@ Bool_t TString::IsHex() const
    return kTRUE;
+Int_t TString::Atoi() const
+   // Return integer value of string.
+   // Valid strings include only digits and whitespace (see IsDigit()),
+   // i.e. "123456", "123 456" and "1 2 3 4        56" are all valid
+   // integer strings whose Atoi() value is 123456.
+   //any whitespace ?
+   Int_t end = Index(" ");
+   //if no whitespaces in string, just use atoi()
+   if (end == -1) return atoi(Data());
+   //make temporary string, removing whitespace
+   Int_t start = 0;
+   TString tmp;
+   //loop over all whitespace
+   while (end > -1) {
+      tmp += (*this)(start, end-start);
+      start = end+1; end = Index(" ", start);
+   }
+   //finally add part from last whitespace to end of string
+   end = Length();
+   tmp += (*this)(start, end-start);
+   return atoi(tmp.Data());
+Double_t TString::Atof() const
+   // Return floating-point value contained in string.
+   // Examples of valid strings are:
+   //    64320
+   //    64 320
+   //    6 4 3 2 0
+   //    6.4320     6,4320
+   //    6.43e20   6.43E20    6,43e20
+   //    6.43e-20  6.43E-20   6,43e-20
+   //look for a comma and some whitespace
+   Int_t comma = Index(",");
+   Int_t end = Index(" ");
+   //if no commas & no whitespace in string, just use atof()
+   if (comma == -1 && end == -1) return atof(Data());
+   TString tmp = *this;
+   if (comma > -1) {
+      //replace comma with decimal point
+      tmp.Replace(comma, 1, ".");
+   }
+   //no whitespace ?
+   if (end == -1) return atof(tmp.Data());
+   //remove whitespace
+   Int_t start = 0;
+   TString tmp2;
+   while (end > -1) {
+      tmp2 += tmp(start, end-start);
+      start = end+1; end = tmp.Index(" ", start);
+   }
+   end = tmp.Length();
+   tmp2 += tmp(start, end-start);
+   return atof(tmp2.Data());
 Bool_t TString::EndsWith(const char *s, ECaseCompare cmp) const
diff --git a/config/Makefile.in b/config/Makefile.in
index 5e6b91a4e89090c40ae1264f285f6cb18ad01861..ca7a5b51ecdbc9436015140729f412e40c5356f0 100644
--- a/config/Makefile.in
+++ b/config/Makefile.in
@@ -46,6 +46,8 @@ OSTHREADLIB    := @threadlib@
 BUILTINFREETYPE:= @builtinfreetype@
+BUILTINPCRE    := @builtinpcre@
 BUILDGL        := @buildgl@
 OPENGLLIBDIR   := @opengllibdir@
 OPENGLULIB     := @openglulib@
@@ -211,6 +213,8 @@ CLARENSLIBS    := @clarenslibs@
 BUILDPEAC      := @buildpeac@
+GCCXML         := @gccxml@
 INSTALL        := cp -dpR
 INSTALLDATA    := cp -dpR
 INSTALLDIR     := mkdir -p
diff --git a/configure b/configure
index 9d310651ddbe9a858c1e1d88f56c132148f21415..467c3236509a51578f75347d29692d816e63cfba 100755
--- a/configure
+++ b/configure
@@ -27,6 +27,7 @@ options="                    \
    enable_asimage            \
    enable_builtin_afterimage \
    enable_builtin_freetype   \
+   enable_builtin_pcre       \
    enable_cern               \
    enable_chirp              \
    enable_cintex             \
@@ -719,6 +720,7 @@ enable/disable options, prefix with either --enable- or --disable-
   asimage            Image processing support, requires libAfterImage
   builtin-afterimage Built included libAfterImage, or use system libAfterImage
   builtin-freetype   Built included libfreetype, or use system libfreetype
+  builtin-pcre       Built included libpcre, or use system libpcre
   cern               CERNLIB usage, build h2root and g2root
   chirp              Chirp support (Condor remote I/O), requires libchirp_client
   cintex             Build the libCintex Reflex interface library
@@ -769,6 +771,7 @@ with options, prefix with --with-, enables corresponding support
   dcap-incdir        dCache support, location of dcap.h
   dcap-libdir        dCache support, location of libdcap
   globus             Globus support, path to what should be GLOBUS_LOCATION
+  gccxml             Gccxml support, directory of the gccxml installation
   krb5               Kerberos5 support, location of Kerberos distribution
   krb5-incdir        Kerberos5 support, location of krb5.h
   krb5-libdir        Kerberos5 support, location of libkrb5
@@ -920,6 +923,7 @@ if test $# -gt 0 ; then
       --with-dcap-incdir=*)    dcapincdir=$optarg    ; enable_dcache="yes"  ;;
       --with-dcap-libdir=*)    dcaplibdir=$optarg    ; enable_dcache="yes"  ;;
       --with-globus=*)         globusdir=$optarg     ; enable_globus="yes"  ;;
+      --with-gccxml=*)         gccxml=$optarg        ;;
       --with-krb5=*)           krb5dir=$optarg       ; enable_krb5="yes"    ;;
       --with-krb5-incdir=*)    krb5incdir=$optarg    ; enable_krb5="yes"    ;;
       --with-krb5-libdir=*)    krb5libdir=$optarg    ; enable_krb5="yes"    ;;
@@ -1171,9 +1175,9 @@ fi
-### echo %%% libfreetype (builtin or system) - Mandatory lib on Unix
+### echo %%% libfreetype (builtin or system) - Mandatory lib
-# Mandatory test, must succeed
+# Mandatory test, must succeed (see http://www.freetype.org/)
 if test "x$enable_builtin_freetype" = "x" || \
    test "x$enable_builtin_freetype" = "xno" ; then
@@ -1203,6 +1207,39 @@ fi
 message "Checking whether to build included libfreetype6"
 echo "$enable_builtin_freetype"
+### echo %%% libpcre (builtin or system) - Mandatory lib
+# Mandatory test, must succeed (see http://www.pcre.org/)
+if test "x$enable_builtin_pcre" = "x" || \
+   test "x$enable_builtin_pcre" = "xno" ; then
+   checking_msg "pcre-config"
+   if `which pcre-config > /dev/null 2>&1` ; then
+      which pcre-config
+      message "Checking for libpcre version >= 3.9"
+      pcre_version=`pcre-config --version | \
+          tr '.' ' ' | \
+          awk 'BEGIN { FS = " "; } \
+              { printf "%d", ($''1 * 1000 + $''2) * 1000 + $''3;}'`
+      # First good version is 3.9
+      if test $pcre_version -lt 3009000 ; then
+         echo "no (`pcre-config --version`)"
+         enable_builtin_pcre="yes"
+      else
+         echo "ok"
+         enable_builtin_pcre="no"
+      fi
+   else
+      enable_builtin_pcre="no"
+      echo "not found"
+   fi
+message "Checking whether to build included libpcre"
+echo "$enable_builtin_pcre"
@@ -3258,6 +3295,7 @@ sed -e "s|@aclocaldir@|$aclocaldir|"            \
     -e "s|@buildasimage@|$enable_asimage|"      \
     -e "s|@builtinafterimage@|$enable_builtin_afterimage|"  \
     -e "s|@builtinfreetype@|$enable_builtin_freetype|"      \
+    -e "s|@builtinpcre@|$enable_builtin_pcre|"  \
     -e "s|@buildpeac@|$buildpeac|"              \
     -e "s|@buildxrd@|$buildxrd|"                \
     -e "s|@cernlibdir@|$cernlibdir|"            \
@@ -3294,6 +3332,7 @@ sed -e "s|@aclocaldir@|$aclocaldir|"            \
     -e "s|@globuslibdir@|$globuslibdir|"        \
     -e "s|@glbextracflags@|$glbextracflags|"    \
     -e "s|@glbpatchcflags@|$glbpatchcflags|"    \
+    -e "s|@gccxml@|$gccxml|"                    \
     -e "s|@iconpath@|$iconpath|"                \
     -e "s|@incdir@|$incdir|"                    \
     -e "s|@krb5incdir@|$krb5incdir|"            \
@@ -3470,6 +3509,7 @@ sed -e "s|@architecture@|$arch|"           \
     -e "s|@libdir@|$libdir2|"              \
     -e "s|@incdir@|$incdir2|"              \
     -e "s|@features@|$features|"           \
+    -e "s|@configargs@|$configargs|"       \
    < root-config.tmp > $RCONFOUT
 rm -f root-config.tmp
 chmod 755 $RCONFOUT
diff --git a/test/tstring.cxx b/test/tstring.cxx
index e8b5d1a05113f216bad9c756b116a81007245740..dce92c27dcc0a6e733d1390bb8f8de3d048b4ba1 100644
--- a/test/tstring.cxx
+++ b/test/tstring.cxx
@@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
-// @(#)root/test:$Name:  $:$Id: tstring.cxx,v 1.3 2002/01/23 17:52:51 rdm Exp $
+// @(#)root/test:$Name:  $:$Id: tstring.cxx,v 1.4 2002/01/24 11:39:31 rdm Exp $
 // Author: Fons Rademakers   19/08/96
 #include <stdlib.h>
@@ -6,6 +6,7 @@
 #include "Riostream.h"
 #include "TString.h"
 #include "TRegexp.h"
+#include "TPRegexp.h"
 void Ok(int i, int b)
@@ -129,6 +130,21 @@ int main()
    Ok(22, !s10.IsAscii());
    Ok(23, s.IsAscii());
+   // some excercises with the Perl Compatible Regular Expressions
+   TString s11("Food is on the foo table.");
+   TPRegexp("\\b(foo)\\s+(\\w+)").Substitute(s11, "round $2");
+   Ok(24, s11=="Food is on the round table.");
+   TString s12("pepernotenkoek");
+   TPRegexp("peper(.*)koek").Substitute(s12, "wal$1boom");
+   Ok(25, s12=="walnotenboom");
+   TString s13("hihi haha");
+   TPRegexp("^([^ ]*) *([^ ]*)").Substitute(s13, "$2 $1");
+   Ok(26, s13=="haha hihi");
+   Ok(27, TPRegexp("^(\\w+) *(\\w+)").Match(s13) == 3);
    // test Resize and Strip
    s9.Prepend("   ");
    cout << s9 << endl;